The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, December 24, 1894, Image 3

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' AND-
We most
you a Merry Christmas.
Every Child calling today or this evening
will be presented -with a "box of Candy.
for every Dollars worth of
goods bought from us during
the month of December we
will give you a chance in our
Holiday Drawing, viz: One
Ramona Cook Stove with
Reservoir, one copper Tea
Kettle, one Columbia Gar
land, Jr., Stove, &c, on exhib
ition at our Grocery Store.
Drawing to take pJaee at 9
o'clock, Seal Years Eve.
This is an opportunity for
everyone to get a chance in
our Holiday Drawing, as we
are selling Hardware, Grocer
ies, Heating aud Cook Stoves,
Steel Ranges, Tinware, Gran
ite ware, Rogers' Triple-plated
knives and forks Pocket cut
lery, Nickel-plated and Agate
Tea and Coffee Pots &c, at
prices to suit the times.
Call and be convinced.
Misses ana
I Dry Goods,
Boots and
All we ask is to call and examine our prices, and you
will be convinced that they are the lowest in the city.
The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
utered a the Postoffice at The Dalles, Oregon
as second-class matter.
Clubbing List.
Regular Our
priee price
ttriiieU aid 5. Y. Tribune $2.50 $1.75
" aid Wwklj Oregoniaj ...3.00 2.00
" aid Veeklj Eiamiier ..325 2.25
" Vttklj Kew York W.rld 2.25 2.00
Local Advertising.
10 Cu(us per line for first Insertion, and 6 Cents
oer line'for each subsequent insertion.
Special rates for long time notices.
All local notices received later than 3 o'clock
will appear the following day.
DECEMBER 24, 1894
Ceavea From tbe Notebook of Chronicle
He spent four weeks in urging on
A mnstache sleek and brown,
But when he went to see his girl
, She straightway called it down.
One premature drank did penance
before the city recorder this morning.
Smith Bros, are preparing the. Win
gate h all for their dance this evening.
Dancing commences at 8:30.
This morning George Ruch made pre-
' limiharv orrantrompnta f ni- P!hriaf-TYiaa hv
j o -J I
burning oat a chimney on his residence
The idea seems to be contagious.
There will be work in the Third to
night at the regular session of Friend
ship Lodge No. 9, K. ofJP. All Kights
in good standing are requested to be
present, .
Christmas "fixing" are abundant the
shop windows displaying all kinds, qual
ities and styles of things suitable for
Christmas presents, and the prettiest of
them all are the collections of dolls.
The suit of C. E.'Greene against con-
siaDie urqunart, tried Saturday, was
taken under advisement until this
morning by Justice Davis, at which time
it was decided in favor of .the defendant.
The alarm of fire yesterday e
was caused by a burning chimney on
the residence of Mr. John Michell, editor
v of the Times-Mountaineer. It may have
keen all right, but it looks to ua like a
put up job by brother Michell, as an
extra inducement to Santa Claua. V No
damage wasdone. "
The Methodist Sunday school will
have Christmas exercises and a Christ
mas tree Tuesday night. Friends de
siring may put presents orr the tree, bpt
not more than two presents for any ofte
person. Presents should be at ''the
church by 2 o'clock. Exercises
mence at 7 o'clock. ' -
C. A.' Greisa left Dickinson, North
Dakota, last September, coming across
country on horseback. He stopped at
Wenatcbee, leaving there on tbe 8th,
and -arriving "here yesterday1 at noon.
He will leave in a few days for Los An
geles, going by way of Prineville. He is
engaged in writing up the country for
Eastern papers.
As it is eminently proper that every
one should celebrate- Christmas, no
paper will be issued from, this office to
morrow. In lieu thereof we wish all
our readers a merry and happy Christ
mas. May each one s cup of happiness
be filled to overflowing, and may all of
the youngsters get what they want, and
escape from some of those things they
will probably need.
Remember the. magic lantern show
Christmas night at Armory Hall, for the
benefit of St. Paul's Sunday school. A
selection will be made from four hundred
views,- both instructive and amusing.
