C2) GloaRs Don't Put Off l AND Making your Xmas Presents till the day before Christmas. ' You "will never get them made if you do so. You had better com mence now.- See Cur Stamped Linens of all Descriptions. Lunch Cloths, Doylies, . ' Laundry Bags, .; Pillow Shams, Shopping Bags, , , Tray Cloths. ., Side Board Scarfs. Paris Tinted Table Cloths Squares. A Full Line of Embroidery Silk, Etching Silk and . Cotton Fringes.. ALL GOODS MARKED IN - PLAIN FIGURES. The Dalles Daily Chronicle. ntereda the Postoffice at The Dalles, Oregon as second-class matter. Clubbing List. Regular Our price price fkrosiele ui If. T. Tribune '. . . . .$2.50 $1.75 " aid Weeklj Orfgonian 3.00 '2.00 " and Wteklj Eiamioer 3.25 2.25 " WmWt He York World 2.25 2.00 Local AdTertUing. 10 Cents per line for first insertion, and 6 Cents uer line for each subsequent insertion. Special rates for long time notices. All' local notices received later than 8 o'clock will appear the following day. ' TUESDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1894 BRIEF MENTION. Leaves From the Notebook of Chronicle Reporters. Elder M. Bramblet will preach at the Christian church tonight at 7 :30. Subject "Angels and Hornets." Licenses to wed were issued yester day to J. II. Miller and . Miss Laura Cooley, and to William Walker and Cylima Scenecal. .Two gentlemen overloaded explained their unseemly conduct to the recorder this morning. They paid a fine of $5 each and departed. Don't forget to get reserved seats for "Uncle Tom's Cabin" at Blakeley & Houghton's. Performance at opera house tomorrow night. As we go to press Mr. Snow the coun cil for the prosecution had not closed his argument to the jury. It ia probable the case will be submitted by 5 o'clock. Rush Sellinger and Miss Divers will be married by his honor Judge Bradahaw this evening on the adjournment of. court. Both parties are from Hood River. . . .. A trip down the river by the D. P. & A. N. Co.'s boat, now that the weather is clear, is one to be long remembered For grandeur of scenery that route is not equalled in the United States. .. Mr. George Herbert is in the city, coming down from Grant yesterday, and ia looking as healthy and happy as poa eible. - He tells us the distillery will start up between the middle of the month and New Years. - v Mr. 'M. V. Harrison came op from Hood River this afternoon. He has been employed by the county court to prepare the delinquent tax list of 1892 . and at the same time will assist in mak ing a list for the use of those gentlemen - who are engaged in making a set of present ownership books for the county Hood Riyer ia holding an election to' day to decide whether or hot she shall . incorportae herself, and at the same time is electing officers, so that if incor poration passes she will be ready to pro ceed to business. Parties , who left at noon today say that both sides are con fident of success, and that the odds seemed to be in favor of incorporation. Quite a number of voters are absent from the town, but as these are pretty - evenly paired, the result would perhaps not have been altered had they been present. ' . . The prizes given to their customers bv Pease & Mavs. consisting of a handsome bedroom set, and a fine bicycle, were Silks. Silk, File Silk, Knitting Silk, See PEASE awarded Saturday night. The cone con tained 11,161 tooth-picks. ' Mies Dorothy Fredden guessed 11,148 and received the bedroom set while Stanley Webb of De Moss Springs, Sherman county, guessed 11,163 and captured the bicycle. Much interest was. manifested in this guessing contest and it ia gratifying to know that some little country lad, has been made supremely happy through it. Council Meeting. The regular monthly meeting of the city council took place last night, present Councilmen S. S. Johns, T. J. Joles, M." T. Nolan, G. C. Eshelman and R. B. Hood. The mayor - being absent Coun cilman Jolea waa appointed chairman. Minutes of last regular meeting were read and approved. Councilman Johns reported as member of committee on streets and public prop erty, that 15 corda of wood had been purchased for the city offices at $5 per cord. The regular monthly reports of the city officers were read and ordered not accepted except the street commission er's report. Special ordinance No. being an or dinance for the improvement of Ninth street, by building a sidewalk on the south side thereof between Pentland and Liberty streetB, was read and passed. Claims against the city were read and ordered paid. N Moved and carried that when council adjourn it adjourn to meet Saturday night. ' On motion it was ordered that in the matter of extending a certain sewer near the old city mill be referred to the com mittee on streets and public property with power to act. BILLS ALLOWED. J - Douglas Dufur, recorder. . , . ;'. . Jas H Blakeney, marshal. . . . Geo J Brown, eng fire dept . i 75 00 75 00 75 00 65 00 W t nutts, street commsr 1 I Burget, treasurer ; John Blaser, fire warden J H Blakeney, 15 cords wood. . . 