The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, January 31, 1895, Image 2

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TJis Dalles Daily Chronicle.
Weekly , 1 year. I 1 60
" 6 months. 0 75
" S " 0 60
Oally, 1 year 6 00
" 6 months 8 00
- per " 0 50
Address all communication to " THE CHRON
ICLE." The Dalles, Oregon.
THURSDAY, - - JANUARY 31, 1895
Up in Umatilla county the home o
the leading member of the railroad com
mission, the people, his townsmen and
neighbors are circulating a petition to
the legislature for a reduction in freight
rates on grain from 'Eastern Oregon
points. And yet that same lot of rail
road commissioners who cannot, or will
not, fix 'a grain rate that will let the
farmer exist, are asking the legislature
to continue them in. power, that they
may live at the public crib, and eat of
'the taxes gathered from the masses
. whom .they either cannot, or will not
- serve. While a freight rate on wheat of
64 cents a hundred, exists from this
point to For tl and , 88 miles, and 15 cents
a hundred from ' Biggs, 100 miles, no
railroad commission should be allowed
to exist to further prevent the railroad
" company from reducing rates, as the O.
R. & N. did last Eummer when the com
missioners got off its back and gave it a
chance. The reduction in wheat rates
last summer by the O. R. & N. was
made voluntarily by that company while
the railroad commissioners were taking
a vacation. At that time Col. Eddy was
edifying the newspaper men of the East ;
General ' Compson was teaching the
militia of Oregon the difference between
hay-foot and straw-foot ; Major Macrum
' was on the actively retired . list, while
Private Baker was taking a go-as-you
please through the Cascades hunting for
the lost Oregon Pacific, or some other rail
road for the commissioners to conquer,
We suggest that in the interest of the
people of Eastern Oregon, the railroad
commissioners ought to sign that peti
-tion from Eastern Oregon. They ought
to do' something towards earning their
Senator McGinn of Multnomah has
introduced a bill to" create an official
county newspaper in each county. The
newspapers of the state are now in sharp
competition with each other, and there
is but few.of the country papers that are
more than paying expenses. This bill of
' McGinn's would bring such papers into
harper competition in the end would
.benefit no one, and would , force the
country press in self protection to bid
for the work at rates below the cost of
setting the type. It is unfair to the
press and more than that unjust, for the
law steps in and by 'making one paper
the official paper assists in giving it
patronage at the expense of all of its
If this bill is to pass, it would be
better to have the county establish,
own and print its own paper. In the
struggle for the field one newspaper
should not be assisted by the county as
against another. To illustrate, suppose
two newspapers of equal merit exist at
any county .seat. Bids are called for for
doing the county printing. Now these
papers must either enter into a combin
action to keep prices up, or they must
bid for the work at losing rates rather
than let the other have it, because if all
the legal notices are published in one
paper that paper will have a great ad'
-vantage in soliciting subscriptions. In
other words, the law steps in to assist
the lowest bidder in running its com
. peti tor out of business. It ought not
to pass.. '
?The editor of . the Echo Leader eases
his mind by the following bit of flowing
and sinuous prose. Whether considered
in the light of a many-hued nosegay
plucked from the language garden ot
renaissance, or looked npon simply as
the soulful outpourings of a bruised and
lacerated heart, the touching words and
tender sentiments are worthy of remem
brance. He says : 1
"A few white-livered scrubs and lousy
scabs may imagine it is smart to let
their tongues wag too much about the
private and personal affairs of the editor
of the Echo Leader. We advise such to
go slow and learn to peddle, if they pre
fer not to see some things in cold type
which are, and have been done, right
here, that would indicate to the public
that some people are not jdst the pink
they would like folks to imagine. Shoes
that fit, should be worn. The - editor of
the Echo Leader is doing wonderful
work for this grand country. He is at
tending to his own affairs and quite able
to do so without the necessity of white'
livered f puppies trying to get into his
soup dish. Their home affairs require
their undivided attention. We may be
quietly slumbering, but don't put on
gloves to go for skunks. When we want
it we will seek satisfaction in a manner
that may jostle the livers of some
wretches." -
This is the age of "receivers." The
big corporations of all kinds are running
their various businesses under the wing of
the government. Ostensibly the United
States courts are directing the business,
but as a matter of fact, the same old
gang of officials run the business and the
courts know nothing about it, only when
some one makes a kick at the manage
ment or some laborers, ground to the
death, undertake to strike then the
road is in charge of the United States.
