Ins Dalles Daily Chronicle. SUBSCRIPTION BATES. BY MAIL, POBTA8E r REPAID, IN ADVANCE. Weekly, 1 year ... l 60 - 6 months. , 0 75 8 0 60 Dally, 1 year. 6 00 " 6 months 8 00 per " 0 60 Address all communication to " THE CHRON . (CUE," The Dalles, Oregon. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 7. 1894 INTRINSIC VALVE. Men talk .about the intrinsic value of gold. The word "intrinsic" haa a eol den sound a bo tit it. The intrinsic value of anything is what it will do for you in your hour of peril. .'tVhat is the intrin sic value of a piece of plank twenty-four feet loDg, one foot wide and two inches thick? Its intrinsic value is a million dollars to the man who is drowning, but at any other time it would not be worth m great deal. Mr. Silbey, in bis great silver speech gives his ideas of intrinsic alue in this way : "Men talk about the intrinsic value of gold. A banker told me the other day that be could not assent to my prop osition, because be believed the time tad come when we should join .hands with the other great nations and come down to the use of a metal which had intrinsic yalue about it. I said to this gentleman : 'I do not know that I can raise the funds at present; I have seri ous doubts if .1 can raise a percentage of the amount ; but I suppose I can get $10,000 of gold bullion. You pay three per cent on the deposits, do you not?' Yes, sir.' 'Well, now, I will get $10, 000 worth of gold bullion and bring it to you as a deposit. You ' would rather have that than paper, because paper has no intriinsic value, while gold bullion faas. I will deposit this bullion for six months, and draw 3 per cent interest on this time deposit.' 'Oh!' he said,'I cannot give you 3 per cent on that.' Why not,' said I. 'Well then,' said I, 'I will take the bullion down to the mint at Philadelphia, and I will get the people there to put upon it the stamp and superscription of the United Ststes, Will you take it then?' He said : "Oh, yes; I would be glad to.' 'Well, then,' said I, 'what has the intrinsic value got to do with this matter? What is it that gives this metal power as money bo that you are willing to pay me 3 per cent in terest upon it. Is it tbe intrinsic value of the metal? No; it is the image and superscription of Caesar that makes it money.' " Baker City Democrat. SOME Q VEER LA WS. "Bunco" Kelley's trial at Portland is dragging slowly along. Yesterday Pros ecuting Attorney Hume and Judge Cap'eB, who is conducting the defense, had a lively little row. After considera ble back talk Judge Caples said he was sorry ; exceedingly sorry that he spoke. Mr. Hume erected bimBelf and said be too was sorry ; sorry beyond expression. The judge, with tears in his judicial eyes, murmured his regrets, and Kelley even looked lugubrious and wiped away tear. And then "Bunco" Kelley's written confession was offered in evi dence, but the defense proved by the prosecuting attorney that the confession was a lie, and it was not permitted to be read in evidence. From all of which it will be seen that "they have some queer lows down in Multnomah." Mr. George McCoy, a real estate dealer of Portland, and an old-time job printer, thinks the newspapers should devote more attention to real estate, and not so much to China. - It is probably true .that the papars do not devote so much time'to the development of the country as they should ; but if they were to de . vote as much space to real estate and Portland real estate agents as the sub ject would permit, real property in that village would cease to move. What the real estate men of Portland want is lots of noise about real estate, and uninter ru pted silence concerning real estate agents. . -- Our esteemed contemporary, the East Oregonian, does not favor the issuing of bonds covering the eoil, but thinks that bonds covering the improvements are right and proper. We do not catch on, perhaps, to the idea, unless it is that the Issue of bonds secured by faith are all right, while those secured by real estate ace all wrong. We see no differ ence. A debt is a debt, and should be