The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, January 26, 1895, Image 3

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ey Wast Go
n s
-TV- 'l
Stove Mat.
Is not the Time to Buy
, To make room for new stock, and this
vv oma
Today Our
$10.00 Overcoats will be
$14.00 Overcoats will be
$18 to $20 Overcoats will be
These Prices 3JT6
The Dalles Patty Ghf oniele.
ntered a tbe Postoffice at The Dalles, Oregon
as second-class matter.
Clubbing List.
Regular Our
price price
hronicle and 5, Y.'Tribnne. $2.50 $1.75
nd Weekly Oregonian 3.00 2.00
" and Weellj Eiamiwr . 3.25 2.25
" Weekly Jew York World 2.25 2.00
Local Advertising-.
10 Ceuu per line for first insertion, and 6 Cents
.er line for each subsequent Insertion.
8pecial rates for long time notices.
All local notices received later than S o'clock
trill appear the following day.
SATURDAY, - - JANUARY 25, 1895
Leaves From the Notebook of Chronicle
Sisters . .
Monday and
Tuesday nights.
The weather prediction for tomorrow
is warmer.
Local teachers' institute at Dufur on
Feb. 8th and 9th. Program will be pub
lished next week.
' Jos. T. Peters & Co., have cord wood,
which is desirable in all respects and
respectfully solicit your orders.
The only real estate . transaction re
corded up to noon today, was a deed to a
right of way for a ditch, given by the
heirs of Win. O'Dell to William Ehrck,
, over property in Hood River valley.
There, is quite a feeling here'that it
will be Dolph will be nobody.
That he is reasonably sure to hold his
caucus vote, and that his supporters vill
stay by him unwaveringly to the end.
A new dark horse has 'suddenly
been sprung in the senatorial fight.
- Last night some of Col. Sinnott's friends
gathered at the Umatilla House, and
after going into caucus, pledged him
three votes. The Col. took his honors
with becoming modesty, while the other
fellows took theirs straight.
Sheriff . Driver arrived home from
Salem last night. He tells us the ecene-f
in the state house is wild and hilarious
when the ballot for senator is being
taken, the lobby being jammed full of
excited humanity. He adds that th
Dolph supporters seem to tafce tne mat
. ter quietly .and are all apparently cer
tain of eventually winning.
A letter from Mr. J. E. Snow, post
master at Dayville, to Capt. John Yt
Lewis, under date of Jan. 21st, says'
"We are having beautiful winter wea
ther. A little snow squall once in I
while, but it goes right off. In fact we
have had no snow to lay a week, below
the timber line, and it is as good a win
ter as I ever saw here." All of which
shows that our stockmen are getting
along nicely, and that there will be no
- loss to amount to anything daring the
Wouldn't you rather have one now?
And .Holds
His 48 Votes, the
Go Scattering-.
The vote at Salem today showed no
change as far as Dolph was concerned,
but was otherwise badly scattered. . The
democrats changed their vote from Ben
nett, giving ex-Senator Weatherford
their full vote. The populists stuck to
Hare with 10 votes, Moore fell from 11
yesterday to 5, Hermann lost2 from yes
terday, scoring only 8, ex-Attorney Gen
eral Williams got 4, Lord 2, Lowell 4,
Tongue 1, Barkley 3, Simon 1, absent 2.
The fight will be now transferred to
Portland for one day, and if on the con
vening of the legislature Monday the
matter in not definitely settled, the
chance for a deadlock will be very good.
Preaching at the Christian church to
morrow at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. by
Rev. J. H. Hazel. : Sunday school at 10
m., Christian Endeavor at 6:30 p. ra.
The Baptist church, Rev. Q. D. Taylor
pastor, will hold services at 11 o'clock
tomorrow morning; subject, "Freedom
Every Man's Right. AH not worship
ping elsewhere are cordially invited.
Sunday school follows the morning ser
vice. No service in tbe evening.
Methodist Episcopal church, Rev. J.
