The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, January 21, 1895, Image 3

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    Tlaey VIust Go
Is not the Time to Buy
To make room for new stock, and this
Kegeif dless t of $ Priees.
Today Our.
$10.00 Overcoats will be
$14.00 Overcoats will be
$18 to $20 Overcoats will be
These Prices are
The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
rite red a the Postofflce at The Dalles, Oregon
as second-class matter.
Clubbing List.
Regular Our
price price
Chronicle and 5. I. Tribiaa. ........ .$2.50 $1.75
" ul Wetklj OrcgMui 3.00 2.00
s " aid Weekly Eiamiaer 3.25 2.25
' Wetklj Sew York Worli 2.25 2.00
Local Advertising.
10 Ceiita per line for first insertion, and 6 Cents
oer line for each subsequent Insertion.
Special rates for long time notices.
All local notices received later than 8 o'clock
4 will appear the following day.
MONDAY, - - JANUARY 21, 1895
Intel From the Notebook of Chronicle
Bead M. Hony will's ad. on front page
of this issue.
Cider J. W. Jenkins preached yester
at the Methodist church.
Maine raised more corn to the acre
last year than any other state in the
A slight fall of enow last night was not
needed, bat it came just the same, and
some more of it came today.
Jos. T. Peters & Co., bare cord wood,
which is desirable in all respects and
respectfully solicit your orders.
The sheriff sold property of C. P. Fogh
and wife this afternoon to satisfy a
mortgage in favor of Chas Bnrchtorf.
A young man named Travers, a recent
arrival at Hood River, died there this
morning. He was about 25 years of age
; and leaves a wife to mourn his loss.
Captain Sweeney, U. S. A., San Diego,
Cal.. Rftvn ; "Shilnh'a Catarrh Ramed
is the first medicine I have ever found
that would do me any good." Price 50c
The next attraction at the Baldwin I
Opera House will be the Tittell Sisters, a
nrt .Tot, Oftl-h arA OQf V. TWw TTt1ii 1
'My Uncle's
Will" and "Frou-Froa," first night and.'
"M'liss" second night. ' i
But one deed was filed for record to
day. It was from Miss Helen Mead,, 'of
Los Angeles, Cal., to H. H. Benedict of
the same place, and to the following des
cribed property : The e)4 of sec. 21,TjT
11 n, r 14 e; consideration, $5.
In going through the swinging doors
, at the postoffice, follow the rule about
teams passing on the highways, and
pieep to the right, otherwise you may
get your nose bumped, or what, is much
more unjust because it is no fault of the
other fellow's, may bump somebody
M. V. Harrison, special tax collector,
arrived up from Hood River today, and
will be found at the county courtroom
until Saturday noon. There are now
$30,000 of delinquent taxes on the roll,
which the county count is determined to
collect. A prompt settlement will prob
ably save considerable costs and much
Wouldn't you rather have one now ?
The crop report of the statistician of
the department of agriculture for 1894,
issued Jan. 10th of this year, shows that
South Dakota, although appealing to the
country for aid, raised enough to more
than eupply its own people. Of corn,
the product was 1,490,345 bushels and of
wheat 15,934,255 bushels.
Dr. Brosius and Constable Olinger of
Hood River came up on the local this
afternoon, bringing with them W. D.
Rogers, a young man of that place, who
is insane. He was examined as soon as
he arrived by Judge Blakeley and Dr.
Brosius, and will be sent to the asylum
tomorrow. His hallucination is that his
relatives want to injure him and he has
a suicidal tendency.
' Testimony is being taken at the office
of Huntington & Wilson before referee
J. M. Huntington, in the case of Peter
Gotfrey against W. S. Myers and T. J.
Driver as sheriff. The suit is brought to
enjoin the enforcement of a judgment in
the case of Myers against Gotfrey. The
contention is that the date in the copy of
the summons served on Gotfrey was
different from that in the original sum
mons. As the copy in dispute is lost
there are a number of affidavits filed to
prove what it contained.
