GoaKs AND The Bedroom Set and Bicycle will be present ed to the lucky guessers Saturday niglit, Decem ber 1st. 1894. ALL GOODS MARKED IN PLAIN FIGURES. The Dalles Daily Chfoniele. nte red a the PostoSce at The Dalles, Oregon as second-class matter. Clubbing List. Regular Our . priee price ehroiicle and K. T. Tribune $2.50 $1.75 " mi Weekly Oregoniai 3.00 2.00 " ma Weekly Examiner 3.25- 2.25 " Weekly Sew York World 2.25 2.00 - Local Advertising;.' 10 Ceu us per line for first Insertion, and 5 Cents ir line for each subsequent Insertion. Special rates for long time notices. All local notices received later than 3 o'clock will appear the following day. SATURDAY, - - DECEMBER 1, 1894 BRIEF MENTION. Leaves From the Notebook of Chronicle Reporters. Walter Rowe was returned to Salem this afternoon. Owing to the theater on Wednesday evening, the Union Dancing Club will hold their party next Tuesday evening, Dec. 4th. Sixteen hogs and some other personal property were sold this afternoon by Constable Urquhart to satisfy a judg ment of Perry Watkins against C. E. Jones. - A farmer from over near Goldendale left his team in one of the feed yards last night, and eonie heartless wretch stole everything that was loose in the wagon. Hawthorne gave his testimony this morning in the Savage case and was taken back to Portland on the afternoon train. It was expected yesterday that the case would be finished ' today but that does not now seem possible. The courthouse was crowded this afternoon, many ladies being present and taking a deep interest in the pro ceedings. There' were several pretty lively conflicts between the attorneys concerning the- admissibility of testi mony. The attorneys for the defense are fighting every point, and laying the foundations, or trying to, for a new trial in case of conviction. At the literary society Monday even' ing election of officers will be had. Sub ject for debate, "Resolved, That men are governed more by imagination than " reason." Leader of affirmative, Miss Newman ; negative, Miss Evelyn New . man. Quotations from Scott. All who are interested are invited to be present, and so decide whether or not it would benefit them to become members. Frank Klein was placed on the wit ness stand this afternoon, and at 3:20 his examination had not been com pleted. His testimony varies from that given in the preliminary examination by being more full and giving some en tirely new. evidence. He testified, among other things, that in conversa tion with his father the Monday morn ing after the robbery, he told him he bad committed the robbery. The Union Savings and Loan Associa tion bank in the Marquam building, Portland,' was looted by burglars last night. The burglar-proof safe was blown open, the bold burglar having drilled a hole into it and with a nitro-glycerine fuse knocked the burglar proof theory as Well as the safe to pieces. A census of PEASE. the bold youths of The Dalles, we might mention for the benefit of the Oregonian, discloses the fact that our talent were not in it. , Maier & Benton now propose to give away a Ramona cook stove with reser voir, one copper teakettle and one Col umbia Garland Junior etove, all now on exhibition in their window. The prizes will be awarded New Years eve. Do you want to know how you can get one of these prizes? If so, call at the store. You will find there everything in the hardware line, stoves, ranges, tin, gran ite and aluminum ' ware, cutlery and everything else. While the K. of P. boys were holding forth in the hall over Cates & Leavin's store at the Cascades Thursday night, someone broke into the store. Two' in dividuals giving their names as Thomas Moore and James Williams were arrested by Constable Trana, and after a prelim inary examination before Justice Will iams were bound over to the grand jury and brought here last night. It looks suspicious but we hardly believe the K. of P. boys would put up that job. The Universal exposition at Portland will be formally opened tonight. The newspaper men of Oregon have been in vited to be present at the opening cere monies, and no doubt many of them will be there to enjoy the pyrotechnical dis play, and the something-to-eat after wards. We have always had a kindly feeling towards the exposition, a feeling that began wav back in the old "mechanics fair" times, and we sin cerely hope the exposition commencing tonight will be profitable to its backers, as it undoubtedly will to the state. " Keal Bstate Transactions.