ALL GOODS MARKED IN I PLAIN FIGURES. I The Dalles Daily Chronicle. ntered a the Poatoffice at The Dalles, Oregon as second-class matter. Clubbing List. Regular Our price price fkmiilt nl H.I. Trillin $2.50 $1.75 " ul Wwllj Ortgoiiu 3.00 2.00 " ui Weekly Ixaaiier 3.25 2.25 " Weekly lew T.rk Wrli 2.25 2.00 Local Advertising-. . 10 jpenut per line for first insernonana 6 Cents oer line for each subsequent insertion. 8pecial rates for long time notices. 11 local notices received later than 8 o'clock irill appear the following day. FRIDAY, - DECEMBER 28. 1894 BRIEF MENTION. Imii Prom the Notebook of Chronicle Reporters. Andrew Kellar has a four-room ottage to rent v tf Martin Donnell will probably move his drug etore from Goldendale to this place early next month. Regular soiree at the opera house morrow night. This being the last dance of the month, the prizes will be awarded that night. The engines from the wreck were side tracked near Pease & Mays' warehouse yesterday. They looked like they never would recover from that Christmas jam. Two cars loaded with sections of the gates for the locks at the Cascades passed down this morning, from which we judge they were not injured in the wreck Wednesday nigbt. The body of Joseph W. Ready was t sent East last nigbt. There was quite a number of Masons and Knights of Pythias at the depot as well as engineers, to pay their last respects to their de ceased brother. The mercury has been below the freez ing point all day with a light northeast wind of remarkable keenness prevailing. It is fine winter weather, though, and already the small boy has his skates out and ready. It will be some days yet be- t V fore the ice will be ripe unless the mer eury takes another small drop. Am Old Urn. , Rev. W. C. Curtis received this morn ing a very unique present, ' and one which he yalues very highly. It came from Mr.1 Norman Wilson, who is at present in Phoenix, Arizona and is noth ing more or les3 than a ceramic vase or urn, made ages ago, by the Aztics or mayhap the cliff-dwellers. It contained a few pieces of human bones and was found in the bottom of one of the old canals near Phoenix. The urn is per fect with the exception of a very, small piece chipped from one edge, and ia with out thec flaw or crack. Peed wheat for sale cheap at Wasco Warehouse. , tf. ISID GLOVES 1 "s FOR SALE BY PEASE Resolutions by the Council. At a special meeting of the common council of Dalles city, held Dec. 24th, the following preamble and resolutions were adopted, Whereas, It has pleased the Supreme Ruler of the Universe to remove from our midst our friend and co-worker Thos. N. Joles, and . Whkeeas, The intimate relations long held by the deceaeed render it proper that we should place on record our ap preciation of bis services as a council man of this city, and his merits as a citizen. Therefore be it Resolved, That the common council tender its spmpathy to his relatives in this their sad affliction. Resolved, That the council attend the body to the grave to pay the last honor to his remains. Resolved, That these resolutions be entered upon the minutes and that a copy of them be sent to his relatives. G. C. Eshelman, M. T. Nolan, S. S. Johns, Committee. Advertised Letters. Following is the list of letters remain- ng in the postoffice at The Dalles un- alled for Dec. 29, 1894. Persons calling for the same will give date on which they were advertised : Baxter, Wm Cameron, J R & Co Clark, L A Clark, Mrs Barbara Chase, U P Sam Cayuin, Hamden E Cochran, Chas H Collier, Miss Con a Fairchild, C W Galligher, Jas Gosser, Chas Glooteen, Chas Hinson, A Henick, Morton Kennery, Jno Kirkwood, A J Leet, O E Mann, J.B Maher, Miss Nellie Mc-Gowen, Mrs Geo Keacock, F Richardson, J W Robertson, Mrs J P Rodgers, J Simonson, Sons Sun Wasco Sun, Snyder, J L (2) Thompson, Mrs Charlie " J. A. Cbobsen, P. M. Real Estate Transactions. The following deed was filed for