The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, January 29, 1895, Image 4

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    FOR 20 YEARS
the formula for: making' Scott's
Emulsion has beeti endorsed by
physiciansof the whole world. No
secret about it. This is one of its
strongest endorsements. But the
strongest endorsement possible is
in the vital strength it gives.
. Emtslsion
nourishes. It does more for weak
Babies and Growing Children
than any other kind of nourish
ment. It strengthens Weak
Mothers and .restores health to
all suffering from Emaciation
and General Debility.
For Coughs, Cold, Sore Throat, Bron
chitis,Weak Lungs.Consumption, Blood
Diseases and Loss of Flesh.
Scott k Bowne, N. v All Druggists. - 60c. ni $1.
Three Mile Notes.
There is very little news of interest to
the general reader, but the abundance of
snow and good roads Is tarnishing un
limited enjoyment t6 all . who like to
'glide over the snow and to hear the
sound of sleigh bells mingle with the
happy laughter of those who like them
selves are ont for a little ride.
btoct 01 all kinds are looking un
usually well for the length of time the
snow has been on the ground.
Fraser lodge, I. O. G. T. are going to
give another of their justly popular
sociables Saturday evening, Feb.' 2d
From the preparation already being
made we predict for it a greater success
than any previous effort.
Mr. W. H. Rodenhiser of Hood River,
who has been visiting, friends in this
vicinity, returned home today. 1 '
Mr. Thomas Morgan, who has just re
turned from a' business-trip "hear Mt.
Hood F. O., informs ns that the snow is
about four feet in depth in that locality.
that there are no roafiijlapen and the
only means of communication is by trail.
With many wishes fop-jsae continued
Buucesa ui x lift. vnKUAjuijis nio coming
year, I am H. 0. Mck.
" ' It May Do as Much for Ton.
Mr. Fred Miller, of Irving, III.,; writes
.; that he had a Severe Kidney trouble for
many years, with severe pains in his
back and also that hia bladder was af
fected. He tried' many so called Kidney
cures but without any good result.
' 'A year ago he began the' use of Blec
"'4rie Bitters and found ' relief at once.
Electric Bitters is especially adapted to
-cure of all Kidney and Liver trouble and
often gives almost' instant " relief. 'One
-trial will prove omr statement. Price
-only 50c. for large bottle. At Snipes &
LKinersley'a Drug Store..
' 'No, thank youjl've- gofc aorne of my
-own, said little Tommy, politely, as the
contribution-box passed in front of him
on the occasion of his first - visit to
church. Chicago Tribune.
Symptoms of 'kidney troubles should
be promptly attended to ; they are
nature's warnings that something is
wrong. Many persona die victims of
kidney diseases who. could have been
saved had they taken proper precautions.
The prompt use of Dr. J. H. McLean's
Liver & Kidney Balm has saved thous
ands of valuable lives' If you have any
derangement of the kidneys try it.
Price $1.00 perk bottle. Sold bj Snipes
& Kinersly, druggists.
Mrs. Yonngsport What a fine deliv
ery the nw minister has! Mr. Young-
sport Yes, he ought to have. He was
crack pitcher at the university ball team
for three years. Truth.
Many stubborn and aggravating cases
. of rheumatism that were believed to be
1 incurable and accepted as life' legacies,
have yielded to Chamberlain's Pain
Balm, much to the surprise and gratifi
cation of the sufferers. , One application
will relieve the pain and suffering and
its continued use insures an effectual
cure. For sale by Btakeley ic Houghton
"I want to Bee the secretary of the
navy," hhhI wild-eyed man who wan
dee ' ; v city hall. Two policemen
start. i iowrd him. ''Oh, I'm no
crank," be t-xplained, "I want the man
th v uwd 1 imII the street commission
r." ' polis Journal.
J-x 1 rough weather, dampness,
ex'.r ' etc., is apt to bring on an
a'l ck "Utnatism or neuralgia;
chatM"-! -Li.tlij and face, cracked lip
aua violent ncningoi me enin aiso owe
their origin to cold weathet. Dr. Mc
Lean's Volcanic Oil Liniment fhould le
kept on hand at all times for immediate
application when troubles of this nature
appear. It is a sovereign remedy. 25c,
-50c and $1.00 per bottle.
