The Dalles Daily Chronicls. SUBSCRIPTION BATES. JT HAH., P08TASB FKITAIP, JN ADVANCB. Weekly, 1 year. 1 60 " 6 months. 0 75 " 8 '. 0 50 Ban, 1 rear. , , 6 00 " 6 months..... .... 800 - per " 0 60 Address all communication to " THE CHRON ICLE," The Dalles, Oregon. THURSDAY. - DECEMBER 20. 1894 SUES THE WORLD'S FAIR BOARD , Senator W. F. Matlock and hia asso ciates on the world's fair commission have been proceeded against and must appear in court. This action was began by John W. McGinn, attorney for Miss Maud Allen, daughter of E.'W. Allen, who filed a petition for the issuance of a writ of mandamus to compel tne execu ' tive committee of the world's fair com mission, consisting of George T. Myers, W. F. Matlock and George W. McBride, to set aside an audit made by them and make a new audit. According to the rules of the commission the heads of the various departments at the fair were authorized to employ assistants whose compensation should not exceed $5 a day. Mrs. E. W. Allen, the head of the woman's department, employed her daughter, Miss Maud Allen, as assistant, fixing her compensation at $5 per day. Under the rules no money could be paid out of the appropriation without a re quisition from the head of a department, accompanied by a voucher. Miss Allen's salary for August and September, 1893, amounted to $305, for which proper vouchers were made and sent to the ex ecutive committee. The body cut the total amount down to $122. The plain tiff avers that the defendants cut the claim arbitrarily and without authority, and asks that a new audit be made ac cording to law. La Grande Chronicle. It will be seen from the above that Che hope of purifying politics by giving women a liable to prove delusive. Men are corrupt, more or less dishonest, (principally more) and given to many kinds of meannesses, ' but whenever lovely woman Las had an opportunity offered ber to measure her talents along side those of her bearded brother the latter has nothing to boast of in his favor. - Mrs. Allen was the head of the woman's department and employed her daughter Maud, as assistant ; not because it was a snap for Maudy; not because that young lady could lay loving hands on the goddess of liberty as shown on the "almighty dollar," with gentler touch and the more lasting good of the family of Aliens ; not for any personal or family reason ; not for nepotism or any thing of that kind. Oh! no. But the commission having recognized Mrs. Allen's peculiar fitness for the head of the department, it was quite natural on the doctrine of heredity, that the same traits of character should have been in herited by the daughter and thus she would make the most perfect assistant. Then too, the commission authorized Mrs. Allen to fix the salary of her a'ssiBt ant at not exceeding $5 per day. It was quite a coincidence that it took just the mam to secure Miss Maud's services, and the agreement was made between mother and daughter with as much bus iness acumen as if it were between father and son. It is plain, however, that Miss Maud should be paid, just as plain as it is that women will not purify poli tics, but politics will cause women to how those trait of character which cir cumstances, not having called ''out, we are prone to believe she is not pos sessed of. SCHOOL BOOKS. The school book question continues to be discussed at length. Some of the at tacks upon the present system of books are really amusing, and make at least interesting reading. That the language Beries in use should be changed seems to be pretty generally conceded. ' Out side of that we still insist the senti ment of the teachers of the state is prac tically unanimous in favor of retaining the present system. We admire the progressive teacher and progressive ideas bo long as they progress forward, but that admiration ceases when like the the spirits at a seance, their progress has reached a point where they no longer use good English. The old books were thumbed by Webster, and before our most recent craze for progress the teachers who now have charge of the schools, themselves learned from the old books. If they are examples of the re sults of old methods and old books, then from our acquaintance with them we would say let the old books and the old systems remain. It is only six years since the present school books were selected, and if the school superintendents then made so poor a selection as some would have ns believe, they should not be trusted to make another. Astoria 'is visiting Portland and yes terday and last evening there was a feast of reason and a flow ot champagne. It iSr to be hoped now that the libations have been poured, that the old-time jealousies and bickerings between the metropolis that is and the metropolis that is to