The crop report for the year 1894,
issued by the department of agriculture
a few days ago, gives the following
as the values ot the year's crop:
Com, $544,719,162; wheat, $225,902.25;
oats, $214,816,920; barley, $27,134,127;
rye, $13,394,476; buckwheat, $7,040,238;
potatoes, $91,526,787; hay, 468,578,321;
tobacco, 27,760,739. One would hardly
think that the oat crop of the United
States .was nearly as valuable as the
wheat crop, or that the bay was double
the-value of either, yet such is the case'
i ;
A. Small Runaway.
There was quite a lively runaway yes
terday afternoon, the team belonging to
Ward & Kerns. A tug came loose, and
wVi pn tViA ppntlomfln vho viifl ririvinar
paesed the Unes over to the lady who
was enjoying the ride with him, while
he got oat to fasten it, he little thought-!.001
that the sleieh ride was zoinz to end
right there, bat it did. One of the
horses kicked with one foot, doing no
damage, except to shatter the confidence
of the lady who had the lines, who
dxopped them and jumped
out. The
The dam-
horseslfls.out for the stable.
age was slight.
When Baby was sick, we gave her Castoria.
When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria.
When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria.
When ahe had Children, she gave them Castoria.
He Fraulein Dora, your lips are like
ripe ' cherries. She Are you fond of
cherries? Humoristische Blaetter.
Karl's Clover Root will purify your
Blood, clear your Complexion, regulate
your Bowels and make your head clear
as a bell. 25c, 50c, and $1.00.
marked $6.30.
marked $9.40.
marked $13.10.
Less than Cost,
Snow, and Old Recollections.
In the winter of 1851-52, the writer
hereof, with three other young men,
were prospecting in California, and
finally brought up at Mississippi Bar,
North Y uba, where we located a river
claim of 1200 feet of river bed. We
built a log cabin and sent one of our
party, Gideon Brooks, to Marysville, 57
miles distant, for a year's supplies, while
the other three finished the cabin and
opened bar diggings. Mr. Brooks, who
went after the provisions, got snow
bound, and so were we, as there fell
about nine feet of snow on the level, and
as we knew nothing about snow-shoes,
we waited for a thaw. In the mean
while we lived on beans straight, as
that was all we bad. No salt, no sugar,
no flour, no tobacco, "no nothing" but
beans, on "which we lived for twenty
eight days, by which time the snow and
everything else but the everlasting taste
of beans had lost their terrors, and we
determined to get out, as death was
preferable by any other route than the
bean line. So we started. We waded,
rolled and traveled in the creek beds
until we got three miles, late at night,
to Hampshire mill, where we were met
with the cheerful information that they
bad nothing to eat but beais. As we
were not anguishing for that kind of
diet, we followed their advice to keep
on, which we did to Pine Grove, about
two miles further, where we arrived at
about midnight, weary, wet and hungry
for anything bat beans. The landlady
kindly got oat of bed and went to work
getting us one of the finest suppers it
was ever my good fortune to surround
There were bacon, hot biscuits and
coffee, to which you may be sure we did
ample justice.
Next morning, finding we could buy
supplies, we Btocked up. For flour we
'paid $1 per pound, bacon $1.25, coffee
$2, tobacco $2, powder $3 for one pound
can, lead 75 cent per pound, and gun
caps $3 per hundred. After making our
packs of 75 pounds per man, we started
down the mountain, and arrived at oar
cabin at about 6 p. m, pretty well tired
but in good spirts. One of the boys
remarked: "Wait until Bpring and
we'll take out the dust," which we did
to the amount of $3,000 each.
Pioneer of 1849.
A New Enterprise.
Mr. Douglas S. Dufurf The Dalles,
Or., and Fred D. Hill of Portland, Or
will form a co-partnership on the 1st of
February, 1895, for the purpose of con
ducting an expert Stenographing, Type
writing, and Mimeographing business. In
addition to the above they will also con
duct a general real-estate, fire-insur
ance, abstract of land titles, collection
loans, and conveyancing business, and
will open their 'office in the Bettingen
building, corner of' Court and Second
streets. Both are young men, well and
favorably known in this community
Mr. Dufar is the pvesent incumbent
in the recorder's chair, and his ability
as a type-writer and business man is
sufficiently known in this community
Order your CORD
WOOD from us. We
have Choice Dry FIR,
and deliver all orders
to need no farther comment or recom
Mr. Fred D. Hill, is the ex-official
stenographer and type-writer for the
government at the Pine Ridge Indian
Agency, and he is a pronounced expert
stenographer and type-writer, having
recommendations from some of the lead
ing men of the United States.
