The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, February 04, 1895, Image 3

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    They Past Go
To make room for new stock, and this
Stove Mat.
Kegardless i of $ PriGes.
The Dalles Patty Chroniele.
ntered a the Postofflee at The Dalles, Oregon
as second-class matter.
Clubbing List.
Regular Onr
price price
Ckrenicle md If. I. Tribnnt .... . .$2.50 $1.75
' ani WmHj Ortgoniai -3.00 2.00
" " and ffedly Eiaminer 3.25 2.25
" Week j Kew York World. .... 2.25 2.00
Local Advertising.
10 Conn per line for first insertion, and 6 Cents
oer line for each subsequent insertion.
Special rates for long time notices.
"All local notices received later than 8 o'clock
rill appear the following day.
MONDAY. - - FEBBUARY 4, 1895
Lsaves From the N oteboolc of Chronicle
The weather
todav has been like
Regular meeting of the city council
Circuit court meets for the regular
February term, next Monday,
Mrs. Fosb died at her home near Hood
River yesterday, at noon, just 24 hours,
after the death of her brother-in-law. Ja.
TT T,.,
i?he wedding of Gung Song and Seon
4ui, Chinese, of which mention w
made Saturdav, seems to have tranl
iferred a small section of the Chinese w
Case, the . pioneer banker of
Astoria, died at his home in that city
yesterday. He was 63 years of age and
crossed the plains in 1850. Mr. 8. L.
Brooks, of this city, came across in the
same train.
As a never-failing evidence of the ap
proach of spring we wish to remark that
the abundance and tailing price of eggs
is the most certain harbinger, whatever
that is. Eggs are 20 per cent off in price
today, selling for 20 cents a dozen.
According to the ground hog, unless
ma ciock was wrong, there will be no
more winter. At noon when his hogship
is supposed to come oat and take his
' winter peep, there was a fine cloud ovr
the sun and it is presumed that this
would satisfy him concerning his
'V The new city charter will be considered
by the council tonight, and as there will
, 1e no time in which to inform the public
through the newspapers, all those in
terested should attend the council and if
they have any objections to the amend'
ments suggested by the committee, they
will have an opportunity to make them
known, otherwise they must forever bold
their peace.
' . The Dalles Literary Society met Fri
day evening and among others things on
the program the question of the propri
-ty of taxing church property was de
bated. Mr.' Snowden, assisted by Miss
Aimee Newman, who read a fine paper
took the negative side of the proposition
but the judges decided in favor of the
arguments brought forth by Messrs.
Phelps and Riddell. The society has
in preparation a program to be given at
a public meeting some time during this
Too Suddenly Moral.
It is really astonishing how law-abid
ing the thug element of the Chinese be
come when they desire to get possession
of some poor Chinese woman. When
Gung Song married Leong Tui Satur
day it stirred the long-haired highbind
ers into action. Fearing to openly take
the woman away from her husband,
they invoked the law, to accomplish by
perjury what they feared to do by force,
and so had warrants sworn oat for the
arrest of the young couple. Accordingly
they were arrested about midnight Sat
urday, and were taken to jail, where
they were kept until nearly noon Sun
day, at which time bail was famished
and they were given their liberty.
If the inside history ot the case could
be shown, it would probably appear
that the sudden attack of virtue, which
caused the other Chinese to have them
arrested was superinduced by the desire
to become possessed of Leong Tui that
she might be used for immoral purposes.
It is to be hoped that Justice Davis may
e enabled to make the whole crowd
ihow up the true inwardness of the
In the meanwhile the young couple
need not feel afraid, for The Dalles is
not Portland, and the least crooked
work on the part of the Portland high
binders, will cause a cleaning out
amongst them that will prevent some
of them answering at the next roll-call
of their society.
"Wear a Small Bat.
The floor of the opera house being
perfectly level, at the best it is difficult
to get a good view of the stage. This
being the case, the ladies who go to see
the Tittle sisters tonight, and who wear
the smallest hats, are going to meet
with the heartiest commendation from
the gentlemen. If at the same time the
balloon sleeves could be razeed it would
prove of great advantage. Leave the
big hats at home, and give the down
trodden men a chance to see. Do it,
and win their everlasting gratitude.
The Deadlock. '
There was no change in the senatorial
situation at Salem today. Quite a nam'
ber of the members are off on committee
work, and in consequence sixteen were
paired. The vote was as follows: Dolph
35, Hare 10, Weatherford. 7, Hermann 6,
Williams 9, Lord 4, Lowell 3. There re
mains but eighteen days in the session
When Baby was sick, -we gave her Castorla.
When she was a Child, she cried for Castorla,
-When she became Hiss, she clung to Castorla,
When she had Children, she gave them Castorla,
Drifted Apart.".
The closer you "hold the mirror to j
art nature" the more perfect becomes the
of interpretation. "Drifted Apart,", is
a play that has for its fundamental basis
the finer elements of human nature so
carefully blended with the more pro
nounced phases of everyday life that it
actually becomes a moral sermon from
the stage. While dealing with society
as it is today, and introducing the vari
ous types of society and club characters,
yet the obtrusive elements being elimin
ated, the production is clean, clear cut
and abounds with the delightful little
touches of delicate light and shade that
demonstrates the genius of Thespius,
and draws the audience into perfect har
mony with the action of the play. For
tunately this play is so appropriately
constructed that it affords the three
Tittle sisters great scope to display their
histronic abilities, giving them three
distinct characterizations ; all of which
have made decided hits whenever per
formed. The action of the play occur
ring in the fashionable circles of New
York, it allows opportunity to display
the magnificent wardrobes these talent
ed ladies possess. The costumes worn
are masterpieces of the dressmakers' art
and are direct importations from the
noted Paris Modeste "Worth."