- Deeds were filed today as follows : Maggie Fournelle to Peter Fournelle, the nwj, nej, sec 1, tp 1 n, r 12 e ; $1. Peter Fournelle . to Joseph T. Peters, same property as the above ; $600. PERSONAL MENTION. Mr. Ben Snipes of Seattle is in the city. ' Mr. S. W. Mason of Bovd was in town today. Mr. Geo. Lindsay is over from Hart- land today. Hon. T. R. Coon of Hood River was in the city today. Mrs. Belle Rinehart is no from Port land visiting for a few days. Mrs. Geo. C. Blakelev went to Port land on the afternoon train. Mr. L. Rice of Endersbv called at The Uhronicle office this morning. , Mr. Chas. Dietzel left for Portland Thursday, where he expected ' to meet Mrs. Dietzel, and they were to leave for Pasadena, uaiu., to spend the winter. United States Marshal Grady came up from Portland last night bringing young uawtnorne witn mm. xne latter will be used as a witness against Otis Savage. Hon. CharleB Fulton of Astoria was in the city yesterday, going further east on the passenger train last night. His ambition to eccupy Senator Dolph's position is laudable, and Mr. Fulton has the ability but the senatorial election is already practically settled. When Baby was sick, we gave her Castoria. When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria. When she became Hiss, she clung to Castoria, -When she had Children, she gave them Castoria, & MAYS. Schedule of Expenditure Showing the amounts of all claims presented, the names of all claimants, the article . or claim for which payment is made, the amounts allowed and the claims continued or rejected at the No vember term, '94, of the county court for Wasco county, Oregon. The. following list, however, does ' not contain any claim for which the salary or fees are provided by statute : Glass & Prudhomme, records and supplies sheriff's office. . . $ 88 40 Geo D Barn hard t & Co.'circui.t court and treasurer's record . . 60 40 Ben C Irwin & Co, circuit court register : . 25 00 Jas W Blakeney, removing'elec- tion booths 1 50 F W L Skibbe, board of non-res- . ident pauper 12 00 Geo Carty, nursing Jno Baier. . 10 00 Wasco Warehouse, rent booths. .. 9 00 D C Lemison, changing tele phone ......... 1 00 Ben C Irwin & Co, supplfes clerk's office 12 05 Mays & Crowe, spikes and nails 75 riagn Urienn, repairs courthouse vault. . .. ... 228 81 Meston & Dygert Co, road record 22 00 Pease & Mays, mdse 1 00 Ice Co, ice. . . ? . . -. X 47 Meston & Dygert, judgment file boxes 78 24 Harbison Bros, lumber road dis trict 5 25 00 Ward & Son, lumber road dis tricts 13 and 15 59 45 W R Brown, labor on road.'. ... ' 12 00 Antone Kneckeley, labor road. 12 00 W Maddron. labor on road. .... 12 00 S E Ferris, street sprinkling;.. . : 3 00 Dalles City, water 11 00 Ward & Kerns, livery. . ' 3 00 L M Woodcock, lumber district IS 24 1)0 Wm Michel, burial expenses paupers . . ; 30 00 I C Nickelsen, supplies school superintendent 2 25 Gunning & Hockman, work for -district 12 2 70 E C Drew, rubber stamp 80 Oregon Telephone Co, use tele phone 4 00 J T Peters, lnmber, nails, etc. . . 141 5.1 Mays & Crowe,-supplies county road 19 00 A M Williams, supplies non resident paupers 10 45 J F Hawortb,. blanks 2 50 H Herbring, supplies county jail 9 75 Troy Shelley, supplies. .-. 2 95 Maier & Benton, fuel, repairs and supplies 117 75 M T Nolan, supplies clerk's office..; 2 00 D W Vause, varnishing vault. . 16 85 GAR, relief . . . . 45 00 Chronicle Pub Co, printing 43 00 J B Crossen, supplies paupere. . . 8 60 J W Blakeney, freight a drayage 3 10 J S Sutherland, rued services. . . 18 60 O D Doane, med services 7 00 Ed Martin, expert work. 167 28 limes-.mountaineer, printing. . . 155 7o John Pharis, sawing wood..... 3 75 W E Miller, fare pauper 20 00 Karpolis' widow, expenses 5 00 Emil Schanno," use of team 6 00 John Beyers, ticket to California 20 00 Mrs N Harris, fare to Bovs and Girls Aid Society. ...... 