The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, January 10, 1895, Image 3

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Mast Go
To make room for new stock, and this
Regardless t of t Priees.
See Our Special Ad.
The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
ntered a the Postoffice at The Dalles, Oregon
as second-class matter. "
Clubbing List.
Regular Our
price price
Clrcnitle tnd S. T. Tribnoe .$2.50 $1.75
" and Weekly Ortgoniaa 3.00 2.00
nd Weekly Eiamiaer 3.25 2.25
. " Weekly New York World 2.25 2.00
Local Advertising;.
10 Ceum per line for first insertion, and 6 Cents
per line for each subsequent insertion.
. Special rates for long time notices.
All local notices received later than S o'clock
111 appear the following day.
THURSDAY, - - JANUARY 10. 1895
Leaves From the Notebook of Chronicle
Read Kirby's ad. in this issue, and
profit thereby. '.
The Carlisle currency bill was knocked
out yesterday by a vote 124 for and 129
against. This is a decided victory for
the silver men.
The snow is in excellent condition for
snow-balling today, as many a person
who has "got it" in the back of the
neck,' or had his hat knocked off, can
It is almost certain that the Pacific
Insurance Union will go to pieces in the
very near future. When it does there is
going to be a wild scramble for business
and a reckless slashing of rates
The commissioners have been doing a
lot of preliminary work and examining
of accounts, but have completed bat little
business. They have matters in shape
however, that when they commence to
grind tomorrow there will be a large
grist, quickly handled.
Waucoma Lodge, K. of P., of Hood
River has installed the following officers :
L N Blowers, C C ; J A Soesbe, V C ; W
H.Bishop, P; G T Prather, K R and S ;
J B Hunt, M W; CD Smith, M of F;
C L Gilbert, M of E ; G S Evans, M at
A; R Husbands, I G ; Scott Peterson,
.Yeaterdav the his boiler nopr) at trin
''pumping station at Cascade Locks, ex
ploded with terrific force. At the time
there were quite a number of men, prob
i ably sixty, in the immediate vicinity of
the boiler, and though fifteen of these
were thrown to the ground, no one was
.Jnjured. '
Five hundred dollars expenses for
bringing a prisoner from Harney county
to Portland in order to try him for sell
ing a pint of whiskey to an Indian,
seemB like a high price for the punish
ment of the offense ; but that ia what
the last case cost the government. The
prisoner will lie in jail until Jane, and
the total cost of trying him will be about
$1,000, which is a big price for a pint of
The sleighing last night ' was very
good, there having been travel enough
to get the snow pretty well packed.
This being the case, it was taken advan
tage of by a large number, and the jin
gle of bells and toot of horns were heard'
until a late hour. Among other turn
outs were three or four four-horse rigs,
and all loaded. The parties in the big
wagon beds seemed to be having the
most fun at least they made the most
A Jacksonville correspondent says :
The contract for the survey of the Rogue
River Valley railroad from Medford to
Eagle Point was let to W. E. Coul, and
the survey was begun Wednesday. Mr.
Harvey Man, the president of the com
pany, has been in Jacksonville the past
week making arrangements for the pre
liminary survey. The line between
Jacksonville and Medford has been suc
cessfully operated the past four years,
and the extension will carry the line
through a fine body of fruit and grain
lands up to the timber belt on the east
ern side of the valley.
Sleighing Party.
Last night at 7 :30, a big sleigh drawn
by four horses, and under the guidance
of genial Tom Ward, proceeded to gather
up a cargo of ladies and gentlemen
bound for a visit to Mr. Wm. Floyd's
place, and to have a general good time
and a dance. The following made up
the party : Mr. and Mrs. Hobson, Mr.
and Mrs. Gordon, Mr. and Mrs. Baily,
Miss Alhe White, Misses Mattie and
Mamie Cushing, Miss Lay, Miss Minnie
Lay, Miss Cheese and Messrs. Porter,
Fisher, Weigle, Fritz and H. A. York.
The roads were in excellent shape and
the ride was thoroughly enjoyed. Ar
riving at their destination a warm wel
come greeted teem ana tbe time -was
spent in games, dancing and paying
proper attention to an elegant supper.