Cowl for Sale.
I Parties wanting fresh milk cows can
obtain them by calling on A. Fields at
his place near Crate's point. j26-tf
Advertise in The Chronicle.
Mr. William Dunbar' Case.
The United States supreme court this
morning rendered a decision affirming
the decision of the lower court in the
case of the ' United States against Wil
liam Dunbar. This was a case appealed
from Judge Bellinger's court to the
United States supreme court by Dunbar,
who was convicted of smuggling opium
and sentenced to serve two years in the
Multnomah county jail and pay a fine of
Dunbar was convicted in December,
1893. He was the first of the members
of the Portland smuggling ring to be
tried and the trial was on an indictment
returned against William Dunbar and
Nat Blum. Blum pleaded guilty and
Dunbar stood trial and was convicted,
He was afterwards tried with Mulkey,
Lotan, and others, on the charge of con
spiracy to smuggle Chinese laborers in
to the United States, and was again
convicted together- with C. Jv Mulkey,
an exspecial agent of the United States
treasury department, and P. J. Bannon,
a Portland attorney. ' He lias not been
sentenced on this latter conviction, but
the case has been appealed to the
United States supreme court and is
pending decision by that tribunal. - -
:' Several manths ago ' Dnnbar, -who is
under bonds, left this country for China,
and it is supposed he is now in that
country. Chief deputy United States
Marshal Coleman, who is in Washington,
this morning telegraphed the substance
of the court's decision. The defendant
cannot, however, be reached by the
United States officials at present
When he left here it was stated bis trip
was to be merely a short one and on
business. Dunbar has been for years in
the commission business in Portland
and that his present absence is not in
pursuance of any plan to escape punish
ment under his eentence.
r5 uo
81.00 Bottle.
One cent a
It Is sold on a 1
guts - cures
uauut nes 4
Notice. -
All city warrants registered prior to
February 3, 1892, .are now due and pay
iple at - my office. Interest ceases after
this date. 'I. I. Bubget, City Treas.
Dated Dalles City. Jan. 1. 1S95.
Sheriff's Sale.
Notice Is hereby Riven that in pursuance of sn
execution Issued ont of the Circuit Court of the
Stte of Oregon for Wasco Counts on the 16th
aay 01 January, imkv in a suit tnerein pending,
wnerein r. uiDons, executor 01 .me lasc will
and testament of Tbos. Oleson, deceased, was
nlaintilT and W . C. Kkinner. L. E; Hkinnar and
John Zybach were defendant, I will, at the
hour of 2 o'clock in the afternoon of the eight
eenth day of February, 1895, at the courthouse
flour in Danes city, 111 (mid county, sell at pub
lic auction- to the highest bidder for cash in
hand, all of the following-described real nrnn-
eity lying and being situxte in Wasco County
aforesaid, to-wit: Tha East half of the North
west quarter, the Southwest Quarter of the
Northeast quarter, and the Northeast quarter of
the (Southwest -quarter of Sec. 8, Tp. 1 North
Rmge 12 East w. M., to satisfy th sum of
603.S9 and Interest thereon from the 12th day of
November, 1894, at the rate of eight per cent per
annum, and 1 75 attorney's fees, and S23.10 costs
and disbursements of said suit and accruing
costs. 1. j. iiKiv,a,
- jl9-flG Sheriff of slid County of Wasco.
Sheriffs Sale.
Notice is hereby given that in pursuance of
ex -cutton issued out of the Circuit Court of the
stait- -f Oregon for Wasco County, on the lnth
day of January, 1895, in a suit therein pending
wherein Alxenon Disbrow was plaintiff and
Henr C. Coe and Kitty oe were defendants, I
will, at the honr of 2 o 1 lock in the afternoon of
the eighteenth day of February, 1895, t the
counnouse aoor in uaii-s uiiy, in saia county,
sell at public auction to the highest bidder for
cash in hand, all of the following-described
real pr- pe ty, tying and being situate in Wasco
County aforesaid,-towit: All the east half of
the southeast quarter of the southwext quarter,
Section N-. two, Township two North, Range
ten East Willamette Meridan, together with all
avd sinvmlar the tenements, hereditaments and
api-ui tenances thereuutn belonging, to mtisfy
the sum of nine hui dred and. one dollars and
twenty-six cents, and interest tb reon from the
13th nay of Nove;. ber, 1894, at the rate of eight
pe- cent per annum, ana mnty aoiiars attor
ney 'a fees, and sixteen dollars costs and dis
bursements 01 said suit and accruing costs.
