They Past Go Is not the Time to Buy To' make room for new stock, and this i WOOD yERCOHTS. Wouldn't you rather have one now? Hegardless i of $ MGes. Today Our $10.00 Overcoats will be $14.00 Overcoats will be $18 to $20 Overcoats will be These Prices are ALL GOODS MARKED IN PLAIN FIGURES. The Dalles Daily Chronicle. ntered a the Postofflce at The Dalles, Oregon as second-class matter. Clubbing List. Regular Our price price Chronifle tod If. I. Tribme. .-. $2.50 $1.75 "f ' d Weakly Ortgoiiai 3.00 2.00 " and Weekly Eiaminer 3.25 2.25 " , Weekly lfew York World 2.25 2.00 Local Advertising. 10 Ceii lb per line for first iunernon, and 6 Cents vfer line for each subsequent insertion. Special rates for long time notices. 11 local notices received later than 8 o'clock trill appear the following day. MONDAY. - - JANUARY 14, 1895 BRIEF MENTION. Leaves From the Notebook of Chronicle Beporters. The Golden Giant Monday Evening. A full orchestra will furnish the music lor the "Golden Giant." The regular Wednesday evening dance given by the Union Dancing club, will not be given this week. - The King's Daughters will meet to morrow at 2 o'clock at the residence of Mrs. J. French. All members are re quested to be present. Tonight "The Golden Giant," to morrow night "Davy Crockett," -and "Wednesday night Phoenix," by the French Co., at the opera bouse. Friendship lodge, K, of P., will have work in the third rank tonight and no doubt the hall will be crowded. This lodge is prospering and growing very rapidly. Besides it is in the best condi tion financially of any lodge in the state. We are requested to announce that "There will be a dramatic entertainment at Wamic, on the evening of Feb. 2d. The program comprises 'The Dutch man's Ghost,' author unknown, and 'King Richard III, by William Shake speare.' Music for the tragedy will be furnished by" tbe Woodcock orchestra Admission, free." Kay McKinsey, a 14-year-old boy working for Mr. John Waters of Hosier, was perhaps fatally gored by a heifer while feeding her in the stable Saturday. She thrust her horn through the boy's neck, near the jugular vein. Dr. Morgan of Hood River happened to be near at hand and took the boy to Hood River, where everything possible was done for him. The wound is a very severe one and may result fatally. Scouring; Mill Matter. Pursuant to call quite a number of otSX business men met at the courthouse Saturday evening to hear Mr. Shaw's - proposition concerning the location of a scouring mill here. After his proposi Well, PEASE tion bad been made, tbe meeting organ ized by electing Hon. Robert Mays chairman. On motion a committee, consisting of Messrs. Nolan, Moody, Brogan, Kelsay and Bchanno, were appointed by tbe chair, after which, on motion, Mr. D. M. French and the chairman were add ed to the committee. The meeting then adjourned, subject to the call of the committee, which re mained to have a consultation with Mr.' Shaw. Mr. Shaw's proposition is a fair one. He asks as a bonus the mill site and a building, which will not cost over $4,000. He asks additionally the loan of $20,000 for five years at 10 per cent, the loan to be secured by the mill and plant and $17,000 worth of other property. For this he puts in a scouring mill and a two-set woolen mill. Council Meeting;. The coucil met Saturday night at 7 :30 pursuant to adjournment, Mayor Bolton and the five councilmen being present Tbe claims laid oyer from last meet! were all allowed. JQn motion of Johns, seconded by Hood, council proceeded to tbe election of .a councilman for the Second ward, to fill the vacancy -caused by the death of Thos. N. Joles. Thereupon Councilman Nolan introduced the following resolu tion : " Thk Dalles, Or., Jan. 3, 1895. Whereas, The death of Thomas N. Joles has causedva vacancy in the office of one councilman for the Second ward of Dalles City ; and j Whebeas, Tbe financial condition of Dalles City is such as to demand the harmonious and united action of a full council, therefore be it v "Resolved, That in accordance with the precedents established by all coun cils existing under the present charter, it requires the vote of at least four conn oilmen to fill the vacancy caused by the death of our esteemed colleague." Mr. Nolan then moved the adoption of the resolution, which motion was seconded by Councilman Lauer, and a roll-call was demanded. Thereupon tbe roll being called the result was as fol lows: Ayes Nolan, Lauer; noes Hood, EBhelman and Johns. The vote being announced, Councilmen Nolan and Lauer