The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, January 04, 1895, Image 3

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    Are You in Need
A Fine Line of LADIES' CLOAKS to be closed out at once. Come1 early.
Also a Large Assortment of COMFORTERS from 75c up. h - ' -
T ' - "
. ' i
Telephone No. 20. Opposite Moody's'
The Dalles Daily Chronkde.
ntered a the Postofflce at The Dalles, Oregon
as second-class matter.
Clubbing List
Regular Our
price price
OhrooMe and X. Y. Triknc $2.50 $1.75
and Weekly Orfgouian 3.00 2.00
ud Weekly Eiaminer 3.25 2.25
WmIIv 5tw Yerk World 2.25 2.00
Local Advertising.
10 Contn per line for first insertion, and S Cents
tier line for eacb subsequent insertion.
Special rates vor long time notices.
irill appear the following day.
- JANUARY 4, 1895
Leaves From the Notebook of Clironiclie
Andrew Kellar
eottage to rent tf
Portland people got Bull Run water
for a New Year's present, but very for
tunately they did not get in in their
There will be service in the Lutheran
chapel on Ninth street next Snnday at
10:30 a. m., Sunday school at 2 o'clock
p. in. A cordial welcome to everyone.
Regular meeting of the Um-zoo-ee's
has been postponed until next week
We don't like to call people in whist
clubs hard names, but that's the way
they gave it to us.
The Antelope Herald gays that Mitch
ell's new county embraces. 33 sections of
"Wasco county among them the ranch of
Hon. Robt. Mays. Our contemporary
is mistaken the Mays property alluded
to is in Crook county.
' The snow has some disagreeable feat
uxes, but the rainfall, so far, has been
considerable under the average and tho
snow is needed. It will be beneficial to
the wheat crop, and will lav ud abun
dant moisture for next spring s grass.
Outside of a few, a very few sleighs,
the streets are deserted. As the snow
gets beaten down and packed a livelier
appearance will be presented, but it is so
deep that no one cares to be the fellow
to do the road making.
Some of our business men had their
collecting done yesterday, but most of
them put it off until today. (, The latter
course evidenced wisdom as the side
walks are in niuch- betteT condition, and
besides the fellows who have the paying
to do are much better natured. .
. ' Mr. N. Harris, having .leased the
rooms formerly occupied as a drug store,
adjoining his store, the partitions are
being taken out, so that the whole cor
ner up to Hertz' store will be occupied
by him. In order to make room for his
. immensenew stock he is now selling off
nis entire lot 01 goods at t tie very lowest
l jurvoi
When Mr. Tibbets left his sleigh in
front of the express office at noon today,
he did not think that it stood very con
venient to the sidewalk, and conse
quently to the roof thereof. When he
came back after his noontide meal, he
found hia sleigh so badiy smothered that
its tongue was sticking, out nine feet,
and then only reached through the
euberabundant mass of snow that had
been shoveled off the roof into it.
The big rotary snow plow started up
from Portland yesterday morning, but
for some reason did not get here. The
local passenger which was behind it was
abandoned and No 1 which arrived here
early, lay here all day. Since writing
the above the rotary got here in a
damaged condition last night, and was
temporarily repaired at the shops, leav
ing for Portland this morning ahead of
No. 1.
ne city council last night granted a
franchise to T. J. Seufert and J. W.
Condon to build and operate a telephone
line within the city limits. The gentle
men were interviewed this morning by
a Chronicle reporter, and stated thaff
four-roomrwork would be begun as soon asthe
weather would permit. They further
stated that the line would be first-class
in everv respect, and that it would be
operated day and night.
The suurise thi3 morning was beauti
ful. The first rays touched the summits
ot tne mountains acroes tne river ana
the enow gleamed and glistened as if the
whole mountain range was made of
mother-of-pea.l. Off to the west at the
same- time an immense rainbow, its
colors perfect, sent its Eighty arch al-
most to the zenith, while the grand old
Columbia swept majestically beneath it,
bearing its burden of ice down to the
sounding sea.