be, will cease, and that an. era of friendship will be cultivated in place of it. Hon. Charles Fulton was of the delegation and cautioned his fellow represensatives to "remember Astoria's culture and not take the napkins for handkerchiefs." J. E. Overton, the man who disap peared suddenly from Portland last fall, and who was for a time supposed to be murdered, is again home. Overton who owns a farm near Gresham, on the Sandy, had an idea' that he could skip, lie low for awhile and then return, was not calculating on an action for damages on the part of an injured female, and the attachment of his ranch for its full value. When he learned that his prop erty was liable to be lost, he came back from the Sandwich islands to defend it. The fiery gentleman of Oregon City, fa no, over the signature of "One of the .Fools," yesterday wrote to the Portland Sun an - attack on the Hood River Gla cier for suggesting the re-election of Dolph,' is' entirely too modest in the se lecting of his signature. "One," did he say? Only "one" of them ! Specimen cases. S. H. Clifford, New Cassel, Wis., was troubled with neuralgia and rheumatism, his stomach was disordered, his liver was affected to an alarming degree, ap petite fell away, and he was terribly re duced in flesh and strength. Three bot tles of Electric Bitters cured him. Edward Shepherd, Harrisburg, 111., had a running sore on his leg of eight years' standing. Used three bottles of Electric Bitters and seven boxes of Bncklen's Arnica : Salve, and his leg is sound and well. John Speaker, Cata waba, O., had five large fever sores on his leg, doctors said he was incurable, one bottle Electric Bitters and one box Bucklen's Arnica Salve cured him en tirely. Sold by Snipes & Kinersly. 'The Salem Statesman of I yesterday contains this item : "Hon. H. R. Kin caid, secretary of state-elect, was seen by a Statesman reporter at the passen ger depot last night for a few moments before the overland train arrived. In reply to a question Mr. Kincaid stated that he did not expect to make his ap pointments public before the legislature HE'S COMING! SANTA GLAUS,- in his "big far coat and his sleek reindeers, and a big load of toys for the girls and boys. . -:: j:-!; f.y ,;Uv For every cash purchase of One Dollar you get a Coupon, and Santa Claus -will call at the ad dress on the coupon Christmas morning -with his big load of Toys, sleigh, bells and all, and, leave the presents for the little ones. Don't miss this chance to get your Groceries cheap and also a present for the little folks. From now till Christmas at J. B. CROSSENS GROCERY. Fine Goods, Clean Store, Prompt Delivery. Our Christmas Offering We will give to every purchaser of One Dollar's worth of Goods in any of .our departments, a chance in the follow ing three prizes': One-hundred-piece China Dinner Set. Elegant "Meteor" Banquet Lamp. , - Beautiful French Dressed Doll. The Drauiing to eome off on REMEMBER Headquarters for Christmas Goods l 1 i Also carry a full and complete line of . i j FANCY AND STAPLE ! GROCERIES, CROCKERY AND GLASSWARE, &c. ' w I convened; that in the governor's case it Jifl. i - . . , . r . wub umejenc as a great aeai oi me rou tine work of that office would depend on the private secretary, and as that office , was making a change in political com- plexion, it would be necessary for the in coming private eecretary to- post himself thoroughly before he could assume the duties of his office. ' ' ' A Secret.' ' -1 If all the ladies knew the simple secret that a bad complexion is due to a dis ordered liver, there would be fewer sal low faces and blotchy skins. ' ' This im portant organ must .be kept active and healthy to insure a clear and rosy color. Dr. J. A. McLean's Liver & Kidney Balm aa a purifier, beats all the ' creams and lotions in existence and will pro duce a more permanent effect. Removes bad taste in the mouth, offensive breath, yellow tinge in the skin, wind on the stomach and that dull, billions feeling which so surely indicates the torpid liver. Price $1.00 per bottle. Snipes & Kinnersly, Drug Co. PORTLAND EXPOSITION. Opens December 1, 1894, and Closes January 15, 1805. During this time the Dalles, Portland & Astoria Navigation Company will sell tickets from The Dalles to Portland and return, including two meals on the steamer Dalles City at $2.50. Tickets limited to ten days from date of sale. Regulator will leave at 7 a. m. and the Dalles City will arrive at Portland at 5 :30 p. m. Quick transfers at the locks. W. C. AlXAWAY, nov22-tf Gen. Agent. We have made arrangements with the San Francisco Examiner to furnish it in connection with The Chronicle. Hav ing a clubbing rato with the Oregonian and N. Y. Tribune for our republican patrons, we have made this