The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, December 18, 1894, Image 1

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NO. 304
Caught Bobbing a
fr.V .
' Lady's Coffin.
Two Illinois Editor Anxious to Fight a
Donl-Tiro Murderers Ilaof ed
Damaie by Fire. "
Cincinnati, Dec. 17. From Mount
Hope, Ky.f a small village 12 miles from
Walton, comes the news of a shooting
Saturday night of a graverobber caught
in the act. There have been robberies
at the cemetery, and when Mies Morris
was buried Saturday her betrothed de
termined to watch her grave. Near mid
night two men began ' digging in the
grave. A dozen shots were fired at the
robbers, and "Smiley" Jordan, a colored
farm hand, was shot dead. His white
companion escaped.
Catherine GIng's Murderers.
Minneapolis, Dec. 17. It is not likely
that C. A. Blixt, the self-confessed mur
derer of Catherine Ging, will be banged.
He will be brought before Judge Hicks,
of the district court, today, where he
will enter a plea of guilty. Sentence
will not be passed, however, until he
has been used as a witness for the state
in the Harry Hay ward case, and then it
is expected that he will be given a life
sentence. The court has appointed
Judge J. K. Shaw, W. A. Hawn and F.
H. Carlton, three able criminal lawyers,
to defend him, but when they attempted
to hold a consultation with him yester
day, Blixt refused to have anything to
do with them. He is still in the St.
Paul jail, aiid continues to' protest that
he is innocent, and claims that when he
tells his story there will be some sensa
tional disclosure.
Clans A.' Blixt, the self-confessed mur
derer of Catherine Bing, was arraigned
in the district court this morning and in
a weak voice pleaded not guilty. The
case was set for trial January 7th, in
spite of Attorney Odell's demand that it
be not set earlier than January 27th.
Trial of Treasurer Hoggs.
Tacoma, Dec. 17. The trial of ex-Secretary
and Treasurer George W. Boggs
was begun today in the criminal depart
ment of the superior court. The charge
is embezzling nearly $25,000 of city funds
by placing worthless securities ia the
. bank and receiving credit as cash. The
defense will allege that all the acts of the
treasurer were ordered by the council.
The question largely turns on whether
or not the securities placed in the bank
are worthless. This morning a jury' was
secured after five challenges by the de
fense, two by the state, and two excused
for cause. Prosecuting Attorney Snell,
in opening for the state, talked an hour,
A Three-Cornered Fight.
Mexico, Mo., Dec. . 17. Saturday
morning John Atkin, a farmer living a
few miles west of this city, was en route
here on business. When he got within
two miles of this city he was halted by
William Mclntyre and his son. Ah old
feud was renewed and a fight ensued, in
which all three were seriously wounded.
Atkin was stabbed in the back and ter
ribly cat about the face and head. Mc
lntyre and his son were seriously beaten
in the face and on the hands. All are
well-to-do farmers. William Mclntyre
is a brother of Colonel D. H. Mclntyre,
ex-attorney general of Missouri, and a
brother of Representative-elect T. A.
Mclntyre, of Audrien county.
The Forrestry Sill Fassed.
Washington, Dec. 17. The plan of
urging Secretary Carlisle's bill for a re
vision of the currency before the holi
days has been abandoned. It was de
veloped today that many democratic
members of the house were opposed to
hurried action. Mr. Crisp was against
haste, and the committee on rules sup
ported this view. The house today, by
a vote of 159 to 55, passed the bill to
protect public forest reservations.
Presidential Appointments.
Washington, Dec. 17. President
Cleveland has sent to the senate the
following nominations : Justice Char
les D. Clarke, to be United States dis
trict judge of the eastern and middle
districts of Tennessee, vice ' David M.
Key, retired ; Humphrey B. Hamilton,
to be associate justice of the supreme
court of New Mexico.
State Thomas O'Hara, of Michigan,
to be consul at San Juan del Norte, Ni
In the Senate.
Washington, Dec. 17. In the senate,
the university bill went over, and ' the
Nicaragua canal bill was called up.
The senate adopted Sills' resolution
calling for a copy of ihe income-tax
regulations. The bill to establish a
national university was then taken up.
To Segregate Mineral Lands.
Washington, Dec. 17. The senate
committee on public lands today author
ized a favorable report on the bill pro
viding for a commission to examine
and segregate the mineral lands of Mon
tana and Idaho within the Northern
Pacific land grant. '
Carlisle's Flan Presented'.
Washington, Dec. 17. The majority
report of the house committee on bank
ing and currency, favorable to Secretary
Carlisle's plan of currency, was today
presented to the house by Chairman
Springer, with the recommendation
that the bill pass.
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report
Suicide at Tacoma.
Tacoma, Dec. 17. T.'E. Ogilvie, aged
25, a mechanic in the employ of the
Edison car shops, was feund dead in his
room this morning with a bullet through
his breast. - It was evidently a case of
suicide. He was in love with a woman
who is to be married Thursday to an
other man. Ogilvie was' despondent
through that, and also from the fact he
had just discovered he had consumption.
Two Murderers Hanged.
