C3) I GIpQKS ' ; J AND 'J : ' for - TTV 1 . Put Off juon Making your Xmas Presents till the day "before Christmas. You -will never get them made if you do so. You had "better com mence now. See our . '. Stamped Linens of all Descriptions. . Lunch Cloths, '"' ,; ; : Doylies, ; - - - Laundry Bags, . , Pillow Shams, Shopping Bags, . Tray. Cloths. . Side Board Scarfs. Paris Tinted Table Cloths 5 Squares. A Full Line of Embroidery Silk, Etching Silk and Cotton Fringes. ALL GOODS MARKED IN PLAIN FIGURES. 4 The Dalles Daily Chronicle. ntered a the Postoffice at The Dalles, Oregon as second-class matter. : Clubbing List. ', i Regular Onr priee price iroiele ud K. T. Tribnne. . . . $2.50 $1.75 " nd Wetklj Ortgooua ., , 3.00 2.00 " and Veeklj Examiner ....... 3.25 2.25 " WmIIj Hew York World. . . . '. 2.25 200 Local AdTertisina;. 10 Ccu to per line for first insertion, and 6 Cents ir line for each subsequent Insertion. Special rates for long time notices.. All local notices received later than 3 o'clock rill appear the following day. " WEDNESDAY, - DECEMBER 5, 1S94 BRIEF MENTION. Lm From the Notebook of Chronicle Reporters. The jury in tbe Savage case returned a verdict tonight of larceny, fixing tbe value of the stolen goods at $14,000. The ladies Guild" of the St. Paul's Church will meet with Mrs. L. Clark, tomorrow, Thursday afternoon at 2 :30. The weather prognostications for to morrow are warmer, rainy. Mr. Brooks tells us that the barometer is lower to day than be ever saw it and still falling. At 3 :30 it stood at 29.16. This indicates a heavy storm, not necessarily here, but probably on the coast. An alarm of fire about 4 :30 yesterday afternoon was caused by a small blaze at Jos. T. Peters planing mill. - Tbe en gines were called out, but a couple of buckets of water had effectually subdued the flames even before the alarm was fairly turned in. The "Uncle Tom's Cabin" troupe was to arrive here on the freight from Pendleton this afternoon, but the en-' gine broke down at Blalocka, delaying - them so that they will not arrive before 6 o'clock.- The play will not be inter fered with, and the curtain will rise promptly on time. ' The case of the State against Savage was given to the jury last evening at about 4 :30. There seemed to be a gen eral impression that the jury would fail to agree, an impression that the action of the jury is justifying, as at the hour of going to press they were still out. There is a rumor that the jury is pretty evenly divided, standing seven for con- miction and five for acquittal, but .whether there is any foundation for the rumor it is hard to say. ::" Yesterday' in letting a car down the incline at the Cascade Locks the brakes were iaicen on Deiore tne cable . was fastened to the car and it sped down the incline, which has a fall of about one . foot in three at a mile-a-minute gait. It struck the guard of tbe wharf boat near the end cutting it off squarely. This checked its force, somewhat, enough that as it struck the pile at the foot jf the In cane it resisted the blow and threw the car back on the bank by the side of tlie "river. '- . ' ' . ' . . Lost. A note dated Oct. .23, 1891, due Oct 23, 1896 for the sum of $3,500 payable to John Robinson, signed by W. H. Stone and C- W;- Stone. ' All persons are : cautioned against purchasing' the same John Robinson Pain has no show with Dr.' Miles Pain Pills. Silks.. Silk, File Silk, Knitting Silk, See PEASE Coroner's Inquest. Patrick Farrell died at tbe Columbia hotel last night of heart failure.. Coroner Butts summoned a jury which returned the following verdict: ' ' "We, the jury impaneled to inquire into tbe cause of the death of a man who died at the Columbia hotel, in Dalles City, - Oregon, Dec. 5, 1894, find as follows : "That the name of said deceased was Patrick Farrell, aged 59 years. That he has two daughters, their whereabouts at this time being unknown. That be was a discharged soldier of the U. S. and served as a private in