C3J SpSo?Si Saturday, Dee. 8th. SHL.E. I Misses' Wool Hose. Sizes 5 to 8 1-2. Bought to sell for 25c, and the "best values ever offered in The Dalles at that price. This day. only 1 6ic a pair. Men's, Women's Children's Woolen Underwear, k: per rent, disconnt Prepare for Winter. ALL GOODS MARKED IN PLAIN FIGURES. I PEASE & MAYS. for every Dollars -worth of goods bought from us during the . month of December -we will give you a chance in our Holiday Drawing, viz: One Kamona Cook Stove with Reservoir, one copper Tea Kettle, one Columbia. Gar land, Jr., Stove, &c, on exhib ition at our Grocery Store. Draining to- take place at 9 o'clock, flew Years Eve. This is an opportunity for everyone to get a chance in our Holiday Drawing, as we are selling Hardware, . Grocer ies, Heating aud Cook Stoves, Steel Ranges, Tinware, Gran iteware, Rogers' Triple-plated knives and forks Pocket cut lery, Nickel-plated and Agate Tea and Coffee Pots &c, at prices to suit the times. Call and be convinced. MAIER & BENTON. ' AND JacKels " ' FOR .v. Ajy LafliBS; jlfj;,V I Clffreu . Jtllrifv b HT POPUMI? PRICES. f s f ':",'""':r' ' -"FULL STOCK OF '' Dry Goods, 'r'Hf, ' Y ': Clothing, i Hats, . - Boots and V ---,,.. S- I . ' ; Shoes. - . All we ask is to call and examine our prices, and you will be convinced that they are the lowest in the city. TERMS STRICTLY CHSH. The Dalles Daily Chronicle. n tared a the Postoffice at Trie Dalies, Oregon as second-class matter. Clubbing List. Regular Our price price tthroaiele nd . T. Tribune . . .$2.50 $1.75 " and Weekly OregeniM 3.00 2.00 ' aid Wwklj Eiminer 3.25 2.25 " Wuklj Kiv York World 2.25 2.00 Local AdTertlslnff. 10 Ceuts per line for first insertion, and 6 Cents - er line for each subsequent insertion. Special rates for long time notices. All local notices received later than S o'clock will appear the following day. ' SATURDAY. - DECEMBER 8. 1894 BRIEF MENTION. LMtoi From the Notebook of Chronicle Reporters. Sauer kraut at W. A. Kirby's. tf The weather indications for tomorrow are enow and cooler. In two weeks more the days will be gin to again grow longer. The Columbia Packing Co received another big drove of hogs last night. The motion tor a new trial in the Savage case is being argued this after noon. Although not warm, the weather moderated enough this morning to cause the snow to about all disappear. Coffee supper at Salvation Army bar racks on First street, Tuesday night, next, at 8 :30. . Supper 10 cents. Yesterday's storm is followed by to day's calm. It was not much of a storm . either, a couple of inches of snow fallirj This has been about the quietest an dullest day since the June flood. The sloppy condition of the roads was the cause. Those who have attended the Port land exposition are not highly plaesed with it, but then some folks are hard to please. Sheriff Driver last night . arrested Morton Green on a telegram from Sheriff Maddock of Clackamas county. He is charged with counterfeiting. The state board of equalization has been duly organized and is ready for the transaction of business, but its work is delayed by the fact that not all the counties have been heard from. If Mr. S. A. Kinyon will send his postoffice address to this office we shall be pleased to forward him The Chroni cle. By some oversight we neglected to get his postoffice in entering his sub scription. On Monday, next, the show window at Pease & Mays' store will contain all orta of articles suitable for Christmas gifts, which will be sold by the ladies of the Good Intent society. Call and look at them. "You must let the baby have one cow's milk to drink every day," said the doctor. "Very well, if you say ao, doc tor," said the perplexed young mother, "but I really don't see how he is going to hold it all." While the United States has 47,000,000 sheep, from which it produces 300,000, 000 pounds of wool; Australia leads us with 550,000,000 pounds,- and the Ar gentine Republic with 400,000,000. Last year we imported half the quantity we raised. As mutton breeds are adopted the price of wool will advance, and sheep breeding improve in some lines at least. ' The pulpit themes of Rev. J. Whisler at the Methodist Episcopal church for tomorrow, Sunday, Dec. 9th,. are: In the morning, '"Fidelity and Rewards in Christian Life:" in the evening, "The Divine Proprietorship in Man." All are welcomed. Mr.iW. E. Walther received a ton or more of 1 Uajon raisins from bis father's ranch in Southern California, and which he is dispensing of at a re markably low price. These raisens are the very -finest, Malaga never growing their superior. We know whereof we speak because he sent .sample box to tfts office that nearly stopped all further business for awhile. The Sun tells a hard one on the Holli- day street car line at Portland. It is in effect that while the car was being whirled madly down towards