paid, whether it is eec-nred by pledge of . real estate or not. We agree with our contemporaries ideas concerning debt, but if it is created, what matters to'the debtor what security he has put up. A "Bunch of Western Clover," culled from tbe verdant Blopes of Mt. Parnas sus by Mrs. Ella Higginson, found its way to our table recently, It is a neat booklet of poems from that very grace ful writer. There are some pretty con ceits, prettily told, in the little volume; but Mrs. Higginson made a mistake in putting her ideas into sonnets. It is a peculiarly hard kind of versification, and while fourteen lines are "enough to dress a thought or two, they are not enough to permit a tasteful draping of the garments. Oar Portland contemporaries have given The Dalles a gentle dig or two lately. It was perhaps needed, but as we peruse the daily papers of that city today the broad smile that accompanies a base though not ' wicked revenge, spreads over the countenance of every reader. "Uncle Tom's Cabin" is going to show there. Portland is liable to baveanew steam ship line to China and Japan.' . Four companies are said to be figuring on tbe situation and one of them will surely stick. Oregon can and will supply the Orient with flour and lumber, and the steamship line would find profitable business irom the start. What this country needs is an elastic currency, so that when a poor devil is hard up he can take hold of a dollar bill and stretch it into a "twenty." The elastic principle in suspenders is what eaves the pants-buttons. Why then should not the same principle in money save a man's credit? . I PERSONAL MENTION. Dr. - and Mrs. Brosius of Hood River, after a brief visit here, returned to tbe new city today. J Mr. Wallace, editor of the Skamania county Pioneer, one of the brightest of our exchanges, is in the city. BORN. Near this city, Dec. 7tb, to the wife of John R. Cook, a daughter. AN OUTLAW FORTRESS. The Cliflr from WblrU the Sizemore liand Shot town Travelers. On the left bank of the Holston rivei in Hawkins connty, Tcnn., is a cliff whicli has some local fame. It is ci solid r.tono. perpendicular from the bate vtj. i! 1 i i socio thinjT over a hun dred feet lii'jh". From the toy of it the country i:; vitablo fcr miles and liiiles, affording a grand view of the hill, mountain cnrl stream. A few feet back from the eclsje are still plainly to be seen the earthworks forming1 the ren 'deTDTis of the celebrated Sizemore and his pang: of desperadoes, From the top of the hill they commanded a full view of a much used public road, together with two fords above and below, and a great number of hapless soldiers as well as private citizens who had luck lessly inenrred their ang-er fell victims to their unerring1 rifle bullets as they attempted to pass all unconscious of danger. Very -near this cliff is a little cave at lear:t a mile deep, on the sides of which are written the names of dnce prominent people who have long1 since passed away, the dates running1 back perhaps a hundred years. In one of the caverns is a perfect little table formed of a flat r'?cfc. During1 the war this cave wis tuecl by wirne soldiers as a place for rrr.ilring1 saltpeter, the hoppers being Will ii a state of preservation, tbe earth. looking as if it had been dug but recently. Trying; tbe Mind Cure. A New York merchant is reported by the Tribune to have found his office boy weathering one of the terribly hot days of last summer in a' manner highly philosophical, and therefore worthy in its spirit, at least of general imita tion. It was a dull day, with nothing going on. The boy had taken off his coat and vest, and would have taken off his collar, but that his employer ob jected. By and by the merchant saw him writing putting down a word or two and looking out of the window al ternately. The merchant's curiosity was excited, and he stepped up behind the boy and looked over his shoulder. In front of him lay a foolscap sheet half-filled with words like these: "Ice cream, icebergs, ice-cold soda, north pole, Greenland, Iceland," and so on. The merchant took