Company G, 14th regiment,; United States Infantry, and drew a pension from the U. S. govern ment at the rate of $12 per month. We further find that the cause of the death of said deceased was heart failure. . ; A. Bettikgen, Jr. . ' . Phil Brogan, CM. Foots, Joseph Burger, -James Brennan, D. S. Dufue." Court Notes. The following business was transacted by the circuit court today : The Schmidt LabelX3o. vs. I. N. Taffe, in process of settlement. State va. Broadbent, motion to dismiss overruled and defendant remanded to the custody of the sheriff to await .the action of the next grand jury. The amount of the bond in this case has not yet been fixed. ' . State vs. E. Martin, motion to quash indictment, argued and submitted. All jurors except those engaged in try ing the Savage case were discharged for the term. PERSONAL MENTION. Mrs. Geo. Johnston of Dufur was .in the city yesterday. . ... County Judge Fulton, of ' Sherman county, is in the city. Mr. John Hinricks and Frank Fulton of Hood River are in the city. Hon. A. J. Dufur, mavor of the citv of the identical name, was in . the city toaay. ' . Notice. ,' On and after Dec. 1st, 1894, all county warrants issued by the county clerk will be made payable to order, and no county warrant-will be stamped or listed by the county treasurer unless endorsed by the party to whom said order is issued. By order of the County Court. A. S. Blowers. ' G. C. Blakelet. County Com'r. County Judge. LOSt. . Ladies gold watch-chain. Lost going from Pease & Mays' store ' to Baptist church, then up Court street to bluff. A suitable reward will be paid to finder returning to Pease & Mays. Heal Estate Transaction. A deed was filed today as follows : ' United States to Lemuel Burgess, the nw J and bw,- sec 25, tp 5, a of r 16 e patent. ' ' " MA)(KIED. In this city Dec. 4, 1894, by Justice L, S. Davis, G. R. Sellinger and Miss May iivera, ootn oi nooa itiver. 'v.- BORN. In this city, Tuesday, Dec. 4th. to the nuo ui A-L. jt xvuu& a duu. Wanted. Some good second hand harness Must be' cheap -Cash.' Address, W. X this office. - - Rope Linen. Display in' Window. & MAYS. Hood Blrer Incorporated. Hood River held an election yesterday to' decide if it should . be incorporated. Eighty-four votes were cast of which 49 wer for and 35 against incorporation. The following officers were elected : . Mayor, C. M. Wolfard; councilmen, S. E. Bartmess, F. H. Button, O. B. Hartley, L. E. Morse, J.E. Rand and J. F. Watt ; recorder, C. P. Heald ; treas urer, M. H. Nickelaen : marshal. E. S. dinger. ' ' We are pleased indeed to Bee the spirit of progress evinced by our thrifty little neighbor. In spite of a strong opposi tion incorporation . was carried by a handsome majority. The fears of. those opposed to the measure, that there would be great expense following incor poration we believe are utterly ground less. . There will be some expense, it is true, but there will - be ast benefits. Grades can' be established, so that he who desires to build will know where to place his building. The water supply of the town can be acquired, and hundreds of other things necessary to the growth of the town can be accomplished'. Jlood River will grow more rapidly than any town in Oregon for the next ten years, and she is incorporated none too soon. May- she grow and prosper until the whole beautiful slope whereon she rests is a busy mart of trade, is tbe earnest and honest wish of The Chronicle. Scott and Borenson Arrested. The Portland Sun this morning says : "On complaint of I. R. Birt, formerly- manager of the now defunct Cape Horn Telegraph Company, Harvey W. Scott, of the Oregoniah, and A. Sorenson, man ager of the Telegram, were yesterday arrested- on a "charge of criminal libel and marched to the Mount Tabor justice court as any ordinary prisoners. Upon paying their respects to the court the two prisoners were releasedjipon their own recognizances to answer to charge at 10 o'clock this morning.