It is on the principle that the boy
owned the colt on the farm "Johnny's
colt, but Daddv's horse."
If it costs only 13 cents a bushel to
ship wheat from Pendleton,' which the
Tribune says is the charge, why should
the rate from Biggs, which is less than
half the distance, be one cent and a half-
more? The railroad commissioners may
posBibly be able to explain this.
Airs. Dekuni'g Allowmnc.
In department No. 1 of the circuit
court of Multnomah county, Judge S hat-
tuck yesterday handed down a decision
affirming the action 6f the county court
in the. appeal of Adolph and Edward
Dekum, executors of the estate of Frank
Dekum, deceased, from the decision of
the probate court, otdering that Mrs
Dekum be paid a monthly allowance of
$300, as specified in the will of Mr.
Dekum, and at the same time retain her
The allowance was paid for one month,
but on Mrs. Dekum making application
the next month, payment was refused
by the executors and the matter taken
into the county court. The decision
was against the executors and the case
was carried to the state circuit court,
where yesterday's decision was rendered.
The executors are willing to pay the $300
allowance, providing the mother sur
renders her dowry. they claiming tbat in
reality no dowry exists, the real prop
erty haying been deeded to the heirs
and also is heavily mortgaged. Mrs
Denuin's attorneys, on the contrary,
claim the dowry . to be valuable and
capable of producing an income of $5000
a year.
a little now and then
in removing: offending-
matter from the
stomach and bowels
and you thereby
avoid a multitude
of distressing- de
rangetnents and dis
eases, and will have
less frequent need
ot your doctor's
Of all known
agents for this pur-
?ose, ur. .Fierce s
leasant Pellets are
the best. Once
used, they are al
ways in favor
Their secondary ef
fect is to keen the
bowels open and
regular, not to fur
ther constipate, as
is the case with
other pills. . Hence, their great popularity
with sufferers from habitual constipation,
piles and their attendant discomfort and
manifold derangements. The Pellets
are puTely vegetable and perfectly harmless
in any condition of the system. No care is
required while using- them; they do not
interfere with the diet, habits or occupa
tion, and produce noTiain, (rnpingr or shock
to the system. They act in a mild, easy and
natural way and there is no reaction after
ward, a neir nerp lasis.
The Pellets cure biliousness, sick and
bilious headache, dizziness, costiveness, or
constipation, sour stomach, loss of appetite,
coated tongue, indigestion, or dyspepsia-
windy belchings, "heartburn," pain and
distress alter eating, ana kmared derange
ments of the liver, stomach and bowels.
In proof of their superior excellence, it can
be truthfully said, that they are always
adopted as a household remedy after the
nrst trial. Jfut up in sealed, glass vials.
therefore always fresh and reliable. - One
little " Pellet "is a laxative, two are mildy
cathartic. As a "dinner pill," to promote
digestion, or to relieve distress from over
eating, take one alter dinner. Thev are
tiny, sugar-coated granules; any child will
reaauy taice tnem.
Accept no substitute that may be recom
mended to be "just as good."" It may be
better for the dealer, because of paying; him
a better profit, but he is not the one who
needs help.
Politician We've got to gain the vote
of that old maids' club or all hope is lost,
Candidate That's all right. We'll just
address a private circular to the' differ
ent members, asking if they are old
enough to vote, and stating if they will
be able to cast a vote this election that
w'ed like to have it count for us Pitts
burg Dispatch.
- Backlon'l Annca Salve.
The,best salve in the world for cuts
bnuses, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fevex
sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains
corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi
tively cures piles, or no pay required
It is guaranteed to give perfect satis fac
tion, or money refunded. Price 25 cents
per box. For sale by bnipes A Km
All city warrants registered prior to
February., 1892, axe now due and pay
able at my office. Interest ceases after
this date. 1. 1. Burget, City Treas
Dated Dalles City, Jan. 1, 1895.
' . -
Caked & Inflamed Udders.
Rheumatic Pains,
Bruises and Strains,
Running Sores,
Stiff joints,
Harness & Saddle Sores,
Sciatica, "
InsectTBites, "
All Cattle Ailments,
All Horse Ailments,
All Sheep Ailments,
Penetrates Muscle,
Membrane and Tissue
' Quickly to the Very
Seat of Pain and
Ousts it in a Jiffy.