The lantern is a large one and shows a
splendid picture. An interesting pro
gram aside from the lantern show, has
been arranged. Admission 25 cents,
children 10 cents. Exercises begin at 7
A couple of boys were arrested last
night for disturbing the Salvation Army
services. They are large enough and old
enough to know better. While tho
Salvation Army is looked upon by many
as a nuisance, as long . as they behave
themselves they are entitled to bold
their meetings without being disturbed.
Those who do not like their etvle of
worship should not go to. the barracks,
but if they do go they should behave
themselves. ' .
Death of Thomas N. Joles.
Salvation Army.
The ship "Glad Tidings," laden with
good things, for whom it may concern,
will be on exhibition at tbe opera house
on the evening of the 25th of December.
This will be the grandest exhibit of the
kind ever seen in the state of Oregon.
Adults, 10 cents ; children free- Doors
will be open early. EveryoneTwelcome.
- Sweets to
the Sweet.
Mr. Andrew Keller, the confectioner,
has a beautiful display of Christmas
goods in his line. Fancy candies, in
endless varieties, cakes plain and orna
mental, and the thousand of things "just
too sweet" make up the outlay. Rem
ember the little folks will want candy
and they all like Keller's.
Yesterday .afternoon" between 4 and 5
o'clock, Thomas N. Joles died at the
residence of his brother in this city.
The news was a shock to the community,
a3 his death was sudden and unexpect
ed. Mr. Joles has not been in good
health for some time, having had a very
severe spell of sickness last summer,
from which he never entirely recovered ;
but yet he was able to attend to his
business, and was apparently regain
ing his health.
The first report was that he had taken
a dose of carbolic acid by mistake.
This report was caused by the fact that
Mr. Joles, a few moments before the
fatal attack, had put some carbolic acid
on his lips, which were chapped, mis
taking it for salve. This, of course, had
nothing to do with his death. He had
gone to his room shortly after dinnerf
and had . been there but a short time
when he was seized with a choking
spell. Dr. Logan was sent for, but by
the time he arrived the end was reached,
and with a gasp or two, the spirit of the
stricken man took flight. No autopsy
was held, but-the doctors agree that
death was caused by fatty degeneration
of the heart.
The funeral takes place tomorrow
afternoon at 2 o'clock from the Method
ist church, under the direction of the
A. O. TJ. W. order, of which he was an
honored member.
Deceased came here from Geneseo,
Illinois, about twelve years ago, and has
been in business nearly ever since that
time. At tbe time of his death he was
eenior member of the firm of Joles, Col
lins & Co., one of the leading business
houses of the city. He was a member
of the city council at the time of his
death, a position he had held for several
years, and was energetic and conscien
tious in the discharge of his duties. He
was unmarried, aged 35 years, and will
be-sincerely mourned by a large circle of
friends. Besides being a Workman, de
ceased was also a member of Columbia
Lodge, I. O. O. F., of Mt. Hood Camp,
Woodmen of the World, and The Dalles
Lodge, I. O. G..T.
Attention, A. O. IT. W.
Members of Columbia Lodge, No. 5, 1.
. F., will meet at their - hall tomor-
afternoon at 1 o'clock; for the pur-
i of attending the funeral of our late-
ather, Thomas N. Joles.' By order
Attest: H. Fikge, N.' G.
H. Clough, Secy.
Some place between Joles, Collins &
Co.'a store and The Dalles Lumber Co.'s
flume, yesterday, a large clasp purse,
containing $286 ; $170 gold, $110 currency
and $6 silver. A suitable reward will be
paid for ita return to The Chronicle
office.. : .-' - J. F. Jones.
Chrlatnut Services.
There will be a Christmas service at
the Congregational church Tuesday, a.
m. at 11 o'clock. - All are cordially in
vited, .
The members of Temple Lodge, No. 3,
A. O. TJ- W., will meet at their hall to
morrow afternoon at 1 o'clock, for the
purpose of attending the funeral of our
ddteased brother, Thomas N. Joles. By
order of C. F. Stephens, -
Master Workman.
