Clonus For Thanksgiving Day. Have New Table Linen. Between now and then i io per cent, discount. We have a carefully selected stock and good range of values. Bleached Table Damask. 50c, 65c, 75c, 85c, $1.00, $1.25, $1.40, $1.50 Unbleached Table Damask . 35c, 40c, 50c, 65c, 85c, $1.00 Turkey Red Table Damask . 30c, 40c, 50c, 65c, 75c. Bleached Napkins $1.00, $1.25, $1.50, $2.00, $2.50, $3.00, $4.00 -AND- FOR- torn Sets,-Cloth and Napkins, We Sell Shoes at the Reduced Price this week. Prizes awarded Saturday Evening. I ALL GOODS MARKED IN I PLAIN FIGURES. The Dalles Daily Chfoniele. ntered a the Postofflce at The Dalies, Oregon as second-class matter. Cl-abhing List. Regular Our price price Clrosielt in S.T. Trikuw $2.50 $1.75 ' ud Wetklj Ortgeniu 3.00 2.00 " tiJWMlIjlMBiner... 3.25 2.25 " Wwklj Iw Irk WrU 2.25 2.00 Local Advertising. 10 Ceiim per line lor first Insertion, and & Cents tier line for each subsequent Insertion. Special rates for long time notices. All local notices received later than 8 o'clock will appear the following day. TUESDAY, - - NOVEMBER 27, 1894 BRIEF MENTION. V Leaves Prom the Notebook of Chronicle Reporters. Rubber Weather Strips at Maier & Benton's. nov27-3t. The weather indications for tomorrow are rain and slightly cooler. Thanksgiving Thursday. Get your turkey and fixins and prepare to enjoy them. Princess Bismarck died at 3 o'clock this morning. She was married to Bis marck in 1847. You can find all kinds of eatables for sale by the ladies of the Good Intent at Pease & Mays' store. As there will be a general cessation of business Thursday, The Chronicle will not be issued on that day. There will be union services at the Congregational church ' Thanksgiving morning. Sermon by Rev. Whisler. For dressed turkeys at only 12) cents per pound, also chickens at 25 and 30 cents apiece at Chas. F. Lauer. 2t The Taine English Literature class met at Dr. Shackelford's last evening and passed the time in reading Julius Caesar. The Smith Bros, desire to state that there will be no dancing school Thura day evening. Regular dance Saturday evening. An entertainment will be given by the Kindergarten, under the direction of Miss Hall at Keller's hall Friday, Nov, 30th, at 2 p. m. E. J, Lake was this morning appoint ed official reporter by Judge Bradshaw and will take down the testimony and proceedings in the Savage case in full. We acknowledge the receipt of the Mitchell Monitor, but somehow before wejt to take a look at it it disappeared, Someone with curiosity largely developed juBt swiped it. The only thing we had time to notice about it was, that the print was not good. The Mitchell Monitor, it is said, was started to aid the people of that neigh borhood in getting a new county formed from portions of Crook, Grant, and per haps Wasco, though it is said that the county seat question at present is an ob jection to taking in any part of Wasco. The people of Harney county, accord ing to Mr. J. M. Vaughan, deputy sheriff, are in a prosperous condition. says' the Portland Sun. During the last six months over $600,000 worth of beef cattle have been marketed, besides a large number of mutton sheep. Taking it all together, this inland coanty, the PEASE largest in the state, seems to feel less effect of the prevailing hard times than other more favored localities. The teachers' institute will be held here next month, beginning on the 12tb and lasting three days. Heretofore the institutes have always been held in the summer time, and the present departure is a pet idea of the county school super intendent. The results, will, we think, show that the change is a good one. There is plenty of room in Wasco county for one-half the dissatisfied of Dakota and Nebraska. Our foothills are the finest orchards lands in the world, and there is an immense area of them. Santa Clara .county, California, shipped last year $6,000,000 worth of fruit, and it was grown on 31,000 acres, or one town ship and a half. Foreign newspapers have been shut out of Turkey, on account of the articles con tained in them concerning the Armenian outrages. It now transpires that the first account instead of being exaggerated did not tell half the truth ; ten thousand of the helpless inhabitants were mur dered. As a result of the bodies being left unburied, cholera has. broken out in a malignant form. Mr. M. H. Nickelsen, clerk of scb district No. 3, was in the city today on business connected with the building of the new schoolhouse. The bonds of the district were sold some time since,' but the money only arrived Saturday. Work on the building will now be pushed and by next summer