record today. Harry Harting to Dennis Ma loney, n of nej of the sej sec 36 1 2 n of r 12 e. The D. P. & A. N. Co. will tie up their steamers for necessary repairs on Jan. 6th, 1895, and will resume opera tions as soon after repairs are made as possible. W. C. Allaway, Agent. Stabling & Williams have received a fine assortment of imported liquors dur ing the week, consisting of brandies, whiskies and wines, which they will offer over their bar, and will retail at very low prices. Only the best wines, liquors and cigars kept at their sample rooms, corner Court and Second streets. Stubling & Williams have at ' their sample rooms, corner Second and Court streets, a fine lot of claret, port and zin fandel wine, which they will sell to the trade or at retail afr lowest possible prices. - . " ' Xecl3. Pat on Tour Glasses and Look nt This From $100 to $2,000 to loan. Apply to " Gzo. W. Rowland, r-.vis.&W Third St, The Dalles, Or. & MAYS. Dufur Doings. Now the days are somewhat shorter, And the weary sun is sorter Losing all the Tim and vigor That it had a while ago. And as sure as we're a poet, We'll be out before we know it, With a big long-handled shovel, Digging ditches in the snow, After a few months of silence, I will put in a few items of our berg as a part ing reminder of the old year. The farmers are busy preparing for the winter, hauling hay and s traw, put ting the farm implements under shelter, etc. No very great amount of fall plow ing has been done around Dufur and vicinity, on account of the frozen condi tion of the ground ; but as soon as al lowable the farmers will make up for lost time. The weather of late has been damp and threatening, while most of Monday there was a heavy fog, which was cold and penetrating. Good sleighing around Nansene and Tygh Ridge, while Dufur is enjoying a "black Christmas." Dr. Kane was called away by a tele gram from California, summoning bim to the bed of a sick brother. Mrs. Sunderland has returned to Portland. Miss Belle Gibson has gone to her home in Sherman county to spend the holidays with her folks. David Miller and Jas. Kennedy are spending Christmas with their parents and friends at Wamic. Mr. Geo. Dufur spent Christmas with bis relatives here. Miss Annie Dufur, who has been the guest of Mrs. Mollie Dufur of The Dalles, has just returned. Grandpa Dufur, who has been very ill, is now around again, we are pleased to note. It is a hard matter for one of his energy and ambition to be kept in doors for any great length of time. New Year's night there will be given a grand masquerade ball, at which ap propriate prizes will be giyen to the two best gentlemen and lady characters. A social is to be given at the hall by the A. L. S. Saturday, Dec. 20th. All are invited. School closed Friday, Dec. 15th, for a two-weeks vacation. Several new buildings have just been completed, which adds to the size of our berg somewhat. . The Methodist church are holding protracted meetings, with the aid of Rev. Brian. Christmas eve the ladies of the W. C. T. IT. gave a Christmas tree at the M. E. church, which was a grand success. They spared no pains to make the even ing an enjoyable one to both young and old. The church was beautifully decor ated with evergreens and appropriate mottoes and emblems of the occasion, while a large tree was tastefully and plentifully decorated with the Christmas offerings, and the myriads of lights that danced and twinkled amongst the laden boughs.' ' A large crowd filled the church to overflowing;' A short but well chosen program preceeded the usual Cnristmap exercises. ' The choir gave some ex cellent music, nnder the supervision of Willard , Vanderpool, who ia proficient GIVEN AWAY for every Dollars worth of goods bought from us during the month of December we will give you a chance in our Holiday Drawing, viz:- One Ramona Cook Stove with Reservoir, one copper Tea Kettle, 'one Columbia Gar