The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, December 20, 1894, Image 1

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NO. 30G
Chinese Officers to Be Pun
ished for Defeat.
More Outrage Committed In Ar
menia Premier Thompson's
" Remains.
Shanghai, Dec. 19. Local papers state
an imperial decree was issued December
17 for the arrest and handing over to a
board of punishment Taotai Knngt Gen
erals Wei Wn Cheng Tung, Sellin Chiang
Kurte and Ching Yung for losing Port
Arthur; Teao Hueyi, commander at Ta
lien Wang, for cowardice; Wieju Kwei,
commander ol a ship, for incapacity to
control his men, and permitting them to
pillage; Ko Yeh Chin Chav, commander-in-chief
in Chihili, for sending
false reports of victories, whereas he re
treated from Yashan and lost Ping Yang,
and Anchow and Admiral Ting, for fail
ing to protect Port Arthur and cowardice.
It is reported the authorities refused
passports to a detachment of Russian
marines to guard the legation of Russia.
Tbe First Japanese Army.
Yokohama, Dec. 19. The first Japan
ese army, under command of Field Mar
shal Nbdzu, Field Marshal Yamagata
having been invalided home, is operating
from Chien Len Chung with detach
ments thrown out toward New Chwang
and Moukden. Little headway is being
made. The country is difficult to trav
erse, and the enemy is making resistance.
It appears the first army is not anxious
to get to New Chwang or Shanghai
Kwang before the other forces are ready
t?.8trike Tien-Tsin. A searching official
inquiry is being made into the Port
Arthur atrocities.
A Contraband Vessel Captured.
London-, Dec. 19. A Tokio dispatch
says the Japanese 'cruiser off Wei-Hai-Wei
captured a sailing vessel loaded
with ammunition and provisions con
signed to Admiral Ting of the Chinese
fleet. The vessel was towed to Talien
Field Marshal Yamagata will resign
the presidency of the privy council and
bn appointed inspector-general of the
Japanese army.
A Tien-Tein dispatch says United
States Minister Denby at Pekin has re
ceived from the dowager empress of
China valuable presents of handker
chiefs, intended for the foreigns ladies
who had subscribed to purchase the tes
tament recently presented to her. The
emperor has ordered tbe troops to pro
tect the churches in Peking.
found In a Garret.
Perth Amboy, N. J. Dec. 19. A vain
able discovery, it is believed, has been
made here. Raphael's celebrated lost
painting, "The Holy Family of Loretta,"
done 1513, has emerged again from an
eclipse of obscurity. A good authority
on works of art has pronounced the pic
ture' to be a genuine Raphael, but how'
it came here remains to be revealed.
After being knocked about here for sev
eral months as valueless, it has found
its way to a New York collection. The
old painting has lain for a number of
years In the garret of Rev. P. F. Con
nolly, rector of St. Mary's Roman Cath
olic church. Last epring during house
cleaning time, the picture, covered with
the dust of several decades, was thrown
into the yard as worthless. A son of
Daniel Gates, the local auctioneer, saw
the picture, and asking for it, was told
to take it away. The boy took it to his
father's shop, where it was cleaned up
and placed in the window awaiting a
purchaser. A few weeks ago Thomas
MacCan, a local painter, saw the pic
ture, and taking a fancy to it, paid $12
for it. He knew nothing of the real
value until a friend from New York,
who called at the house, offered him
$250 for it, which was accepted. The
painting was shipped to New York,
where it was sold for $500, and now
hangs in one of the finest collections in
the country. Its real value has juEt
been disclosed. The name of the last
purchaser cannot be ascertained, as the
transaction is one that brings with it no
honor. From what can be learned the
painting is without doubt the long-lost
Holy Family of Loretto," painted by
Raphael in 1513. How it came to Perth
Amboy is bard to guess. It -was un
doubtedly at one time part of the Eg-
gleswood collection, which, when
the Spring family was in its zenith, was
one of the best and oldest collections in
tbe 'country. Civil war and business
troubles reversed the fortunes of that
family, and their collection was scat
tered about the country. The most
plausable explanation, the only one that
is given by Father onnolly for the
presence ot tne picture in ms garret, is
that it must have been brought there
by one of bis servants, who was at one
time employed on the Eggleswood es
tate. ' Another theory advanced is that
the painting was stolen from the studio
of Geoege Inness, which was part of the
Eggleswood estate, and occupied by him
a number of years. The present owner
claims that he has been offered $10,000
for the old painting a number of times
during the short period it has been in
his possession.
The Foreigners In Peking-.
London, Dec. 19. A dispatch to the
Times from Shanghai says that, in view
of China's refusal to permit foreign
guards to enter Peking, the various dip
lomatists of that city are combining for
local defense should the occasion arise.
to suppose that an imitation offers
the customer any guarantee like
the original does. Take Cottolene
for example. The Fairbank Co.
discovered it, perfected it, arid
spent thousands in making its
merits known. It is plainly to
their interest to make and keep it
what it is to-day the most popu
lar shortening in the world.
But when you come
these guarantees all disappear,
and the housekeeper is at the
mercy of an imitator who deals
on others' reputation and who
profits only by others' loss.
To ensure having good cook
ing and healthful food stick
right to Cottoi,e:ntj and let all
imitations severely alone.
Sold in S and 8 pound palls.
Made only by
The N. K. Fairbanlt
ST. rOTJIS tad
CMesgo, HewTork, Bosto
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report
Member of Parliament Dead.