Hood River should have one of the best, most convenient and best equipped school buildings in the state. W. P. Watson of Hood River has been visiting Memaloose island, and thinks it the most wonderful cemetery in the country. He estimates the number buried there as not less than 5,000. He is also convinced that the high water last summer was the highest that has oc curred in the Columbia for hundreds of years, basing his belief on the position of the bones on the island that were be low the present high water mark. The following is a list of the officers nominated at Hood River last Saturday. The election for the incorporation of the town will be held Dec. 4th : Mayor, CM. Wolford; aldermen, F. H. Button, Elmer Rand, Dr. Watt, S. E. Bartmess, T. C. Dallas, A.' B. Hartley : . Treasurer, M. H. Nickelsen J recorder, J. E. Soesbe ; marshal, E. S. Olinger. This is the regular ticket, but it Is probable there may be an opposition ticket placed in the field. The selection of a jury in the Savage case began laBt night and six jurors were chosen before the panel was exhausted. The state used one of its peremptory challenges, and the defense three. This leaves the state two and the defense three of this kind of .challenges. A special venire was issued and returned this morning, but as most of those sum moned lived in The Dalles and had formed an opinion concerning the case, the jury did not grow very rapidly. We have made arrangements with the San Francisco Examiner to furnish it in connection with The Chbonicle. Hav ing a clubbing rate with the Oregonian and N. Y. Tribune for our republican patrons, we have made this arrangement for the accommodation of the democratic members of The Chkonicle family. Both papers, the Weekly Examiner and Semi-Weekly Chronicle will be fur nished for one year for $2.25, cash in advance. discount. & MAYS. Hilarious Boys. Three boys from 12 to 14 years of age were arrested by Marshal Blakeney this morning on a telegram from Chief of Police Minto of Portland. They were evidently taking a trip without their parent's consent. When put in the cor ridor of the city jail the boys had a large can of sardines, a paper Back full of crackers and about five pounds of cheese. Just to be doing something they opened the can of sardines, emptied the contents on the floor, and spreading .the cheeee and crackers over it proceeded to have a war dance on top of the mess. Marshal Blakeney soon put a stop to that fun, and compelled them to scrub the floor, after which he locked them up in a cell while the floor dried. They did not like that kind of treatment, but it was just what they have needed evidently for for some time. . PERSONAL MENTION. Mrs. Caroline Dunlap of Portland is visiting in the city. Mr. Ed. Smith went to Arlington Sun day evening and will return some time next week. Mr. Robert Mavs. Jr.. came in from Antelope yesterday, and will spend fni , - - i luuuKegiviDg at iiome. Mrs. O. J. Lewis and daughter. Mrs uavenport, went to Portland this lorning lor a brief visit. Mrs. A. M. Kelsay left tor Antelope this morning, being sent for on account tne serious illness of ner father, W. ..jones. J. E. McCormick will leave tomorrow for Wasco, Sherman county, to look alter tn business of his insurance com pany, the Fidelity Mutual Aid Associa' tion. BORN. At Wam'ic Nov. 15. 1894. to the wife ofG. W. Burlingame, a daughter, weight impounds. PORTLAND EXPOSITION. Oiens December 1, 1804, and Closes January 15, 1895. During this time the Dalles, Portland & Astoria Navigation Company will sell tickets from The Dalles to Portland and return, including two meals on the steamer Dalles City at $2.50. Tickets limited to ten days from date of sale. Regulator will leave at 7 a. m. and the Dalles City will arrive at Portland at 5:30 p. m. Quick transfers at the locks. W, C. Aixaway, nov22-tf Gen. Agent. First Quarterly Meeting;. , The first quarterly meeting of the Dnfur charge, Columbia River Confer ence, will be held at Dufur, Dec. 1st and 2d. Preaching Saturday afternoon at i o clock, quarterly conference immedi ately following; preaching again at 7 o'clock, also Sunday morning at 11. All are cordially invited. G. W. Basnhabt, pastor. R. C. Motor, P. E. For. the many accidents that occur about the farm or. househould such as burns scalds, bruises, cuts, ragged wounds, bites of animals, mosquitoes or other insects, galls or chafed spots,' frost bites, aches or pains in any part of the body or the ailments resulting from ex posure, aa neuralgia, rheumatism, etc Dr. J. H. McLean's Volcanic Notice. To Whom it May Concern: This is to certify that the undersigned