SUMMER Is not the Time to Buy OiZERCOHTS, Wouldn't you rather have one now? Today Our $10.00 Overcoats will be marked $6.30. $14.00 Overcoats will be marked $9.40. $18 to $20 Overcoats will be marked $13.10. These Prices are I ALL GOODS MARKED IN I PLAIN FIGURES. Well, Less than Cost. PEASE & MAYS. Why Not Order your CORD WOOD from us. We have Choice Dry FIR, OAK and MAPLE, and deliver all orders promptly. They jVIust Go To make room for nevsr stock, and this Kegctfdless t of t Prices. MAIER & BENTON. We are doubling our Store Room to make room for ne-w G-oods, and our present stock has to go. Everything in the shape of GkOTfllflG F0H E1EHYB0DY. J-B. A. DIKTEICn. Physician and Surgeon, D0FUR, OBEGON. flp- All professional calls promptly attende to, day and night. aprl4 JOHN D. OKOGHEGAN, Register V. S. Land Office, 1890-1894. Business Before trie United States Lsnd Office a Specialty. Wells Block, Main 6k, Vancouver, Clarke Co Washington. novl6 The Dalles Daily Chronicle. ntered a the Postofflce at The Dalles, Oregon as second-class matter. Clubbing List. Regular Our price price Chronicle and If. T. Tribune $2.50 $1.75 " nd Weekly Oregoiian 3.00 2.00 " and Weellj Eiaminer , . 3.25 2.25 " Weeklj Kew York World . 2.25 2.00 Local Advertising. fine from the recorder, which he ia now boarding oat. Oar three feet of snow, which came a couple of weeks ago, bat which has most ol it vanished, is hardly worth mention ing alongside of the snowfall that is still falling down on the line of the Central Pacific. At Reno there was snow to the depth of a foot yesterday, at Truckee, twenty-four miles west of Reno, it. was eight feet and at Cisco, where the road crosses the summit of the Sierra Kevadas, eighteen feet and still snowing. Dufur Doings. 10 Ceuia per line for first insertion, and 6 Cents per line for each subsequent insertion. . Special rates for long time notices. All local notices received later than 8 o'clock , will appear the following day. FRIDAY, - JANUARY 18, 1895 BRIEF MENTION. Leaves From the Notebook of Chronicle Reporters. Jos. T. Peters & Co., have cord wood, which is desirable in all respects and respectfully solicit your orders. The weather bureau, this morning prognosticated for today occasional snow, and for tomorrow fair and colder weather. It is reported that the king of Greece, this morning, abdicated. This "local came a long ways, but is good local these times, just the same. There was quite a riot in Brooklyn this afternoon. The strikers captured several cars and beat a passenger who expressed sympathy for the corporation, severely. Miss Stevenson, daughter of the vice. president, died at Aaheville, North Carolina, this afternoon. She had been very low for the past three weeks, and her death was expected at any moment during that time. The sleighing is the very best, and so is the coasting. The jingle of. bells can be heard far into the night, but the bob sleds seem to draw the larger crowd For one reason, it is cheaper and for another well, there is more fun in it. There is a severe snow storm prevail ing along the western slopes of the Rockies today, and trains are blockaded everywhere. In Nevada the storm is very severe. Tne snow last night at Truckee was 18 feet ; it is today 13 and on the summit at Cisco 26 feet. The Congregational Y. P. S. C. E will give a sleighing party to the Irvine place, below town, this (Friday) evening. Teams will . take passengers from the Congregational church there and back for the sum of 50 cents, including supper. Parties wishing to furnish their own teams will be served supper for 25 cents each.' Patrick King, who had imbibed some . what freely and had on this account in duced someone to strike him in the face with a beer mug, probably just to see how the two mags would compare, was before the city recorder this morning, and on top of the other ramifications, which the luxuries of his inebriety ac complished, he received a present of a $5 Everybody and his neighbor is busy just now Talking politics and general news; While it's fun for the small boy, who knows just how. To go to the "dickens" with his last pair of shoes. People around town have been busy putting