Ths Dalles Daily Chronicle. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. BT KAIL, rOSTAGB FBKPAID, IN ADVANCB. Weekly, 1 year 180 " 6 months 0 75 8 " 0 50 Dally, 1 year 7: 6 00 " 6 months 8 00 per " '. 0 60 Address all communication to " THE CHRON ICLE." The Dalles, Oregon. THURSDAY, - - JANUARY 17, 1895 THE KIND OF MAN WANTED. Senator R. C. Bell, at a Jackson ban quet in Indianapolis on the evening of the 8th, delivered a short address to bis democratic brethren on the subject "What Shall We Do to Be Saved?" He paid his respects to President Cleveland in the following language : "At all events we should have a can didate for this high office who will be in sympathetic " touch with the great masses of our entire country North, South, East and West a man who does not draw his inspiration almost wholly from capitalistic circles or centers, and who is not eo impregnated with their selfish and provincial ideas as to be al most ' non-receptive and impervious to .all others; a man who is wholly free from all suspicions of being in any way subject to the dictation of Wall street so-called financiers, but real sharks; a man who knows and appreciates how much of this great country lies west of the Allegheny mountains, for there is a great deal of out-doors that lies west of that line, and which is filled with intel ligent, educated, reading, thinking and sturdy democrats. "We want a man who before his mid life has crossed the summit of that Ap palachian range with steps and face turned toward the Betting sun ; we want a man who is at least as much at home on our boundless prairies and broad grain fields as on the steam yacht of an Eastern millionaire; a man who is not out of the reach or influence of bis own party associates and supporters, and pos aessea the ability and inclination to com mand the good will of and unite the efforts of all such ; a man that does not have the false and inflated notion that he is greater or better than the party which honors him by its support and suffrage ; a man who knows enough to know that nobody knows more than everybody ; a man in whose estimation good democrat does not suffer because of long and faithful service of the party and unceasing activity in the advocacy of bis political principles ; a man who respects and regards the soldiers who fight in the trenches of his party more than he does the dilettante carpet knight of political parlors, whose deli cate nostrils snuff the smoke of battle at a safe distance from the conflict. EASILY- SETTLED. The mayor of Brooklyn has a chance to distinguish himself, and do something for the workingmen of his city. There is at present a strike on nearly all the - street car lines, and the strike is caused by the companies compelling the men to work 12 hours a day and not even allow ing them, at times, the customary 10 minutes to eat their lunch. The men insist on 10 hours being a day's work and as that is the lawful days work there, and as there is further a clause in the charters of the street railway com panies that they shall not compel their employes to work more than 10 hours a day, the mayor can solve the whole dim culty and perform an act in favor of the men that would be like an oasis in the dreary desert of corporate supremacy ot these modern times. All he has to do is to notify the companies to obey that 10 hour clause in their charters or declare the same forfeited. That strike can be settled, and settled right in two hours A PIONEER GONE. Ex-Governor Chadwick died at Salem Tuesday evening of heart failure. He was at the time in apparently the best of health and was at the dinner table when the summons came. He was born in Middle town, Connecticut, Dec. 25, 1825 and came to the Pacific coast in 1857 Ez-Gov. Moody coming in the same ship. . He was member of the constitu tional convention and has been prom inently identified with the