has sold out his interest in the store Kwong On Tai. He is now a member of the firms Wing Hong and Dock Hing. . Skid Win. DRY CORD WOOD, HAY and GRAIN, HEATING STOVES, COOK STOVES, , STEEL RANGES, GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, all at the lowest prices at MAIER & BENTON. ' The Vision of Birds. Birds have very acute vision, per haps the most acute of any creature, and the sense is almost more widely diffused over the retina than is the case with man; consequently a bird can see sidewise as well as objects in front of it. A bird sees showing1 great un easiness in consequence a hawk long1 before it is visible to man; so too fowls and pig-eons and minute scraps of food, distinguishing' them from what appear to us exactly pieces of earth or gravel. Young chickens are also able to find their own food, knowing its position and how distant it is as soon as they are hatched, whereas a child only very gradually learns either to see or to un derstand the distance of objects. Sev eral birds apparently the young of all those that nest on the ground can see quite well directly fhey come out of the shell, but the young of birds that nest in trees or on rocks are born blind, and have to be fed. Fattl Changed Her Mind. A distinguished instance of a com1 plete revulsion of feeling over one's first impression is said to be afforded in the case of Mme. Adelina Patti. Some years ago she took a pronounced dis like to a French tenor, allowing her unfavorable impression to influence her professionally to the degree that she refused to sing with him. Gradually, however, she grew able to tolerate, then grew fond of, and, finally, when she added Nicolini to her name, mar ried him. Carious Cup. xiii . English work describes a very curious cup made by order of Charles II. for presentation to a barbers' guild. It is of silver, partially gilt, the stem and body representing the oak of Bos cobel. The acorns that hang around this famous cup contain little bells, which softlv rine as the small drink ing vessel passes from hand to hand. W. A. McGuire, a well known citizen of McKay, Ohio, is of the opinion that there is nothing as good as children troubled with colds or croup as Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. He has used it in his family for several years with the best results and always kept a bottle of it in the-house. After having la grippe he was himself troubled with a severe cough. Housed other remedies without benefit and then concluded to try the children's medicine and to his delight it soon effected a permanent cure 50 cent bottles for sale bv Blakeley fc Houghton Druggists. "Will you have a three-quarters view?" asked the photographer, "That's it, exactly," replied Farmer Corntossel, delighted. "'Bout 75 cents worth." Washington Star. Belle I wouldn't marry a man who I thought knew less than I did. Blanche Nor I ; but I wouldnt mind if I merely thought that he thought so. Kate Field's Washington. When Baby was sick, we gave her Castorla. When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria. When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria. When she had. Children, she gave them Castoria. I.adles, Attention! No more tired wrists. ' All done in a minute with those Automatic Revolving Curling Irons. For sale by Mays 6t Crowe. nov24-28. Baffle. There will be a raffle for turkeys at Ad Keller's saloon tonight. All we ask is to call and examine our prices, and you will be convinced that they are the lowest in the city. TERMS STRICTLY CHSH. ! We are Still and You Know It We are selling more goods than ever, for the simple reason that Our PRICES are RIGHT. We pay more for Produce than any ' . other dealer in The Dalles. Consult Your Interests, and Trade with. JOLES, Telephone No. 20. Just Opened.. IN ot the r But a full stock of the la est ln J T uuuub. uaii aiiu occ uui ccxiiu x xusiica. We have just purchased the entire stock of a fashionable millinery store in Portland. . We bought them for 25 cents auu KjCkiL give? jxjia. uaigaiiio. TOWM KJ X-- a I 1 1 ' TH E5 CELEBRATED COLUMBIA BREWERY, AUGUST BUCHLER, Prop'r. This well-known Brewery is now turning out the best Beer and Porter east of the Cascades. The lateet appliances for the manufacture of good health ful Beer have been introduced, and ony the first-class article -will be placed oa ne maricec. Lames, ; . Mm ana HT POPUMlJ PRICES. 1 ; FULL STOCK OF Dry Goods, Clothing, Hats, Boots and Shoes. in It, COLLINS & CO. TTTR RTrrr.TATVr.-F! "R'T'RTT - - - oiitical Campaign, patterns of Dress i TVI T on the Dollar, 3$l izjxaaSm 1-4 P R 7 XmS a . JL - M. Mm JL a A 4