A. State Census.
.The constitution of Oregon provides
that an enumeration of the people of the
state shall be made every ten years, be
ginning with 18C5. The statutes farther
provide that this enumeration shall be
made by the county assessors, beginning
not later than May 10th, and that be'
sides enumerating the people of the
state, they shall classify them by age
and sex and collect various simple
statistics of production and industry
The assessors are to make returns to the
county clerks, and these to the secretary
of state, who is to furnish blank forms
for the enumeration' and declare the re
sult. Penalties are imposed upon
assessors and clerks who fail to perform
the duties imposed upon them by law.
A Batch of Decisions.
Judge Bradshaw filed his decisions
several cases today as follows :
Bettingen vs. Cates, summons set
aside and proceedings held for naught
M. J. Manning vs. Matilda Baldwin,
writ of review dismissed and decision of
lower court affirmed.
Eugene D. White vs. C. P. Heald,
sale confirmed.
James Cameron vs. Wasco County,
writ of review dismissed and judgment
of county court affirmed.
Pekin Plow Co. vs. C. L. Morse et. al
motion to strike out answer sustained
Defendant given until second day of
next regular term to file amended an'
swer. "
Sugar Cured Hams, 11 cents per lb
Boneless Hams, 9 cents per lb. : 51b Pail
Lard, 50 cents ; 101b Pall Lard 85 cents
at Columbia Packing Co. 'a. . , .. . tf,
Headache and Neuralgia, cured by Dr,
, Mliitj fAin riLiVB. una cent a aose.
10e each. Former price, 50e.
Use, as a general thing, jast on top of
Btove. If great heat is required, u
without the stove lid.
No stirring required for oat meal, milk,
rice, custards, blanch mange, jellies,
batters, catsups, apple sauce, etc., etc,
In fact, nothing will burn on it. Coffee
will not boil over if the pot is on the
mat; bread toasts nicely on it. Try it
and be convinced. For the nursery
there is nothing equal to heat the milk
and food for the baby. If a grate fire,
lay the mat on the open fire. If the
mat becomes soiled, do not wash or
scrape, bat turn the soiled part next to
fire, and barn until clean.
Seal Essate Transactions.
The following deeds were filed for
record Saturday and today:
J S Taylor and wife to LL McCartney,
lot 14, block 5, Thompson's addition to
Dalles City ; $30.
United States to Erwin N Wakefield,
8wJ, sec 13, tp 1 s of r 15 e; patent.
Chas W Dietzel and wife to F C Sex
ton, lots 5 and 6, sec 9, tp 1, n of r 12 e;
Michael C Neff to Maggie A Neff, blk
Winans addition to Hood River and
30 foot strip to same; $225.
Ask your grocer for Columbia Packing
Co. 's Ham and Lard. Insist on our
prices and accept no substitutes. tf
Jos. T. Peters & Co. have cord wood,
which is desirable - in all respects, and
respectfully solicit your orders. -
who care to pay a little more than the cost
of ordinary trade cigarettes will find the
Made from the highest cost Gold Leaf
grown in Virginia, and are
Dalles Opera House
Monday aid Tuesday Evemp,
PEBETJAET 4 and 5, 1895.
Supported by W. 8. FORD'S
Company of Players.
Monday Evening ."Drifted Apart'
Tuesday Evening a double bill
"My Uncle's Will," followed ny
Augustine Daly's comedy drama -
...... "Frou Fron
. Reserved Seats on sale at Blakeley &
Houghton's drugstore. -
We are doubling our Store Room to make
room for new Goods, and our present stock
has to go. Everything in the shape of
Physician and Surgeon,
C0 All professional calls promptlv attende
to, day and night. " aprl4
Tolopliono KTo. HQ"
this space. Keep
This well-known Brewery is now
east of the Cascades. The latest appliances for the manufacture of good nealtn
ful Beer have been introduced, and ony the first-class article will be p'aced on
he markt
125 Milk St., Boston, Mass.
This company owns Letters Patent
No. 463,569, granted to Einile Berliner
November 17, 1891, for a combined tele
graph and telephone, and controls Let
ters Patent No. 474,231, granted to Tbos.
A. Edison May 3. 1892, for a speaking
telegraph, which Patents cover funda
mental inventions and embrace all forms
of microphone transmitters and of car
bon telephones. jan28
Register U. 8. Land Office, 1890-1894.
Business Before tne United States Land
Office a Specialty.
Wells Block, Main St., Vancouver, Clarke Co
Washington. novl6
& CO. will occupy
your eyes open.
turning out the best Beer and Porte
Watches, Clocks, Jewelry
Oregon Kail-way ft Navigation Company
Watch. -Bepairer and Inspector.
Repairing; of Fine Watches a Specialty.
108 Second St., THE DALLES, OR.