The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, February 08, 1895, Image 3

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    Thev Mast Go
Stove Mat.
Saturday, Feb. 9th.
To make room for ne-w stock, and this
Regardless s of $ Mees.
New Goods ) A j pi
Large Stock 211 ViXteL
The Sale Prices are Cost.
Display in Center Window.
The Dalles Patty Chronicle.
ntered a the Postoffice at The Dalies, Oregon
as second-class matter.
Clubhing List.
- Regular Onr
price price
Cironiele and S.T. Tribune .$2.50 $1.75
" mi Weeklj Orfgoniai 3.00 2.00
ail Wttklj Examiner 3.25 2.25
Wtekly Kew York World. .... 2.25 2.00
Xiocal Advertising.
10 Coxiva per line for first insertion, and 6 Cents
oer line for each subsequent Insertion.
Special rates for long time notices.
All local notices received later than 8 o'clock
will appear the following day.
FEBRUARY 8, 1895
Leaves From the Notebook of Chronicle
. Reporters.
Justice Davis' court has been trying a
small civil case today.
School Superintendent Shelley will
bold a special teachers' examination
Wednesday, Feb. 13th.
Just watch our advertising columns
tomorrow and. see what Mr. F. Fortin
has to say in a business way.
This session of the legislature can last
but 14 days more, unless the members
desiie to serve awhile without pay.
The literary society will hold their
meeting in the audience room of the
Congregational church this evening at
8 o'clock. '
The following deed was filed for record
today : J. D. Lee and wife to D. M. and
J. W. French, 65 acres adjoining the
John A Simms donation land claim in
tp I n, r 13 e; consideration, $2,000.
It is estimated that about 1,000,000
pounds of hogs have been shipped from
the Elgin yards this season. As these
were all 4-cent hogs, it would bring in
$40,000. It is figured that not 'one-half
of Wallowa county hogs have been
Congressman Champ Clark says he is
never going to Bend his boy to school un
til he has taught him all he himself
knows. The boy is now 8 years old and
will probably start to school next year,
that is, of course, if Mr. Clark may be
considered up to the congressional aver
The new telephone company is push
ing its line along very fast. Some very
large poles have been received and are
' being placed in position in the business
portion of the city. About 75 miles of
wire for the line has also been received,
and it will be pat in place just as quickly
as possible.-
The putting up of the new telephone
line is giving employment to a large
number ol people. There is quite a
.number employed in dressing the big
poles down to a proper smoothness, and
another large number are engaged in
mortising holes in the earth in which
the poles will be placed. "
8. A. Clarke bad quite a spat with
Every Piece of
In the House
must go.
some of his fellow members of the horti
cultural society at Portland yesterday.
The chief feature of the occasion was Mr.
Clarke's rivalry of the great George
Washington. He said "he was 68 years
old, and never told a lie,"'and then he
read an original poem written in the
key of G.
The situation at Salem is the same as
yesterday, Dolph holds bis 42, but Her
mann is now out of the fight to stay.
The larger portion of the vote made free
by Hermann's withdrawal went to
Lowell. The vote in detail was as fol
lows : Doloh 41, Williams 11, Hare 10,
Lord 8, Weatherford 8, Lowell 10.
Paired Thompson and Scott.
At the regular annual meeting of
Columbia Hose Company, No. 2, the
following officers were elected: Fore
man, F. W. Bayley ; 1st assistant fore
man, Geo. Gibons; 2d assistant foreman,
Hugh Chrisman ; president, H. J. Maier ;
secretary, C. C. Cooper; treasurer, E.
C. Pease. Member of the board of dele
gates, J. S. Fish, Joe Worseley, H. J.
The horticulturists, railroad men and
commission merchants of the East are
having a love feast in Portland. We
note the name of S. A. Clarke as one of
the leading fruit pests of the assembly
and that he tells what he knows about
prunes in 1894, which should not have
taken him long. The apple exhibit is
said to be very good.
