The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, January 29, 1895, Image 3

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They JVTust Go
Stove Mat.
Is not the Time to Buy
To make room for new stock, and this
Hegardless t of t Prices.
Today Our
$18 to $20
These Prices are.
The Dalles Daily Ctoniele.
ntered a the Postofflce at The Dalles, Oregon
as second-class matter.
Clubbing List.
Regular Our
price price
ttrnieh ana S. I. Inlaw $2.50 $1.75
" aid Weekly Ortgwin .. ." 3.00 2.00
r aid Weekly Examiner....... 3.25 2.25
" Weekly Kew York World 2.25 2.00
Local Advertising
10 Ccuia cr line for first insertion, and 6 Cents
..... 1fnA t, V. 1 . I 41
Special rates for long time notices.
All local notices received later than 8 o'clock
will appear the following day.
TUESDAY, - - - JANUARY 29. 1895
teTi From the Notebook; of Chronicle
No show tonight.
Mr. W. H. Williams of 8-Mile
us a pleasant call today.
Hereon 1
rTIiss Annie Lang and M. J. Anderson
feach have a clerkship at Salem
"Job. rv refers & Co., have cordwood,
which ia desirable in all respects and
respectfully solicit your orders.
Mr. W. H. Bishop of Hood River has
taken a contract to build a church for
the Catholics at , Cascade Locks and
went to that place yesterday to begin
work thereon.
Mr. Gregory is teaching a singing
school at 8-Mile, having two classes, and
ia giving eminent satisfaction. Four
lessons are given a week, two to eachhjlrly were cast.
, - . . . x
Class, ana nattering progress is Deing
Uharley iowler, whose leg was acc
dentally broken yesterday, will probably
be confined to hia bed for some timi
The leg was broken in the upper third Jbf
the thigh. The accident was caused
running against a cow while coasting.
Do not forget that the young people of
the Congregational society invite their
friends to spend this evening with them
at the home of Mr. B. S. Huntington
Arrangements have been made to make
the evening a thoroughly enjoyable one.
We have received a communication
from Portland concerning the Y. P. S,
C. E. convention. The matter is well
put together and ia only refused apace
becauee it ia not sufficiently boiled down,
and it ia in such shape that we cannot
very well do the boiling.
Ice ia going into the ice house belong
ing to the Lombard Ice-Co. at Portland
at the rate of nearly two tone a minute.
It will be aeen from this that if the cold
weather holds a few days their big ice
houses, with a capacity for 16,000 tons,
will be filled to the top.
Elder J. H. Hazel ia engaged to apeak
every evening at the Christian church.
Hia subject last evening Was "Sanctifi
tion;" tonight he will discourse con-
- ltT 1 t 1 ' 1 1
cermng we uevii ; tomorrow mgui no
. will talk on "Hades Thuraday night
he will give the audience "Hell ;" Fri-
Wouldn't you rather have one now?
Overcoats will be
Overcoats will be
Overcoats will be
day night a talk on "Hypnotism ;" Sat
urday night "A Drowning Man Saved;"
Sunday morning "A Free for All Race,"
and Sunday evening "The Experience
of a Runaway."
A telegram from Bakersfield, Cal.,
yesterday, states that N. R. Packard,
ex-county clerk, had been indicted on
three charges of perjury and five for
embezzlement. This ia said by old resi
dents here to be the same man who at
one time was county clerk here and
skipped out with several serious charges
hanging over him.
If the town cow could be persuaded to
stay at home for a few days until the
coasting is over, it may save a few broken
bones. There is nothing for the gentle
creatures to eat unless they swipe a feed
or two from some farmer's sleigh, so we
fancy it would be no hardship to keep
the cows up a few days and give the
children a little freedom.
A bobsled on which Mr. F. T. Ryan
was coming down Union street last
night, upset and in the wreck some one
fell on Mr. Ryan, breaking the larger
bone of hia right leg six inches above the
ankle. The fracture was reduced bv Dr.
gan and though Mr. Ryan will be
confined to hia room for a while, time
will see him all right again.
