The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, December 29, 1894, Image 3

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The Dalles Dafly Chronicle.
n be red a the Postofflce at The Dallea, Oregon
as second-class matter.
Clubbing List.
Regular Our
price price
Ctrooijlt aid S.T. Trilue (2.50 $1.75
" ail Weekly Oregeiiu 3.00 2.00
" ni Weeklj Euniicr S.25 2.25
" Weellj lev Iirk Wtrld. . . . . 2.2S 2.00
Local AdTertlsing.
per line for first insertion, and 6 Cents
oer line for each subsequent insertion.
Special rates for long time notices.
All local notices received later than S o'clock
will appear the following day.
'fesaTes Froi
i the Notebook of Ckroaicle
Andrew Kellar has a four-room
ottage to rent tf
Don't forget the soiree and prizes to
night, at the opera house.
The hills surrounding the city received
a light coating of snow last night.
Navigation was suspended on Snake
river yesterday on account of the freeze
np Are you going to the Red men 'a mas
querade? Of course you are, because
everybody will be there and you don't
want to get left.
The thermometer touched twelve be
low freezing point last night, and if this
condition prevails any length ef time we
shall have good skating.
Some of the boys have" been skating
on the slough above town, but at noon
it was not frozen across sufficiently to be
safe except along the ehore;
The case of the State against Adam
Fleck, who was charged with assault
and battery in striking H. C. Gordion
with a shovel, Dec. 24th, was tried in
Justice Davis' conrt yesterday by a jury,
and a verdict of not guilty was returned.
At the Methodist Episcopal church
Sunday, December 30th, the morning
v theme of the pastor, Rev. J. Wbisler
will be "The Duty and Benefits ot a
Personal Consecration ;" in the evening
"Our Debt to God." A cordial invita
tion to all. a
.Mr. il. Y. Harrison, who has been
appointed by the court to collect delin
quent taxes, has completed the work of
making a list of all the taxable real
property in the county accordfng to the
assessor's books, lor use in checking up
tne present ownerehiD book now bein?
made, and will at once begin the work
of tax collecting. ' "
- The committee appointed by the city
council to furnish plans for a sewer
system for the city, have completed
their labors as far as selecting the route
ia concerned, having had two competent
engineers assisting them. The proposed
system will make five miles in length of
24 inch sewer and would be almost per
fect, but the trouble is going to be in
the cost.
The Portland Illustrated Annual pub
lished by Peaselee Bros, of that city, is
one of the very handsomest things of the
kind we have ever seen. It is simply a
masterpiece, in which the photographer
the designer, the engraver and the
printer have each tried to outdo the
Since the wreck in which Engineer!
Ready was killed the O. R. & N. is hav
ing decidedly bad luck at that point, or
near it. A temporary track has bee;
built around the scene of the recent ac
cident at Turn water, and nearly ever;
day since a freight train has got into t
ditch there. Last night several cars cat
off the track, delaying the west boon
passenger six hours.
The Manque rade.
The grand masquerade ball given 6
the Redmen of this city, comes off Mon
day evening at Wingate's hall. All the
committees are busily engaged in looking
after the matters left to them, and it is
certain that nothing will be left undone
that can in anyway add to the pleasure
or comfort of those attending. The hall
and music dtand are being decorated
handsomely and three big arc lights are
being put in that will make the ball as
light as day. Takrn all in all this mas
querade promises to be the most suc
cessful affair of the kind ever given in
The Dallea.
An Absmd Kumor.
Washington, Dec. 28. Relatives of
Mrs. Russell Harrison pronounce as
perfectly absurd the rumor that she had
taken up a residence in South Dakota fur
the purpose of making application for di
vorce. Thev eav the rnmor donht.leps
Vrose from the fact that Mrs. Harrison
spent the month of August at the Hot
-Springs of South Dakota, where she took
her little daughter Marthenia for her
When Baby was sick, we gave her Castorla,
When she was a Child, she cried for Castorla.
When she became Hiss, she clung to Castorla, "
When she had Children, she gave them Castorla.
Stubling & Williams have received a
fine assortment of imported liquors dur
ing the week, consisting of brandies,
whiskies and wines, which they will
offer over their bar, and will retail at
very low prices. Only the best wines,
liquors and cigars kept at their sample
Lrooms, corner Court and Second streets.
Stubling & Williams have at their
sam pie rooms, corner Second and Court
streets, a fine lot of claret, port and zin
fandel wine, which they will sell to the
trade- or at retail at lowest possible
prices. DeclS.
The Columbia Packing Co. are selling
trimmed pork shoulders at 5 cents per
pound for cash. declS
Advertise in The Chronicle.
Overturned Lamp Set fire to
Building, Burning Men, Women
and Children to Death.
I A dispatch from Klamath Falls yester
rday gives the following account of the
Silver Lake horror :
"A most horrible holocaust occurred
at Silver Lake, Or., Christmas eve.
Over 40 people gave up their lives. Six
teen" were badly injured, five of whom
will probably die. While Santa Claus
was making merry, the little children
who had assembled in the hall above
Chrisman Brothers' store, with their
parents, brothers and sisters, little
dreamed ot the horrible fate they were
soon to meet. The Lakeview Examiner
fill ifi yiH u nil uu Y" nar ms- nv rw nr ninn n n I
on a bench in the middle of the hall. In
doing so, bis head strnck a lamp hanging
from the ceiling, causing the oil to run
oat, which immediately caught fire.
While trying to take the lamp down, it
was tipped so that the oil ran out on the
floor. From that time on the scene was
horrible to behold. Some said, 'Shut
the door and keep quiet, it can be put
out,' while others screamed and yelled.
