The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, January 23, 1895, Image 3

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ust Go
Is not the Time to Buy
To make room, for: new stock, and this
HegMless :t of s Mees.
Today Our
$18 to $20
These Prices are
The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
ntered a the Postoffioe at The Dalles, Oregon
as second-class matter.
Clubbing List.
Regular Onr
price price
tVrnitfe aid 5. T. ttiitu. .$250 $1.75
" ni Wwklj Orrgsaiu 3.00 2.00
" a Vssklj EiiBiBer 3.25 2.25
" ' Weekly Hew York Wrli 2.25 2.00
Local Advertising. .
10 Cents per line for first insertion, and 6 Cents
oer line for each subsequent insertion.
8pecial rates for long time notices.
All local notices received later than 8 o'clock
rpi appear the following day.
Leaves From tbe Notebook of Chronicle
Senator George C. Perkins of Califor
nia has been elected to succeed himself.
. There wi?l be preaching in the
Christian church tonight. All are in
vited to attend.
Delinquent taxes are coming-in brisk
ly, but there are still a large number
owing for '92 and '93.
Jos. T. Peters & Co., have cord 'wood,
which is desirable in all respects and
respectfully solicit your orderB.
A telegram from Salem this morning
announced the death of. Alexander Mc
Neil at the insane' asylum- there last
The assessment for school district No.
12 is completed. The total value of
property assessed is $1,280,370, which is
$133,000-- less than the reassessment
last year.
v -ipe telephone ana telegraph' wires
have been used freely lately, the extra
, . ...
easiness Deing questionings, remon
strances and pleadings, all directed tow
' ards some of our legislators. .
There was a battle royal in the East
EnTeBterday between two irate indi
viduala, who were old enough to know
better. The fight was Marquis of Get-
there rules, but neither of them was
much hurt.
In giving the vote for senator yester
day we stated that Speaker Moores re
ceived the twenty-two votes: cast by the
anti-Dolph republicans. It should have
been F. A. Moore, one of the ' members
of the supreme .court.
, The committee appointed by the city
council to recommend . any needed
changes in the city charter has not yet
reported, and unless a special meeting is
called, cannot report until the regular
meeting, February 3d.
Tbe supreme court baa decided that
the purchase of the refineries of other
sugar companies by the American Sugar
.company was not a contract in restraint
of trade, and that, Buch action did not
create a trust. Sugar is king.
A letter was received from Mr. John
Woods, a former resident pf this city
and who is now in the evangelistic
Wouldn't you rather have one now?
Overcoats will be
Overcoats will be
Overcoats will be
work, stating that he expects to arrive
here tomorrow and commence a series
of meetings with tbe Methodist people
tomorrow night.
Wm. Fay, a resident of this city, and
Wm. 'Rogers of Hood River were sent to
the asylum yesterday. Fay was born in
Kansas, and has an idea that he has in
vented a flying machine, while Rogers
is -simply morose and- of suicidal inclina
tions. There will be a meeting of the legal
voters of school district No. 12, at the
Court street brick scboolhouse, Saturday
afternoon, next, at 2 o'clock, for the pur
pose of voting a tax. The financial
statement is being prepared by the clerk
and will be published tomorrow.
I have made up my mind to keep
out of politics until I have a sack," re
marked a Pendleton young man after
reading the dispatches relative to the
senatorial elections in Washington and
Oregon, "and then I'll get in and buy a
seat in the United States senate."
Brother Jackson, of - the Pendleton
East Oregonian, is a versatile chap.
Monday as receiver - of the Pendleton
National bank he declared a dividend of
25 cents on the dollar, and then went
out in the street and had a fight. It is
to be hoped that in the latter he settled
in full..
In explanation of tbe position of the
senatorial election at Salem it may be
said that Dolph was not elected yester
day, because he did not receive a major
ity of the votes in both houses. Under
the provisions of the constitution, the
senate and house will meet in joint ses
sion at noon today and if Senator Dolph
then has a majority, which his present
vote will give him, he will be elected.
The death of Alex. McNeal, which we
iote elsewhere as occurring at the insane
faeylum, happened near Brooks station.
It seems that he escaped from the asylum
Monday night. ' His death was caused
by exposure, his body being found yes-.
rday evening. - He was about 50 years
of Age and was sent from- ibis place in
December 1889. The unfortunate man
leaves a wile and several children, and
one brother, all at present residing here
Tbe Tittell sisters will be here Mon
day and Tuesday, putting "Frou Frou"
and "My Uncle's Will" on the boards
the first night and "M'liss" Tuesday
These charming young actresses are
quite well known to many of our people.
having played the leading parts at Cor
dray's,, in, Pprtland, for several years,
though never before appearing before i
Dalles audience. The Orchestra Union
deserves to be liberally patronized and
encouraged in their efforts to present to
The Dalles a series of first-class plays,
Be on hand, and get your reserved seats
at uiakeley & Houghton's.
When Baoy was sick, we gave her Castoria.
When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria.
When she became Hiss, she clung to Castoria.
When she had Children, she gave them Castoria.
marked $6.30.
marked $9.40.
marked $13.10.
Less than Cost.
Dolph Lacks 1 That Many of Having;
Majority Moofe Gets Seventeen.
In the joint session today the anti-
Dolph movement gained - strength and
cut the senator's- vote down three votes
from yesterday. The ballot resulted as
follows : Dolph 44, Moore 17, Hare 10,
Lord 5, Bennett 8, Williams 1, Hermann
; absent 1.
The joint session was to be re-con
vened at 3 o'clock.
Boyd Items.
Saturday eve the MacCulloch Literary
Society, which meets at Liberty school
house every Saturday evening, had a
very interesting time. One of the chief
features was a speech by J. D. Bell on
the question of Woman's Suffrage, which
was recently the subject for debate in
the society. A lecture on Astronomy,
by an old teacher, was appreciated by
all. The subject for debate next Satur
day evening is "Resolved, That Water
is More Destructive Than Fire."
