CM) i 4 1 y rg ' H 'J .a La La : fat k mud LJ Bran and Shorts (Diamond Mills), $12 per ton. Flour at Bedrock Prices: Xa-ood Potatoes, 65c a sack. Seed Wheat. " ''" ' Chicken Wheat, 75c sack. . .Choice Wheat, Timothy and Alfalfa Hay. All Goods Sold at Lowest Telephone No. 61 A lady who is more devoted to . farm life than that of the city, called upon a photographer ' recently and -wished to know how long after leaving her measure she must wail to receive her picture. New Bedford Journal. W. A. McGuire, a well known citizen of McKay, Ohio, is of the opinion that there is nothing as good aa children troubled ' with colds or croup aa Chamberlain '8 Cough Eemedy. He has used it in his family for several years with the best results and always kept a bottle of it in the house. After 'having la grippe be wa8 himself troubled with a severe cough. lie used other remedies without benefit and then concluded to try the children 'a medicine and to his delight it soon effected a permanent cure; 50 cent bottles for sale by Blakeley & Houghton Druggists. At Prayers. Minnie in loud whisper) Jimmy, wot makea Uncle Eben . ehet 'is eyes w'en he's ' pray'in' ? ' Jimmy (in louder whisper) Mebbe he's" ashamed ter look th' Lord in th'.face. Cleveland Plain Dealer. Henry Wilson, the postmaster at Welsbton, Florida, says he cured a case of diarrhoea of long standing In bix hours with one atrial! bottle of Chamberlain's , Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy." What a pleasant surprise that must have foeen to the sufferer. Such cures are not junusual with this remedy. In many instances only, one or two doses - are re--quired to give permanent relief. It can . always de depended upon. When re duced with, water it is pleasant to take. For sale by Blakeley & Houghton Drug 'jjists. ' ' - Sriggs My doctor has ordered me to -eat as little as possible "for a week. Griggs Is that so? . Conie around to my boarding-house and take Thanks giving dinner .with me. New York Herald. ; When. persons are weak and languid, from sickness or overwork, feel debil itated and depressed, it is an indication - that the blood is out of order, aud they need help to tBrow off the miserable feeling. The. best remedy for this pur pose is Dr. J. H. McLean's Strength ening Cordial and Blood Purifier.-' It re stores lost strength, gives vigor to cir culation, promotes good appetite and a flow of cheerful spirits. Price $1.00 per bottle. For sale by the Snipes-Klnersly Customer What has that gentleman to do who sits behind the counter yon-1 der? Clerk He has got to make the flourishes td our employer's signature. El Imperial. ' f ' '. ' - ''"""' For a pain in the side or chest there is nothing so good as, a piece' of flannel dampened with Chamberlain's Pain Balm and bound on over the seat of pain. It affords prompt and permanent relief and if used in time will often prevent a cold from resulting in pneumonia. This same treatment is a sure cure for lame back - For sale by Blakeley & Hough ton Druggists. . ; ' ;. 'Why do you not stop begging -and try to get some work." . Because I do not wish to give up a sure thing for an uncertain one." Paris Tigaro. We have made arrangements with the San Francisco Examiner 'to furnish it in connection with The Ciibonicle.- Hav ing a clubbing rate with the Oregonian and N.-Y. Tribune for our republican ' -patrons, we have made this arrangement for the accommodation of the democratic members . of The . Chronicle family. . Both papers, the Weekly Examiner and 6kmi-Weeklt: Chronicle will be fur nished for one year for $2.25, cash in ad vance; " : - - - - - .- - It is strange that some people will suf fer for years from rheumatism rather than try such an approved stantlard remedy aa Ayer'a S&rsaparilla ; and that, too, in spite of the assurance that it. has cured so many others who were similarly afflicted. Give it a. trial. '. "Ah, how I feel for you !" said Jagsly, aa he fumbled around for the keyhole. Syracuse Post. . Feed wheat for sale cheap at, Wasco Warehouse.