20 00 10 00 75 00 2 00 32 00 Or Telephone Co, rent 'phone. . Dalles Water Works, water rent for Nov . Dalles El Lt Tel & P Co office lights, Nov 5 40 240 00 6 40 3 00 2 50 1 50 Dalles El Lt, Tel & P Co, street ugnts ; , alles El Lt, Tel & P Co, lights nre aept -. unning fc Hock man, labor. . .'. s iiood, lr, hauling hose cart Farley Sc Frank, labor J H Blakeney, hauling fire en gine H Laflin, labor , . 5 00 3 00 3 75 4 00 2 25 Ulough, labor r ck Blazer, labor and nidge... JH Blakeney, hauling ..... -B l reters Kjo, lumber . W R Brown, labor. W A Maddron, labor ... Geo C Bills, labor . F M King, labor. Mays & Crowe", mdae , , . . . Maier & Benton, mdse ; . R B Hood, jr, hauling.- Dalles Lamb Co, mdse. . ." T T Nicholas, feeding prisoners Maier & Benton, mdse. . .". . F G Connelly, night watchman. R V Gibons. night watchman. . 40 00 7 75 10 75 2 00 3 00 460 25 ' 75 67 45 - 17 45 6 55 60 00 60 00 1 50 . 2 50 Snipes & Kinersly Co, mdse tv u xoung, mdae I.St. '-' . . V A note dated Oct. 25, 1891 due Oct 2o, 1896 for the sum of $3,500 rjavable to John Robinson, signed by D. H. Stone and C. W. NStone. All iwrsniig cautioned against purchasing the same JOHN KOBINSON HABBIBD. In this city, Dec 3, 1894, by Justice li. a. uavis; William walker and Miss Cylima bcenecal, both of Wasco county Hope Linen. Display in Win.do". & MAYS. Uncle Tom's Cabin. The next attraction at the opera house will be Rusco & Swift's big spectacular Uncle Tom's Cabin, Wednesday night, Dec. 5th, with a large company, band and orchestra, blood hounds, Shetland pony, Egyptian donkey, special scen ery, etc. - . 1 .- Those who have witnessed the rendi tion of this wonderful and ever-popular play are always anxious to see it once more. Because it gives them joy and happiness-, and they always learn a lea son of morality. Those who have never had an opportunity of seeing Uncle Tom's Cabin played by this ever-popular company should "avail themselves of this occasion to witness this most, won derful performance. All the characters are lifelike and original. Rendered as they are by some of the most talented actors of this country, all Christian people should not only come and see it themselves, but they should bring their children with them, that they too may be permitted to learn' a lasting lesson of morality, one that will ever follow them through life. All the characters of this play will be. represented true to life, without being exaggerated. Popular prices of admission are always main tained. 25, 50 and 75 cents. Real Estate Transactions. Deeds were filed today as follows : Gertrude E. Woodward and Gilbert N. Woodward to Sarah A. Stranahan, one acre and a quarter in sec 34, tp 3 n, r 10 e; $100. - . ' PORTLAND EXPOSITION. Opens December 1, 1804, and Closes January is, 1895. ' During this time the Dalles, Portland & Astoria Navigation Company will sell tickets from The Dalles to Portland and return, including two meals on the steamer Dalles City at $2.50. Tickets limited to ten days from date of sale. Regulator will leave at 7 a. m. and the Dalles City will arrive at Portland at 5 :30 p. m. Quick transfers at the locka. W, C. Allawat, nov22-tf Gen. Agent. Notice to the Public. I forbid anyone to give any credit to Emma Fawcett, my wife, as she has left my home and deserted me on Saturday, the 17th inst. Anyone giving her any credit after this notice, will have to be at the loss, as 1 will not pay it. , Dated at Rufua, Sherman county, Or., this nuth day of November, isa4. - ZZtl. . JOSEPH JJAWCETT. Notice. All ' persons who have not paid their road tax and desire to work the same out, will be on hand .Wednesday and Thursday mornings at 8 o'clock, with picks or shovels. Work will be done on the road at the brewery hill. v W.H. Butts, Street Commissioner. Hon. Alexander H. Stephens. . I ocasiohally use, when my condition requires it, Dr. Simmons Liver Regula tor, wtyh good effect. Hon. Alex. H. Stephens." The regular subscription price of the Weekly Chronicle ist$1.50 and the regular price of the Weekly Oregonian is $1.50. Any one subscribing for .The Chronicle and paying for one year in advance can get. both The Chronicle and the .Weekly Oregonian for $2.00. All old subscribers paying their sub scriptions a year in advance will be en titled to the