political his tory pf Oregon for nearly forty years. Governor Pennoyer delivered his final message yesterday and soon after, Gov ernor-elect Lord took the oath of office and became governor of Oregon. He at once proceeded to read his inaugural ad dress, at the close of which the joint eea- sion dissolved. It is not often that Pen noyer and Lord address an Oregon legis lature on the same day. Indeed it has been heretofore considered that - the latter was an unknown quantity about the statehouse. There was something the matter with the Portland Sun's stereotyping machin ery this morning, and-the result would be ludicrous if it were not that it is grue- Boine. The second Date a or pictures, on the third page show that nearly every member there represented was a scrofu lous, scorbutica! fellow, and looked like the cuts in a quack advertisement. We take back what we said about that Oreg gonian cut of Senator Dolph recently, and swear we never said it. Bow's This! We offer One Hundred Dollars reward for any case of Catarrh than cannot be cured bv Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo. O. We, the undersigned have known- F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and be lieve him perfectly honorable in all business transactions and financially able to carry out any obligations made by their firm. West & Truax, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. Waiding, Kinnax & Mabvin, Whole sale Druggists, Toledo, G. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken inter nally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Testi monials sent free. Price 75c. per bottle. Sold by all druggists. As between the government support ing him or laboring.for -himself, give the Indian his pick and he will never take to the shovel.j?yPhiladelhphia Times. Bncklen's Arinra Halve. The best salve in the world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi tively cures piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satistac tion. or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale ty Snipes & Kin ersly Mrs. T. S. Hawkins, Chattanooga, Tenn., says, "Shiloh's vitalizer 'saved my life.' I consider it the best remedy for a debilitated system I ever used For dyspepsia, liver or kidney trouble t excels. Price 75 cts. Wvarlfic1t& and Xau.rn.laia, enred bv Dr. MILES' PAIN PILLS. "One cent a dose." SHERIFF'S SALE. Notice is hereby driven, that under and bv vir- of an execution issued out of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Wasco County, on the 18th day of Dec, 1894, on a decree made, enterea ana rendered in saia uourt on tne lyta. dav of Nov.. 18W. in a suit wherein Carl Burch torf wan nlalutiff and C. P. Foeh and Marie Foeh were defendants, in favor of said plaintiff' and against said defendants for the sum of $371.20, wim interest tnereon at tne rate ot iu per cent per annum, irom tne lain any ot Movemoer, 1894. and the further rum of S50 attorney's fees. and $25 eosts and disbursements. Baid "execution being to me directed and commanding me to sell the hereinafter described real property to satisfy said above-named sums, I will on Monday, the zisj, aay or January, iao, at tne nour ot z o ciock of said dav. sell at tmbliu auction to the highest bidder, for cash in hand, at the front door of the county courthouse, in Dalles City, Wasco county, uregon, au oi tne ngnt, tine ana inter est of said defeudants, and each of them, in and to the following-described real property, to-wit: Lr is C. D. E, F, G. H. I and J. in block 78 in Fort Dalles Military Beservation addition to 1 alles City, Wasco county, Oregon, together with the tenements, hereditaments and appur tenances thereunto belonging, or in anywise appertaining, or so much thereof as will satisfy saia aoove-namea sums, togemer witn tae ac cruing costs of this alf. Dated at Dalles City, Wasco County, Oregon ma lain aay oi vec., ioai. dec22-jl9 T. J. DRIVER, Sheriff of Wasco County, Oregon, Summons. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for asco uoumy : David D. Garrison, " Plaintiff, I tin, i 1, f nt. J vs. Elizabeth W. Garrison Defendant. To the said defendant, Elizabeth W Garrison In the name of the State ot Oregon : You are hereby summoned and required to appear and a'.swer plain tifTs complaint now on file against you in tne aDove-entitiea court ana cause on or before the first day of the next regular term of said Court, which term of said Court is to begin and be holden on Monday, the 11th day of Feb ruary, 1895, in the courthouse int Dalles City, Wasco County, State of Oregon, and if you fail to appear and answer said complaint as herein required the plaintiff will apply to said Court iui me jciici iiH)eu lur 111 bjuu uompuum, to wit, for a dissolution of the marriage contract now existin? between plaintiff and defenriAnt. and for such other and further relief as may be juhi ana equiiaoie. You are hereby further notified that this ram mons is served upon you by publication bv or der of the Honorable W. L. Bradshaw, judge of the above-entitled court made at the regular piovemoer term oi saia court lor tne year lsvi. CONDO.S & CONDON. Jan5-fl6 Attorneys for Plaintiff. Administrator's Notice. Notice is hereby given that by an order of the Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Wasco, duly made and entered on the 9th day of January, 1895, the undersigned was appointed administrator of the estate of Joshna W. Reedy deceased. All persons having claims aeainst the estte of said deceased are hereby notified to present mem, witn tne proper vouchers tbere- lor, 10 me at my onice in The Dalles. Oregon wiLuiu six inuuiiis ii om me aate nereot. Dated The Dalles, Oregon, Jan. 12, 1895. d. J. FARLEY. Administrator of the Estate of Joshua W, needy, Deceased. janl2-feb23 Assignee's Notice. Notice ishereby given that John F. R oot has duly conveyed to the nndersigned, by proper deed of assignment, all of his real and personal property, for the benefit of all- of his creditors. ill persons having claims against said John F. Root are hereby notified to present the same, properly verified, to me at the office of Dufur & Menefee, in Dalles City, Oregon, within ninety u . .. t . L. ....... I . 1. : .i ' unto i i niii in u uaic n i 1 11 la iiuuce. Dated this 17th day of November, 1894. novl7dec29 H. GLENN. Assignee. Notice. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has been duly appointed by the Honorable Countv Court lor Wasco county, Oregon, as ad- uuuiDuswr ui we estate or Mary u. uoraon, de ceased. All persons having claims against said estate are notified to present the same, properly verified to me at my residence near Tvgh Valley, Wasco county, Oregon, or at the office of my MiuiucvB. nil i ui tv jBvueiee. Dated The Dalles, Oregon, December 28, 1894. ASA KTnfisfvrr.T. Administrator of the estate of Mary M. Gordon, Mexican Mustang Liniment for Bums, Caked & Inflamed Udders. Piles, Rheumatic Pains, Bruises and Strains, Running Sores, Inflammations, Stiff joints, Harness &. Saddle Sores, Sciatica, Lumbago, Scalds, Blisters, Insect Bites, All Cattle Ailments, All Horse Ailments, All Sheep Ailments, Penetrates Muscle, Membrane and Tissue Quickly to the Very Seat of Pain and Ousts it in a Jiffy. Rub in Vigorously. Mustang: Liniment conquers Pain, Makes flan or Beast well again. Ladies' and Gentlemen's Gold and Silver , "Watches. Large Assortment to select from. L C. Nickelsen's. Notice. To the General Public : The nndersighed has thoroughly re modeled what is known as the Farmers' Feed : Yard, corner TSr'Third and Madi son, adjoining J. L. Thompson's black smith shop; and is now ready to accom modate all who wish their horses well fed and properly cared for, at Prices to Suit the Times. AGNEW & MoCOIXEY, Props., The Dalles, Or. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office, The Dalles, Or.,) Dec 26, 1894. j Notlee is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the register and receiver of the U. S. Land office, The Dalles, Or., on February 5, 1895, viz. : William Watson, Hd E, No. 3392, for the NEJ, NEV SE'i, Sec. 10, and HWJ SWJ4, Sec. 11, Tp. 2 N, Ii 11 E, He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of, said land, viz. : W. E. Hnskey, F. P. Weidner, Reece Prathar, A. T. Prathar, Mosier, Oregon. JAS. F. MOORE, Register. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that by an order of the County Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Wasco, made and entered on the 29th day of December, 1894, the nndersigned was duly appointed executor of the last will and testament of Thomas N. Joles, deceased; all per sons having claims against said estate are noti fied to present them with the proper vouchers to the undersigned at bis office in Dalles City, Oregon, within six months from the date of this notice. Dated January 4, 1895. ' ' . jan5-f2 R. F. GIBON8, Executor. TOBS M. KANK, ; Physician and Surgeon. . iiUFUR, OREGON. .. ... : .,, l.ate House Surseon, St. Vincent's Hospital f SHE! SEE C. F. STEPHENS, If you want anything in the shape of O L OT H I N G, For Man or Woman, Boy, Girl or Baby. lJrJ?hJ 0 and nocTion nooiw. ' v Obb. f arfl, Kerns & RoDBrtson's Lirery Slaws, on Second St Second-hand Furniture Bought Sold. . Money Loaned on Jewelry and other Valuables. AUCTION EVERY SATURDAY ..luaUtW erty placed Tvith me at reasonable commission. Give me a call When the Train stops at THE DALLES, get off on the South Side AT Tti fiEW COIiUlWBlR HOTEIi. . oo This large and popular House does the principal hotel business, ' and is prepared to furnish the Best Accommodations of any House fn the city, and at the low rate of $1.00 per Day. - pirst Qass (Teals, 25 Cegts. Office for all Stage Lines leaving Xlie Dalles for all points In Kastern Oregon and Eastern Washington, in this Hotel. Corner of Front' and Union Sts. Successor to Pant Kreft & Co DEALER IN PAINTS, OILS And the Most Complete and WALL PAPER. PRACTICAL PAINTER and PAPER HANGER. None but the best brands of J. W. MASURY'S PAINTS used in all our work, and none but the most skilled workmen emplos'ed. Agents for Masnry Liquid Paints. JNo cnem icel combination or soap mixture. A first-class article in all colors. All orders promptly attended to. . Store and Paint Shoo corner Third and Blakeley & 175 Second Street, A full line of all the Standard Patent Medicines Drugs, Chemicals, Etc. ARTISTS I-A-TIERI-A-I-iS- . jF-Country and Mail Orders will receive prompt attention. tl There is a tide in the affairs of men which, taken at its fiooa leads on to fortune." The poet unquestionably had reference to the ClBirtt mm- atTCRANDALL Who are selling these goods MICHELBACH BRICK, 1. 33. T. T. NICHOLAS, Propr. AND GLASS Latest Patterns and Designs in WALL PAPER " Washington Sts.. The Dalles, Orev Houghton, The Dalles, Oregon ik Cams &, BURGErT'S, out at greatly-reduced rates. - - UNION 8T. THE CHURCHES. ST. tETERB CHURCH Rev. Father Bboks bbbbt Pastor. Low Mass every Sundav at 7 a. M. High Mass at 10::a. x. Vesper's at 7 r. m. ITURST BAPTIST CHURCH Kev. O. D. Tat J? lob, Pastor. Morning services every Sab bath at the academy at 11 A. St. Sabbath School Immediately after morning services Prayer meeting Friday evening at Pastor"s re? lence. Union services in the court bouse at P.M. CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH Kev. ffl O Ccktis, Pastor. Services every Sundav it 11 A. K. and 7 r. K. Sundav School after mnrnin. ervice. Strangers cordially Invited. Seats free. ME. CHURCH Rev. J. Whielkr, pastor. . Services everv Sundav moraine at 11 ,1. m Sunday School at 12:20 o'clock p m. Ep worth League at 6:30 p. m. Praver meeting everv