Jasper, Tenu., Dec. 17. John and
uenerai i.enneay, : brothers, were
hanged here today for the murder' of a
telegraph operator named Txwerey, em
ployed by the Nashville, Chattanooga &
St. Louis road at. Shellmound, in Oct
ober last. Lowery was shot to death
while asleep in his office, his clothes
rifled and the office looted.
Two Missouri Banks Fail.
Slateh, Mo., Dec. 17. The Citizens'
Stock bank, of this place, made an as
signment to Commissioner P. Storts to
day. A savings bftnk also closed. The
latter as Eoon as collections are made
will be re-opened. ' The fall of the stock
bank will prove serious to several de
positors. It had a capital of $100,000,
and was thought to be strong.
A Defaulting Deputy.
San Fbancisco, Dec. 17. Thomas
Craoke, deputy in the office of the super
intendent of streets,' has been missing
since Wednesday last. ' An investigation
of his books completed this' morning
discloses that he is an embezzler to the
amount of $3,000. Superintendent
Ackerson says he will make the defal
cation good.-
Seely Fleaded GuUty.
New York, Dec. 17. Samuel C. Seely,
formerly -bookkeeper of the Shoe &
Leather National bank, charged with
aiding the late Frederick Baker in rob
bing the bank of $354,000, was arranged
in the United States circuit" court today.
He pleaded guilty,' and was-remanded
until Friday for sentence.' ' "
Defaulting Teller in Court.
New York, Dec. 17. Defaulting Pay
ing Teller Tait, of the Chemical National
bank, was arraigned to plead to the
charge of having stolen $15,500 of the
bank's funds, He was not ready, and
counsel obtained an extension until
Thursday, when he will plead.
The Wounded Will Kecover.
. Council Bluffs, la,, Dec. 17. C. A.
Bromwell, of Minneapolis, and F. N.
Hayden , of Chicago, the Fidelity agents,
shot yesterday by Bank Clerk Hunting
ton, who then committed suicide, are
HO worse today, and will probably re
cover. ' "
Killed Herself and Children.
Seligman, Mo. Dec. 17. Mrs. Jones,
residing near here, cut the throats of
her two little children and her own
throat yesterday. All three died almost
instantly. ' Despondency was the cause.
Heavy Damage by Fire. i
Warshaw, Dec. 17. Fire at the rail
way station here has done' enormous
damage.' Several storehouses filled with
merchandise and a large number of
freight cars were destroyed.
Feed wheat for sale cheap at Wasco
Warehouse tf.
The Chronicle prints the news.
For tais "week our entire stock of Children's Boys', Men's
at Cost.
with every Boy's Suit sold, a pair of Wool Hose and Boy's Shoes.
"We -wish to call particular attention to our elegant line of
which are to be given away at 16cf each.
Regular World Beaters at 35c each.
See Display.
For Infants and Children.
. Castoria promotes Digestion, and
overcomes Flatulency, Constipation, Sour
Stomach, Diarrhoea,, and Feverishness.
Thus the child ia rendered healthy and its
sleep natural. Castoria contains no
Morphine or other narcotic property.
" Castoria is bo well adapted to children that
I recommend it as superior to any prescription
known to me." - H. A. Abcher, M. T
111 South Oxford St., Brooklyn, N.Y.
" For several years I hare recommended your
Castoria,1 and shall always continue to do so,
as it has invariably produced beneficial results."
Edwiji F. Pardee, M. D.,
125th Street and 7th Ave., New York City.
"The use of 'Castoria is so universal and
its merits eo well known that it seems a work of
supererogation to endorse it. Few are the in
telligent families who do not keep Castoria
within easy reach."
Cablos Hartth, D. D.,
. - . ' New York City.
The Ckhtaub Comfakt, 77 Hurray Street, K. Y.
J. If. Pattkbsok,
First Jlational Bank.
General Banking Business transacted
Deposits received, subject to Sight
Draft or Check. "
Collections made and proceeds promptly
remitted on day of collection.
Sight and Telegraphic Exchange sold on
New York, San Francisco and Port-
-land. 1
D. P. Thompson. Jko. S. Scuxkck.
Ed. M. Williams, Geo. A. Libbk.
H. M. Beall.
Snipes-Kinersly Drug Co.
Pure Drugs cnsniicals,
At Our Old Place of Business.
LIME and
Picture Moulding".
Boss Cash Store.
in Ladies' Hats, Feathers or Flowers will be given away with each purchase; of a Dress Pat
tern, Embroidered Skirt, Ladies' or Children's Corsets, Underwear, or Lace Curtains.
LADIES' and GENTLEMEN'S MACKINTOSHES and MISSES GOSSAMERS, direct from the largest factory in
the world. Rubbers of all kinds. Boots and Shoes of splendid value just Opened.
from $1.50.
Men's Overcoats.
from $5.90.
from $1.50.
from $1.50.
Newest goods and best value ia Men's Suits, Pants 'Hats, Neck-wear, Silk, Handkerchiefs, Hosiery, &c.
Agency or the Brownsville lr
Clothing, Blankets, Etc.