the hint, and be gan to fel more comfortable immedi ately. - German Tramp Cards. A modification of the German system of cards for men tramping in search of work has been introduced in England. It provides for the issue of cards on which the bearer's last employer in dorses a certificate of character, and on which the suitable authority prints a list of the' proper places at which to apply for shelter and food in every city of the United Kingdom. The tramp who has one of these cards is entitled to food and shelter on its presentation at any of the designated places. One who does not have it is made to labor in the workhouse wherever he is caught. PORTLAND EXPOSITION. Opens December 1, 1894, aud Closes January 15, 1895. During this time the Dalles, Portland & Astoria Navigation Company will sell tickets from The Dalles to Portland and return, including two meals on the steamer Dalles City at $2.50. Tickets limited to ten days from date of sale Regulator will leave at 7 a. m. and the Dalles City will arrive at Portland at 5 :30 p. m. Quick transfers at the locks. W, C. Auawai, nov22-tf Gen.-Agent. The regular subscription price of the Weekly .Chronicle is $1.50 and the regular price of the Weekly Oregonian is $1.50. Any one subscribing for The Cheoniclb and paying for one year In advance can get both The Cheoniclb and the Weekly Oregonian for $2.00, All old subscribers paying their sub scriptions a" year in advance will be en titled to the same offer. FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. TRANSACT A GKNEBAL BANKING BD8INK88 Letters of Credit issued available in the Eastern States. Sight Exchange and Telegraphic Transfers sold on New York, Chicago, St. Louis, San Francisco, Portland Oregon, Seattle wash., ana various points in Or egon ana Washington. Collections made at all points on fav orabl terms. - . lOO Reward, SIOO. The readers of this paper will be pleased to learn that there is at least one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure- n all its stages and .that. is Catarrh. 'Hall's Catarrh Cure la the only positive care now known 16 ;thes medical fraternity. Catarrh' being a con stitutional disease, requires k constitu tional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the By stem, thereby destroying the founda tion of the disease, and giving the pa tient strength by building up the consti tution and assisting nature to do its workr The proprietors have so much faith in its cultivative powers, that they offer One Hundred Dollars for any case that it fails to cure. Send for list of Testimonals. Address.' F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O. S"Sold by Druggists, 75c. Married man Yan, I'm afraid I shall have to build soon. You see, my family is getting so " numerous I shall have to throw but a wing. Facetious bachelor Why not throw out a baby it's cheaper. Half-Holiday. The DiscoTtry Saved Bis Life. Mr. G. Caillouette, druggist, Beavers- ville, 111., eays : "To Dr. King's New Discovery I owe my life. Was taken with La Grippe and tried all the physi cians for miles about, but of no avail, and was given up and told I could not live. Having TJr. King's New Discovery in my store, I Bent for a bottle and be gan Us use, and from tbe first dose be gan to get better, and after using three bottles was np and avout again. ' It is worth its weight in gold. We won't keep store or bouse without it." Get a free trial at Snipes & Kinersly's. Notice. On and after Dec. 1st, 1894, all county warrants issued by tbe county clerk will be made payable to order, and no county warrant will be stamped or listed by tbe county treasurer unless endorsed by the party to whom said order is issued. By order of the County Court. A. S. Blowees, G. C. Blakeley, County Com'r. County Judge. Wanted. Some good second hand harness Must be cheap Cash. Address, W. X. this office. (Correctly spelled m earns) . Mixed Pickles, Plain Pickles, 'German Bill, Sweet Pickles. Queen Olives, Saner Kraut, Pickled Pork, Pickled Pigsfeet, Pickled Lamia's Tongues, Pickled Tripe, Fine Mackerel, Salmon, Herring, Q-eorges Cod. All these and many other nice things at Ladies' and Gentlemen's Gold and Silver Watches. Large selectipn for Xmas Presents. I- C- Nickelsen's, JR. 