The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, December 21, 1894, Image 1

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yol. vii
NO. 307
Liyely Street Duel With
Three Mexicans.
Two Chicago Hankers Sentenced to the
Penitentiary -Opium Smugglers
Convicted Seven Blocks
Prescott, Ariz., Dec. 20. Policeman
Prince laat night attempted to arrest
three men who were running amuck in
Prescott, when the trio palled guns and
commenced firing at him. He returned
the fire, shooting one Mexican through
the right thigh, shattering the bone
badly and cauaing a wound from which
the man will probably die. The -wounded
man fell on the sidewalk, but continued
shooting until he had emptied his pistol,
' and then attempted to reload. He had
a belt full of cartridges around his
waist. The other two succeeded in
getting away after emptying their guns
at Prince, 18 or 20 shots being fired in
all at the officer, but he escaped without
a scratch. Prince was smoking a cigar
when he attempted to make the arrest,
and continued smoking all through the
Chinese Want Dynamite Crniser.
.New York, Dec. 20. A Chinese agent
in Washington is negotiating with Men
donca, minister for Brazil, for the pur
chase of the dynamite cruisers Nichthe
roy and Audrada. The former has the
celebrated Zalinski dynamite gun on
board, which Brazil found no opportun
ity to use against the rebels during the
'late outbreak. ,. Great things are ex
pected of it. . If the trade goes through,
the vessels will be taken to China by
Americans, who are expected to remain
long enough to instruct the Chinese in
their operation.
1 Row in the Imperial Council.
' London; Dec. 20. A ' Tien-Tein dis
patch says the protests of the foreign
diplomats against the refusal of the gov
ernment to issue passes to foreign guards
to proceed to Peking to protect their res
pective legations has resulted in dissen
sions in the imperial council, and it is
probable that' Prince Ching will resign
his office. ' .
Italian Troops Defeat the Natives.
Rome, Dec. 20. A dispatch from Mas
sowah, Egypt, announces that six com
panies of Italian troops, under command
of Major Tessell, defeated the Arabs yes
terday near Halai. A large number of
natives were killed. The Italian force
lost 10 killed and 22 wounded. It was
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report
LADIES' and GENTLEMEN'S MACKINTOSHES and MISSES GOSSAMERS, direct from the largest factory in
the world. Rubbers of all kinds. Boots and Shoes of splendid value just opened.
from $1.50.
...... v
Agency of the Brownsville
Clothing, Blankets, Etc.
composed entirely, of native soldiers,
drilled and officered by Italians. It is
believed this .victory will prevent any
further intrigues on the part of Abyssin
ians. The Italian commander-in-chief
reports everything quiet in the direction
of Soudan.
Harder of Chief Engineer Newell.
Ckipple Creek, Colo., Dec. 20. The
circumstances of the killing of Richard
Newell, jr., general superintendent and
chief engineer of the Midland Terminal
road, by A. W. Van Houten, a miner,
near Independence last night, are as fol
lows : The owners of the Black Wonder
mine could not agree with the railroad
as to the damages for the right of way.
Arbitration gave the mine $125. r Gas
Yoeman, one of the owners of the mine,
told the men living in a cabin on the
line of the road not to let the railroad
disturb them under any circumstances.
The railroad built a track with a sharp
curve around the cabin. Newell went
out on a epecial car, stopped at the cabin,
and went in with papers in his band.
Soon after Newell came out quickly and
Van Houten appeared in the doorway
with a rifle, fired and Newell fell dead.
Van Houten claims he shot in self-defence,
but it appears ; Newell was not
armed. Van Houten had no interest
in the property. He was jailed at Colo
rado Springs. ' . Newell was a nephew
of President Newell, of the Lake Shore
road. W. H. Hoskin was arrested as
an accessory. The officers of the Mid
land road consider Yeoman largely res
ponsible, and say they .will prosecute
him. '
Proposal to Divide Egypt.
Paris, Dec. 18. Le Journal prints the
text of an alleged Anglo-Italian agree
ment in regard to the Soudan and Mo
rocco by which Italy is to occupy Khar
toum, and support England in her occu
pation of Egypt. Italy will also take
possession of Morocco, with- the excep
tion of Tangier, which is to be . the
British possession. .
Can't Compete With America.
; St. Petersburg,' : Dec.; 20.' Novoesi
says the council of the empire has sanc
tioned an increase of the cotton import
duty. It is done probably at the in
stance 'of the cotton . growers of Turk
estan, who complained of the competi
tion of American grown cotton.
Brisson's Inaugural Address.
Paris, Dec. 20. At today's sitting of
the chamber of deputies, newly elected
President Brisson detivered his inaug
ural. The address was well received.
Brisson said the proggress made by the
republic was due in a great measure to
the liberty of discussion.
A Jealous Husband's Crime.
New Yohk, Dec. 20. Charles Peter
son today shot and killed his wife and
then himself, Groundless jealousy was
the cause. Five young orphans are
made by the tragedy.
in Ladies' Hats, Feathers or Flowers will be given away with each purchase of a Dress Pat
tern, Embroidered Skirt, Ladies' or Children's Corsets, Underwear, or Lace Curtains.