J19-fl6 Sheriff of said County of Wasco.
Sheriff's Sale.
Notice is hereby given that in pursuance of an
execution issued out of the Circuit Court of the
State of Oregon for Wasco County, on the loth
aay 01 January, i&vo, in a suit inerein penaing,
wherein Laura A. Patterson was Dlaintift arid .1
H. G-rdes and C. L. Gerdes were defendants, I
will, at the hour of 2 o'clock in the afternoon of
the e:gi:teenth day of February, 1895, at the
cnurtnouse aoor 111 Danes city, in saia county,
si-li l i tibliu auction, to the highest bidder for
cnsb in 11 .'id, all of tne following-described real
.Toi'.-rt. . Iing and being situate in Wasco
County for-said, to-wit: Lota three and four
i hi - . I) iii Wes- addition to town of Hood
l'.ivvi vv ...-no County, Oregon, to satisfy the sum
..f :',: a d interest H ereon from the 6th dav
of i'1-c.-mber, 1894, at th- ra-of eight percent
lr,Hiia ntty aoiiars attorney s lees, ana
i6 32 fofta and di'buseements of said silt and
accruing costs. T. J. UK1VE8,
J19-H6 Sheriff of said Count) of Wasco
Assignee's Notice.
Notice ishereby given that John F. R oot h as
duly conveyed to the undersigned, by- proper
deed of as-lgnment, all of his rtal and personal
property, for the benefit of all of .his creditors.
All person" having claims aaainst said John
F. Root are hereby notified to present the same,
properly verified, to me t the office of Dufur St
Menefee, In Dalles City, Oregon, within ninety
(90) davs from the date of this notice. -
Dated this 17th day of November, 1894.
novl7dec29 H. GLENN. Assignee.
Mucklen'N A rinra salve.
I'lie best ealve in tbe world for cuts,
bruises, sores, ulcers, salt, rheum, fever
sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains,
corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi
tively cures piles, or no pay required
It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac
tion, or money remndea. Price 25 cents
per box. For sale by Snipes & Kin
ersly A Splendid Offer.
Oar clubbing arrangements with the
San Francisco Examiner entitles those
subscribing for that paper in connection
with The Chkoniclk to all the benefits
of their premium offer, that is a num
bered receipt . and choice of premium
pictures. The price of the Examiner is
$1.75, the price of The Chronicle $1.50,
and we send you both with all privileges
as above stated for one year for $2.25.
We have made arrangements with the
San Francisco Examiner to furnish it in
connection with The Chbonicle. Hav
ing a clubbing rate' with ' the Oregonian
and N. Y. Tribune for. our republican
patrons, we have made this arrangement
for the accommodation of the democratic
members'; of - The Chbonicle family,
Both papers, the Weekly Examiner and
Semi-Weekly Chbonicle will be fur
nished for one year for $2.25, cash in ad
vance. Do you want The Chbonicle and San
Francisco Examiner for a year? If so
send us $2.25 and you can have them,
156 papers for $2.25 or less than a cent
and a half a pioce. If you would rather
have the New York World, we will send
you that and the Semi- Chbon
icle one year for $2.25. ' The World is
also a semi-weekly so you will get 203
papers for $Z.2o.
Help wanted.
$12.00 a day - to ..'agents selling . the
Royal White Metal Plater or taking or
ders for plating. Trade secrets, formu
las, receipts, ect., furnished free. A
good agent can make two to three thou
sand dollars per year with the Royal
Plater. For terms, etc., address Gray &
Co., Plating Works, Columbus, Ohio.