Rub in Vigorously.
Mustang Liniment conquers
Makes flan or Beast well
Ladies' and
Gold and Silver
v Large Assortment
to select from.
I. C. Nickelsen's.
We carry everything that is good
. to eat, and at such prices that
we should have the trade of all
hungry people.
Try our
Teas and Coffees.
Can give you an excellent blend
ed Coffee at 25 per pound.
Ask for Halivor Butter.
Telephone No. 60
To the General Public:
The undersigned has thoroughly re
modeled what is known as the Farmers'
Feed Yard, corner of Third and Madi
son, adjoining J. L. Thompson '8 black
smith shop, and is now ready to accom
modate all who "wish their horses well
fed and properly cared for, at Prices to
Suit the Times.
: The Dalles, Or.
Physician and Surgeon.
Late House Surseon, St Vincent's Hospital of
Portland, Oregon. sep2S
If you want anything in the shape of
For Man or Woman,
I I B"? g
Odd. Ward, Kerns & Robertson's
Second-hand Furniture Bought - Sold.
Money Loaned on Jewelry and other Valuables.
erty placed witn me at reasonable commission. (jir me can.
When the Train stops at THE DALLES, get off on the South Side
This large and popular Honse does the principal hotel business,
and is prepared to furnish the Best Accommodations of any
House in the city, and at the low rate of
$1.00 per Day. - pirst Qass Teals, 25 Cei)ts.
Office for all Stage Lines leaving? The Dalles for all
points in Eastern Oregon and astern Washington.
In this Hotel.
Corner of Front and Union Bts.
Successor to
And the Most Complete and
PRACTICAL PAINTER and PAPER HANGER. None but the best brande
of J. W. MASTJRY'S PAINTS need in all our work, and none but the
most skilled workmen employed. Agents for Masury Liquid Paints. No chem
icel combination or soap mixture. A first-class article in all colors. All orders
promptly attended to.
Store and Faint Shot) corner Third and
Blakeley &
175 Second Street,
A full line of all the Standard Patent Medicines,
Drugs, Chemicals, Etc.
CHCountry and Mail Orders will receive prompt attention.
1 There is a tide in the affairs
leads on to fortune"
The poet unquestionably had reference to the
Ciii-Oit Smp-
Fralore & Came
Who are selling these goods
Boy, Girl or Baby.
Liyery Stable? on Second St. -
T. T. NICHOLAS, Propr.
Paul Kreft & Co
Latest Patterns and Designs in
Washington Sts.. The Dalles, 0reo
The Dalles, Oregon
of men which, taken at its flooa
out at greatly-reduced rates.
- - ' UNION ST.
In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for
Wasco County:
David D. Garrison, i.
1'laintitt, i
vs. S
Elizabeth W. Garrison, -
Defendant. J
To the said defendant, Kiizubeth W Garrison:
In the name of the State ot Oregon : You ore
hereby summoned and required to appear and
uiswer nuiiQun g complaint now on nie against
ou in the above-entitled court and cause on or m
iefore the first dav of the next rwnilar term of
said Court, which term of said Court is to begin ,
and be holden on Mondav, the 11th day of February,-
1S9H, in the courthouse in Dalles City,
nooHJ vuuut, ouiitrui vrcguu, aim 1 1 yuu imi
to appear and answer said comnlaint as herein
required the plaintiff will apply to said Court
ior me reuei prayea ior in suia complaint, to
wit, for a dissolution of the marriage contract
now existing between plaintiff and defendant,
and for such other and further relief as may be
just and equitable.
lou are nercDy runner notinea tnat tms sum
mons is served upon you by publication by or
der of the Honorable W. L. Bradshaw, judge of
tne aDove-entltlea court maae at tne reeulaT
November term of said Court for the year 1894.
jan5-fl63E3g Attorneys for Plaintiff.