There has been several disputes here
concerning Dolph'a actual vote. To
settle such differences of opinion we
would atate that Senator DolDh. while
having apparently only 42 votes, has in
reality 43. Owing to Representative
Scott's sickness, some member favorable
to Dolph has paired with him. so tha
neither vote was counted, and 88
a telenhone m fmm VfrA -r;
shortly after noon, stated that a regular
gale waa blowing there, and that the ice
in the slough waa breaking up in conse
le loss
quence thereof. It is to be hoped
this will not prove quite true as the
f 15,000 tona of ice or the handling of
that much will be felt. The work givea
employment to a large force of men for a
couple of weeks and that too when every
body ia idle, except for this kind of
work. " .
Special Tax Collector Harrison says
he finds sometimes that those to whom
he sends notices that their taxes are de
linquent, have receipts for the same,
and so make no reply. He urgently re
quests that in all tucli caeed that those
holding tiie receipts -notiiy tiim of the
fact cO thai the books can 1) ettaigiit-
euea up null propur credits given, other
wise these annoying duiid' aie liable to
bo rep.rat-d. An earnest flf rt is being
made to get tlie books crr'eu-d and it is
the duty of everj good citizen to assist
in the work.
Collector Blackman has sent Deputy
E.. L. Minis- at Pendleton a supply of
series 7, No. 21, income tax regulations.
A aupply of other blanks will soon fol
low, which will, be distributed to those
who are supposed to be liable to pay the
tax in this division. Hia division in
cludes all the territory east of the Cas
cade Locks, the counties being Urns-
marked $6.30.
marked $9.40.
marked $13.10.
Less than Cost.
tilla, Union, Baker, Crook, Gilliam,
Grant, Harney, Malheur, Wasco, Sher
man. These blanks contain extracts
from the law as well as instructions to
enable the person or corporation to com
ply with the law. The tax must be
paid by March 1st.
M. A. Fredenburg of Mt. Hood called
Tuesday. He eaid a foot of snow fell
there on Tuesday night. In referring to
the trouble with Francisco, Mr. Freden
burg stated that when he bought the
land at sheriff's sale Francisco agreed to
vacate, but afterwards changed his
mind and claimed the right to hold pos
session. Mr. Fredenburg had no objec
tions to hia remaining on the place, but
Francisco was Jvery abusive and object
ed to him doing any work on the place,
and hindered the work by all means in
his power. The Fredenburgs then called
upon the law to give them what they
considered to be their rights in the
premises, but they found the old saying
too true that "possession ia nine pointa
of the law" and that it ia a hard matter
to get control of property bought and
paid for if another holda possession and
wants to act ugly, as they claim Fran
cisco did. Glacier.
Infrlngment Salts.
The Western Electric Company, of
Chicago, on December 10, brought suit
in the federal court at Springfield, 111.,
against the Decatur Telephone Exchange
for an accounting. The Decatur ex
change ia about to begin business with
the instrument manufactured by the
Harrison Telephone Company. "' An in
gement of patent ia claimed.
he Western Electric Company baa
so brought auit tor inmngement
gainst several other companies in differ
nt Darts of the United States. .The
Western Electric Company is a sub-corn
- f'
pany of the American Bell Telephone
ompany, and does most of their manu
facturing. t-t-a
Senator Batev'l Bill.
Senator Raley'a Eastern Oregon insane
asylum bili carries an appropriation of
$140,000, which is theoretically the same
$140,000 left out of the original ap
propriation made last session, of $165,
000 after the $25,000 for the land has
been taken oat. It does away with the
building commission as contemplated in
the original act and puts the work in
the hands 6f the governor, secretary ot
state and state treasurer, aa the asylum
Masquerade Ball.
The Woodmen and Workmen will give
a grand masquerade ball the evening of
February 22d. There will be four hand
some prizes, one each for the best bus
tained character lady and gentleman.
one each for the best and handsomest
costume. The ball promises to be the
finest ever held in the city, and if all the
members, of these prominent ordera tarn
out there will be a crowd large enough to
fill to overflowing any hall in the city.
A girl as an apprentice. Apply at
Mrs. Forwood'e dressmaking parlora, the
former Gilhousen gallery on Uourt street
10e each. Forme price, 50e.
Use, as a general thing, just on top of
etove. If great heat is . required,- use
without the stove lid.