same offer. GIVEN AWAY for - every Dollars worth of goods bought from us. during the month of December we will give you a chance in our Holiday Drawing, viz: One Ram on a Cook Stove with Reservoir, one copper Tea Kettle,- one Columbia Gar land, Jr., Stove, &c, on exhib ition at our Grocery Store. Drawing to take place at 9 o'clock, Seat Years Eve. This is an opportunity for everyone to get a chance in our Holiday Drawing, as we are selling Hardware, Grocer ies, Heating aud Cook Stoves, Steel Ranges, Tinware, Gran iteware, Rogers' Triple-plated knives and forks "Pocket cut lery, Nickel-plated and Agate Tea and Coffee Pots &c,. at prices to suit the times. Call and be convinced. MAIER & BENTON. , Help Is Wanted by the women who are ailing aud suffer- j ing, or weak and exhausted. And to every such woman, help is guaranteed by Dr.. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. For young girls just entering womanhood ; women at the critical "change of life ;" women approaching confinement ; nurs ing mothers; and every.' woman who is pnn.Hftinn" nr rwArnrnrlrArl . it. in ft medicine that builds up, strengthens, and regulates, no matter what 'the con dition of the system. ' " It's an invigorating, restorative tonic, a soothing and bracing nervine, and the only guaranteed ' remedy for . "female complaints" and weaknesses. In bearing-down sensations, periodical pains, ulceration, inflammation, and every kindred ailment, if it ever fails to ben efit or cure, you have your money back. The success that has attended the use of Dr. J. H. McLean's Volcanic Oil Lin ament in the relief of pain and'in curing diseases which seemed beyond the reach of medicine, has been truely remarkable. Hundreds supposed to ' be crippled for life with arm s and legs drawn up crook ed or distorted, their muscles withered or contracted by disease have been cured through the use of this remedy. Price 25c, 50 and $1.00 per bottle! For sale by the Snipes-Kinersly Drug Co. ' ,, ' Do you want The Chronicle and San Francisco Examiner for ayear? If so send us $2.25 and you can have them, 156 papers for $2.25 or less than a cent and a half a pioce. If you would rather have the New. York World, we will send you that and the Semi-Weekly Chron icle one year for $2.25. ' The World is also a semi-weekly so you will get 203 papers for $2.25. ; ,- ' For sick headache, caused by a dis ordered stomach, Ayer's Cathartic Pills are the most . reliable remedy. "My mother first recommended these Pills to me, thirty years ago. . They are the mildest and best purgative in use." S. C. Bradbnrn, Worthington, Mass. ; When Baby was sick, we gave her Castoria. . When she was a Ch"t she cried for Castoria. When she became Hiss, she clung to Castoria. When she had Children, she gave them Castoria. FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. TRANSACT A GENERAL BANKING BTJSINESb Letter of Credit issued available in the Eastern States. ' ' Sight Exchange and Telegraphic Transfers Bold on New York, Chicago, St. Louis, San Francisco, Portland Oregon, Seattle Wash., and various points in Or egon and Washington. , -. Collections made at all, points on fav orable terms. . JOHN M. KANE, Physician and Surgeon. iUFTJR, OREGON. . Late House Surseon, St. Vincent's Hospital of Portland, Oregon. . - sep28 D K. A. DIETRICH. Physician and Surgeon, ' DTJFTJB, OREGON. , . gXF All professional Calls promptly attende to, day and night. aprl4 . All we ask is to call and will be convinced that they TERMS STRICTLY CKSH. We are Still and You Know It . We are selling more goods than ever ' for the simple reason that.. - . Our PRICES are RIGHT. We pay more for Produce than any . other dealer in The Dalle's. . . - Consult Your .Interests, and Trade with JOLES, Telephone JTo. 20. Just Opened. Not the Political Campaign, But a full stock of the.la est patterns of Dress Goods Call and see our. elegant Plushes. " "We have just purchased the entire stock of a fashionable millinery store in Portland. We bought therri for 25 cents on the Dollar, and can give, you bargains. FIKE SHOES f RUBBERS. JOHN THE CELEBRHTED COLUMBIA BREWERY, AUGUST BUCHLER, Prop'r. i ' .Thia well-known '.Brewery is now 'turning'oui the best Beer and Porter east of the Cascades. The latest appliances for the manufacture of good health- j fnl Beer have been introduced, and ony the first-class article will be placed on he market. '' . , ' ,.: -'. . Jacis FOR Ladies, Ulisses aim - cmimen AT POPIMR PRICES. FULL STOCK OF" Dry Goods, Clothing, Hats, Boots and Shoes. - examine our prices, and you are the lowest in the city. . in It COLLINS & CO. THE RELIABLE FIRM. C. HERTZ '' ' '