Whisler pastor Preaching and revival
services, conducted by Evangelist Wood
at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m.: Sunday
school after morning service; Junior
League at 5":30 p.m. ; Epworth League
at 6 :30 p. m. ; class meeting Sunday at 10
a. m. uevivai services every evening
during the week," except Saturday. All
are cordially welcomed.
The Congregational church , corner
of Court and Fifth street Sunday ser
vices as follows : At 11 in the morn
ing, and at 7 -.30 in the 'evening
worship, and a sermon by the- pas?
tor, W. C. Curtis. Sunday school
immediately after the morning service
and meeting of the Young People's
Society of Christian Endeavor at 6 :30 p.
m. Topic, Accepting Christ;- . Rev.,
xxii :1-17. ' All persons not worshipping
elsewhere are cordially invited.
Tea They Will.
The young people of .the Congrega
tional society will receive their friends
and the friends of the church at tbe
home of B. S. Huntington, next Tuesday
evening. They propose to furnish their
friends with something new in the way
of a church sociable. .
When Baby was sick, -we gave her Castoria. .
When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria.
When she became Hiss, she clung to Castoria.
When she had Children, she gave them Castoria.
. Gawl fac stla-
Parties wanting fresh milk cows can
obtain them by calling on A. Fields at
his place near Crate's point. . j2S-tf
marked $6.30.
marked $9.40.
marked $13.10.
Less than Cost.
'& MAYS.
Mitchell Notes.
What I shall do this week in the way
of news is bothering me somewhat.
There has not been- a man drunk this
week that I know .of, and not a fight.
Everything is quiet and prosperous."
But we always have weather in its vari
ous degrees of severity, wjich we can
boast of just a little. We have no snow
near us, but seven miles to the east
there are about six inches, and the same
distance to the south there are three
feet. ' Our nights are cold enough to
freeze, but our days are splendid.
Stock on the range is looking very
well,, and sheep are being fed but little.
Tbe hymeneal charmer visited us last
week, and N. Magee and Anna Gage
cast their lots in the matrimonial lottery
of life. Both are well known here.
Magee is our city marshal ; his wife has
grown up with us from a little tot. We
wish them well.
The dancing school is making some
improvement in the general appearance
of the dances, which pleases them, for
you know the 14th of next month will
soon be here, and every one wants to do
their best. '
A very pleasant surprise came to Us
last week in the form of Miss Laura
Sassier. She had been gone -from us
more than a year, and we were glad to
have her with us again.
A social dance given by the Progres
sive club is one of. tne features or to
night's amusements.
Zy.Z. Cozart came near having serious
trouble with his team, which took fright
within half a mile of -J. E, Keys' place
and ran into a barb fence near the
house, upsetting the buggy and throw
ing Cozart to the gronnd on one shoal
der slightly braising it. The horses be
ing tangled in the fence, the next thing
to be done was to get them ; but no
sooner done than off they go for another
race of two miles on their backtrack
soon tney were overtaken, ana but a
few scratches and alight braises were to
their disadvantage.
A law. suit came up in the justice
court of tnis-place one day last week for
trepa88, Butterfield plaintiff and Shoe
maker -defendant. ' The jury was out
aliout twelve to fourteen hours, and yet
they did not agree. A new hearing was
to be bad today,. but plaintiff failed to
v T7 TT
put in an appearance.
E. V. E.
Mitchell, Jan. 21, 1895.
Almost a Jail Break.
A jail break was frustrated last night
through the watchfulness of John Fitz-
aid the janitor of the courthouse,
night before last he heard some suspic
ious noises about the jail, and kept a
close watch to nnd out wnat was going
On, but discovered nothing. Last night
he was on the look oat and his persever
ance was rewarded. Hearing a noise in
the corridor of the jail, he opened the
door and made an examination. He
discovered : that Tom Moore and Jim
.Williams the parties eerrt nr from the
Cascade Locks,-charged -with robbing
Catea & Leavens' store, had cut one. of
the bars of their cell door, and bent it to
one side so that they could get into the
10e eaeh. Former price, 50e.