arrangement for the accommodation of the democratic members of The Chronicle family Both papers, the -Weekly Examiner and Semi-Weekly Chronicle will be fnr nished for one year for $2.25, cash in ad' vnce. Feed wheat for sale cheap at Warehouse. Saner kraut at W. A. Kirby's. Wasco tf. tf Christmas Eve at" 10 o'eloek. WE ARE " Xi. ZEOIEIDIEIISr &g CO. SEE! SEE WHffT? C. P. STEPHENS, If you want anything in the shape of CLOTHING, For Man or Woman Boy, Girl or Baby. " Meesh-a-lavis apachlapoo ta ish FIRST Grand siiea(le Ball, TO BE WASCO TRIBE, NO. 16, I. 0. R. Fl., ; ; : ', :v :h j oi on; new Years eye, - ; BEGEHBER " At Wingate The following prizes -will he given: ONE FANCY FRUIT DISH Best Sustained Lady Character. : ONE FANCY SHAVING SET Best Sustained Gentleman Character. ONE MANICURE SET Most Comical Lady Character. . ' . ONE FANCY CARVING SET Most Comical Gentleman Character. ONE APPROPRIATE PRIZE Best Represented Buck. ONE APPROPRIATE PRIZE Best" Represented Sqaaw. . Prizes on exhibition in L. COMMITTEE. ON W.H.BUTTS, J.J.WILEY, F. W. L. SKIBBE, . D. S. DUFUR, BECEPTION JOHN M1CHELL, A. A. KELLER, F. H. WAKEFIELD, A. W. BRANNER, T. J. DRIVER, : E. B. DUFUR, DR. O. C. HOLL1STER, W. T. WISEMAN, H. H. RIDDELL, DR. J. SUTHERLAND. HALL S. J. FULTON, L. D. MILLER, J. S. SCHOOLING, BEN B.S.PAYNE. F. FLOOR J.J.WILEY, CHAS. N. TIBBETS, A. M. KELSAY, door committee: F. H. WAKEFIELD, L. N. BURHAM, L. A. BUNCH, F. LEMKE, . , - JOHN BLASER, l'l rslr e-t.t7 SliOO, On and by members of the tribe, fositively-no questionable characters admitted Grand March at 8:30 P. M. , , . - Music by For a Christmas Gift- SuSpenders, - Gloves, Neckwear, Mufflers, Handkerchiefs. JOHN Are You in Need. . ; - - of - GROCERIES, DRY GOODS, GENTS': FURNISHINGS, BOOTS AND SHOES? A Fine Lino of LADIES' CLOAKS to be closed out at once. Come early. Also a Large Assortment of COMFORTERS from 75c up. JOLES, COLLINS & CO., Telephone No. 20. slmma-lapaltic ka adoo." GIVEN BY- s 3 1st, s 1S&, HalJ,:fhe:DaIle V"f Rorden's Show "Window. AEBANGKMENTS : F. H. WAKEFIELD. COMMITTEE: F. W. L. SKIBBE, F. MENEFEE, COMMITTEE: CHAS. MICHELBACH. L. NOLAN, ULLRICH, NICK B LASER, FURBER, R.FRANK. committee: CHAS. GRIEP, M. SHOREN, W. H. BUTTS. J. HANNAN. sale in all the principal business houees, sharp. Dufur Bros.' String Band. C. HERTZ Opposite Moody's Warehouse. GMffl! for' every Dollars worth of goods bought from us during the month of December we will give you a chance in our Holiday Drawing, viz: One Kamona (Jook btove with Reservoir, oiae! copper Tea Kettle, one Columbia Gar land, Jr., Stove, &c, on exhib ition at our Grocery Store. Drawing to take place at 9 o'eloek, flew Years Eve. This is an opportunity for everyone to get a chance in our Holiday Drawing, as we are selling H ard ware, Grocer ies , Heating aud Cook Stoves, Steel Ranges, , Tinware, Gran iteware, Rogers' Triple-plated knives and forks Pocket cut lery Nickel-plated and Agate Tea and, Coffee Pots &c, at prices to suit the times. Call and be convinced. MAI ER& BENTON. Ladies' and Gentlemen's Gold and Silver Watches. Large selection for Xmas Presents. I. C. Nickelsen's. PROFESSIONAL. H. RIDDELLi attornbt-at-Law Office Court Street, The Dalles, Oregon. a. B. DUFUR. FKAKB. KIHSTI1. DTJFUB, A MENTSFEff ATTOKNBYS - AT law Rooms 42 and 43, over Post Mfice Building, Entrance on Washington Street "he Dalles, Oregon. - . J. B. CONDOM. ' . . J. W. CONDON. CONDON 4 CONDON, ATTORNEYS AT LAW Office on Court street, opposite the old court house, The Dalles, Or. B. S.KUtrnHOTON. ' B. S. WILSON. HUNTINGTON A WILSON ATTOBNBTS-AT-uw Offices French's block over rst Na tional Bank Dalles. Oregon. vv H. WILSON Attobhby-at-law Rooma French & Co.'s bank building. Second street, The Dalles, Oregon. SUTHERLAND, M. D C. M. ; F. T. M. C. M. C. P. and 8. O., Physician and 8nr-fteon- Rooms 3 and 4, Chapman block. Residence Mrs. Thornbnxy's, west end of Second street. i rUDDALL Dbhtist. Gas given for the 1 r , painless extraction of teeth. Also teeth -t on flowed aluminum plate. Rooms: Sign of e Golden Tooth. Second Street. We wish to announce that we have made a specialty of , Winter Blooming Bulbs, 1 HYACINTHS and LILIIES, POTTED PLANTS of AH Kinds. We are prepared to furnish on short notice cat flowers for all occasions; also pot plants and wires. ' Hyacinths in bloom A beautiful holiday gift. Get your ChrysanthemnmB at once to send East. FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. - f : : TRANSACT A f.KMCKAL BANKING BUSINESS Letter? of Orndit issued available in the - Kastern States. - . . " Sicht Exchange and Telegraphic Transfers sold on New York, Chicago, St. Lotus, San Francisco, Portland Oregon, egon and Washington. Collections made at all point" on fav orable terms. .v