A movement is on foot to build a bicy
cle road from Oregon City to Eugene,
plank six feet wide, it right of way can
be ' secured. The object is to build it
along the side of county roads by most
direct route. Road to be tolled for bicy
clists, but free to school children and
pedestrians. All crossings to be kept
in repair at the expense of the company .
Gus Schroder was' down1 from Silver
Lake last week. He reports that every
body is getting along as well as possible,
but some are in a horrible condition.
George Payne, the man who upset the
deatb-laden lamp, was so badly burned
that the flesh has fallen off bis back.
leaving part of his backbone and three
ribs exposed. Several others are in
pretty bad shape. Lakeview Examiner.
It is time to quit kicking one another
about our legislators violating their
pledges. The platform of each political
partv demanded the abolishing of the
railroad commission, yet most of the
legislators are candidates for the place,
or have some friend whom they desire to
give it to. Just mark our words that
there are a whole lot of pledges, demo
cratic and populistic as well as republi
can, that will be lost sight of the next
two weeks by the representatives of all
of those parties at Salem.
When Baby-was sick, we gave her Castoria.
. When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria,
When she became Hiss, she clung to Castoria.
When she had Children, she gave them Castoria.
Real Estate Exchange.
Pursuant to informal arrangements,
the following real estate dealers of The
Dalles met in Mr. T. A. Hudson's office
Wednesday evening, Feb. 6, 1895 : C.
E. Bayard, Geo. W. Rowland, J. M.
Huntington, representing J. M. Hunt
ington & Co., T. A. Hudson, and Fred
D. Hill, representing Dufur & Hill.
The meeting was called to- order by
Mr. Hudson. Mr. C. E. Bayard was
nominated chairman, and there being
no further nominations, Mr. C. E. Bay
ard was elected chairman pro tern. Mr.
Fred D. Hill was elected secretary pro
On motion of Mr. Hudson, seconded
by Mr. Rowland, it was ordered that the
secretary be instructed to communicate
with real estate associations of two or
three cities and secure a copy of the
constitution and by-laws of said associa-
On motion of Mr. Rowland, seconded
by Mr. Huntington, it was ordered that
a committee be appointed by the chair
man to devise ways and means for hav
ing a pamphlet printed setting forth the
resources of this section ot country in
general and The Dalles in particular.
The chair appointed Mr. J. M. Hunt
ington and M. Whealdon as such com
mittee. On motion of Mr. Hudson, seconded
by Mr. Rowland, it was ordered that the
name of the association be called the
"Real Estate Exchange of The Dalles,
On motion of Mr. Hudson, it was or
dered that the meeting adjourn subject
to call of chairman. There appearing
no further business before the meeting,
on motion ordered adjourned.
After adjournment it was informally
assented to by all present that the con
stitute themselves as a committee of the
whole to invite other real estate dealers
to attend. .
The Eastern Star.
Columbia Chapter, No. 33, Order of
the Eastern Star, was instituted last
evening at ,the Masonic hall in this city
by J. H. Bridgeford, worthy grand
patron, of Bay City, assisted by Mrs
Margaret E. Kellogg, associate grand
matron, of Portland, Mrs. Jennie G.
Muckle, worthy matron of Mizpah Chap
ter at St. Helens. The officers of Col
umbia Chapter, No. 33, are Mrs. Mary
S. Myers, worthy matron ; Henry A.
Baker, worthy patron; Mrs. Ella H.
Garretson, associate matron ; Mrs. Ela
nor Crossen, secretary ; Mrs. Esther N.
Harris, treasurer ; Miss Nellie M. Burke,
conductress ; Mrs. Cora D. Miller, asso
ciate conductress ; Mrs. Martha E
Biggs,' chaplain ;' Miss Edna Erhart,
Adah ; Mrs. Alice Crossen, Ruth ; Mrs,
Evelyn Eshelman, Esther ; Miss N. Mc-
Neal, Martha ; Mrs. B. J. Russell,
Electa; Mrs. Almira Burget, warden;
Miss'Salin'a Phirman, organist;' H,
Clough', sentinel. 1
After the instituting ceremonies ap
propriate remarks were made by the W,
GP. 'and the other instituting officers,
and the proceedings closed with a ban
quet by the ladies of the new chapter,
10e eaeh. former price, 50e.