rhursday evening at 7:30 o'clock. A cordial in vitation is extended by both pastor and people to alL - EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN Ninth street. Rev. A. Horn, pastor. Services at 11:30 a.m. Sunday-school at 2:30 p.m. A cordial welcome SOCIETIES. WASCO LODGE, NO. 15, A. F. & A. M. Meets first and third Mondav of each month at 7 M. DALLES EOYAL ARCH CHAPTER NO. 6. Meets in Masonic Hall the third Wednesday each month at 7 PMI. WASCO TRIBE, NO. 16, I. O. R. M. Meets everv Wednesdnv t. 7-ai p i in v nf t Hall. Sojourning brothers are cordially invited" VJ ItlCUd A. A. KICU.KK. K. V. S. DUFUR C. of R. MODERN WOODMEN OP THE WOK1.D. Mt. Hood CamnNo. 59. Meets Tnpsdnvniron. tngof each week in Fraternity Hall, at 7 :30 p. m. COLOMBIA LODGE, NO. 6, I. O. O. F. Meets everv Fridav evenlne at. 7:3n nvicv- in ir of P. hall, corner Second and Court streets! wjouimng Drotners are welcome. n. uiopoH, Hec-y. H. A. Bili.s,N. G. FRIENDSHIP LODGE, NO. 9., K. of P. Meets everv Mnnrinv nnr r ','n 'l i. ; . . J 1 w .UW V. I. H M . , xn Whflnnn's hllllHIno mma rxf rnn., .. ,1 L- a rtreets. Sojourning members are cordiallv in vited. W. L. BRADSHAW. P. w.VACsa, K. of R. and S C. c. ASSEMBLY NO. 4827, K. OF L. Meets In K. of P. hall the second and fourth Wednes lavs of each month at 7:30 p. m. WOMEN'S CHRISTIAN TEMPERENCE ITVTAU 1 1 i. nij ' ' v.i me-, cvtij rnuay aiternoon at t o'clock at the reading room. AU are invited. J- 25. Meets in Fraternity Hall, Second street, Mrs. b. J. Russell, Financier. rpHE DALLES LODGE No. 2, I. O. G. T. Reg JL nlar weekly meetings Friday at 8 p. m., a x "an. J. O. niHZLEB. C. T. DIN6MORB Parish, Sec'y. TEMPLE LODGE NO. 8, A. O. D. W. Meet JL in Fraternity Hall, over Kellers, n Second tick, x uunua; evenings at 7 MJ. C. F. STEPHENS, W.B MTBB8, Financier. M. W JAS. NE SMITH POST, No. 82, G. A. R. Meeta every Saturday at 7:80 r. u., in the K. of P. B OF Ii. X. MeetseTervbiimiRv nftAi-n rwin in . the K of P. Hall. GE8ANG VE REIN Meeta every Sundav evening in the K. of P. Hall. BOP L, F. DIVISION, No. 167 Meets in K. of P. Hall the first and third Wednes lay of each month, at 7 :8u p. m. FKOKESSIPNAI C H H. RIDDELL attobnbt-at-Law Office Court Street, The Dalles, Oregon. a. b. DuroB. mxi mbmbfbb. DUFUR, A MENEFEE Attobhbys - at law Rooms 42 and 48, over Post Imce Building, Entrance on Washington Street The Dalles, Oregon. . J. B. CONDON. J. W. CONDON. CONDON b CONDON, ATVORNEYB AT ttw Office on Court street, opposite the old court house, The Dalles, Or. B. . HUNTINGTON. H. I. WILSON. HUNTINGTON & WILSON ATTOBNBTS-AT-lAW Offices, French'a block over first Na tional Bank. Dalles. Oregon. WH. WILSON Attobnbt-at-law -Rooms French & Co.'s bank building. Second street. Tha Dalles, Oregon. J SUTHERLAND, M. I C. M. ; F. T. M. C. M. C. P, and 8. O., Physician and Sur geon. Booms 8 and t, Chapman block. Residence Mrs. Thornbnry's, west end oi Second street. - - . , StuDiinp Grcenncusc We wish to announce that we have made a specialty of Winter Blooming Bulbs, HYA0IKTH3 and LILLIES, POTTED PLANTS of All Kinds. We are prepared to furnish on abort notice cat flowers for all occasions; also pot (lants and wires. Hyacinths in. bloom A beautiful holiday gift. Get your Chrysanthemums at once to Bend East. Miss Delia Stevens, of Boston, Mass., writ: I have alwavs suffered from hereditary Scrofula, for which I tried! various remedies, and many reliable physicians, but none relieved me. After taking o Domes oi I am now well. I am very grateful to you, as I feel that it saved me sun from a life of 'untold agony, and shall take pleasure in speaking only words of praise for the wonderful medicine, and in recommending it to an. Cured Treatise on Blood , and Skin Diseases .mailed free. SWIFT SPECIFIC COMPANY, ATLANTA. OA. . ARTISTIC PHOTOGRAPHER. Chapman Block, The Dalles, Oregon Life-size Crayons a specialty. ISilil m