up ice, but on account of the recent thaw have suspended the ice business for the present. It continued to thaw and all the hills have yielded to the influence of the gentle chinook and are quite bare, while the ice came down the creek at a fearful rate, blocking up in huge piles thus causing an overflow at such a rate as to almost flood out some who are so unfortunate as to live on the creek bottoms. There is still a great plenty of enow left, however, al though the roads on account of their cut up condition, are bad for either sleigh or wagon. Dr. Kane's cheery face is once more seen on onr streets, and we .extend to him a hearty welcome. Mr. William Heisler and Rev. Merrill are both absent at Wapinitia, holding a series of protracted meetings. The usual Saturday night dances will be held Friday instead of Saturday, as formerly. Mr. Dennis McCoy has been quite sick with pneumonia, but at last ac count was some better. Mr. C. S. Magee and Miss Ella Nolin were married at the home of the bride, Wednesday, Jan. 9th, Rev. Barn hart officiating. The bride and groom are both well known, having lived here for a great number of years and have a large circle of friends, who extend their best wishes for a happy, prosperous journey, side by side through the life they have just entered. May their path be strewn with thornless roses, and brightened by the effulgence of that divine sunshine of perfect love. Some few clouds will darken their sun, but may they be lined with the silver of patience, hope and cheerfulness. About 40 young people. including the Dufar brass band, seren aded the young couple, after which they tendered their congratulations. A very pleasant evening was spent. There is nothing more jn the shape of news here except the death of Mr, urazir, tne lull account of which I see you have already published. Quiz Showing the amounts of all claims presented, the names of all claimants, the article or claim for which payment made, the amounts allowed and the claims continued or rejected at the Jan uary term, '95, of the county court for Wasco county, Oregon. The following list, however, does not contain any claim for which the salarv or fees are provided by statute : State of Obegon, ) County of Wasco) Ben C Irwin & Co, supplies clerk and sheriffs othces S 45 Ben O Irwin & Co, 1 gross pens. 1 Weston Dygert Mfg Co., delin quent tax roll 12 U Nickelsen, sundry supplies. . E Jacobsen & Co, sundry suppies Mays & .Crowe, supplies for roads A M Williams & Co, supplies for county poor 17 Notice. Ail city warrants registered prior to February 3, 1892, are now due and pay able at my office. Interest ceases after this date. L' I. Bubget, City Treas. Dated Dalles City, Jan. 1, 1895. The Chronicle prints the news. Schedule of Expenditures 65 50 00 8 10 5 00 2 75 05 18 50 6 42 6 25 67 06 7 68 75 50 00 00 00 Chronicle Pub Co, court docket Hugh Glenn, repairs courthouse D if & A JN Co, transportation 3 children Ward & Sons, bridge lumber W J Wright, bridge lumber The Dalles Lnmb Co, lumber and fuel 63 18 Jos T Peters, lumber, rails, etc. . 12 18 hi K. Kussell, superintending con etruction of bridge 8 00 M B Potter, GAR relief 30 00 Jas F Hood, GAR relief 25 00 D P & A N Co, transportation. . . 2 50 Pease fc Mays, supplies for road work 11 00 B R Tucker, lumber for road dis trict 4 20 52 Ike Perry, digging grave ... 5 00 Dalles City Water Works, water. 10 00 E C Drew, rubber stamp 55 The Oregon T & T Co, telephone 4 00 Pease & Mays, supplies J Kyan road work 10 00 Dr Logan, setting leg, J Byers. . 50 00 E Jacobsen & Co, supplies clerk's omce A M Williams & Co, clothing Wm. Thompson 14 Unrisman 5c uorson, supplies A Donaldson 5 H H Campbell, supplies poor. . . 7 Mays and urowe, supplies county roads lo Ward & Kerns, team for grand jury 6 00 Mrs L S Brennan, meals for jurors 15 35 Prinz & JS itschke, coma for pau per 10 00 Chronicle Jrab Uo, printing and envelopes. . . : 9 50 D H Roberts, clerical servives. . . 68 00 E F Sharp, clerical services 121 00 J W Heebner, board Mrs David. 20 00 J a Crossen, supplies poor b TO Wm Michell, postage stamps. ... 