'A. UIKTKICH. Physician and Surgeon, DUFUR, OREGON. CV All professional calls promptly attende to, day and night. aprlt JOHN M. KANE, Physician and Surgeon. iHJFTJR, OREGON. Late House Surseon, St. Vincent's Hospital of a ui mum, urtuu. aepzb JOHN . GKOGBEOAM, Register D. 8. Land Office, 1890-1894. Business Before tbe United States Land Office a Specialty. - Wells BlockMaln St., Vancouver, Clarke Co., Washington novlfi SnessorC YRECORtr CrossenS C. F ; STKPH ENS, : , If you want anything in the shape of For Man or Woman, Boy, Girl or Baby, Uur Christinas One . We will give to every purchaser of One Dollar's worth of . Goods in any of onr departments, a chance in the follow v ing three prizes : ; - One-hundred-piece China Dinner Set. -. '. Elegant "JMeteor" Banquet Lamp . Beautiful French Dressed Doll. The Draining to come off on REMEMBER Headquarters for Also carry a full FANCY AND STAPLE . CROCKERY We are Still and Yqu Know It . - ' We are selling more goods than ever", for the simple reason that Our PRICES are RIGHT. We pay more for Produce than any ' other dealer in The Dalles. Consult Your Interests, and Trade with. JOLES, Telephone No. 20. When the Train stops at THE COLiUjVlSm HOTEL. This large and popular House ana is prepared to furnish the nouse in tne city, ana ac me $1.00 per Day. - pirst Office for all Stage X.ines points In Kastern Oregon In this Hotel. Corner of Front and Union Bts. 3D.". "TOT. VJLTJ Successor to -DEALER IN- PAINTS, OILS AND GLASS. . And the Iost Complete and Latest Patterns and 'Designa in WALL PAPER. WALL PAPER. PRACTICAL PAINTER and PAPER HANGER. None but the. best brande of J. W. MASURY'S PAINTS need in all onr. work, and none but the most skilled workmen employed. Agents for Masnry Liquid Paints. No chem icel combination or soap mixture. . A first-class article in all colors. AIL orders promptly attended to. Store and Faint Shoo corner Third and Washineton Sts.. The Dalles, Oreo-oi V LmJ 0 and AUCTION ROOVT. ' 0pp. Ward, Kerns & Roljertson's Livery StaMs, on Second St.- Second-hand Furniture Bought Sold. Money Loaned on Jewelry and other Valuables. v AUCTION EVERY SATURDAY ttJi!tl&V?Z erty placed with me at reasonable commission. Give me a call. V THE CELEBRHTED COLUMBIA BREWERY, AUGUST BUCHLER, Prop'r. This well-known Brewery is now turning out the best Beer and Portei east of the Cascades. The latest appliances for the manufacture of good health ful Beer have been introduced, and ony the first-class article will be placed on he market. . . " ' WHAT ring Christmas Eve at 10 o'clock. WE ARE - Christmas Goods and complete line of GROCERIES, AND GLASSWARE, &o. ILx, IROIRIDIEIISr &c CO. in It, COLLINS & GO. THE RELIABLE FIRM. DALLES, get off on the South Side does the principal hotel business. Best Accommodations of any low rate 01 Qlass Teals, 25 Cepts. leaving- The Dalles for all . and ICattera Washington, T..T. NICHOLAS, Propr. Paul Kreft & Co PBFKSaIONAL. H. H. RIDDELL Attorney-at-Law Office Court Street, The Dalles, Oregon. IUFUR, MENEKKE - Atto"y at- law Room b 42 and 43, over Post ffice BniUling, Entrance on Washington Street "be Dalles. Oregon. V 8- BENNETT, ATTORNB Y-AT-L "AT. Of tV flce 1 "Cn"JO' bulldinir. np stairs. The lle. Oregon. . J. B. CONDON. . j. w. coNDOn!-- CONDON fe CONDON, ATVORNEYS AT LAW Office on Court street, opposite the old court house, The Dalles, Or. v B.8.BONTTNGTON. a. S. WILKOM. HUNTINGTON W1LBON -ATTOK!Cys-at-uw Offices. French's block over -im Na tional Bank. - Dalles. Oregon. - H. : WILSON Attobjt-at-law Rooms French fe no.', hank htiflriintr- DaumH itreet. The Dalles, Oregon. J SUTHERLAND, M. 1 C. M.; F. T. M. C. ' Al. C. P. and S. O., Physician and Snr . geon. Rooms 3 ends, Chapman block. Residence Mrs. Thornbury's, west end of Second street. - - - . DR. E8HELMAN (HOMiOPATHICj PHYBICIAK and SnaosoH. Calls answered promptly lay or night, city or country. Office No. 86 and f Chapman