No stirring required for oat meal, milk,
rice, custards, blanch mange, jellies,
butters, catsups, apple sauce, etc., etc.
In fact, nothing will burn on it. Coffee
will not boil over if the pot is on the
mat ; bread toasts nicely on it. Trv it
and be convinced. For the nursery
there is nothing equal to heat the milk
and food for the baby. If a grate fire,
lay the mat on the open fire. If the
mat becomes soiled, do not wash or
scrape, but turn the soiled part next to
fire, and burn until clean.
Dolph Neither Gains Nor Loses, Bat
Holds His 42.
The vote today shows no material
change; it ia as follows: Dolph 42,
Hare 10, Hermann 7, Weatherford 8,
Lord 5, Moore 2, Williams 10, Lowell 3,
Barkley 1, paired Scott and Conn. The
situation seems to have resolved itself
into dead lock, as far as Dolph is con
cerned. It is quite probable that the
bolting republicans will not be particu
lar as to who else it may be, and the
silver question will be largely lost sight
of if Dolph is eliminated from the fight.
It is not probable that either side will
yield, at least until the close of the ses
sion, and only then in case the Dolph
men find some man for whom they can
vote. The fight bids fair to last the
whole session.
In thia city, Jan. 28, 1895, by Justice
L. S. Davis, Mies Lillian M. Phipps to
Mr. J. 11. McUoy, late ot Uatur.
When Baby Teas sick, we gave her Castoria.
When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria.
When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria.
When she had Children, she gave them Castoria,
125 Milk St, Boston, Mass.
Thia company owns Letters Patent
No. 463.569, granted to Emile Berliner
November 17. 1891, for a combined tele
graph and telephone, and controls Let
ters Patent sso. 44.231, grantea to xnoa.
A. Edison May 3. 1892,. for a speaking
telegraph, which Patents cover funda
mental inventions and embrace all forma
of microphone transmitters and of car
bon telephonea. jan28 -
Watches, Clocks, Jewelry
Oregon Railway A Navigation Company
watcn Mepaircr ua .inspector.
Repairing; of Fine Watches at Specialty
108 Second St., THE DALLES, OR
Notice is hereby given that the undersigned
has been duly appointed by the Honorable
County Court lor Wasco county. Oregon, aa ad'
minus tra tor of the estate of Mary M. Gordon, de
ceased. All persona having claims against said
estate are notified to present the same, properly
verified to me at my residence neer Tveh. V alley.
Wasco county, Oregon, or at the office of my
attorneys, uurur at aieneiee.
Dated The Dalles, Oregon, December 28, 1891.
Administrator of the estate of Mary M. Gordon,
deceased. aecareDzo.
Subscribe for The Chkoiticxz.
We are doubling our Store Room to make
room for new Goods, and our present stock
has, to go. Everything in the shape of
Physician and Surgeon,
All professional calls promptly attende
i, day and night. aprl4
who care to pay a little more than the cost
of ordinary trade cigarettes will find the
Made from the highest cost Gold Leaf
grown in Virginia, and are
Look Here.
This ia January 10, 1895. Have you
got any of Wasco connty'a warranta reg
istered prior to Feb. 1, 1891? They will
be paid if presented at my office. In
terest ceases after Jan. 10, 1895.
Wm. Michelx,
Countv Treasurer.
this space. Keep
Thia well-known Brewery la now turning out the beat Beer and Porte
east of the Cascades. The latest appliances for the manufacture of good health
ful Beer have been introduced, and ony the flrat-class article will be placed oa
be market.
Register U. S. Land Office, 1S90-1S9J.
Business Before the United States Land
Office at Specialty.
Wells Block, Main St., Vancouver, Clarke Co
Washington. novl
A Long
Strifigr of Fish
if) u.r
Is not Carried'
up a Side Street.
It's just about as important
to let folks know that we've
got extra fine Hams and Ba
con,Eastern Buckwheat Flour,
genuine Maple Syrup. The
Finest Coffee in town. , A fine
lot of New Breakfast Foods.
1) m
For all those who calljon
us we have bargains in Fine
Goods; for those who don't,
Ask Central for 62.
& CO. will occupy
your eyes open.