Sleighriding and coasting are receiv
ing a fair snare of attention from old
and young. - .
Poplar Grove school, under the man
agement of, P. P. Underwood, is in nour
ishing condition. Sixteen young folks,
between the ages of 11 and 23 years, are
making things lively about there, especi
allly when they can't agree whether the
plow or the printing press is the more
useful invention ; or whether Decatur
commanded the American fleet in the
war with Algiers or in the war with
Tripoli, or whether he ever comman-led
any fleet at all, or hot.
We will not chronicle any weddings
until the lilies bloom, and hope to re
port no deaths oh account of the sweep
ing broom.
J. B. Havely killed a half dozen nice
bogs Monday.
Mr. Mahn's orchard is getting a long
and much-needed pruning, and the old
pioneer is as spry as usual.
Nobody is much sick and no one been
drunk for quite a while. May we have
some more sleigh-rides?' Avy.
The Common Schools.
The Recorder is opposed to any and
every form of taxation where the few are
benefited at the expense of the many
It is therefore opposed to state aid being
given to , any institution of learning ex.
cept -our common schools, as in tbe
latter institutions is where at least 90
per cent of our children receive all the
schooling they ever get, and as our
public school system is now such that it
affords all the youth of the state the
means of securing an education that will
fit them for the ordinary vocations of
life, we consider -that every dollar ex
pended, by the state fox educational par-'
poses should go to them, and that every
dollar of the people's - money that is ap
propriated for the higher institutions of
learning, is: robbing 90 children "out of
every 100 for thebenefit of the other 10.
If all the money that .the-state expends
for school purposes was given directly to
the1 common schools, it would - greatly
Order your CORD
WOOD from us. We
have Choice Dry FIR,
and deliver all orders
increase their usefulness as educators of
the masses, aud if any child desired to
pursue his studies beyond where the
common schools reach, he or his parents
should pay for it and not deprive nine
other children of part of their rights for
the benefit ot this one. Elgin Recorder.
. A Merry Party.
Mies Heppner entertained about thirty
of her young friends at her . home, last
evening. As a result of a very lively
game of progressive domino wbiat, Mr.
Charles Clark succeeded in securing first
prize; and after much vexation, Mr.
Fred Wilson won the. booby, a bright
looking little owl. Refreshments were
then, served,' after which came music
and dancing. When the hour arrived
for departure, all expressed themselves
as having passed one of the most delight'
ful evenings of tbe winter.
Mr'. W. R. Winans came up from
Hood River today.
Dr. Sanders, who has been visiting in
the East for some time arrived home
this morning.
He I wonder when you will be able
to set as good a table as my mother
does? She By the time you are able to
provide as good a table as your father
does, my dear. Burlington (la.) Ga
When Senator Gorman was asked
what he thought of the new and spring
ing friendship between Cleveland and
Hill he only shook his head in an evil
way smiled, and said nothing.
"Say, Jack, what is the capital of
Switzerland?" Jack (who has just re
turned from abroad) Why, the money
they get from travelers, of course. Bos
ton Bulletin. -
Chauncey M. Depew is in hot water,
He said the other day that most preach
ers abused the half-rate privilege, and
now the preachers demand that he eat
his words.
' said the boy, "what is in
"Insolvent," was the reply,
"is merely along word used to describe a
short condition." Washington Star.
Ex. Governor Waite tells the people of
Chicago that out in his state some of the
bankers charge as high as 24 per cent in
terest, and he complains he' doesn't like
Shiloh's Cure is sold on a guarantee.
It cures incipient Consumption. It is
the best cough cure. Only one cent a
dose 25cts., 50cts., and $1.00.
Tbe Judge l nope l shall not see . you
here again. Prisoner (who is arrested
weekly) Not see me? . Why, yer ain't
goin to resign yer 'position, are yer?
Troth....;. ;: -
: Karl's Clover Root; the great, blood
purifier gives freshness and - clearness to
the complexion and cures constipation
25 cts., Wets.. $1.00' -
. He Is the ill-mannered: person who
just left the room a stranger- here?
Hostess Almost ; be is my hmsband.
We are doubling our Store Room to make
room for new G-oods, and our present stock
has to go. Everything in the shape of
GliOTfllflG FOR
Physician and Surgeon,
All professional calls promptly attends
, day and night. . . apr!4
who care to pav a little more than the cost
of ordinary trade cigarettes will .find the
Made from the highest cost Gold Leaf
grown in Virginia, and are
All city warrants registered prior to
February 3, 1892, are now due and pay
able at my office. Interest ceases after
this date. I. I. Bubget, City Treas.
Dated Dalles City, Janfl. 1895.
Andrew Kellar
cottage to rent -
E. J. COLLINS & CO. will occupy
this space. Keep your eyes open.
This well-known Brewery is now turning out the best Beer "and Porter
east of the Cascades. ; The latest appliances for the manufacture of good health
ful Beer have been introduced, and ony the first-class, article will be placed on
hemarkfttU--' . .,- .?, . , -.!. ' '- - ;-
Register V. 8. Land Office, 1890-1894.
Business Before the United States Land
Office a Specialty.
Wells Block, Main St., Vancouver, Clarke Co
Washington. noylS
A Long
String1 of Fish.
Is not Carried
up a Side Street.
It's just about as important
to let folks know that we've
got extra fine Hams and Ba
con,Eastern Buckwheat Flour,
genuine Maple Syrup. The
Finest CofFeein town. A fine
lot of New:JBreakfast Foods.
For all those who callon
us we have bargains in Fine
Goods; for those who don't,
Ask Central for 62.