Use, as a general thing, jast on top of
stove. If great heat is required, use
without the stove lid.
No stirring required for oat meal, milk,
rice, custards, blanch . mange, jellies,
butters, catsups, apple sauce, etc., etc.
In fact, nothing will burn on it. Coffee
will not boil over if the pot is on the
mat; bread toasts nicely on it. Try it
and be convinced. For the nursery,
there is nothing equal to heat the milk
and food for the baby. If a grate fire,
lay the mat on the open fire. If the
mat becomes soiled, do not wash or
scrape, but turn the soiled part next to
fire, and 'burn until clean.
that was fully appreciated by all, and
the town clock struck 1 as the guests de
parted from the hall. The -chapter
start under the most favorable auspices.
with a membership of 31. Their regu
lar meetings will occur on the second
and fourth Thursday evenings of each
Mr. M. T. Nolan went to Salem -yes
Mr. T. H. Johnston of Dufur is in
town today. .
M's. Mary French returned yesterday
from a month's visit in Portland. .
Judge Bradshaw returned from Salem
last night. ' He is of the opinion that the
deadlock will continue to the end of the
session, unless Dolph's supporters drop
bim and seek a compromise candidate.
Mr. George Strong, of the Mitchell
Monitor, returned from Salem yester
day. He' has been looking after the
Sutton county Dili, ana seems . hopeiul
of it becoming a law,' and is confident
that it will pass the house.. He will re
main in the city until Tuesday.'
It is not a miracle. It won't cure
everything, but- it- will cure piles.
That's what De Witt's Witch Hazel
Salve will do, because it has done it in
hundreds of cases. Snipes-Kinersly
Drug Co.
Promptness is a commendable virtue.
That's why we offer you One Minute
Cough Cure. It is prompt in relief and
prompt' in curing. That's what it is
made for.' Snipes-Kinersly Drug Co.
Shiloh's Cure is sold on a guarantee.
It cures' incipient Consumption. It is
the best cough cure. Only one cent a
do9e 25cts., 50cts., and $1.00. -
; Eatray.--Came
to my place,' on Chenoweth
creek i a white m alley cow, branded
I W on left hip ; crop off one ear, slit in
the other ; young calf withi her.
Alex Andebson,
who care to pay a little more than the cost
of ordinary trade cigarettes will find the
Made from the highest cost Gold Leaf
grown in Virginia, and are '
We are doubling our Store Boom to make
room for new G-oods, and our present stock
has to go. Everything in the shape of
Physician and Surgeon,
CO All professional calls promptly attende
to, day and night. apr!4
Toloph.0110 Jo. 20'
E. J. COLLINS & CO. will occupy
this space. Keep your eyes open.
This well-known Brewery is now
east of the Cascades. The latest appliances for the manufacture of good health
ful Beer have been introduced, and ony the first-class article will be D'aed on
be markt.
125 Milk St, Boston, Mass.
This company owns Letters Patent
No. 463,569, granted to Emile Berliner
November 17, 1891, for a combined tele
graph and telephone, and .controls Let
ters Patent No. 474,231, granted to Thos.
A. Edison May 3, 1892, for a speaking
telegraph, which Patents ; cover funda
mental inventions and embrace all forms
of microphone transmitters and of car
bon telephones. jan28
Register U. 8. Land Office, 1890-1894.3
Business Before tlie United States Land
Office a Specialty.
Wells Block, Main St, Vancouver, Clarke Co
Washington. novlS
turning out the best Beer and Portei
. t
Watches, Clocks, Jewelry
Oregon Rail-way & Navigation Company
-- Watch Repairer and Inspector.
Repairing of flu Watches a Specialty.
108 Second St., THE DALLES, OR.