block. wtf DR. O. D. D O A N PHYSICIAN AND OB esoN. Office; rooms 6 and 6 Chapman lock. Residence: 8. E. comer Court and Fourth streets, Bee rad door Irom the corner Office hours 9 to 12 A. M., 2 to 6 and 7 to I P, M DolDDALL Dentist. oas given for the painless extraction of teeth. Also teeth et on Bowed aluminum plate. Rooms: Sign of -ae Golden Tooth. Second Street. THI CHUKCHBs. ST. f ETER8 CHURCH Rer. Father Bkons eBEST Pastor. Low Mass, every Sunday at ?A. K. High Mass at 10:30 a.m. Vespers at TTMRST BAPTIST CHURCH Rey. O. li. Tay F VOK. Pastor. Horning services everv Sab. - oath at the academy at 11 a. m. Sabbath School immediately after morning services rrayer meeting rnaay evening nrutoi g w lence. Union services in the court house at P.M. CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH Rev. W. C Curtis, Pastor. Services every Sunday at 11 A. M. and 7 r. k. Sundav School after momtn. service. Strangers oordlally invited. Beats free. Vf E. CHURCH Rot. J. W BIBLE it, pastor. Ji Services every Sunday morning at 11 a. m. Sunday School at 12:20 o'clock. P M. Epworth League at 6:80 P. u. Prayer meeting every Thursday evening at 7:30 o'clock. A cordial in vitation is extended by both pastor and people to all. TJ VAN GE LIC A L LUTHERAN Nlntb street, JCi Rev. A. Horn, pastor. Seryloea at 11:80 a.m. Sunday-school at 2:30 p.m A cordial welcome o everv 6ne. SOCIKT1KS. w ASCO LODGE, NO. 15, A. F. & A. M. Meets ' nrst ana third Monday of each month at 7 DALLES ROYAL ARCH CHAPTER NO. 6. ' Meets In Masonlo Hall the third Wednesday if each month at 7 P. M. MODERN WOpDMEN OF THE WORLD. Mt. Hood Camp No. 69, Meets Tuesday even Ingof each week in Fraternity Hall, at 7 :80 p. m. COLUMBIA LODGE, NO. 6, X O. O. F. Meets every Friday evening at 7:30 o'clock, in K. of P. hall, corner Second and Court streets. . Sojourning brothers are. welcome. g. Clouqh, Bec'y. - H. A, Bills.N. G, FRIENDSHIP LODGE, NO. 9., K. of P. Meets every Monday evening at 7:30 o'clock, in Jchanno's building, Corner of Court and Becond itreeta. Sojourning members are cordially In vited. W. L. BRAD8HAW, . D. W.Vaube, K. of,R. and 8- C.'C. 4 8SEMBLY NO. 4827, K. OF L. Meets in K A. of P. ball the second and fourth Wednes lavs of each month at 7:80 p. m. WOMEN'8 CHRISTIAN TEMPERENCE UNION will meet every Friday afternoon 4t 8 o'clock at the reading room. All are invited. FERN LODGE, DEGREE OF HONOR, NO. 25. Meets in Fraternity Hall, Second street, every Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock. Mrs. Mamie Briqgs, C.fftfc-H. . Mrs. B. J. Russell, Financier. rpHE DALLES LODGE No. 2, I. O. G. T. Keg-. X ular weekly meetings Friday at 8 p. n., a' K. of P. HalL J. 8. Winzlkb, C. T. , DiNBMORg Parish, Sec'y. . -pEMPLE LODGE NO. 8, A. O. U. W. Meets X. in Fraternity Hall, over Kellers, an Second treet, Thursday evenings at 7:30. C. F. STEPHENS, W. 8 M ye bs, Financier. M. W J AS. NE8MITH POST, No. 82, G. A. R. Meets every Saturday at 7:30 P. K., in the K. of P. HalL AMERICAN RAILWAY UNION, NO. 40. Meets second and fourth Thursdays each month in K. of P. hall. . J. W. Ready, W. H. Jones, Bec'y. , Pres. B OF L. E. Meets everv Sundav afternoon in . the K of P. Hall. GESANG VERETN Meets every Sundav evening in the K. of P. Hall. ' BOF L, F. DIVISION, No. 167 Meets in K. of P. Hall the first and third Wednes-, lay of each month, at 7:30 P. u. - "We wish to announce that we have made a specialty of Winter Blooming Bulbs, HYACINTHS and LILIIES, POTTED PLANTS of All Kinds. We are prepared to" furnish on short notice cut flowers . for all occasions ; also pot plants and wires. John Pashek, : The Merchant Tailor, Old fipmopy Building, Washington Street, between Second . bet. Second and Third, aHaa Just received tbe latest styles in , Suitings for" Gentlemen, and hs a large assortment of Foreign and'Amer lean Cloths, which he can finish To Order for. those that favor him. Cleaning and Repairing a Specialty. Harry Liebe, PRACTICAL, All work promptly attended to, and warranted - Can now be found at street.. 162 Second - TTTE . S(uDiinn GreennausG Jeweler