The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, February 01, 1895, Image 3

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They JWust Go
Stove Mat.
Is not the Time to Buy
Wouldn't you rather have one now?
To make room for new stock, and this
Regardless $ of Mees.
Today Our
$10.00 Overcoats will be
$14.00 Overcoats will be
$18 to $20. Overcoats will be
These Prices are
The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
ntered a the Postoffice at The Dalles, Oregon
as second-class matter.
Clubbing List.
Regular Our
price price
Ciranicle and S. T. Tribune $2.50 $1.75
" and Weekly Oregonian 3.00 2.00
ti 1 TTT 1 I H - - n nr
c ina neeiir juaminer o.zo z.zo
Weellj lfew York World 2.25 2.00
X.ock1 Advertlsing-
10 Cents per line (or first Insertion, and B Cents
oer line for each subsequent insertion.
Special rates for long time notices.
All local notices received later than S o'clock
7vlll appear the following day.
Leaves From the Notebook of Chronicle
Mr. W. Heisler of Dufur called on us
Mr. F. C. Sherrieb of Hood River
made The Chronicle a pleasant call
The literary society will meet iu the
vestry of the Congregational church this
evening instead of the Methodist. Vis
itors are cordially invited. Quotations
from Shakespeare's "Julius Caesar."
The Hood River incorporation busi
ness has been occupying the attention
of the commissioners court all morning,
and in consequence of .it being up for
a rehearing, several Hood Riverites are
up from that pleasant little town.
Among them we noticed C. F. Heald,
Dr. Brosius, F. H. Button and F. C.
The republican caucus at Olympia last
night finally reached a decision settling
the deadlock, and selecting Wilson.
That selection was ratified in the legis
lature at home today, Mr. Wilson
being elected. The Allen men forced
the fight and as a result got whipped.
The state can congratulate itself on
having elected the poorest man of the
whole number suggested
Advertised Letters.
Following is the list of letters remain
ing in the postoffice at The Dalles un
called for Feb. 2, 1895. Persons calling
for the same will give date on which
they were advertised :
Beaumont, T J (2) Metcham, Frank
.Boney, Albert
Monahan, S
vireer, jtv x
Glynn, Patrick
Hoffman, Fred
Jackson & Chuch,
Kible Ed
Lyons, Amie
J i
Pratt, B F .
Turnbow, Wm S
Walters, Wm
Wall, G M
Whitcomb, LL
Winger, L H
A. Cbossen, P. M.
A Small Blaze.
The alarm of fire last night about 9
o'clock was caused by the burning of
small house belonging to Mr. Prinz, and
occupied by an aged Swedish couple
named Wieberg., The building was sit
uated on the hill near the head of liberty
street, and was burning freely before the
alarm waB turned in. Mr. and Mrs
Wieberg were attending the services at
the Salvation Army barracks at the time,
and in consequence of their being away
that contents of the building, being
everything they owned, were destroyed.
The loss as far as the building was con
cerned is not to exceed $100, but for the
Wiebergg the loss is eerious because all
their clothing and everything else went.
They lost all any one can lose all they
had. Columbia Hose and Jackson En
gine Co.. united their hose and got a
stream of water on the burning building
but as the building was small, and in an
out of the way place, it was about done
for when the boys reached it.
A Good Measure.
Senator Dawson's bill to fix the time
when taxes become delinquent provides
that: "The sheriff shall make returns
of collections to the county court on or
before the first Monday of October next
ensuing the date of the warrant issued
by that court, and that if at least one-
half of the respective sum of taxes so
charged on said roll is not paid prior to
the first Monday in April next succeed
ing the date of his warrant, said one
half shall be deemed delinquent, and if
the remaining half is not paid prior to
the first Monday in October following, it
shall then also be deemed delinquent,
and there shall be charged, collected and
turned over by the sheriff a forfeiture of
1 per cent per month on all portions of
said taxes that have been allowed to be
come delinquent, from the date of Buch
delinquency until the eame are paid;
and, provided further, that the sheriff,
before entering on the duties of collec
tion of taxes, shall execute an additional
bond in such sum .as the county court of
the county may direct. That is taxes
may be paid in two half yearly install
The vote at Salem.
The situation remains unchanged at
Salem. Dolph holds the solid vote of
those who stuck to the caucus, while the
bolters are etill scattering their rotes but
steadily drifting towards George H
Williams, who gains strength every day,
and who may eventually get there if old
age does not carry him off before the
'deadlock is broken. The bolters are not
showing good judgment in the selection
of so old a man. The vote today was
Dolph, 42; Hare, 10; Hermann, 9;
Weatherford 8; Williams 13; Lord, 3;
Lowell 3. Convention adjourned.
When Baby was sick, vre gave her Castoria,
When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria.
When she became Hiss, she clung to Castoria,
When she had Children, she gave them Castoria.
A. girl as an apprentice. Apply at
Mrs. Forwood's dressmaking parlors, the
former Gilhousen gallery on Court street.
Cows for Sale.
Parties wanting fresh milk cows can
obtain them by calling on A. Fields at
his place near Crate's point. j26-tf
marked $6.30.
marked $9.40.
marked $13.10.
Less than Cost.
Social of Fern Lodge, Degree of Honor.