The' D. P. & A. N. Co. will tie up,
their steamers for necessary repairs on
Jan. 6th, 1895, and will resume opera
tions as soon after repairs are made as
possible. W. C. Aliaway,
- . . Agent.
When Baby was Bick, -we gave her Castoria.
When she was a Child, she cried f or CastoriaT
When she became Miss, Bho clung to Castori.
When she had Children, she save them Castoria.
MisB Evelyn Newman is in Portland
visiting friends.
Mrs. Stowell is over from Goldendale,
the guest of Mrs. Stephens.
Miss Esther Freiman, formerly of this
city, is visiting friends here.
Mr. Talbot of the engineers depart
ment at the Cascades is in the city.
Mr. Ed Mavs came up from Portland
Saturday to spend the holidays here. '
Miss Grace Michell went to Columbus
yesterday to spend Christmas at home.
Miss Nellie Butler returned from Cen
tralia Saturday, accompanied by her
little niece.
Miss Mamie Smith left for San Fran
cisco this morning, where she will make
her home with her uncle.
Mr. G. D. Kaufman a Btudent of the
Portland university is visiting his school
mate, G. W. Crossen, alias Will.
Mrs. Eliza McFarland started for
Seattle this morning, to visit her son,
Mr. A. McFarland, who is quite ill.
Oregon Academy of Sciences.
The Oregon Academy of Sciences will
hold its first series of meetings for the
year 1894-95 at Portland, Or., Saturday,
Dec. 29th, 1894, in the assembly room of
the High School building. There will
be two sessions, one at 2 p. m., the other
at 7:45 p.m. The following program
has been arranged; '
Centrifugal and Centripetal. Forces.
..... .Mr. A. J. Hamilton, Portland
Irrigation ............ i . 1
; . .Mr. A. S. Bothwick
(Subject not announced)
. . .Prof, Leonard C. Cochran, Salem
The Theory of Evolution as Applied
to Ethics
. . .Rev. E. M. Wilbur, Portland
Twisted Curves. .
Dr. C. H. Chapman, Kugene
Theory of Tides
Dr. G. O. Rogers, Forest Grove
Morphology and Physiology of the
Egg. Prof. F. H. Washburn, Corvallis
A discussion of the papers will follow
their reading, previous to the closing of
the sessions.
The above program is of unusual in
terest, and you are requested to be pres
ent, together with your friends.
B. S. Pague, R. Nunn,
President. . Secretary.
Opens December 1, 1894, and Closes
January IS, 1895.
During this time the Dalles, Portland
& Astoria Navigation Company will sell
tickets from The Dalles to Portland and
return, including two meals on the
steamer Dalles City at $2.50. Tickets
limited to ten days from date of sale.
Regulator will leave at 7 a. m. and
the Dalles City will arrive at Portland
at 5:30 p. m. Quick transfers at the
locks. W. C. Axiawat,
nov22-tf Gen. Agent-"
Stubling & Williams have at their
sample rooms, corner Second and Court
streets, a fine lot' of claret, port and zin
fandel wine,, which they, will "sell to "the
trade or at retail at lowest possible
prices. ' ' DeclS.
Bauer kraut at W. A. Klrby's.
SANTA CLATJS, in his big fur coat and his
sleek reindeers, and a big load of toys for the
girls and boys.
For every cash purchase of "One Dollar you get
a Coupon, and Santa Claus -will call at the ad
N dress on the coupon Christmas morning "with
his big load of Toys, "sleigh bells and all, and
leave the presents for the little ones.
Don't miss this chance to get your Groceries
. cheap and also a present for the little folks.
From no-w till Christmas at
. . . V ------- - ---- , 'V ;
. ,
Fine Goods, Clean Store, Prompt Delivery.
For a Christmas Gift.
Suspenders, Gloves,
Mufflers, Handkerchiefs.
Are You in Need
t. :
A Fine Line of LADIES' CLOAKS to be closed out at once. Come early.
Also a Large Assortment of COMFORTERS from 75c up.
Telephone. No, 20. Opposite .Moody's Warehouse-