The party arrived home about 2 o'clock
this morning.
Real Estate Transactions.
Richard Banfield to John Banfield, 34
lots in Hood River Park; $300, (and
$299 too much at that).
United States to Jacob L. Mclrvin
nej, n se, and eeH, sej, sec 9, tp 2
n, r .11 e: patent.
Sarah A. Stranahan and husband to
rah E. Taylor, quarter of an acre near
Hood River ; $50.
When Baby was sick, -ire gave her Castoria.
When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria.
When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria.
when she had Children, she gave them Castoria.
All city warrants registered prior to
February 3, 1892, are now due and pay.
able at my office. Interest ceases after
thia date. 1. 1. Bubget, City Treas
Dated Dalles City, Jan. 1, 1895.
cottage to
Host Wise tfadce.
The following account of a trial the de
cision in which ought to be an example
for the real courts, is given by the Port
land Sun:
'An exciting and interesting meeting
of the moot court of the law school was
held last evening - in Judge Hurley's
courtroom. As a preliminary officers
for tne ensuing term were elected, as
follows: D. A. Grout, president; F. S.
Grant, secretary; W. Q. Buffington,
treasurer, and I. J. Sweet, sergeant-at-
arms. Judge John L. McGinn, in an ex
haustive opinion, decided that the
young man arrested for dropping a nickel
to which a'string was tied, in the slot of
a cigar machine, and then withdrawing
the money, after the receipt of the' cigar,
was not guilty of larceny as charged, as
the owner of the nickel -in-the-elot ma
chine had intended to part with the title
to the cigar as long as a person complied
with the direction to drop the required
A jury trial which, for its bickerings,
personalities and irrelevant inuendoes
would do justice to a first-class murder
trial then followed. Contrary to custom
Mr. J. B. Mullay was excused because
he knew absolutely nothing and Mr. S
B. Riggin was accepted for the reason of
his defiant affirmation that he was a
professional Juror. Mr. Jnowell was
excused because he had no property but
was living in hopes. At a late hour the
case was going with a State-vs-Steeves-
like slowness and the embryo lawyers
were arguing at great length a point
about as relevant to the issue as is a
hawk to a handsaw.
George T. Prather and D. S. Crapper.
Dolti ot iiooa Jtciver, are in tne city.
Mr. James Covington, who is at pres
ent residing in Hood River is in the city.
J. B. Rand, road supervisor of East
Hood River district, was in attendance
on tne county court today.
Mr. J. F. Armour of Hood River, is in
the city looking after the settlement of
the .Pratt estate along with his co-ex
ecutor, Mr. Leslie Butler.
At the residence of the bride'a parents.
in tms city, Jan. vm, iyo, 3ir. u. v,
.Bolton and Miss bylba 11. Allen. Kev
J. W. Jenkins officiating.
Look Here.
This is January 10, 1895. Have you
got any of Wasco county's warrants reg
istered prior to Feb. 1, 1891? They will
be paid if presented at my office. In
terest ceases after Jan. 10, 1895.
Wm. Michell,
County Treasurer.
A certain judge took occasion recently
to warn his people from coming into the
courtroom drunk in these words :
wish to put everybody on notice that if
they come into this courtroom while I
am Bitting on this bench drunk they
had ' better look out." Hamilton (Ga.)
Journal. .
The Columbia Packing Co. are selling
trimmed pork shoulders at 5 cents per
pound for cash. dec!3
Leave or telephone
your orders to us for
Strictly Dry FIR, and
We are not running
a four-horse team, "but
will deliver all Wood
Ueneral Information as to the Method Is
Bard to Obtain.
'It is a strange thing," whispered a
whimsical individual one night, after
making sure no one else was looking,
says the Louisvalle Courier-Journal,
that a married person always declines
to inform an unmarried friend just how
the proposal tableau was arranged. It
has been a matter of much speculation
to me as to the most popular and com
mon tableau enacted on such an auspi
cious occasion. Every time I have asked
a married woman how lier husband
asked her to be his, she has always
blushed and given an evasive answer.