3 45 N C Evans, repairing Hood River bridge 125 00 D J CooDer. reDairint? bridsre lower 15-Mile. 180 00 Geo C Blakelev. fare to pau per 5 75 State of Obegon, ) -County of Wasco) 8f ' I, A.. M. Kelsay, county .' clerk of Wasco county, state of Oregon, do hereby certify that the above and fore going is a full and complete statement of the claims presented and action taken thereon by the county court of Wasco county, Oregon, sitting for the trans action of county business at the Novem ber term, 94, thereof, save and except all claims, the salary or fees of which are provided for by statute. . ' ' DRY CORD WOOD, HAY and GRAIN, HEATING- STOVES, COOK STOVES, STEEL. RANGES, GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, 'all at the lowest prices at MAIER & BENTON. Witness my hand and seal of the county court, affixed this 1st day of. December, 1894. Seal A. M. Kelsay, By A. G. Johnson. County Clerk. Deputy. THE CHURCHES. ' Elder Bramblet Baptist will preach at the Christian church tomorrow at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p.m. The Baptist church, Rev. O. D. Taylor pastor, will hold services at 11 o'clock tomorrow morning. All not worship ping elsewhere are cordially invited. Sunday school follows the morning ser vice. No service in the evening. Methodist Episcopal church Sacra mental services. Love feast at 10 a. m. ; an address by the pastor at 11 a. m., followed by the sacrament of the Lord's supper, sermon at 7 :30 p. m. by Rev. R. C. Motor, P. E." All are cordially in vited. '",'., The Congregational church, corner of Court and Fifth street Sunday ser vices as usual : At 11 a. m. and at 7 :30 p. in. worship, and a sermon by the pastor, W. C. Curtis.. Topic of the morning sermon, Chist's testimony to John (Sunday school lesson); ofthe evening sermon, "Fleshly lusts which war against the soul." Sunday school immediately after the morning service and meeting . of the Young People's Society of Christian Endeavor at 6 p. m. Topic, True wisdom, getting it ; using it. Jas. iii :13-18. All persons not worship ping elsewhere are cordially invited. ' PORTLAND EXPOSITION. Opens December I, 1894, and Closes January 15, 1895. ' Daring this time the Dalles, Portland & Astoria Navigation Company will sell tickets from The Dalles to Portland and return, including two meals on the steamer Dalles City at $2.50. Tickets limited to ten days from date of sale. Regulator will leave at 7 a. m.' and the Dalles City will arrive at Portland at 5 :30 p. m. Quick transfers at the locks. W, C. Allaway, nov22-tf Gen. Agent. For sick headache, caused by a dis ordered stomach, Ayer's Cathartic Pills are the most reliable remedy. '"My mother first recommended these Pills to me, thirty years ago. They are the mildest and best purgative in use." S. C. Bradbnrn, Worthington, Mass. Do you want The Chronicle and San Francisco Examiner for a year? If so send us $2.25 and you can have them, 156 papers for $2.25 or less than a cent and a half a pioce. If you would rather have the New York World, we will send you that and the Semi-Weekly Cheon icle one year for $2.25. The World is also a semi-weekly eo you will get 208 papers for $2.25. The regular subscription price of the Weekly Cheonicle is $1.50 and the regular price of the Weekly Oeegonian is $1.50. Any one subscribing for The Chronicle and paying for one year in advance can get both The . Chronicle and the Weekly Oeegonian for $2.00. All old subscribers paying their sub scriptions a year in advance will be en titled to the same offer. Wanted. Some good . second hand harness Must be cheap -Cash. Address, W. X. this office. Wain sacks for sale at the Wasco warehouse. tf- All we ask is to ' call and examine our prices, and you will be convinced that they are the lowest in the city. - TERMS STRICTLY CHSH. We are Still in It, and You Know It . We are selling more goods than ever, . . for-the simple reason that Our PRICES are RIGHT. We pay" more for Produce than any other dealer in The Dalles. . - Consult Your Interests, and Trade with. JOLES, Telephone No. 20. Just Opened. Not the Political Campaign, But a full stock of the la est patterns of Dress Goods. Call and see our elegant Plushes. ' ' , . We have just purchased the entire slock of fashionable millinery store in Portland. We. bought them for 25 cents on the Dollar, . and can give you bargains. W E5 HE SHOES I RUBBERS. JOHN THE CELEBBHTED' COLUMBIA BREWERY, AUGUST BUCHLER, Prop'r. 'This well-known Brewery is now turning out the. best Beer and Porte east of the Cascades. The latest appliances for the manufacture of good health ful Beer have been introduced, and ony the first-class article will be placed om he market. Jades -FOR Ladies,, - misses ana AT P0PIM1J PRICES. FULL STOCK OF Dry Goods, T : - , Clothing, Hats, Boots and I : Shoes. COLLINS & CO. THE RELIABLE FIRM. C. HERTZ