Men's' Overcoats.
from $5.90.
"Newest goods and best
The End Seems Near."
London, Dec. 20. Important dis
patches have been received here tonight
from Tokio, indicating clearly that,
practically, the war between China and
Japan has ended. Whatever instruc
tions have been conveyed to the com
manders of the respective military and
naval forces from the governing powers
of the two empires is not told in the ad
vices, but assurances are given in quar
ters known to be thoroughly cognizant
of diplomatic affairs that the emperor of
China has been prevailed upon to have
commissioners sent to Japan, and that
these envoys have such power of con
cessions as will without doubt enable
them to bring about an immediate and
thorough end ot hostilities. The details
of their authority are not given, but the
presumption is not ignored in diplo
matic quarters that the consessions
asked by the Japanese government have
met with the acquiescence of the reign
ing powers of China. '
A Judge Accused of fraud.
Macon, Mo., Dec. 20. A warrant was
sworn out by Oswald Hicks, treasurer
of the populist county committee, against
J udge D. D. Ballard, late of Los Angeles,
Cal., whom he accuses of obtaining
money under false pretenses. During
the congressional campaign Ballard
lectured for the populists, and during
this time obtained Hicks' indorsement
to a draft on a Washington bank, and
swore out a warrant for Ballard's arrest
The latter's whereabouts are unknown.
Earthquakes In Hungary.
Buda-Pesth, Dec. 20. A violent
earthquake shock lasting a minute was
experienced at JO :30 p. m. yesterday at
Oravicza, South Hungary. Many houses
fell and the walls of the others were
cracked, roofs fell in and cornices tumb
led into the streets. Less violent shocks
were felt at 1 and 2 a. ' m. today. The
inhabitants passed the night in the
streets in spite of the severe cold.
. .. . t.
A Household -Treasure.
': D. W. Fuller, of Canajoharie, N. Y,.
says that he always keepB Dr. . King's
New Discovery in the house and his
family has always found the very best
results follow its use ; that he would not
be without it,' if procurable. G. A.
Dykeman Druggist, Catskill, N. Y., says
that Dr. Kings New Discovery is un
doubtedly the best cough remedy ; that
he has used it in his family for eight
years, and it has never failed to do all
that is claimed for it. Why not trv a
remedy so long tried and tested. Trial
bottle at Snipes-Kinerslys Drug Co. 'a
Drug Store. Regular size 50c. and $1.00.
Cleveland Is Enjoying Himself.
Georgetown, S. C, Dec. 20. Presi
Cleveland says he enjoyed his visit here
having been freer from interruption
than ever before. Sport has been plen
tiful and weather fine. He will leave to
morrow for Washington. .
For a pain in the side or chest there is
nothing so good as a piece of flannel
dampened with Chamberlain's Pain
Balm and bound on over the seat of pain.
It affords prompt and permanent relief
and if used in time will often prevent a
cold from resulting in pneumonia. This
same treatment is a sure cure for lame
back. For sale by Blakeley & Hough
ton Druggists.
Boss Cash Store.
from $1.50.
value in Men's Suits, Pants
."' -
For this -week
with every Boy's Suit sold, a pair of Wool
We -wish to call particular attention to our elegant line of
which are to "be given away at 16c each.
Regular World Beaters at 35c each.
See Display. .
for Infants and Children.
Caatorfa promotes DigerBrtn, and
overcomes Flatulency, Constipation, Sour
Stomach, Diarrhoea, and Feverishness.
Thus the child Is rendered healthy and its
sleep natural. Caatorla contains no
Morphine or other narcotic property.
"Castoria is so well adapted to children that
I recommend it as superior to any prescription
known to me." H. A. Abohkb, M. D.,
Ill South Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. T.
"For several years I have recommended your -
Castoria, and shall always continue to do so,
as it has invariably produced beneficial results.'
Edwim F. Pardee, M. D..
125th Street and 7th Ave., New fork City.
"The use of 'Castoria1 is so universal and
its merits so well known that it seems a work of
supererogation to endorse it. Few are the In
telligent families who do not keep Castoria
within easy reach.'
CiBTOB Mabtyw, D. P.,
New York City.
The Ceotaub Oojipaxy, 77 Hurray Street, K. T.
Hats, Neckwear, Silk Handkerchiefs, Hosiery, &c.
our entire stock of Children's Boys', Men's
President. .
J. It. Patteeson,
first Rational Bank.
A General Banking Business transacted
Deposits received, subject to Sight
Draft or Check. -Collections
made and proceeds promptly
remitted on day of collection..
Sight and Telegraphic Exchange sold on
New York, San Francisco and Port
. land.
D. P. Thompson. Jno. S. Schenck.
Ed. M. Williams, Geo. A. Liebk.
H. M. Bball.
Snipes-Kinersly Drug Co.
Pure Drags CfiBnicals.
At Our Old Place of Business.
Hose and Boy's Shoes.
LIME and
Picture Moulding:.
from $1.50.