- . ..... ' ... . , tf. Subscribe for The Chronicle.: 53) id B D V",;" Seed Rye. - - Feed Oats. Rolled Barley;' ' Poultry and Eggs bought ana sola. - . ' Choice Groceries &; Fruits. Grass Seeds. ; V Living Prices. Cor. 'Second and Union' Sts. Notice of Proposed Street' Improvement "By order of the Council of Dalles City; notice is hereby given (that the .portion of the east aide of Union street, commencing- on the :. south- line- -oi , Fourth street, Dalles City, and extending south erly to. where the north linexf the alley which forms the north line of the. public school 'grounds . intersects said street, said public school -grounds being situ ated on both sides of , Union street bet tween said alley and the bluff, shall be improved by the construction of a plank eidewalk eight feet in width along the east side of said street.- Dated this 20th day of October, 1894. Douglas S. Dufub, Recorder for, Dalles Citv. .Kotice. . - - To Whom it May Concern : This is to certify that the undersigned lias' "sold out his interest in the -store Kwong On Tai. He is'now a member of the firms Wing Hong and Dock Hing. - ' " : ; . . : . Seid Wing. Cord Wood. -We again have an abundant supply of dry fir 'and hard wood for immediate delivery at the lowest rates, and hope to be favored with- a. liberal share of the trade. Jos. T. Peters & Co. ' Xotlce. All city warrants registered prior to January 2, 1892, are now due. and pay able at my office. Interest ceases after this date. 1 1. 1. Burget, City Treas. Dated Dalles City, Aug. 1, 194. Another Call. AU county warrants registered prior to January 1, 1891, will be paid on pre sentation at my' office.-. Interest ceases after Sept. 10th. Wm, Michell, . -; -. : - Oountv Treasurer. ' House Moving! Andrew Velarde IS prepared to do any and all . kinds of work . in his line at reasonable figures. Has the largest house moving outfit x in Eastern Oregon. - ' Address P.O. Box 181. The Dalles : SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the State- of Oregon for 1 1 oaw V.UIiULJ. Joseph May, plaintiff, vs. J. T. Delk, Sarah E - Delk, and H. Fleckenstein and S. Julius Mayer partners doing business under the firm name of Fleckenstein Mayer, defendants. To J. T. Delk and Sarah E. Delk, of. the de fendants above named: Jn the name of the Btate of Oregon, you and each of you are herebv required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you in the above entitled suit on or before Monday, the 11th day of February lsqs thai being the flrt day of the next regular term of said Circuit Court following the expiration of the time prescribed in the order heretofore made for the publication of said summons ; and if vou or either of you fail so to appearand answer said complaint, judgment for want thereof will be taken against you, and the plaintiff will htZ ply to the Court for the relief prayed for in Ss said bill of complaint, to-wit; For a decree 'or dering a foreclosure' of the mortgage of plaintiff described and-mentioned- in plaintiffs com plaint, and that the premises mentioned therein to-wit: fractional block 13, in Hood River proper, in Wasco county, Oregon, be sold in the manner provided by law : that from the proceeds of such sale the p aintlff have and recover the sum of $763.67. and interest thereon at the rate of ten per cent- per annum since the 4th dav of January, 1893; and the fur ther sum of100 reas 223bJf k ttorney'! fef -'v Aether with the costs and disbursements of thi suit, including sub sequent and accruing costs and expenses of sale that upon such ioreclosnre and sale all of the right, title and interest of the defendants, or of any or either of them, and ofny or all arsons, claiming or to claim through, by or under them or any ot them, be foreclosed arid forever baSl of the equity of redemption ; that ptainfiff bTat lowed to bid for and to purchase Mid premises SAIafflFl' ha thf Pa5er thereolh. e, immediate possession of the same: that plaintiff have judgment against the said T n Delk and Sarah E. Delk fof any sum that may remain unpaid on said note afteF the forSK sure and sale of said premises- anrt fArfJi!.h farther and other relief al to -the court mav seem to be just and equitable. court may 'ihe service of this summons is marln unnn you by pubUcation thereof inThe dLuJch C KEa Dev(sPIT of general circvOaUonf Sub lished weekly at Dalies City. Wasco coiiVStT Oregon, by order of Hon W. L BrSw judge of the aid court; which order duly made at chambers in Dalles City. Oreeon on the 6th day of November, 1891. - y' "reon on the , . , H. H. KIDDELL, nov7-decl9. Attorney for Plaintiff. Assignee's Notice of Final Account. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned, as assignee of the estate of W. E. Garretson, in solvent debtor,, has filed his final account in the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Wasco comity, and that the same will come up for hearing in said court on Monday, the 19th day of November, 1894, at yrhich time said assignee will ask for an order distributing said estate and dis charging said assignee. J . Dated this 17th day of October, ISM. ' ? A. R. THOMPSON, ! C20-Nvl7 Assignee. of Estate W. E. Garretson. -TJEFIESHEAT-SNO-COtt A. New mud ot Glass Unburt by Violent Atmospheric: Changes. The neySeniiari' glass is a new and singular ti'Jparture .in- -that line, disre garding- as it does- the brdinary princi ple that R-ood g-lass must contain, to gether with .silica and a divalent or trivalent metallic .oxide,' the oxide of a monovalent- metal-r-an alkali -metal or thelliuni' but while thus iree from nlkali can be worked befie the blow pipe, and lias a small ;oefficientf ex-pansion.-- TKe inventor, snys the New York Sun, was led to the production of" 1 as-compound glass by studying the .iate of strain in ordinary glass vessels and tnbescooled in contact with air. As a hollow glass vessel, cooled In contact with the -air, has its outer skin in a state- -of compression; while the inside is in a state of tension, it' is easily damj aged on the inside, but is resistent on the outside; a hollow glass vessel, , if introduced when cold into, warm air, has its outer skin thrown into a state of, compression, but if, when it is hot, it i exposed to cold air, its outer: skin is thrown into a state, of tension this being the reason why cold 'air causes glass to crack more readily than hot air' does, r The inventor succeeded in throwing the ovuter layer into a perma nent state of compression by- -covering the glass vessel with a thin outer layer of glass which has . a .small "coefficient of expansion. The flasks iuadc of such glass can be filled with boiling aniline and immediately sprinkled on the out side with cold water glass dishes, too, can be heated over the naked IJunscn flame without .' cracking. . Pressure, tubes of thi compound glass are also made to meet all the requirements of practice and have been kept ;in con tinuous use . on locomotives for . five months. .' ' " . ' -- " ' IT IS NOT SLANG. The Term "Gent" and Its Modern Ap plication. ' - -The word "gent"; nowadaysseemato wear its hat .cocked on one- i;i;1c of the head and to-walk with a.caddish -wajr-jer pf vulgar "seli-impoi-tance.- lint I mow a worthy old lady in the country, writes Edward .Egglcston in.: .Century , ivho calls her husband the "old g-ont," jjing-itas a title of respect, and such -it was in . her childhood " and ' long be-' fore. In r 17r-f. Eov.. Samuel Da vies, afterward president of Princeton col lege, traveling in England, describes Rev. Dr. Liardner as '"a little pert old gent," epithetsthat would not be flat tering to a mmister. to-day, nor even dignified for a minister to -use.. : "Pert'' here has the sense of "lively" much as a Kentuckian might use "peart" or' a Jvew "Englander "perk." Indeed. I suspect that Davies gave the word the sound , of "peart." That Davies; -used "gcht" "as a term of respect is shown by. his characterization of another . rev erend. doctor as "a venerable,' humble and affectionate old gent." It will not do, therefore, to account a word recent because : of its slanginess. When a' smoker i professes - fondness for ''the weed" he does not dream that he is using an epithet applied - to tobacco by King James I. in 13"0. and that nearly two hundred years earlier than-James, in the. reign of