The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, January 30, 1895, Image 2

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Tie Dalles Daily Chronicle.
Weekly, 1 year X 50
6 months. 0 75
" 8 0 50
Dally, 1 year 6 00
6 montbB 8 00
per " 0 50
Address all communication to THE CHEON
. ICLE," The Dalles, Oregon.
The fishermen of the lower river are
very much opposed to any plan for
catching salmon except that used by
them. They want a law passed making
it unlawful to catch a ealuion in any
manner except by gill nets. The claim
is made that the fish wheela catch the
small salmon and so prevent the natural
increase of the fish. . They make the
farther claim that a fish wheel allows no
fish to go past it. . ..'
As a matter of fact, a fish wheel would
catch, if the salmon were passing at a
uniform rate, less than three out of each
one hundred that passed through the
cans in which the wheels are placed.
The email fish are not caught in any
great numbers, and the loss of these to
the run is not so serious as the loss of
the larger fish caught by the gill nets
nearer the mouth of the river on Sun
days, and in violation of the law. The
fish wheel provides the cheapest means
ty which the salmon may be caught,
and it enables people living along the
Columbia to get a small portion of the
fish that run the gauntlet of the thous
and miles of net near the mouth of the
river. There is another phase to the
matter, and that is, that it is better that
the salmon be exterminated than to con
cede the proposition that those living
near the mouth of the river have the
sole right to all the fish in the river. If
the fishermen at the mouth of the river
bad the situation reversed, if there the
Bwift water occurred, and there the fish
wheels could be operated, and nets could
not be, then they would soon discover
that fish wheels were , the proper ma
chines for capturing salmon. The fact
is that the interests of the gill-net fisher
men instead of the fish is the power be
hind this movement. We do not blame
oar Astoria friends for desiring to make
the most of the business, for that is the
natural and common desire that governs
humanity; but we have the same com
plaint, and of course object to them be
Ing allowed privileges that we are not
. Mr. Barkley of Marion county has
formulated an important measure and
one that if perfected into law will be a
radical change in the government of
Oregon. It is H. B. 214, and provides
for precinct organization after the man
ner of town and townehip organization
in eastern states. It makes precincts
corporate bodies to sue and be eued and
gives them an authority of their own
with officers as follows : Three super
visors, clerk, treasurer, assessor, two
justice?, two constables and .one road
supervisor for each road district in the
precinct, each to be elected annually on
the second Tuesday in March, except
justices and constables, who shall hold
two years. It is a lengthy, complicated
bill, very carefully prepared, and is de
signed to bring the responsibility in the
matter of taxation and public business
as close as possible to the source of au
thority the people.
JCndersby Items.
Being a constant reader of your paper
for some time past, and knowing the
scarcity of ntws at this time of year.
when everything in nature is locked up
in the embrace of hoary winter, a few
lines from this favored spot might be of
interest to some of your many readers
We are having a fine winter, plenty
of enow for good sleighing, and plenty
of feed for stock for a long winter. So
we care not how long it lasts.
We were fortunate in securing at the
beginning of winter one of the best sing-
ing teachers in the state, in the person
of Professor McGreagor of Sherman
county. It is seldom you hear of two
classes being organized, in the same
boose, engaging tne same teachers, but
each is the case. At the 8-Mile school
bouse one class has been organized Eix
weeks, singing two nights in the week.
while the other has been organized two
weeks ago, singing two nights in each
week. So you see there are four nights
in the week devoted to einging school
also two hours . on .Sundays practicing
church music. Whether it is our mu
eical professor that has stirred tip an
interest in singing, or whether it is
sign of the times, we are anable to say,
bat the people of 8-Mile turn out en
masse, with sleighs of all conceivable
. makes and patterns; still they anBwer
the purpose, and that is to give your
best girl a ride. The professor intends
giving a concert at the end of the term,
of which you will have due notice later.
Four Rig Successes.
Having the needed merit to more than
made good all the advertising claimed
for them, the following four remedies
have reached a phenominal sale. Dr.
King's New Discovery, for consumption,
Coughs and Colds, each bottle guaranteed
Electric Bitters, the great remedy for
Liver, Stomach and Kidneys. Buck-
len'a Arnica Salve, the best in the world,
and Dr. King's New Life Pills, which
are a perlect pill. All these remedies
are guaranteed to do just what is claimed
for them and the dealer whose name is
attached herewith will be glad to tell
you more of them. Sold at, Snipes &
Kinersly's Drug Store.
A John Day Navigator.