Tbe regular subscription price of the
Weekly Chronicle is $1.50 and tbe
regular price of the Weekly Obegonian
is $1.50. Any one subscribing for -The
Chronicle and paying for one-year in
advance can get both The Chronicle
and the Weekly Obegonian for $2.00.
. On and after Dec. 1st, 1894, all county
warrants issued by the county clerk will
be made payable to order, and no county
warrant will be stamped or listed by the
county treasurer unless endorsed by tbe
party to whom said order is issued.
. Byorder of the County Court.
A. 8. Blowers, G. C. Blakeley,
County Com'r. County Judge. ;
Shiloh's Cure is sold on a guarantee.
It cares incipient Consumption. It is
the best cough cure. Only one cent a
doae25cts., SOctV.rand $1.00. -
Careats, and Trade-Marks obtained, and all Pat-J
em business conducted lor Modem atc Fees,
Our fivnee o opnurrr tl s. Patent Omee '
and we caa secure patent in Jess time ioan tliose J
remote from Washington. 4
Send model, drawing or photo., with descrip-
tion. We advise, if patentable or not, free of j
charge. Our fee not due till patent Is secured. J
a Dimiirr. "How to Obtain Patents." with
00 st of same in the U. S. and foreign countries
sent tree. Aaaress,
Laud Office, The Dalles, Or.,(
, Jan. 22,1895.
Notice is , hereby riven that the lollowine
named settler has Hied notice of his intention to
make final vroof In snooort of his claim, and
that said proof will be made before the Register
and Keeeiver at The Dalles,. Oregon, on March
izta, xyo, viz :
Wm. A. Miller, '
Hd. E., No. 2978, for the 8W, Sec. 18, Tp. 5 8,
XL 1Z W. M. ,
He names the following witnesses to prove his
continuous residence upon and cultivation of
saia tana, viz: .
F. Gable, The Dalles, Oregon. J. P, Abbot, N,
O. Weberg,. P. Weberg, Wapiuitia, Or.
, - u; . JA8. iUJORE, Register.
-prompt answer and an boneet opinion, write to
MliSSit CO;, who have had nearly fifty years'
experience in the patent business. Communica
tions strictly confidential. A Handbook of In
formation concerning Patents and bow to ob
tain them sent free. Also a catalogue of mechan
lcal and scientific books sent free.
Patents taken through Slurni ft Co. receive
- special notice in the Scientific American, and
thus are brought widely before tbe public with
out cost to the inventor. - This splendid -paper.
Issued weekly, elegantly illustrated, has by far the
larftest circulation of any scientific work in tha
world. 93 a year. Sample copies sent free.
Building Edltton, monthly. t2M a year. Single
copies, 25 cents. Every number contains beau.
. tlful plates, in colors, and photographs of new
' bouses, with plans, enabling builders to show the
latest designs and secure contracts. - Address
- MUNN & CO.NKV YOilK, atil BliOJiOWAT.
, Tot Exchange.
Finely improved farm in Willamette
Valley to exchange for ranch and stock
of sheep or cattle. " ' .' -
Address J. H., -care The Dallks
Chbosioub. t , : i , janl6-lm. ,
Dr. Miles' Nerve Pcastrrb cure EH"ETJMA
TIBM. WEAK BACKS. At druggist, only 25c
yaVW.'eaay've --VAvAvAy
S FT, ,m w,j-8- -a au-jaaegat!
"The Regulator Line 5
Tie Dalles, Portland and Astoria
Navigation Co.
Freigii and Passenger Linn
Through Daily Trips (Sundays ex
cepted) between The Dalles and Fort-
land. Steamer Regulator leaves The
Uatiei at 7 a. m., connecting at ta-3 Cas
cade Locks with Steamer dalles City.
Steamer Dalles City leaves Portland
(Yamhill st. dock) at 6 a. m., connect
ing with ,. Steamer Regulator for Tbe
One way
. 3.00
Kound trip.
Freight Rates Greatly Reduced.
All freight, except car lots,
will be brought through, with
out delay at Cascades.