retired, - and the council being without a quorum adjourned. John Beln Shoots Himself. About 6 o'clock Saturday evening, John Rein, a farm hand residing in Sherman county, shot himself in the stomach. The act was committed in the street near Skibbe's hotel. When first found be stated that he shot himself in tentionally, but after being carried into Skibbe's hotel he stated the shooting was accidental. He was very drnnk at the time and had been so nearly all day, and the chances are that he does not know how or why he shot himself, but as he was too drunk to sit on his horse it is easily seen that he was too full to monkey with a loaded pistol. There is a bare possibility of his recovery, but the chances are decidedly against him. PS marked $6.30. marked $9.40. marked $13.10. Less than Cost. & MAYS. Bills Allowed. At the meetine of the countv commis sioners for the January term bills vere allowed as follows: James M Benson, grand juror. . . .$23 00 John Cates, do 22 20 J W Ingalls, do 27 20 J M Elliott, do 25 60 Peter Trana, do 31 00 Kobt Kand, do ... 27 00 Alex McLeod, do 27 60 W J Harriman, juror . . 43 60 E P Ash, do 15 00 M P Isenberg, do 13 20 T C Clausen. do 16 40 J K Page, do ; 4 20 L Rondeau, do 4 80 J W Russell, do 4 50 E A Haynes, do 4 20 Wm H Staats, do 4 20 C L Schmidt, do . . . 2 20 Fred Chandler, do 4 20 E N Chandler, do 2 20 W J Payette, do 4 20 J M Roth, do 4 80 J B Manley, do 4 20 Lou Kelley, do 4 20 ti McUoy, do 4 20 J H Dimmick, do 6 40 C J Hayes, do 6 40 W J Smith, do 6 40 I Randall, do 2 20 John Barnett, do 2 2q Chas Riley, do ; . 2 20 Robt Snodgrasa do 34 20 C E Hill do 41 20 C L Morris, do 51 20 M Doyle, do ' 41 60 Jno A Wilson, do 37 00 A B Mott, do 37 20 Fred Kemp, do 49 60 W T McClure, do 32 40 T E Wickens, do 47 00 John Bonn, do 40 20 Geo T Prather do 24 40 J L Langille, do 24 40 O B Hartley, do 24 40 J W Adams, do 23 60 A Urabtree, do 50 B Warren, do 48 50 L Davis, do 49 00 James lul ton, do 46 40 J W Zumwalt, do ; 51 20 Tom Bolton, do 22 20 W H Bishop, do 6 40 W A Langille, do 6 40 Juck Luckey, do 6 40 J R woodcock, do 33 60 W Hunt, do 5 00 W C Rupert, do 2 20 M l lemlne, do 2 40 R Grimes, do ,. . 2 20 H C McKamey, do 2 50 J Sherrill, do 2 50 J H Miller, do 2 50 Fred Fisher, do 2 20 Leslie Butler, do ; 2 20 W H Harris, do , . 2 20 Geo Miller, do........... 220 W Jones, do 2 20 JosTPeters, do 2 20 Mrs E M Wilson, witness 2 20 J H McCoy, do 5 60 J R Underbill, do 5 20 L E Crowe, do 2 20 George Obarr, do 2 20 J H Blakeney, do 4 40 Victor Marden, do , . . . & 20 Ralph Gibons, do 2 20 Frank Vogt, ' do 2 20 L 8 Davis, do 4 40 A W Whetstone, do ' 2 80 Fred Wilson, do 2 20 J H Jackson, do 2 20 H Ring, do 4 40 James Crate, do 2 20 Fred Bronson, ' do 4 40 Geo Ryan, , do 3 20 TJWT. KUhKa Hn 9. 911 Frank Hill, do 2 20 Chas Tibbets, .do 2 20 HHRiddell, ' do ... 2 20 John Dalrymple, do ........ 13 30 C A Bell, do 6 40 J A Soesbe, do 6 40 JO Warner, do 2 20 E L Boynton, do . . : 28 20 Leave or telephone your orders to us for Strictly Dry FIR, and OAK WOOD. We are not running a four-horse team, but will deliver all Wood promptly. MAIER & BENTON. T C Sexton, do do do do do 2 20 2 20 2 20 2 20 '6 20 A Hunter, Chris Bills, D 8 Dufur, A G Johnson, R Sigman, do 2 20 Indian Spencer, do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do 2 20 8 40 8 40 8 40 2 20 2 20 2 20 2 20 2 20 6 40 2 20 2 20 2 20 6 40 2 20 2 20 7 40 - 2 20 Mrs Broad bent, Henry Waite, E S Olinger Wm Eccles, Frank Davenport, J M Patterson, . W C Allawav, Geo Keller, J H Blakeney, L E Crowe, ri King, W E Walthers, D 8 Dufur, F Barber Mrs E De Wolf, Joe Purser, O D Doane, James Crate, . do 8 20 do 10 60 lieorge Otey, Continued tomorrow. Installation. On Saturday evening an open meeting of the G. A. R, and W. R. C. was held in Fraternity hall, for the purpose of in stalling the newly elected officers of post and corps. The slippery streets, slush and rain combined did not prevent a large number of both organizations from being present to witness tbe installation. The following officers were installed by P. P. C. W. A. Maddron : W S Myers, PC; J Lemison, Jr, V C ; F Esping, Chap; A G Johnson, Adjt; E N Chandler, Q M; LP Nichols, O D; RL Aiken, O G; J M Patterson, S M; Wm McCrum, Q M. After which P. C. installed W. A. Maddron, Sen V C. After a short recess tbe meeting was called to order by Mrs. B. Jane Russell, Past Dep't Pres. of California, whose work was above criticism. The exercises opened by singing "America," in which all were invited to join. Mrs. Mary S. Myers was announced