The Burnt Ranch correspondent of the
Mitchell Monitor sends this paper his
experience on the raging John Day :
John Thornton, 'of this place, bad a
perilous experience with crossing the
John Day river one day last week. He
drove a bunch of cattle into the river to
Bwim them across and ventured in him
self after them. When in midstream a
tremendous iceberg came in contact with
his horse, who dumped him off and
landed him right on the back of one of
the cows. The crash drove the cow to
the bottom. When John and the cow
next made an appearance, the cow had
lost one of her horns, but John had the
horn in his band. Finally he fell back
to the rudder and kept blowing the horn
By that means he succeeded in steering
his bark ashore. Mr. Thornton under
stands navigation thoroughly.
There is good reason for -the popu
larity of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy
Davis & Buzard, of west monterey,
Clarion Co,, Pa., say: "It has cured
people that our physicians could do
nothing for. We persuaded them to try
a bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Rem
edy and they now recomend it with the
rest of us." 25 and 50 cent bottles for
sale by Blakeley & Houghton Druggists,
Faith Don't you love the early poets?
Morton (managing editor of a magazine)
Yes, I do; they're all dead. Harlem
Hucklen's Aruirs Salve.
The best salve in the world for cuts
bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever
s ires, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains
corns, und all skin eruptions, and posi
tively cures piles, or no pay required
It is guaranteed to give perfect satisiac-
tion. or money refunded. Price 25 cents
per box. For sale tv Snipes & Kin
era Iv
Yea Don't Have to Swear Off.
says the St. Louis Journal of Agricnl
ture in an editorial about No-To-Bac the
famous tobacco habit cure. We know
of many cases cured by No-To-Bac, one.
a prominent St. Louis architect, smoked
and chewed for twenty years ; two boxes
cured him so that even the smell of to
bacco makes him sick." No-To-Bac
sold and guaranteed by Snipes & Kin
ersly. No cure no ' pay. Book free
Sterling Remedy . Co., New York or
Chicago. .- '
Came to my place, on Chenoweth
creek, a white mulley cow, branded
I W on left hip; crop off one ear, slit in
the other; young calf with her.
Alex Andbesok,
One of the Famous ' Historical
Towns of the Country.
Famoui in tne First Settlement or tne
Mr. J. O. Stephens, of Stephens tt Beetem,
proprietors or Carlisle Carpet House, one of
the most prominent firms in the Cumberland
Valley, wrote on Oct. 3, 1892:
"I was taken sick on the 24th of last April
with nervous prostration, and had the daily
attendance of three of our best physicians,
one of them visiting me twice each day. The
result was that at the end of four months I
was an helpless Invalid. Had run down from
176 to 120 pounds. Did not get thirty minutes
sleep in each twenty-four hours. My condi
tion was simply terrible 1 About four weeks
ago. 1 beiran ta.lfinir 1tv Milpq' TtAtjmt.lA
Nervine, Tonic and Pills. I have gained 35
Siuuua in weigni, can eat miu exeep, ana in
ct, feel as well as I ever did. I felt the good
euecis di your remedies lusiae oi to uours.
Mr. Stephens writes again under date of
jnarcn i, ib.
After my great recovery, as I wrote you be
fore, scores of people stopped me on the
streets, came to see me at my store and wrote
me from different Darts of this and adloinine
States, to all of whom I told the story of the
wonderful curative powers of your remedies
and am only too glad to herald their praises.
The wife of a professor In one of our col
leges called to thank me for telling her about
vonr Nervine. She had been a sufferer from
Insomnia, weaknesses, etc., for years; she
said she had felt the benefits at once. The
President of the same college, also thanked
me for the benefit he had received from using
your Nervine at my suggestion. I tell you
it s a pleasure to recommend your remeaii
Tours trnlv.
Dr. Miles Nervine Is sold on a positive
guarantee that the first bottle will benefit.
All druggists sell it at SI, 6 bottles for to, or
It will be sent, prepaid, on receipt of price
dw tne ur. prm mewcu uo. xic nun iuu-
Dr. Miles' Nervine
Headache and Neuralgia cured by Dr,
M T T I."-:' 1A1N TSTT.T.a "nno M.nt o 4n.u "
All pain banished by Dr. Miles' Pain Pill.
- j )' ' .. "".
Caked & Inflamed Udders.