Edward VI., the hop plant just coming into England' was called-. -the .wicked weed.". What plant had.worn thi:i title of contempt before the hop I do not know. . ' A FATAL SUPERSTITION. Mexicans Regard St:r.iIlpox as a ' Divine - , Visitation. The poor1 and igncrant class of Mex icans have an uncanny religious super stition about smallpox. On a recent visit to tha interior of Mexico, says a writer in the Xcw Orleans Picayune, I saw ijiothcrs carrying around in their arms babies whose little bodies were almost eaten, up by smallpox. I was, of course, shocked at the frightful spec tacle, and even offered one delniled mother money if she would take her terribly afflicted child home and call in a physician to attend it. But she re fused my. proffer with scorn, and be gan to croon some weird incantation as she tenderly caressed the little half clad sufferer in her arms. I afterward learned thai the ignorant class of Mex icans consider an out break of the red pest in their miserable hovels a, visita tion of Divine wrath for some sin they have committed. So - set are they in this belief that they will do nothing whatever to checlr the ravages of the disease, except when it - attacks their infants, to take the victims in their arms, press them closely . to their breasts and pray devoutly and con tinuously to God to forgive them for their wickedness. Of course the small pox runs its course after awhile, though never before claiming several members of every family asu victims but not un til ' it . does are- the afflicted parents purged of their sins. . . -,'.- -. , . Kquallty of Sex.. It is natural f or .a woman to resent the imputation that the feminine mind is not so strong as the masculine, and this spirit of independence was early mani fested in a schoolgirl living in a- Massa chusetts town. She had, too often, perhaps, been made to acknowledge the superiority of her brothers. " One day her mother remarked upon the ap parently utter lack of intelligence in a hen- "You can't" teach a hen any thing," she said. "They have ruined more of the garden than a drove of cattle would. You can' teach a cat,, dog, or pig something, . but a hen never!" "Hm!V exclaimed the child, indignantly. "I think they know just ;as muh as the roosters:" Adirondack Echoes. . '.there, are' some remarkable echoes in the . w'ood-encircled Adirondack lakes. A single whoop will be tossed about a dozen times from a bit of wood land edging the lake, - and ' when the last echo seems to have died away some more distant woodland will suddenly take up the call with increased loud ness, and the sound will at length fade out in extreme distance.-. The. nearer echoes seem to be filled with the inex pressible freshness pf the woodland, and it is hard to believe that the sound is mere airy . mimicry of -the ' human voice. . - ' . . .. . Mexican Mustang Liniment - . . - - V . . . for '-. ' - Burns, : Caked & Inflamed Udders. Piles; ' Rheumatic Pains, Bruises and Strains, . Running Sores, Inflammations, Stiff joints, 1 Jiarness & Saddle Sores, Sciatica, . . ''. Lumbago,, : Scalds, Blisters, Insect Bites, All Cattle Ailments, All Horse Ailments, .. All Sheep Ailments, Penetrates Muscle, v Membrane and Tissue Quickly to the Very ' x Seat of Pain and Ousts it in a Jiffy. Rub in Vigorously. ;- -'- ' - '';- " Mustang Liniment conquers :. Painr .,- Makes nan or Beast well again. i. , J ' I. Tie Dalles, Portland and Astoria ' . ifavigatiori Co. THROUGH Freioni and Passenoer Line Through ' Daily Trips . (Sundays ex cepted) between The Dalles and Port land. Steamer Regulator leaves The Dalles at 7 a.m., connecting at the Cas cade Locks with - Steamer Dalles City. Steamer Dalles City leaves Portland (Yamhill st. dock! at 6 a. m.. connect ing with Steamer . Regulator for The Dalles. -.- . . .. PAH8KNOKK KATES. One way . . . . Round trip. .$2.00 ..3XX) Freight Rates Greatly Reduced. All freight, except car lots, will- be brought through, with out delay at Cascades. :'.' ; Shipments for Portland received at any time day or nights Shipments for way -JandingB delivered before 6 p. m. Live stock shipments solicted. Call on or address, ' , , W.C.ALLAWAY, Genaral . Agranf " ' - TH E-DALLES, r - OREGON J X FORD, EvamelisV." : Of Des Moines, Iowa, writes under" date oi f .. March 23.. 