3 75 J M Huntington & Co, insurance courthouse 50 00 Maier & Benton, wood for court house 13 Oo FWL Skibbe, board of George Carty 12 T T Nicholas, board Indian pau pers 18 00 I,C Nickelsen, record and sup plies 1 3 70 R F Gibons, insurance courthouse 125 00 N O Evans, balance on bridge work 97 50 D L Cates, supplies Mrs Sands. . 43 10 Mrs Johns, nursing. Mrs Neely. . 4 00 Frank G Gabel.deputy sheriff. . . Mrs H Frazer, meals for jurors. . Blakeley & Houghton, prescrip tions for paupers 3 Nickelsen & Lnckey, iron for Hood River bridge 9 00 M V Harrison, special tax col lector 75 00 M Honywill, supplies Mrs Mott. 2 00 Ward & Son, lumber and work on bridge 2 uo Blakeley & Houghton, prescrip tion prisoner o u W E Garretson, repairs court house clock 28 00 Times-Mountaineer, printing. . . . 28 00 Geo W Rowland, insurance court house ou uo I, A. M; Kelsay, county clerk of Wasco county, state of Oregon, do hereby certify that the above and fore going is a fall and complete statement of the claims presented and action taken thereon by the county court of Wasco county, Oregon, sitting for the trans action of county business at the Janu ary term, 95, thereof, save and except all claims, the salary or fees of which are provided for by statute. Witness my hand and seal of the county court, affixed this 18th day of January, 1895. " . Seal A. M. Kelsay, By A. G. Johnson. County Clerk. Deputy. Bills Allowed. C P Odell, Geo B Halvor, E K Russell, W Russell, Lane Smith, M Doyle, J B Rand, Mel leavens, M Kennedy, HM Pitman S M Baldwin, German Sequi, R A Laughlin, The following completes the list of bills allowed by law at last term county court : ' .$ 40 00 .. 40 00 . . 61 00 . 154 00 , . 92 00 . . 76 00 . . 37 50 . 112 18 . . 72 00 . . 36 00 . . 86 00 . . 40 90 . 80 00 . 62 00 . . 114 00 John Ryan, do do . . 181 50 A Seufert, do do uu 7U James Miler, do do . . 86 36 F C Clausen, do .do . . 55 00 Alex Frazer, do do . . 48 00 Joel G KoontE, assessor 286 85 T J Driver, board prisoners 287 43 Same, sundry expenses 44 So W H Wilson. trof services 15 00 William Floyd, appraiser 4 00 W H Vanbibber do 4 00 J H Phirman do 4 00 E S Olinger do 19 50 J A Soesbe. justice fees 16 00 C P Heald, attorney fees 1 . . . 7 50 C A Bell, witness ... 1 70 MrsHWaite, do 170 Warren Cooper, witness 1 70 Henry Leason - do 1 7U PERSONAL. MENTION. do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do . do do do do do do do do do do . do do do from Hood 50 00 4 85 25 is up went . to Portland 1 rraTorl Mr. Scott Peterson Kjver. r Mr. H. Lonsdale yesterda Frank French is up from Portia: a few days visit eraon passed through yester day on his way to balem. DIED. In this city, at 5 o'clock this morning Orla M., son of Frank G. Connelly, aged 16 years. The funeral will take place tomorrow afternoon at 2 o'clock, from the Meth odist church. Captain Sweeney', U. S. A., San Diego Cal., says : "Shiloh'tf Catarrh Remedy is the first medicine I. have ever found that would do me any good.'' Price 50c, s ARE THE BEST CIGARETTE SMOKERS who care to pay a little more than the cost of ordinary trade cigarettes will find the PET CIGARETTES SUPERIOR TO ALL OTHERS Made from the highest cost Gold Leaf grown in Virginia, and are ABSOLUTELY PURE A Long String of Fish Is not Carried up a Side Street. It's just about as important to let folks know that we've got extra fine Hams and Ba con,Eastern Buckwheat Flour, genuine j Maple Syrup. The Finest Coffeein town. A fine lot of New Breakfast Foods. THAT ELEGANT DAIRY BUTTER (Dufur Karl's Clover Root will purify your Blood, clear your Complexion, regulate your Bowels and make your head clear as a bell. 25c, 50c, and $1.00. Andrew . Kellar cottage to rent has four-room tf Subscribe for The Chronicle. For all those who callforr us we have bargains in Fine Goods; for those who don't, sympathy. J. B. CROSSEN, Grocer. Ask Central for 62. E. J. COLLINS & CO. will occupy this space. Keep your eyes open. TERMS STRICTLY CASH. HTHEB CELEBRATED COLUMBIA BREWERY, AUGUST BUCHLER, Prop'r. " ' This well-known Brewery ia now turning out the best Beer and Porter east of the Cascades. The latest appliances for the manufacture of good health fnl Beer have been introduced, and ony the first-class article will be placed on he market.