The steamer Regulator made a trip
down, the river a short distance this
afternoon just to see how things looked
The river was found to be open, though
considerable ice was running. In conse
quence she will leave her wharf at the
regular horfr, 7 o'clock, tomorrow morn
ing "for Cascade Locks. If the Dalles
City can get through the ice the boats
will connect, but those desiring to go to
points beyond the Locks will have to
take their chances on getting down as
best they can. A telegram at 3 o'clock
states that the river is jammed solid
1 with ice as far down as can be seen from
Advertised Letters.
Following is the list of letters remain
ing in tne postomce at lae Dalles un
called for Jan. 5, 1895. Persons calling
for the same will give date on which
they were advertised :
Adams, J E Miller, BF
Adams, Mrs 31 Morris, B F
Bastion, J P , Montgomery, M E
JiJluns, Mrs Alhe Newman, Miss Mol-
Florin J A
Gray, John
Gibson, Mrs L .,,
Harris, J F
Helgrin, Oscar .
Johnson, J N
Kuhuke, Wm
Kirk wood, A J
Kiely, Miss Katie
Parson, L J
Piggott, Rev J ,
Simonson, N J
Stroud, Sam
Tailor. Revoil
Thunborg, Frak
Wagner, Miss C
Wilkerson, Ray
A. Ceossen, P. M.
lx. ivinio.
City Council Meeting.
Regular meeting of the city council
last night, present full board except the
The following business was transacted :
M. T. Nolan was appointed chairman
pro tern.
Minutes of meetings held during Dec
ember read and approved.
The council then" proceeded to the
election of a councilman from the second
ward to fill the vacancy, caused by the
death of T. N. Joles. Thereupon Coun
cilman Eshelman nominated L. Butler
wnictr nomination was seconded bv R.
B. Hood -and -the council took one
ballot which resulted as follows : Butler
three, blank one, L. E. Crowe one.
Chair declared no election, which was
protested against by Councilman Eshel
man and on motion RpnnndpH bv flnnn -
im&n Hood, it was ordered that the
marsnai repair to tne residence ot tne
inavor and request his attendance. ' On
Amotion of Eshelman seconded by Hood
it was ordered that the election of coun
cilman be postponed until, after the
transaction of the other business.
Reports of the city officers for . the
month were read, accepted and placed
on file.
W. H. Lochhead, secretary of ' the
board of fire delegates; reported that a
petition signed by a sufficient number,
had been presented to said board, for
the organization of a hook and ladder
company, and that the board had
granted them a right to organize, and it
was ordered that such action bo ap
proved. "
Report of C. J. Crandall and H. A.
Baker, the engineers on the proposed
sewer systems, read, ordered accepted
and placed on file.
The report of C. J. Crandall on the
proposed Union street improvement,
with plat of the same, was read and or
dered accepted.
Ordered that grade on Union street be
established in accordance with Mr,
Crandall's report.
special ordinance jno. being an or
dinance granting T. J. Seufert and J
W. Condon a franchise for a telephone
system, was read and unanimously
passed. -
A special ordinance transferring
money from the general to the different
funds was passed.
Claims against the city were read and
all were ordered paid except .those not
properly vouched for.
Ordered that the city discontinue the
use of the lot on 4th and Washington
streets,- and that Mr. Kinersly, the
agent, bB notified thereof.
Ordered that a committee of three be
appointed to inquire into the possibility
to getting other lota that might be used
for tying teams by the farmers.
The chair appointed Eshelman, Hood
and Lauer such committee.
Ordered that when council adjourn
adjourn to meet one week from Satur
day night, the 12tbY: ; ; l i f
Ordered that the' Btreet commissioner
employ the city prisoners in cleaning
crosswalks. ". ' '
On motion of - Eshelman, seconded by
Leave or telephone
x your orders .to "us for
Strictly Dry FIR, and
We are not running
a four-horse team, but
will deliver all Wood
ullood, the election of coumcilman
postponed until next meeting.
On motion adjourned.
Notes of the Storm.