It s been so long I have forgotten,' she
sometimes answers, unthinkingly. If
she had realized that she had referred
to her age she would have expired.
"Another woman will answer: Why;
John just asked me, and I said yes.
On account of these different answers
I have begun to think that, as compari
sons cannot be made, an artistic pro
posal will never be had in this world.
I have also begun to think why it is
that these evasive replies are invaria
ble. So deeply has the matter taken
hold of me that, for the enlightenment
of humanity in general, I am half de
termined to form an army somewhat
after the fashion of Coeur de Lion or
Coxey and march upon the hosts of
the silent women and compel them to
yield their secret."
"De gret trouble wif dese times," said
Erastus Pinkly, "am dat 'nuff folks
doan' un'stand'de ta'hiff question
Dasso," replied hie companion. "Foh
instance, you an' me wants free ror
material." "Does we?'" "Sut'ny,
Spose'n de ysters ae dey is Drang rum
de bay didn't cost nufgin.' Dah yoa'd
hab de freest kin'ob rorest material, an'
de intiah profit ob de 'yster bus'ness "ud
go ter us gemmen wha does de shuckin
Washington Star.
Many stubborn and aggravating cases
of rheumatism that were believed to be
incurable and accepted aa life legacies,
have yielded to Chamberlain's Pain
Balm, much to the surprise and gratifi
cation of tbe sufferers. One application
will relieve the pain and Buffering and
its continued use insures an effectual
cure. For sale by Blakeley & Houghton
Druggists. " -
"My husband and I never have the
slightest trouble or misunderstanding
about the suitability of our Christmas
gifts." Indeed I iiow do you man
age?" "I always buy him a lovely new
dress and he gives me a box of good
cigars." Waphington Star.
BnckUu'B Annca naive.
The best salve in tne world for cuts,
bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fevei
sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains,
corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi
tively cures piles, or no pay required
It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac
tion, or money refunded. Price 25 cents
per box. For sale Dy Snipes & Kin-
Teleptfone lou Orders
For Cord Wood. We have a four-horse
team ' delivering to . customers without
any extra charge i plenty of strictly dry
wood in stock. - "
Jos. T. Pbtbbs & Co
AH pain banished by Dr. Miles' Fain Pills.
We are doubling our Store Room to make
room for new G-oods, and our present stock
has to go. Everything in the shape of
GkOTfllflG FOR
Physician and Surgeon, .
All professional calls promptly attende
to, day and night. aprl4
We carry everything that is good
to eat, and at such prices that
we should have the trade of all
hungry people.
Try our
Teas and Coffees.
Can give you an excellent blend
ed Coffee at 25 per pound.
Ask for Halrvor Butter.
Telephone No. 60.
The celebrated Beautifier, Magnetic
and Electric Healer and Bust Developer,
has just arrived in the city, and can be
found at Room 14. Union Street Lodg
ing House. - She carries a fall stock of
all kinds of Ladies' Toilet Articles and
the celebrated Dr. A. Dow's Magnetic
Past, Present and Future revealed by
cards. Consultation free. Come and
learn how to be beautiful. It will cost
you nothing. jan9-lw
Are You in Need
A Fine Line of LADIES' CLOAKS to
Also a Large Assortment of COMFORTERS from 75c up.
Telephone No. 20.
This well-known Brewery is now turning out the best Beer and Porter
east of the Cascades The latest appliances for the manufacture o good .health
ful Beer have been introduced, and ony the first-claso article will be placed oa
he market.
. Register U. 8. Land Office, 1S90-1894.
Business Before the United States Land
. Office a Specialty.
Wells Block, Main St., Vancouver, Clarke Co
Washington. . novl6. :
A Long
String of Fish
Is not Carried
up a Side Street.
It's just about as important
to let folks know that we've
got extra fine Hams and Ba
con,Eastern Buckwheat Flour,
genuine Maple Syrup. The
Finest Coffee in town. A fine
lot of New Breakfast- Foods,
For all those who callorr
us we have bargains in Fine
Goods; for those who don't,
Ask Central for 62.
be closed out at once. Come early. "
Opposite Moody's Warehouse