In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for
Wasco County :
Caleb Brooks, y
I'lalntiir, I
vs. V
Georgians A. Brooks, J
Defendant. J
To TGeorguuia A. Brooks, the above-named de
In the name of the State of Oregon :
1 ou are nereoy requnea to appear ana answer
the complaint filed against you in the above-entitled
suit, and now pending in the above-entitled
Court, on or before Monday, the 11th day of
Feb., 1895, that being the first day of the next
regular term of said Court; and if you full so to
answer, for want thereof the plaintiff will apply
to tne saia aDoxe-namea uourt ior tne reuet de
manded in bis complaint, for a decree of divorce
forever dissolving and annuling the marriage
relations now existing between you and plaint
iff, and for such other and further relief as t
tne court may seem equitaoie ana just.
This Summons is served upon you by publica
tion thereof in The Dalles Chronicle, a news
paper of general circulation published weekly at
uaues uny, vvasco county, uregon, Dy oraer ot
the Honorable W. L. Bradshaw, judge of said
Court, which order was duly mads at chambers
Dalles City, Wasco Connty, Oregon, on the 27tk
day of December, 1894.
dec20-f9 Attorneys for Plaintiff.
Notice Is hereby given, that under and bv vir-
of an execution issued out of the Circuit
Court of the State of Oregon for Wasco County,
on the 18th day of Dec., 1894, on a decree made,
entered and rendered in said Court on the 19th
day of Nov., 1894. in a suit wherein Carl Burch-
tori was piaintitt ana J. . ogn ana Marie jogn
were defendants, in favor of said plaintiff and
against said defendants for the sum of 1571.20,
with interest thereon at the rate of 10 per cent
per annum, from the 19th day of November,
iora, ana tne iurtner sum ox attorney s lees,
and $25 eosts and disbursements, said execution
being to me directed and commanding me to sell
the hereinafter described real property to satisfy
said above-named sums, I will on Monday, the
21st day of January, 1895, at the hour of 2 o'clock
of said day, sell at nublic auction to the highest
bidder, for cash in hand, at the front door of the
county courthouse, in Dalles City, Wasco
county, Oregon, all of the right, title and inter
est of said defendants, and each of them, in and
to tne toiiowing-aescriDea real property, to-wit:
Lr ts C, D, E, F, G, H.I and J, in block 78 in
Fort Dalles Military Reservation addition to
1 alles City, Wasco county, Oregon, together
with the tenements, hereditaments aud,appur
tenances thereunto belonging, or In anywise
appertaining, or so much thereof as will satisfy
said above-named sums, together with the ac
cruing costs of this tale.
imtea at uanes city, wasco jouniy, uregon,
his 19th day of Dec., 1894.
dec22-jl9 T. J. DEIVER,
Sheriff of Wasco County, Oregon.
Land Ofhce, The Dalles, Or.,
Dec. 26, 1894.
Notice Is hereby given that the following
named settler has filed notice of his intention to
make final proof in support of his claim, and
that said proof will be made before the register
and receiver of the U. S. Land office, The Dalles,
Or., on February 5, 1895, viz. :
William Watson,
Hd E, No. 3592, for the SK NE, NEW SEJjf,
Sec. 10, and SW SW Sec. 11, Tp. 2N, E11K,
W. M.
He names the following witnesses to prove his
continuous residence upon and cultivation of,
said land, viz. : W. E. Huskey, F. P. Weidner,
Reece Prathar, A. T. Prathar, Mosier, Oregon.
JAS. F. MOORE, Register.
We wish to announce that
we have made. a specialty of
Winter Blooming Bulbs.
We are prepared to furnish
on short notice cut flowers
for all occasions; also pot
plants and wires.
Hyacinths in bloom A.
beautiful holiday gift.
Get your Chrysanthemums
at once to send East.
Results from atmospuerio conditions,
unclean premises, imperfect ventilation
and mora frequently from the deadly
SEWER OAS. A general rundown and
impoverished condition of the blood en
sues, and if not corrected, Catarrh, Bron
chitis, and even Consumption may be the
result. S. S S. promptly corrects all
these evil effects.
Mr. J. A. Rice. Ottawa. Kan., writes: i
For three rears I was troubled with Ma- i
laria, whioh caused my appetite to fail,
and I was so reduced in flesh, thatS
Hiw iosfc lis cnarm. . incu luereunui
and potash remedies, but could get no relief j
A few bottles of this
wonderful medicine
made a complete and
nermanent cure, and
: I now enjoy better health than ever.
Onr Treatise on Blood and Skin
mailed free to any address.
Chapman Block, The Dalles, Oregon
Life-size Crayons a specialty. s