London, Dec. 19. Sir Edmund B.
Lech mere, member of the house of com
mons for Evesham division, Worcester
shire, when about to address a meeting
at Pershore, Worcestershire, last night,
fell dead.
A Household Treasure.
D. W. Fuller, of Canaioharie. N. Y..
says that be always keeps Dr. King's
New Discovery in the house and hisn
family has always found tbe very best
results follow its use; that he would not
be without it, if procurable. G. A.
Dykeman Druggist, Catskill, N. Y., says
that Dr. Kings New .Discovery is un
doubtedly the best cough remedy ; that
he has used it in his family . for eight
years, and it has never failed to do all
that is claimed for it. Why not trv'a
remedy so long tried and tested. Trial
bottle at Snipes-Kinerslys Drug Co.'a
Drug Store. Regular size 50c. and $1.00.
The Czar's Coronation.
St. Petersburg, Dec. 19. The coro
nation of the czar will take place in
April, 1896. It is understood an exten
sive change of government officers will
be made at the beginning of the Russian
new year. -
For a pain in the side or chest there is
nothing so good as a piece of flannel
dampened with Chamberlain's Pain
Balm and bound on over the seat of pain.
It affords prompt and permanent relief
and if used in time will often prevent a
cold from resulting in pneumonia. This
same treatment is a sure cure for lame
back. For sale by Biakeley & Hough
ton Druggists.
For this -week our entire stock of Children's Boys', Men's
Overcoats at Cost.
with every Boy's Suit sold, a pair of Wool Hose and Boy's Shoes.
We wish to call particular attention to our elegant line of
which are to be given away at 16cf each.
Regular World Beaters at 35c each.
See Display: - n
r.s- ;.iiv'f:u hum ufiltx:
;V f.i-
r -V t IT1 "V". i
J. tt. BCHWCIn?8! , '"'J. MiFiKMSOM,
r s f jajtmer-
HO Tt"
For Infants and Children.
rr rr -
Castorfa promotes Digestion, and
overcomes Flatulency, Constipation, Sour X
Stomach, Diarrhoea, and Feverishness. ...
Thus the child Is rendered healthy and its
sleep natural. Castoria contains ndl
Morphine or other narcotic property.
" Castoria is so well adapted to children 'that '.
I recommend it as superior to any prescriptioa -known
to me." H. A. Ahcheb, M. D., -
111 South Oxford St, BrooklynN, Y,
For several years I have reeommeilSed your
' Castoria, and shall always continue to do so.
as it has invariably produced beneficial results.'
Edwi W. Pardib, M. D., trr
123th Street and 7th Aye.t.ew YorkfCtyji
"The use of 4 Castoria ig so universal and
its merits so well known that it seems a work of
MinivAmiratlnn tA M1nn it. TTnv Am thA In
telligent families who do : not ieep Castoria
Cabxjob ILibttw, D. D.,
New York City.
Thk Cxhtaub Compamy, 77 Murray Street, N. Y.
first Rational Bank.
rrf -rt . RTTvJr? A TVr.A P
A General Banking Business transacted
, Deposits received, subject to fiight
Draft. or Check, r..r T
Collections made and proceeds' promptly
- remitted on of collection.
Sight and Telegraphic Exchange sold on
1 ;New-York, 'Ban Erancisco-,. and Port
y - - ld. ' "
iO Hocriroo seq'id
piRBOTORS. . ;
D. P".;THMPS6N4V r; "' 1 iKO.;S?SCHENCK.
Ed. .MWixxiaks.' -Geo, A, Liebb.
w' ; i- H. MBeail.
Snipes-Kinersly Drug Co.
mt urugs
.oioJS' xtsefD hnoD oai.
At Our Old Place of Business.'
i'K! iiiij if I f ! :
in "j.'' j'J0(u:',i
', .,.-1 ;,;.,;,.!-, I ,
-so!; . , -''i'l
LIME and ; - ; ' ;
- n :-.l" .1
Window-Glass : ' t
i ;and;ii"
Picture ; yMoulding
'i'.!--?. Oil; Jsijjui
.( 17 -i t'J i"'
:c:J .t-fi.'UI'A e?-jt2C'i: vc-isj sh ?;;.! -'
Boss CashiStoi'e-
mi i
v,!t "i.
: :r; i-.:. v.'!;' 'iif'.v Stri':':v 'M'i
in Ladies' Hats, Feathers or Flowers will be given awayitheach. purchase of a Dress Patr
tern, Embroidered Skirt, Ladies' or Children's Corsets, Underwear orLace Curtains. ;;,13.,1,,';s,s,,!;;T""
the world. Rubbers of all kinds. Boots and Shoes of splendid value just opened.
V from $1.50.
Men's Overcoats., ; (,-
from' $5.90.'
rs Vizi . I. f i: i fri.if is. !-.JJO ...
Newest goods and best value in Mens Sxiits, Pants' Hats, Neck-wear, Sillr Handkerchiefs, Hosiery, &c.
fro m $1.50
)Wat:" .r.z"1::.
' ! cidOIJK-Fl!.. f-CiJ
! e'tli imv1' ?.saiTjJaul fniK -.'Air-'AtsA
j eilotOiJawi -:itt ! iu: s: -Jf.lU. nlp-rnoi-i.
. imi) hc.H .9niit) Vi'rtr ,-nf ' 'A SH'li
Agency ot tne tsrownsviue
M. HON Y WILL, Importer
Clothing, Blankets, Etc.