1898:.i. ,s S. B.- Mkd. Mfq. Co., - Dufar, -Oregon. . ' . Gentlemen . - ' '!,. ; V--- - t -On arriving home' last week, I found all -well and. anxiously - awaiting, v. Oar little girl eight and one-half years old, who Had wasted away to 38 poohds is now well, strong, and vigorous and. well fleshed up. S. B. Congh Care has done its. work well. '- Both of the children like it. Your S. B. Cough Cure has cured and kept away all hoarseness from me. So give it to every one, with greetings for all. -. Wishing you -prosperity, we are Yours, ". Mb, & Mbs. J. F. Fobtj. .' If yoti Wilfi to feel fresh and cheerful, and readj for the Spring's work, cleanse your system with the Headaohe and Liver Cnro, by taking two or three doses each week. 8old under a posltivo guarantee. ; BO cents per bottle bv all druKRistn. ! Caveats, and Trade-Marks obtained, and all Pat- ent Dusiness conauciea lor modbr atc Ftts. OOn OFFICE IS 0POS!TE O. S. PATENT OFFICE , and we can secure patent in less time than those i remote from Washington. -" -.: .- - . Send model, drawmg or photo., with descrip tion. '. We advise, if oatentablo or not. iree of charge.. Our fee not due till patent is secured. ! A Pamphlet, "How to Obtain Patents," with i cost of same in the V. S. and foreign countries sent iree.. Aaaress, . - "The Reffolator Line" A WINTER'S ENTERTAINMENT. GREAT VALUE FOR LITTLE MONEY. a twenty-page journal, is the leading Republican family paper of the . United States. It is a NATIONAL FAMILY PAPER, and gives all the general news of the United States. It gives the events of foreign . lands in a nutshell. Its AGRICULTURAL department has no su perior in the country. Jts MARKET REPORTS are recognized au thority. Separate departments for THE FAMILY CIRCLE, OUR YOUNG FOLKS, and SCIENCE AND MECHANICS. Its HOME ; AND SOCIETY columns command the admiration of the wives and ' daughters. It general political news, editorials and discussions are comprehensive, brilliant and exhaustive. - A SPECIAL CONTRACT enables us to offer this splendid journal and THE WEEKLY CHRONICLE for ? - - - -. .- ,. vf - - -' "?:'--i"-. r j . ' s :? V f! i ' ': . ' ' . ONE YEAR FOR ONLY $1.75, ' -- Oasla. in Aclvanoe. ' . (The regular sabscription for the two papers is $2.50.) - ., SUBSCRIPTIONS MAY BEGIN AT ANY TIMEV - . Addjess all ordeis to .". ; CHRONICIjE PUBIilSHING- CO. tJSF" . Write"your name and address on a postal card, send it to George W. Best, Room 2, Tribune Building, New York City, and a sample copy of THE NEW "' YORK WEEKLY TRIBUNE will be mailed to you. - , , - of - -. v.- ' "-- . - - ' - i, f-.-i . liSiilllEIii . THE CHRONICLE was established for the ex press purpose of faithfully representing Th Dalles and the surrbunihg country and the' satisfying effect of its mission is everywhere apparent. v It now leads all other publications in Wasco, Sher- . - man, Gilliam, a large" part of Crook, Morrow and Grant counties, as well as Klickitat arid other le gions north' of The' Dalles, hence it is the- best " medium for advertisers in the Inland Empire. '.';. The Daily Chronicle is published every eve-, ning in the week Sundays excepted at .$6.00 per , annum. The Weekly ; Chronicle on Fridays of each week at $1.50 per annum. ' v For' advertising rates, subscriptions, etc., address THE CHRONICLE PUBLISHING CO., T?la.o Dalles, Oreson. 'There is a tide in tlie affairs leads on to fortune" The poet unquestionably had reference to the at CRANDALL . ' ......... .t v j ; Who are selling these goods K : : ':"--' ' -' . -r. , MICHEJBACH BRICK, t.'G i " v' ,r,:i'H-v ;i? t-wi-i.- iif ' '.'- " . T TT Of 6 CAN BE G HB ON I C L . .. . . .. . . .. -5! -- WEEKLY NEWS OF THE WORLD FOR A TRIFLE. TT B I iribune .: t ( -7, of men which, taken at its fiood & BURGET'S, .- -' -r -J- Out at greatly-reduced rates. , ',.-; - ,t i;.si - - UNION ST. ;:,,.v: . .. .. 1 ...I.I, . .j TTCO . - HAD AT THE E OFFI C E n mm : ' ' 0 Li ' li . '-- j- " -v'-i'-; .-