The snow at Heppner is only about
four inches m depth, from which we
judge the storm spent most of its force
on the middle Columbia. Yesterday
was one of the worst days ever known in
that section from the Cascades to
Rooster Rock. A genuine hurricane
swept from the mountains down across
that section of the river, driving the
snow in blinding clouds before it, until
t could find refuge in the protected
places. The railroad cuts were soon
filled, in some places the snow being
drifted fifteen or twenty feet deep. The
steamer Dalles City, for the first time
on record, met her match, and was un
able to make headway against the gale,
so returned to Portland.
At Portland chaos reigns this morn
ing. On a foot or more or snow yester
day fell a heavy and persistent down
pour of sleet. All Etreet car lines were
blocked completely, and : by night tele
graph and telephone communication
was completely stopped, the lines being
down in everv direction. The sleet ex
tended east as far as Troutdale, the tele
graph lines being down from that point
to Portland, but are all right this side of
At the Cascade Locks the snow fell
Bteadily all day and night, and this
morning at 8 o'clock it was six feet on
the level and still falling. At Bonne
ville the river is closed with ice.
The storm is remarkable for its sever
ity and the narrow limits in which its
full fury have been expended.
Thousands of Ducks In the Bay Near
Klamath Falls.
The Klamath Falls, Southern Oregon,
Express, relates this wonderful story :
"It will be a difficalt matter, perhaps,
for those who not cognizant of the
abundance of game and fish in this
county, to belieye the following tacts,
but they can be vouched for by nearly
every resident of Klamath Falls. Last
week the bay adjoining town was frozen
over, excepting in the main channel of
the river. The ducks that have been
frequenting the upper lake and streams
hereabouts congregated in the stream
below the bridge and fairly blackened
the waters. In an area of not more
than sixty acres there were from 10,000
to 20,000 wild fowl. They remained for
several days where they were unmolest
ed. A sight of that kind would send the
average eastern sportsman crazy.
Charles Bowker last Saturday cut
several holes through he ice at the up
per end of the river, and in a few hoars
caught 150 pounds of rainbow trout, one
fish weighing seventeen pounds. ' Claud
Daggett and a young friend also caught
thirty-seven fine trout, averaging three
pounds in weight, in two hours fishing.
These trout, that would be snapped up
in a city at 15 cents per pound, are hard
to dispose of here, owing to their abund
ance. The fish and game laws prohibit
their shipment outside of the state. ,
Spring Shapes of .
Derby and Fedora.
Physician and Surgeon,
gSF" All professional calls promptly attenQe
to, day and night. aprl4
Reports f rom Baker City show that
rich ore-bodies are being uncovered in
the mines there daily, and indicate that
with the coming of spring that section
will have a veritable mining boom. We
believe Baker county to be the richest
of Oregon'e mineral-bearing regions,
and that within the next year or two
she will astonish the state.
Anzemsc Women
with pale or sallow complexions,
or suffering from skin eruptiot --.
or scrofulous blood, will fii-
quick relief in Scott's Emulsion.
All of the stages of Emaciatio-i.
and a general decline of .healtri,
are speedily cured.
takes a way the pale, hagf?? "
look that comes with Gene-;
Debility. It enriches the bloc
stimulates the appetite, crea. t
healthy flesh and brings b
strength and vitality. Fcr Co" :
Colds, Sore Throat, Bronchitis, v..
Lungs, Consumption and Wasting
eases of Children.
Send for our pamphlet. Mailed
Scott & Bourne, N. Y. Atl Druggists. COcr
All druggists sell Dr. Miles' Pain Pills.
To make room for
They, ptast
We are doubling our Store Room to make
room for new Goods, and our present stock
has to go. Everything in the shape of v
Register V. S. Land Office, 189CMSM.
Business Before the United States Land
Office a Specialty. -
Vt'ells Block, JIain St., Vancouver, Clnrke Co
Washington. j)ovl6
(Correctly spelled'meams)
Mixed Pickles,
Plain Pickles,
G-erman Dill,
Sweet Pickles. . V . f '
Queen Olives,-
' Sauer Kraut,
Pickled Pork, . .
Pickled Pigsfeet, . '
Pickled Lamb's Tongues,
Pickled Tripe, ' -
Fine Mackerel,
Salmon, Herring,"
G-eorges Cod:
All these and many other '
nice things at' r
ne stock, and this
of t PneeS;