This firm will endeavor to conduct
their business on a fair and square basis,
and all matters entrusted to them will
receive prompt and instant attention.
These young men deserve a share of
the public patronage in their line of
business, and we have no doubt but
that they will make a grand success of
their new undertaking, as such a busi
ness as they intend to engage in' will be
a great benefit to the business man and
lawyer of this country. They have our
best wishes in their new enterprise.
Assignment ot Teachers.
The following is the . assignment of
teachers for the spring term, beginning
Jan. 21, 1895 :
Miss Nan Cooper East Hill Primary,
east room ; 1st and 2d grades.
Miss Lura Welch' East Hill Primary,
west room ; 3d, 4th and 5th.
Miss Salina Phirman Academy Park,
1st floor, east ; 1st grade.
Miss Maggie Flinn Academy Park,
1st floor, west ; 3d grade.
Miss Louise Rintoul Academy Park,
2d floor, east; 6 B, (two divisions).
Miss Tena Rintoul Academy Park, 2d
floor, west; 6 A, 7 B.
Miss M. Grace Hollister Union street,
1st floor, south ; 1st grade.
Miss Frances E. Rowe Union street,
1st floor, north ; 2d grade.
Miss Lena E. Snell Union street,' 2d
floor, north ; 4 B, (two divisions),
Miss Ella Cooper Union street, 2d
floor, south ; 5 B, 5A.
Miss Elsie M. Ball Union Street An
nex, 4 A, 5 B.
Miss Melissa Hill Court street. 1st
floor, south ; 7 A and 8 B.
Miss Minnie U. Mich ell Court street,
1st floor, north; 8 A, (two divisions
M. N. Strattan, John -Gavin Court
street, 2d floor, High School ; 8 A,
9th, 10th. .
At Three Ml
Fraser lodge, No. 16, I. O. G. T.f had
quarterly election of officers Saturday
nigbt, resulting as follows :
Chas. Mcintosh, C. T. ; Grace Cook,
V. T. : R. S. Mcintosh, Sec; Carrie
Gray, Ass'tSec. ; Jas. E. Taylor, Fin.
Sec;; Wm. Rawson, re-elected Treas,
Mrs. Mary Cook, Chap. ; Arthur Creigb-
ton, M. ; Retta Taylor, G. ; Chas,
Creighton, S.
We bad with us several visitors from
Independent Workers, No. 7, also from
The Dalles lodge, No. 2. Come again
brothers and sisters, and bring others
We are glad to have you with us.
We will give a public installation of
officers and Dasket supper Saturday eve.
Feb. 2d. The three neighboring lodges
have a special invitation. A crowded
house is expected, for the sleighing is
good. Xttt,
We are doubling our Store Room to make
room Tor new Goods, and our present stock
has to go. Everything in the shape of
Physician and Surgeon,
Ctf" All professional calls promptly attends
to, day and night, aprl
who care to pav a little more than the cost
of ordinary trade cigarettes will find the
Made from the highest cost Gold Leaf
grown in Virginia, and are
All city warrants registered prior to
February 3, 1892, are now due and pay
able at my office. Interest ceases after
this date. 1. 1. Burget, City Treas.
Dated Dalles City. Jan. 1. 1895.
Andrew Kellar
cottage to rent
this space. Keep
This well-known Brewery is now turning out the best Beer and Porte?
east of the Cascades. The latest appliances for the manufacture of good health
ful Beer have been introduced, and ony the first-class article will be placed ob
he markflt.
Register U. 8. Land Office, 1890-1894.
Business Before the United States Lud
Office Specialty.
Wells Block, Main St, Vancouver, Clarke Co
Washington. . novl6
A Long
String of Fish.
Is not Carried
up a Side Street.
It's just about as important
to let folks know that we've
got extra fine Hanis and Ba
con,Eastern Buckwheat Flour,
genuine Maple Syrup. The
Finest Coffee'in town. A fine
lot of Newt JBreakfast Foods.
For all those who callon
us we have bargains in Fine
Goods; for those who don't,
Ask Central for 62.
& CO. will occupy
your eyes open.