land, Jr., Stove, &c, on exhib ition at our Grocery Store. Draming to take plaee at 9 o'eloek, fleet Years Eve. This is an 'opportunity for everyone to get a chance in our Holiday Drawing, as we are selling Hardware, Grocer ies, Heating aud Cook Stoves, Steel Ranges, Tinware, Gran iteware, Rogers' Triple-plated kmves and forks Pocket cut lery, Nickel-plated and Agate Tea and Coffee Pots etc, at prices to suit the times. Call and be convinced. MAIER & BENTON. in mnsicand thoroughly understands his business as the people of Dufur well know. Rev. Barnhart gave a few fitting remarks. Master William Gulliford re cited "Boys Are Wanted," in a clear, loud voice for one so young. Ralph Can trell and Garfield Easten recited their declamations with credit for boys of their ages. One of the best things of the even ing was a recitation by Theresa Mark- ham, entitled "What the Bells Said at Christmas," which was very effectively rendered and well appreciated by the audience, after which a tinkling of bells told that old Santa was at the door, and caused a stir and a craning of necks among the juvenile portion of the audience. Every child was made happy by some gift bestowed by the wonderful Santa Claus, while those too old to feel the mystical charm of his' presence, sighed, Turn backward, turn backward, O, time in your flight, MHke me a child again, Just for tonight. After the distribution of the gifts, the crowd dispersed with their hearts full of cheer and a feeling of "peace on earth, good will to men." Christmas night a dance was given at the I. O. O. F. hall, at which a goodly crowd was in attendance and all enjoyed the evening. C. P. Batch and his fourteen dogs are quite well, we are pleased to state, at the present writing. Quiz. PERSONAL MENTION. A. J. Mozart is up from Cascade Locks. P. E. Michell left for Columbus this morning. Mr. Chas. Stone returned from Seattle last night. Mr. James Hoag came up from Hood River last night. Mr. Faulkner of Hood River was in the city yesterday. Mr. Snowden arrived home from Tacoma yesterday. - M. H. Nickelsen and F. R. Absten of Hood River are in the city. Mr. A. G. Johnson came up on last night's train from Portland. Mrs. D. M. French and Miss Bessie are spending a few days in Portland. Mrs. Rinehart came up from Portland will remain until after New Years. Miss Georeie Sampson will ko to Goldendale tomorrow to visit relatives. isd Rutledge of Grass Valley is the guest of her cousin, Miss Catharine Martin. Mr. Edgar Clayton, one ot Nebraska's prominent stockmen, visited his sister, Mrs. R. B. Hood of this city, yesterday, leaving for Portland ' this morning. They had not seen each other for thirty four years. ' MABB1ED. At the residence : of the groom's Earents, near Dufur, Christmas day, laniel S. Doyle and Miss Carrie Smith, A. J. Brigham, justice of the peace, per forming the ceremony. ' When the congratulations were over a splendid Christmas dinner was served. The worthy young couple start happily on the sometimes lempestuorj sea ' of matrimony; and that their : good "ship may reach the1 haven free from, storms and typhoons, is the wish of their large circle of friends. "" ' : l! v& lows iSw) Jactt JV imsses aaa ; BT POPOItBH PAIGES. j POLL. STOCK OF ' 'h Dry Goods, i& Clothing, - i 1 ' ' . ' Hats, f '' "'A . Boots and ''J;,gP ' Shoes. All we ask is to call and examine our prices, and you will be convinced that they are the lowest in the city. TERMS STRICTLY CHSH. .4 V. pood Exhibit. Call and sample the dainties , cooked by Eastern Cooks, 'at J. B. GROSSEN'S Grocery All the rest of the week. C OTT OLEN E Spring Shapes of Derby and Fedora, JOHN Are You in Need. GROC ERIE DRY GOODS, GENTS FURNISHINGS, B OOTS AND SHOES ? A Fine Line of LADIES' CLOAKS to be closed out at once. Come early. Also a Large Assortment of COMFORTERS from 75c n p. ' . v. JC & CO., Telephone No. 20. . Opposite Moody 's Warehouse G. HERTZ -OF- S ,