- The article upon which the charge of libel is predicted appeared in the Even ing Telegram about a month.ago. In, it, so .Birt alleges, appeared false and malicious statements against him and Mrs. Johnson, a telegraph operator for merly in his employ, with whom he was alleged tp haye eloped. It is understood tha( Mr. Scott will prove an "alibi" on the ground that he is not connected with Tbe Telegram and has no control over its management. Mr. Sorenson's defense will be a lack of intent, as he claims that the article was received in good faith and, published as a news item. ' .. ' ' The case will no doubt prove an in teresting one" and may lead to some de velopment not yet down on he pro' gramme. ' - - " ' : . , -: Bnsoo & Swift's Big "Uncle " Tom'i Cabin." Wednesday night, Dec. '5th, at the opera house, Rusco & Swift's big "Uncle Tom '8 Cabin" will hold the boards with the best company that plays this ever popular favorite with special scenery band and orchestra. .-"Uncle Tomrs Cabin" never grows old; there" runs through it a vein of pathos peculiarly touching and sweet ; it speaks the uni versal language of the heart : ' it reflects like a prism - the innermost phases of human emotion ; it is more than a play ; it is a moral classic ; it avgues for two of the greatest themes that can engage the mind human liberty and immortality of the soul; -- This company is headed by Miss Coral Deming, the greatest' living for every Dollars worth of goods bouglrt from us during the month of December' we will give you a chance in our Holiday Drawing, viz: One Ramona Cook . St6ve with Reservoir, one copper Tea Kettle, one Columbia Gar land, Jr., Stove, &c, on exhib ition at our Grocery Store.- Draoiing to .take place at 9 b'eloek, Hecu Years Eve. This is. an opportunity for everyone to get a chance in our Holiday Drawing, as we are selling Hardware, Grocer ies, Heating aud Cook Stoves, Steel Ranges, Tinware, Gran iteware, Rogers' Triple-plated knives and forks Pocket cut lery, Nickel-plated and Agate Tea and ' Coffee Pots &c, at prices to suit the times. ' Call and be convinced. MAIER & BENTON. Topsy and the only lady who plays this part" in her bare feet. t The special fea--tures ' are the leautiful Shetland pony, who took the premium at the world's fair for being the most perfect marked animal in the world, and the Egyptian donkey from the streets of Cairo. Prices 25," 50 and 75 cents. PORTLAND EXPOSITION. Open December 1, 1894, and . January 15, 1895. Closes . During this time the Dalles; Portland & Astoria Navigation Company will sell tickets from The Dalles to Portland and return, . including two ineals on the steamer Dalles City at $2.50. -Tickets limited to ten days from date of sale. Regulator will leave at 7 a. m. and the Dalles City will arrive at Portland at 5 :30 p." m. Quick transfers at the locke.' ' W. C. Allawat, nov22-tf - Gen. Agent. The success that has attended the use of Dr. J. H. McLean's Volcanic Oil Lin ament in the relief of. pain and in curing diseases which seemed beyond the reach of medicine, has been truely remarkable. Hundreds supposed to be crippled for life with arms and legs drawn up crook ed or distorted, their muscles withered or contracted by disease have been cured through the use of this remedy.- Price 25c, 50 and $1.00 per bottle. For sale by the Snipes-Kinersly Drug Co. ' We have made arrangements' with the San Francisco Examiner to furnish it in connection with The Chkonicle. . Hav ing a clubbing rate with the . Oregonian and N. Y. Tribune for our republican patrons, we have made this arrangement for the accommodation of the democratic members of The Chbonicle family. Both papers, the Weekly Examiner and Semi-Weekly Chronicle will be fnr- nished for one year for $2.25, cash in ad vance. . - ' : For a pain in the side or chest there is nothing so good as a piece of flannel dampened with Chamberlain's Pain Balm and bound on over the seat of pain. It affords prompt and permanent relief and if used in time will