U8e, As a general thing, just on top of
Btove. If great heat is required, use
without the stove lid.
No stirring required for oat meal, milk,
rice, custards, blanch 'mange, . jellies,
butters, catsups, apple Bauce, etc., etc,
In fact, nothing will burn on it. Coffee
will not boil over if the pot is on the
mat ; bread toasts, nicely on it. Try it
and be convinced. For the nursery,
there is nothing equal to heat the milk
and food for the baby. If a grate fire.
lay the mat on ' the open. fire. If the
mat becomes eoiied, do not waBh or
scrape, but turn the soiled part .next to
fire, and burn until clean.
corridor. When he entered the men
had got back into their cell. He only
made examination enough to eee .that
they could not - get out and then
went after Deputy Sheriff Kelley. Get
ting back in a few moments, they made
another examination of the jail, and
then proceeded to take care of Williams
and Moore, who were "brought out,
searched and accommodated with some
extra irons and another cell. The search
brought to light a . piece of fine saw
blade about six inches long, fastened to a
piece of wood for, a handle. With this
the bar had been cut, and at the back
grated door a piece had been cut out large
enough to permit a hand to be reached
through. ; They had sawed the link of
the' padlock off on one side, and. if they
had been given half fan hour more would
have severed the other and gained their
freedom. V , :
Mr." Fitzgerald has been'at the court
house, for a number of years, and has
proved to be a careful and competent
man. He, deserves especial credit for
putting a spoke in the burglars' wheel
last night. The other prisoners had
nothing to do with the attempted break."
Shiloh's Cure is sold on a guarantee.
It 'cures incipient Consumption. It rs
the best cough cure. Only one cent a
dose 25ct8., 50cts., and $1.00.
. - Wanted. - ' '
A girl as an apprentice. Apply' at
Mrs. Forwood's dressmaking parlors, the
former Gilhousen gallery on Court street.
Moniay anfl ; TaesSay Evbiubes,
JANTJABY 28 and 29, 1895. :
. Supported by W. 8. FORD'S
Company iof Players. -
Monday Evening. ... . J ."Drifted Apart"
Tuesday Evening a double bill ,
"My Uncle's Will," followed Dy
Augustine Daly's comedy drama .
"Frou Frou"
Seats on sale at Blakeley & Hough
ton's Drugstore.
Watches, Clocks, Jewelry
Oiec Hallway A Navigation Company
Watch Repairer na lnspeetor.
Repairing of y tne Watches a Specialty.
lOG Second St., THE DALLES, OR.
We are doubling our Store Room to make
room for new Goods, and our present stock
'has to go. Everything in the shape of
Physician and Surgeon, ;
gUt All professional calls promptly attende
to, day and night. apr!4
who care to pay a little more than the cost
of ordinary trade cigarettes will find the
Made from the highest cost Gold Leaf
grown in Virginia, and are
Look Here.
- This is January 10, 1895. Have yon
got any of Wasco county's-warrants reg
istered prior to Feb. 1 891 ? They will
be paid if presented at "my office. In
terest ceases after Jan. 10, 1895.
' Wm. Michell,
.""-,:: County Treasurer.
E. J. COLLINS & CO. will occupy
this space. Keep your eyes open. .
L" . This well-known Brewery is now turning oat the best Beer and Porter
east of the Cascades. The latest appliances for the manufacture of good health,
ful Beer have been introduced, and ony the firrt-claM article will be placed on
he market.-. - ' ' ' ,
Register V. B. Land Office, 1890-1S94.
Business Before tie United States Land
Office a Specialty.
Wells Block, Main St., Vancouver, Clarke Co
Washington. novlS
A Long
String of Fish
Is not Carried
up a Side Street.
It's just about as important
to let folks know that we've
got extra fine Hams and Ba
con,Eastern Buckwheat Flour,
genuine Maple Syrup. The
Finest Coffee in town. A fine
lot of New Breakfast Foods.
, For all those who calif on
us we have bargains in Fine
Goods; for those who don't,
sympathy. v
Ask Central for 62.