as installing officer. After being introduced, escorted to the platform and given the salute of the order, she installed the following officers in a very graceful, impressive manner: Blanche G Patterson, Pres;' Belle Burger, S V P; Vilia Lewis, J V P; Maggie Herrin, Sec; Lizzie Ullrich, Treas; Sue C Wilson, Chap; Jennie Russell, Con; Eliza Kelsay, G; "Sarah E Bunch, Asst Con; Annie Urqnhart, asst G. The newly appointed president ten dered the thanks of the corps to tbe in stalling officer and made some very pleasant remarks, after which Mrs. Sue Wilson stepped to the front and in a few well 'chosen words, presented Mrs. Myers, the past president, with a gold recognition pin, with red, white and blue center, bearing tbe letters F., C. and L., the motto of the order. This little affair was kept a profound secret from Mrs. Myers and was a genuine sur prise ; but she was equal to the occasion and thanked tbe corps in a very touch' ing manner for ' the beautiful little souvenir, paid a high tribute "to the ladies, for their loyal support the past year," and especially to her secretary, Mrs. Nichols, and treasurer, Mrs. Burger, We are doubling our Store Room to make room for new G-oods, and our present stock has to go. Everything in the shape of GkOTJlIflG FOR J-JB. A. DIETRICH. Physician and Surgeon, DTJFTJK, OREGON. All professional calls promptly attends to, day and night. aprl4 and asked for her successor the same earnest efforts. After singing several Grand Army songs and partaking of light refresh ments, the remainder of the evening was spent in a very social way. Mr. and Mis. French at Cordray's. The reapperance of R. E. French and Eva Earle French at Cordray's theater last evening with their own company in "The Golden Giant" was a signal suc cess, the large audience present giving them a hearty welcome . on the several entrances, and generously applauding their efforts throughout the five inter esting acts of the drama. Eva Earle French always was a pleasing soubrette, and as Bessie Fairfax last evening she extracted a good deal of fun out of the part. Mr. French made a dashing Jack Mason, the gambler, whose heart was in the right place, and he endowed the part with much of his own personal magnet ism, that secured -for him hearty recog nition during the evening. . Mr. French has a good company to support him, and their excellent work last evening, in dividually and collectively, had much to do with tbeB success of tbe play. Ore- gonian. . How Grasir Died. In the matter of the inquest upon the body of P. R. Grazir, deceased : We, the jury empaneled to inquire in to the cause of the death of P. R. Grazir, who died Friday morning, Jan. 11, 1895, at the residence of W. L. Hendrix, do find as follows : That said deceased was about 34 years of age and was unmarried. That the cause of his death, to the best of our judgment, was through an accidental fall from a building on Tuesday, January 8th, which caused a rupture and thereby produced congestion of the lungs. Patrick Gorman, D. S. Dcftjk, T. W. Glavey, , Patrick Bolton, M. Callaghan, W. H. Staats. When Baby was sick, we gave her Castoria, When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria, When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria. When she had Children, she gave them Castoria. THE CELEBRATED COLUMBIA BREWER, AUGUST BUCHLER, Prop'r. This well-known Brewery is now turning out the best Beer and Porter . ai on. - .n.K.Miia fo ft tnannfuHirA of vnnd hmlth. eMbui uio uwuHicai xua intou cf'& vw - o til Beer have been introduced, and ony the first-class article will be placed oa be market. EVERYBODY 1ST. BLAXUEUS. JOHN X. GEOGBDOAN, Register U. S. Land Office, 1890-1894. Business Before the United States Land Office a Specialty. Wells Block, Main St., Vancouver, Clarke Co Washington. novl6 A Long String" of Fish Is not Carried up a Side Street. It's just about as important to let folks know that we've got extra fine Hams and Ba con,Eastern Buckwheat Flour, genuine Maple Syrup. The Finest Coffee in town. A fine lot of New Breakfast Foods. THAT ELEGANT DAIRY BUTTER (Dufur For all those who callfon us we have bargains in . Fine Goods; for those who don't, sympathy. J. B. CROSSEN, Grocer. Ask Central for 62. BUY YOUR GROCERIES W. -A. KZHB"3rT. We carry everything that is good to eat, and at such prices that - -we should have tbe trade of all hungry people. Try our Teas and Coffees. Can give you an excellent blend ed Coffee at 25 per pound. Ask for Halivor Butter. Telephone No. 60.