- Shipments for Portland received at
any time day oi- r'ght. : Shipments for
way landings must be delivered, before
6 p. rr. l-iive stock shipments solicted
Call on or address,
General A (rent
J F. FORD, Evanplist,
Of Des Moines, Iowa, writes under date ol
March 23, 1898:
S. B. Mid. Mfg. Co.,
- Dafur, Oregon.
Qentlemen :
On arriving' home last week, I found
all well and anxiouslv awaiting. Our
little girl, eight and one-half years' old,
who bad wasted away to 33 pound 8, ie
now well, stroDsj and "vigorous, and well
fleshed np. S. B. Coa'i Care has done
its work rrell. -Loth of the children like
it. ' Your S I." Couglr Cure has cured
and kept away all hoarseness from me.
So give it to every. one, .with greetings
for all.' "Wishing you prosperity, we are
XOUrs, ' MB. & MBS. J. t. tOKD
If you wish to feel fresh and oheerful, and read
for tbe Spring's work, cleanse your system with
tbe Headache and Liver Cure, by taking two 01
three doses eaob. week.
Bold under a positive guarantee. : " '
- - 60 cents per bottle br all druggist.
John Pashek,
The Merchant Tailor,
Old Rftxiotry Building,
Washington Street, between Second
j bet. Second and Third,
aQtsTHaif just received the latest styles la
Suitings for Gentlemen,
and has a lara assortment of Portion r.nd Amer
lean Cloths w aich he can finlbli To Order for
tuoM that tavor uu. .. . . .
Cleaning and JJepairing a Specialty
Andrew Velarde
IS ' prepared to do any and all
kinds of work in his line at
reasonable figures. Has the
largest hortse moving outfit
in Eastern Oregon,
Address P.O.Box 181.The Dalles
Harry LiEBE,
All work promptly attended to,
- and warranted.
Can now be found at 162 Second
Pianos and Organs, Books,
Call and get bis prices. Sells PIAKOS on
easy monthly payments, and is prepared to meet
any COJSPJSHXIOK. ; , , ,-(. ,
162 Sscoiii St, THE DALLES, OR
yew York Weekly Tribune
a twentv-page journal, is the leading Republican family paper of the
United Stag. It is a NATIONAL FAMILY PAPER, and gives all
tbe general news of t-e United States. ' It gives the events of foreiga
lands in a nutshell. Its AGRICULTURAL department has no su
perior in tbe count? v. Its MARKET REPORTS are recognized au
thority. Separate departments for THE FAMILT CIRCLE, OUR
AND SOCIETY columns command tbe admiration of the wives and
daughters. It general political news, editorials and discussions are
. comprehensive, brilliant and. exhaustive.
Ostmla. lax .dyauoe. . '
(The regular subscription for the two papers is $2.50.)
Address all ordeis to PiTTT? DTSTTnT ."FT". "PTTRT .TSJTTTTTfT. f!V
Write your name and address on
Room 2, Tribune Building, New York
- JijBjMiis
:i press purpose of : faithfully representing The Dalles
and the surrounding country, and. the satisfying
effect of, its mission .is., everywhere apparent. It
now leads all other publications in Wasco, Sher
man, Gilliam, a large part of Crook, Morrow and
Grant counties, as. well as Klickitat and other re
gions, north-of. The , Dalles, hence it is the best
medium for advertiserst in the Inland Empire.
., The Daily, Chronicle is published every eve
ning in the week Sundays excepted at $6.00 per
annum. The Weekly Chronicle on Fridays of
each week at $1.50 per annum. . .
For advertising rates, subscriptions, etc., address
i : I : - ' 1
the. chronicle; publish uo.,
Tlie Dalles, Oreeon.
(Successors to L.
facturers -
A General Line of
Horse Furnishing Goods.
: Wholesale ani Retail Dealers in Harness, Bridles, fnins, Horse Blaniets, Etc.
; Full Assortment of Mexican Saddlery Plain or stamped. . ;
Pipe WorK, Jiii Rasaiis gRflyfioon
Chop on Third Street, ;next; do9r - west of Youkg A;tu8'
Blacksmith Shop. ' "
ns to offer this splendid ionrnal anal
a postal card, send it to George W. Best.
City, and a sample copy of THE NEW
mailed to you.
was established for the ex-
D. Frank deceased.) . .