often prevent a cold from resulting in pneumonia. This same treatment is a sure cure for lame back. For sale by Blakeley & Hough ton Druggists. ManagerWhy do you wear such a large hat to the theatre? Lady To match the price of seats. Detroit Free Pres. v When Baby was side, we gave her Castoria. When she -was a Child, she cried for Castoria. When she became Visa, She clung to Castoria. When she had Children, she gave them Castoria. FRENCH & CO v BANKERS. TRANSACT a general bankino bosinesb Letters of Credit issueS available in the Eastern States. - ' Sight Exchange and I Telegraphic Transfers sold on New York, Chicago, St. Louis, San Francisco, Portland Oregon, Seattle Wash., and various points in Or egon and Washington. Collections made at all points on fav orable term's. All pain banished by Dr. Miles' Pain Pills. All we ask is to call and examine our prices, and you will be convinced that they are the lowest in the city. TERMS STRICTLY CHSH. Institute Programme. - r- ( ; Wednesday. Dec. " EVENING SESSION 7 :30 O'CLOCK IN' THE COURT HOUSE. Music ,'. . .' . .Double Quartet Recitation.. :. Catherine Martin-- Recitation '.. -. ....r:.. . .' . .Earl Sandero -, Music Duet,...., Recitation t .Ella Cooper Address "Purposes of the Institute". Troy Shelley HBCJSSSe Discussion "Adoption of Oregon Text Books".. Five-minute Speeches Thursday, Dec. 13. . . HORNING SESSION 9:30 OCLOCK. . All Day Sessions Held in the Court-street School Building. Achievements and Possibilities of Education.. . .'. O. B. Connelly Use of the Dictionary in School ,Tena Rintoul School Organization .... Lena Snell ( First Reader . -. Salina Phirman Reading Third Reader.. . , ... . .Maggie E. Flinn - (Fifth Reader .., '.;.'... Minnie Michell Penmanship in School . .' ' M. N. Strattan . AFTERNOON SESSION 1:30 O'CLOCK. Recitation '. .' . Edward Baldwin Value, of 'Higher Education for Teachers in Primary and Ungraded Schools Melissa Hill Truth and Its Relations in Educational Work '. .'J. B. Gorham Recitation .Lulu Rowe Busy Work in Primary Classes ... .N. ... 1 .......... . Anna Sears Object Teaching : . ..Mrs. H. L. Howe School Government . Aaron. Frazier EVENING SESSION 7:30 O'CLOCK IN THE OPERA HOUSE. Qtwrtet. . .". . Mesdames Huntington and Corson, Messrs. Crandall and Doane Recitation Bessie French Vocal T)uet .Mesdames Huntington and Corson Doll Drill '...-. Twelve Primary Pupils Lecture . President C. H. Chapman,, Oregon University Quartet :. " - Friday; Dec. 14. - . , ' - morning session 9 :30 o'clock. Critic's Report ....'. : " County Course of Study in Ungraded Schools ' ' ..-.'...; .". ..Leaders: . Elsie Ball and J. M. Carroll A Quiet School How Secured Nan Cooper . Silent Force in School Government .Ida L. Everhart Map Drawing. . Asa Stogsdill Value -of Mathematical Study . .R. A. Gailey , - - afternoon session 1:30 o'clock. Compositions :. . . . . . .-. .P. P. Underwood Kindergarten Class Exercise. Miss Hall, Teacher Piano Duett . : Recitation . James Huntington- School Book Question Sample books displayed, with publishers' pro posals submitted. Merits of books discussed Leaders: C. L. Gilbert, CaRsie Cheese, Geo. H. Dunn and R.' S. Andrews. Recitation... . . . ; ... : .... r. , . . . .( Martha Baldwin evening session 7:30 o'clock in thb opera house. Piano Duet .. ... .. .. ...'. .Misses Newman and Lang Lecture. .-; .... . . ......:.'.:. i . State Superintendent E. B. McElroy Recitation-.. .-. . .Jennie Russell Cantata..". - T. . Forty Children Saturday, Dec, IS. MORNING SESSION 9.:30 O'CLOCK. Critic's Report ... Physical Training in Schools.,. Music in Public Schools. ........ , Spelling How Much and How Taught. . . . Preparation for Teaching ; . The Use of the Globe 'Business Session--closing m. 7K ''i.BMBUfcc".-.' JO HN FIE SHOES f RDBBEBS. Laflies, Hisses ana d opren AT POPUMR PRICES. FULL STOCK OF Dry G-oods, Clothing, Hats, Boots and Shoes. ...... Lura Welch H. L. Howe . . Louise Rintoul . Frances E. Rowe . . .John Gavin C. HERTZ