The lamp was finally taken down, but it
fell to the floor. In the attempts of the
people to escape, it was kicked to the
door, where it lav motionless, as it could
not be touched on account of the intense
heat. People were compelled to go
through the flames, in order to reach
the door, and frantically rushed to their
doom. The killed are :
Mrs. John Buick, Freddie and the
baby ; Mrs. Owsley, Lillie and Bruce ;
J J Buick and his daughter, Mrs. Snell
ing, Mrs Howard and two children ;
Ed Bowen, Miss McCauley, Wood
Hearst and wife, Mrs Coshow, Frank
West and wife and two children ; T J
Lambnes and child, Mrs Ward, sr.,
Mrs U F Absbier, Frankie Horning,
Mrs Payne, Mrs Nettie Williams and
child, W Clay Martin and wife, Robert
Small, Mrs Ella Ward and child, Frank
Ross, his mother and sister, Roy Ward's
child, Ira Hamilton and Mrs Gas
Schroeder and child.
"The five injured, who are likely to
die, are : Mrs J T Labrie, Bob Snelling
and sister, and Ed Payne and son.
"The postoffice and . the entire stock
of goods of Chrisman Brothers, which
were in the building, a two-story struc
ture, were consumed with it."
Examples or Communism In
Animal World.
Professor Stewart, in a lecture before
the London institution, gives some In
stances of the curious . partnerships
which are sometimes formed in the ani
mal world, the principal of which has
been differentiated by naturalists under
the term commensalism. The organiom
of the lower animals are inter-dependant,
and, like human beings few of them
for every Dollars worth of
goods bought from us during
the month of December we
will give you a chance in our
Holiday Drawing, viz: One
Ramona Cook Stove with
Reservoir, one .copper Tea
Kettle, one Columbia Gar
land, Jr., Stove, &c, on exhib
ition at our Grocery Store.
Draining to take place at 9
o'clock, flew Years Eve.
This is an - opportunity for
everyone to get a chance in
our "Holiday Drawing, as we
are selling Hardware, Grocer
ies, Heating aud Cook Stoves,
Steel Ranges, Tinware, Gran
iteware, Rogers' Triple-plated
knives and forks Pocket cut
lery, Nickel-plated and Agate
Tea and Coffee Pots etc, at
prices to suit the times. 225
Call and be convinced.
are able to live only for and by them
selves. There is a hermit crab, who carries
about him attached to his shell, or even
to his claw, a sea anemone. When the
crab feeds his. partner shares the. feast,
and morover enjoys the benefits of free
locomotion, though little able to move
itself. The parasite fully repays this
service by hiding the crab when he is in
danger, aiding him to numb or kill his
prey, and, when the time comes for the
crab to change his shell, assisting him
ti his new home'.
Another example of this spirit of
communism is found in the protection
afforded the acacia tree of tropical
America by a colony of ant warriors.
The acacia tree, finding itself in danger
ofjdestraction by leaf-cutting and other
ants and other insects, enlists in its
service a tribe of ants, which are not
only innocuous, but ready to fight for the
pljant aid keep off its enemies.
Bat the ants are true mercenaries and
not serve without pay, and for
them the tree affords food and a shelter
hollow appendages (stipules) to live in
and nutrient fluids on which they. feed.
As soon as tne foe sets foot on the leaf
stock he is assailed by the guardian ants
and either killed or compelled to beat a
hasty retreat. Pit.tshnnr Dispatch. ,
The Baptist church, Rev. O. D. Taylor
pastor will hoid services at 11 o'clock
tomorrow morning. All not worship
ping elsewhere are cordially inyited.
Sunday school follows the morning ser
vice. No service in the evening.
Methodist Episcopal church, Rev. J.
Whisler ' pastor Preaching by the
pastor at 11 a. m. and 7 :30 p. m. ; Sunday
school after morning service; Junior
League at 5 :30 p.m. ; Epworth League
at 6 :30 p. m. ; class meeting Sunday at 10
a. m. and Tuesday at 7 :30 p. m. ; prayer
meeting Thursday at 7 :30 p. m. All
are cordially welcomed.
The Congregational church, corner
of Court and Fifth street Sunday ser
vices as usual : At 11 a. m. and at 7 :30
p. in. worship, and a sermon by the
pastor, W. C. Curtis. Sunday school
immediately after the morning service
and meeting of the Young People's
'Society of Christian Endeavor at 6:30 p.
m. ; topic, Looking Backward, (An ex
perience meeting) Psalm cxlv:l-21.
All persons not worshipping else
where are cordially invited.
Dr. F. C. Brosius was
River yesterday evening.
up from Hood
The weather bureau reports warmer
weather and snow for tomorrow.
Hon. Henry Blackman, collector of
internal revenue for the 'district of Or
egon, was in the city last night.
Mr. Lewis Scholl, formerly of this
city, but now of Prettcott, Wash., yisited
old time friends here yesterday. It has
been some fifteen years since Mr. Scholl
left Th Dalles and he . notes great
changes in that time..
In this city, Dec. 29th, to the wife of
E. M. Smith, a son.' - ' . -.
YMMn Jacftsts
f X - j ' ; FOE .
fy Ladies,
(4111 " misses ana '
"'.''.Iv Dry Goods,
Clot hinic ' .fjr!P . I - ;' Shoes
All we ask is to call and examine our prices, and you
will be convinced that they" are the lowest in the city.
' 1. UerTDring.
pood Exhibit.
Call and sample the dainties
cooked by Eastern Cooks, at
J. B. CROSSEN'S Grocery
All the rest of the week.
Spring Shapes of
Derby and Fedora.
Are You in Need.
A Fine Line of LADIES' CLOAKS to be closed out at once. Come early.
Also a Large Assortment of COMFORTERS from 75c up.
Telephone No. 20.. Opposite M. oody's Warehouse
Boots and