Piles, :"
Rheumatic Pains,
Bruises and Strains,
Running Sores,
Stiff joints,
Harness & Saddle Sores,
Insect Bites,
AH Cattle Ailments,
All Horse Ailments,
All Sheep Ailments,
Penetrates Muscle,
I Mpmhrnnf nnrl Tissue
Quickly to the Very
Seat of Pain and
Ousts it in a Jiffy.
Rub in Vigorously.
Mustang Liniment conquers
Makes 'flan or Beast well
Ladies' and
Gold and Silver
Large Assortmen
to select from.
L C, Nickelsen's
We carry everything that is good
to eat, and at. Bach prices that
we should have the trade of all -hungry
people. :
Try our
Teas and Coffees.
Can give you an excellent blend
ed Coffee at 25 per pound.
Ask for Halrvor Butter.
Telephone No. 60
To the General Public :
The undersigned has thoroughly re
modeled -what is known as the Farmers'
Feed Yard, corner of Third and Madi
eon, adjoining J. L. Thompson's black
smith shop, and is now ready to accom
modate all who wish their horses well
fed and properly cared for, at Prices to
Snit the Times.
The Dalles, Or.
Physician and Surgeon.
Late House Burseon, St. Vincent's Hospital of
rorusna, uregon. sepzb
V , .... y.'.:t
If you want anything in the shape of
For Man or Woman,
Otj. Ward, Kerns & Robertson's
Second-hand Furniture Bought Sold.
Money Loaned on Jewelry and other Valuables.'
erty placed, with me at reasonable commission. Give me m call. .
When the Train stops at THE DALLES, get off on the South Side
.1 . . ? i
A . -oo. '
This large and popular House does the principal hotel business,
and is prepared to furnish the Best Accommodations of any
House In the city, and at the low rate of...
Ji.oo per Day. - first Qass Teals, 25 Cerpts.
Office for all Stage Lines leaving Tbe Dalles for all
points in Eastern Oregon and Eastern Washington,
in this Hotel. ',;'!.
Corner of Front and Union Sts.
x- "r. yiLUSE,
' T." " ' , Successor to Paul Kreft & Co
-. And the Moat Complete and
PRACTICAL PAINTER and PAPER HANGER. None but the best brands
of J. W. MASURY'S PAINTS nBed in all our work, and none but the
most skilled workmen employed. Agents for Masury Liquid Faints. Ho chem
icel combination or soau mixture. A first-class article in all colors. All orders
promptly attended to.
Store and Faint Shou corner Third and
Blakeley &
175 Second Street,
. A full line of all the Standard . Patent Medicines,
Drugs, Chemicals, Etc.
SSfCountry and Mail Orders will receive prompt attention.
"There is a tide in the affairs
leads on to fortune?
The poet unquestionably had reference to the
Who are selling those 'goods
' ' ' '
- . 1 ' -
SEE WftilT?
Boy, Girl or Baby.
Lirery Stalls, on Semi St.
T. T. NICHOLAS, Propr.
Latest Patterns and Designs in
. ' '
Washington fits.. The Dalles, Ore
The Dalles, Oregon
of men which, taken at its flooa
out at greatly-reduced rates.
- - . TJNJON ST-
In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, fr '
yv asco jounry :
David D. Garrison,
naintitt, I
VB. S-
Elizabeth W. Garrison,
Defendant, j
To the said defendant, Elizabeth W Garrison:
In the name of the Stiite ot Oreeon : You arc
hereby summoned and required to appear an
answer plaintiff's complaint now on file against
you in the above-entitled court and cause on or
before the first day of the next regular term of
said Court, which term of said Court is to bcgiM
and be holden on Monday, the 11th dav- of Feb
ruary, 1S95, In the courthouse in Dalles Citv,
wasco county, btate oi Oregon, and if you fail
to appear and answer said complaint as herein
required the plaintiff will apply to said Court
for the relief prayed for in said complaint, to
wit, for a dissolution of the marriage contract
now existing between plaintiff and defendant,
and for such other and further relief as may be
just and equitable.
ion are nereoy iurxner nouneo. mat mis sum
mons is served upon you by publication by or
der of the Honorable W. L. Bradshaw, judge of
the above-entitled court made at the regular
November term of said Court for the year 1894.:
jan5-flGESSi Attorneys for Plaintiff.