the depot, the driver unhitched bis horse, tied him to a post and went into a coffee stand to take a feed. The passengers stayed in the car until the driver returned, being determined to get their money's worth. That line always did need a Pullman car service. The Columbia Packing Co. is doing a rushing business ; for 100 hogs a day put away in shape to soon be turned into cured meats is not so bad. That is the kind of industry The Dalles and Oregon needs. ; This thing of selling wheat for 30 cents a bushel and buying bacon and hams at 15 cents u pound, would kill any farming community. One bushel of wheat for two pounds of ham, is, well it is a high price for ham. The , members ot the literary society will, pleaee: remember that the following prograpi, wnicn -wag to nave Deen given this-week, will be ... w order Monday .evening, and -come prepared i Re :i ta lon, Miss Sampson; essay, Miss Rose Michell; debate, affirmative, Miss New man and "Mr. D. Roberts ; negative, Mies ' Evelyn Newman and Mr. B. Phelps. Quotations from Scott. -.. This is also the evening for election of offi cers. The celebrated spirit medium, .B. S. Garrison of Portland, has been taking, a much-needed vacation upon the Colum bia river'v Last week was spent in Cas cade Locks, and this week he will stop at The Dalles. Last- niicht he held a seance at the house of Mr. Sayres, dur ing which the most wonderful and in teresting" phenomena " were developed, such as slate-writing, the materializa tion of spirit hands and faces, and a curiously pleasant evening was passed. The seance will be repeated this even ing. Mr. Garrison would be pleased to meet any who are interested in spiritu alism while here in The Dalles. He ex pects to return to return to Portland in a few days. In the .meantime seances will be held wherever an opportunity is afforded. Keal Estate Transaction. THE CHURCHES. United States to Mattie A. Oilar, lots 8 and 9, sec 25, tp 3 n, r 10 e ; receiver's receipt. " When Baby was sick, -we gave her Castorla. When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria. When she became Miss, she clung to Castorla. . When she had Children, she gave them Castoria. The Baptist church, Rev. O. D. Taylor pastor, will hold services at 11 o'clock tomorrow morning. ' All not worship ping elsewhere are cordially inyited. Sunday school follows the morning ser vice. No service in the evening. Methodist Episcopal church, Rev. J Whisler pastor. Preaching by th pastor at 11 a. m. and 7 :30 p. m. ; Sunday school after morning service; Junior League at 5 :30 p.m. ; Epworth League at 6 :30 p. m. ; class meeting Sunday at 10 a. m. and Tuesday at 7 :30 p. m. ; prayer meeting Thursday at 7:30 p. m. All are cordially welcomed. The Congregational church, corner of Court and Fifth street Sunday ser vices as usual ; At 11 a. m. and at 7 :30 p. in. worship, and a sermon by tbe pastor, W. C. Curtis. Sunday school immediately after the morning service and meeting of the Young People's Society of Christian Endeavor at 6 p. m. Topic, Helps and hindrances to a Chris tian life. Luke viii :4-15. All persons not worshipping elsewhere are cordially invited. - Two Men Hurt at Bonneville. Edward Beck and Edward Bedlan, two section men, were taken to Portland, yesterday, haying been badly injured, the latter perhaps fatally, in an accident on the O. R. & N. railroad. The two men were on a hand-car and were cross ing a bridge near Bonneville, when they heard a work-train approaching from the eastward behind a curve. Being on the bridge and the train close at hand, there was no time for them to do anything to wards making their escape. - In fact be fore they could devise means for their rescue, the locomotive swung around the eurve. It struck the handcar, hurling it from the bridge into the air and onto the rocks below. The train was stopped, and the men were picked up.. Bedlan had bis skull broken open in such a manner as to expose his brain, but the other man was not dangerously hurt, but severely bruised. They were brought to Albina, and after a brief ex amination were removed to St. Vincent's hospital. Last . evening Bedlan, who had his skull fractured, was reported in a very serious condition, while the other one was getting along very well. Conductor Galley was in charge of the train. No blame is attached to the en gineer, as the handcar could not be seen before the train was too close to stop. The Public Schools. PERSONAL MENTION. Mr. M. O. Wheeler of Hood River ia in the city. . Hon. F. P. Mays came up from Port land last night and will remain until Monday. .Mrs. J. O. Mack returned from Cali fornia last night. Miss Maybel will re main until next spring. Prosecutine Attorney Jayne is recover ing slowly, and hopes to be able to re turn to his home tomorrow. Mrs. Jayne has been in constant attendance upon him ever since he was attacked. His many friends here hope he may soon re gain bia health. PORTLAND EXPOSITION. Opena December 1, 1894, aud January 15, 189S. During this time the Dalles, Portland & Astoria Navigation Company will sell tickets from The Dalles to Portland and return, including two meals on the steamer Dalles City at $2.50. Tickets limited to ten days from date of sale. will leave at 7 a. m. and ; City will arrive at Portland m.