"Social by name, but not by nature"
certainly could not be applied to the
social given by the gentlemen members
of D. of H. lodge at Fraternity -hall, last
Wednesday night. After the transaction
of the usual order of business, the doors
of the hall were thrown open to about
one hundred guests. The committee
bad announced their arrangements for
the evening something like this : Sing
ing and literary exercises, with refresh
ments; whist and whirling. The first
number on the program was an instru
mental solo by Mrs. Eshelman. Then
the audience were very pleasantly told
by .Mr. D. C. Herrin, in an original
essay, the various meanings of the word
charity." A solo by Dr. O. D. Doane
was listened to in the silence that de
notes appreciation. Mrs. Herrin next
recited a poem by Sam SimpBon, and the
beauties of our state acquired additional
interest by her happy manner of relating
them. The quartet composed of Messrs.
Crandall, Johnson, Doane and Magee
responded to an enthusiastic encore, one
of that kind that would not be silenced,
until the opening notes of the second
number were heard. Miss Jennie Rus
sell closed the program by reciting in a
most excellent manner "The Green
Mountain Justice." The young lady's
representation was so realistic that the
listeners could see as well an hear the
sorry plight in which the justice and his
wife were placed. The committee had
gotten along finely until this moment,
now they step aside, and to the ladies
belongs the credit of the delicious lunch
eon next served the guests. The spirit
of fun seemed to prevail, and when the
tables were cleared, a merry crowd were
clamoring for the "whirling" to com
mence1. Whist tables were prepared for
those who did not dance, and surely
everybody had a good time. It was
unanimously voted "the social of the
season," and the gentlemen may expect
to arrange all such affairs in the future
Will Appear Monday Night.
The Tittell Sisters appeared at the
Reed last night in "Drifted Apart.
The house was lairiy well ruled by an
enthusiastic and appreciative audience
who were completely captivated and
carried away by the splendid acting of
every member of the company. From
the most fastidious and critical of Salem's
theater goers to the small boy np in the
gallery could be beard nothing but words
of commendation and praise for the ex
cellent performance. Miss Charlotte
Tittell in her role of the much-married
society woman cannot be excelled, while
her sister, Mlsa Essie, in her role of
Mrs. Helen Van Buren, is second to no
actress that has ever appeared in the
city. Should the Tittell Sisters put
"Drifted Apart" on the boards of the
Reed again the spacious hall would not
hold one-half of "the applicants for ad
The company will produce "Drifted
Apart" Monday evening and "Frou
Frou." Tuesday. Reserved seats at
Blakeley & Houghtons'.
10e eaeh. former pfiee, 50e!
Use, as a general thing, just on top of
stove. If great heat is required, u
without the stove lid.
No etirring required for oat meal, milk,
rice, custards, blanch mange, jellies,
butters, catsups, apple sauce, etc., etc
In fact, nothing will burn on it. Coffee
will not boil over if the pot is on the
mat; bread toasts nicely on it. Try it
and be convinced. For the nursery,
there is nothing equal to heat the milk
and food for the baby. If a grate fire,
lay the mat on the open fire. If the
mat becomes soned, do not wash or
ecrape, but turn the soiled part next to
fire, and burn until clean.
Bneklen's Arlnca Salve.
The best salve in the world for cuts,
bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fevei
sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains,
corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi
tively cures piles, or no pay required
It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac
tion, or money retundert. frice zo cents
per box. For sale by Snipes & Kin
ersly fFtrwr1irli. and Kmrnlaia cured by Dr.
MILES' PAIN PILLS. "One cent a dose."
At Hood River, Wednesday evening,
Jan. 30th, 1895, William N. Morrison to
Miss Ida Wilson ail or tiooa Kiver.
Rev. Troy Shelly performed the cere
w ho care to pay a little more than the cost
of ordinary trade cigarettes will find the
Made from the highest cost Gold Leaf
grown in Virginia, and are
Dalles Opera House
Moaiay anfl Tuesiay EveniBgs,
PEBEUAET 4 and 5, 1895.
Supported by W. 8. FORD'S
Company of Players.
Monday Evening "Drifted Apart"
Tuesday Evening a doable bill
"My Uncle's Will," followed Dy .
Augustine Daly's comedy drama
"Frou Frou"
Reserved Seats on sale at Blakeley &
Houghton's drugstore.
Dr. Miles' Nerve Piasters cure RHEUMA
TISM. WEAK BACKS. At druggists, only 3Sc
We . are doubling crar Store Room to make
room for new G-oods, and our present stock
has to go. Everything in the shape of
Physician and Surgeon,
C9 All professional calls promptly attende
to, day and night. aprl4
Telophono IKTo. 25"
E. J. COLLINS & CO. will occupy
this space. Keep your eyes open.
This well-known Brewery is now turning out the best Beer and Porter
east of the Cascades. The latest appliances for the manufacture of good health
ful Beer have been introduced, and ony the first-class article will be placed on
he markt.
125 Milk St., Boston, Mass.
This company owns Letters Patent
No. 463,669, granted to Emile Berliner
November 17, 1891, for a combined tele
graph and telephone, and controls Let
ters Patent No. 474,231, granted to Thos.
A. Edison May 3, 1892, for a speaking
telegraph, which Patents cover funda
mental inventions and embrace all forms
of microphone transmitters and of car
bon telephones. jan28
Register U. 8. Land Office, 1890-1891.
Business Before the United States Land
Office a Specialty. '
Wells Block, Main St., Vancouver, Clarke Co
Washington. novlS
Watches, Clocks, Jewelry
Orecon Railway & Navigation Company
Watch Repairer and Inspector.
Repairing of Fine Watches a Specialty.
108 Second St., THE DALLES. OR.