In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon far
uasco tjounty:
Caleb Brooks, 1
. nainutr, I
vs.' V
Georgiana A. Brooks, M
Defendant. J
To IGeorgiana A. Brooks, the above-named dc
In the name of the State of Oregon :
You are hereby required to appear and answer
the complaint riled against you in the above-entitled
snit, and now pending in the above-entitled
Court, on or before Monday, the 11th day of
Feb., 18'J5, that being the first day of the next
regular term of said Court; and if you fail so te
answer, for want thereof the plaintiff will apply
to me saia anove-nameu iourt ior tne reiiet de
manded in his complaint, for a decree of divorce
forever dissolving and annuling the marriage
relations now existing between you and plaint- .
iff, and for such other and further relief as te
tne uouri may seem equiiaDie ana just.
This Summons is served upon you by publica
tion thereof in The Dalles Chronicle, a news
paper of general circulation published weekly at
Dalles City, Wasco County, Oregon, by order of
the Honorable W. L. Bradshaw, judge of said
Court, which order was duly mad3 at chambers
uanescity, wasco connty, uregon, on tne zia
day of December, 1894.
dec20-f9 Attorneys for Plaintiff.
Notice is hereby given, that under and bv vir-
of an execution issued out of the Circuit
Court of the State of Oregon for Wasco County,
on the 18th day of Dec., 1894, on a decree made,
entered and rendered in said Court on the 19th
day of Nov., 18i4. in a suit wherein Carl Burch-
ton was piaiutm ana c r. rogn ana Mane rogn
were defendants, in favor of said plaintiff and
against said defendants for the sum of $571.20,
with interest thereon at the rate of 10 per cent
per annum, from the 19th day of November,
Iitf4, ana tne tortner sum ox attorney b tees,
and $25 eosts and disbursements, said execution
being to me directed and commanding me to sell
tne nerematier aescrioea real property to sausiy
said above-named sums. I will on Monday, the
21st day of January, 1895, at the hour of 2 o clock
ot said day, sell at puduc auction to tne nignest
bidder, for cash in nand, at the front door of the
county courthouse, in Dalles City, Wasco
county, Oregon, all of the right, title and Inter
est of said defendants, and each of them, in and
to the following-described real property, to-wit:
Lr ts C, D, E, F, G, H, I and J, in block 78 In
Fort Dalles Military Reservation addition to
1 alles City, Wasco county, Oregon, together ,
with the tenements, hereditaments and appur
tenances thereunto belonging, or in anywise
appertaining, or so much thereof as will satisfy
said above-named sums, together with the ac
cruing costs of this rale.
lated at Danes city, wasco county, uregon,
his 19th day of Dec., 1894.
dec22-jl9 - T. J. DRIVER,
unenn oi v asco county, uregon.
Land Office, The Dalles, Or.,(
Dec. 26, 1894.
Notice is hereby eiven that the following
named settler has filed notice of his intention to
make final proof in support of his claim, and
that said proof will be made before the register
and receiver of the TJ. 6. Land office, Tbe Dalles,
Or., on February 5, 1895, viz. : . , .
William Watson,
na r., du. drrax, ior tuts nvs i" i-'t n r'-i.
Sec. 10, and NWJ4 Seo. 11, Tp. 2 N, B. 11 E,
W. M.
He names the following witnesses to prove his
continuous residence upon and cultivation of,
said land, via.: W. E. Hnskey, F. P. Weidner,
Keece rratnar, A. T. fratnar, m osier, uregon.
jab. 1. muutit, Hegisier.
We wish to announce that
we have made a specialty of
Winter Blooming Bulbs.
We are prepared to furnish
on short notice cut flowers
for all occasions ; also pot
1 . Ian ts and wires.
Hyacinths - in bloom A
beautiful holiday gift.
Get your Chrysanthemums
at once to send East.
Results from atmospuerio conditions, I
; unclean premises, imperfect ventilation i
and more freauentlv from the deadly!
SEWER OAS. A general rundown and S
; luifiuveriBiicu wuuiiiua ui 1110 uiuvi du-
! sues, and if not corrected. Catarrh. Bron
1 chi tin, and even Consumption may be the j
! result. S. S S. promptly corrects all j
I ineue evil enects.
Mr. J. A. Kice, Ottawa, Kan., writes:
For three years I was troubled with Ma
laria, which caused my appetite to fail,
and I was so reduced in flesh, that
life lost its charms. I tried mercurial
and potash remedies. but could get no reiiei.
I then decided to try 1,,- 1- ,1
wonderful medicine
! made a complete ana
i I now enjoy better health than ever.
Our Treatise on Blood and Skin Diseases '
. mailed free to any address.
SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., Atlanta, 6s.
Chapman Block, The Dalles, Oregon
Life-size Crayons a specialty.
'X 1 1,33 .