- Quick transfers at the W. C. Allaway, Gen. Agent. Regulator the Dalles at 5 :30 p. locks. nov22-tf , The board of directors of thia school district at their last meeting decided to appoint two more teachers.. There are now 200. more pupils than ever before. This increase has been caused largely by raising the grades, which has brought from fifty to seventy families into the city solely for the purpose of taking ad vantage of the schools. The daily at tendance now is 627. - The rooms are crowded, and after the. additional teachers are employed, they will have pupils as follows: Professor Gavin 64, ,Miss .Michell 39, - Miss Hill ' 42, Miss Cooper, 43, ; Miss T. Rintoul ;. 46, Misa Li Rintoul. 42, ' Miss Flinn 45, Miss Pnirman 48. Miss Snell 41, Miss Ball 45, Miss Rpwe 54, Miss Hollister 47. . The Union street annex will, have 44 and the East End 32. These are the figures after two more teachers have been employed, so it will be seen that the present force of teachers have more than they can attend to. - , Dr. Miles' Pain PUla euro Neuralgia. Coffee Clnbs Social. The Coffee Club will give a social and dance next Monday evening, December 10th, 1894, at Fraternity ball. All ladies and gentleman who are not members of the Coffee club must present invitations at the door. These invitations must be written and sigued by a member of the club. No others admitted. Admission for gentlemen 25 cents. . L. A. Farmer, Secy. Unanimous in the Senate. Candidates for speaker of the house up to the hour of going to press : Wright, Moor head, Moores, Myers, Sehlbrede, Coon, Barkeley and Paxton, with sev eral counties to hear fromr For presi dent of the senate: Simon, J. Simon, Joe Simon, Joseph Simon. Salem Statesman. - ' The Shoe & Leather bank's system of bookkeeping wants half-soleing and heel ing. Philadelphia Record. For rheumatism I have found nothing equal to Chamberlain's Pain Balm. It relieves the pain as soon as applied. J. W. Young, West Liberty, W. Va. The prompt relief it affords is alone worth many times the cost,. 50 cents. Its con tinued use will effect a permanent cure. For sale by Blakeley & Houghton, Drug gists. If the hair is falling, out, or turning gray, requiring a stimulant, with nour ishing and coloring food, . Hall's Vege table Sicilian Hair Renewer is just the specific. , " - For. pity sake don't growl and grum ble because you are. troubled with indi gestionNo good c was ever effected by snarling and-fretting.' Be a man (un less you happen to be a woman), and take Ayer's Sarsaparilla, which . will. re lieve you,' whether man or woman. i ' Zjost. ; Ladies gold, watch-chain. Lost going from Pease & Maya' . store to Baptist church, then up Court Btreet to bluff. A suitable reward will be paid to finder returning to Pease & Maya. - gWain sacks for sale at the Wasco warehouse. tf " Meesh-a-lavis sliuma-lapaltic ka apachlapoo ta ish kadoo." v Grand flasqaerade Ball, -TO BE GIVEN BY- TRIBE, NO. 16; I, 0: R. M, ON NEW: YEARS EYE, t DECEMBER : 31 si, : 1 BBf At Wingate's Hall, The Dalles. The following prizes -will be given: ONE FANCY FRUIT DISH Best Sustained Lady Character. ONE FANCY SHAVING SET Best Sustained Gentleman Character. ONE MANICURE SET Most Comical Lady Character. ONE FANCY CARVING SET Most Comical Gentleman Character. ONE APPROPRIATE PRIZE Best Represented Buck. ONE APPROPRIATE PRIZE Best Represented Squaw. Prizes on exhibition in L. Rorden's Show: Window. COMMITTEE ON ABBAKGKMENTS : W.H.BUTTS, J.J.WILEY, F. W. L. SKIBBE, ,' D. S. DUFUR, F.H.WAKEFIELD. . , KECEPTIOX COMMITTEE : JOHN MICHELL, . A. A. KELLER, F. W. L. SKIBBE, F. MENEFEE, F. H. WAKE FIELD, A.-.W. BRANNER, T. J. DRIVER, ; E. B. DUFUR, DR: O. C. HOLLISTER, W. T. WISEMAN, H. H. RIDDELL, DR. J. SUTHERLAND. T1loTx t.ct7 SliOOj On sale in all the principal business houses, and by members of the tribe. Poeitively no questionable characters admitted. . , v Grand March at 8:30 P. M. sharp. Music by Dufur Bros.' String Band. Are You in Need - OK- GROCJERIES, DRY GOODS, GENTS' FURNISHINGS, BOOTS AND SHOES? Wanted. . By a competent girl, work in private amily. Apply at this office. Advertise in Tbe Chronicle. A Fine Line of LADIES' CLOAKS to be closed out at once. Come early. Also a Large Assortment of COMFORTERS from 75c up. JOLES, COLLINS & CO, Telephone No. 20. . Opposite Moody's Warehouse PiP8?W0lR;rT:lP3 MAINS TAPPED UNDER PRESSURE Shop on Third Street, next door west of,. Young FCus' "Blacksmith 8hou "