( 2 ) ?5 We are Still In It,, Fashion's Favorite Fabrics. and You Know It. Some of the Loveliest, Newest, Choicest of this season's popular priced Dress Goods, and to be sold for the extremely smali sum of 50 cents per yard. All New Goods COVert ClotllS Plain and Fancy Shades All-Wool French. Henriettas. Mixed Silk and Wool Tweeds. All-Wool Surahs. All New Goods These are exceptionally fine values for the price, and should offer great inducements to ladies who like todress handsomely, but do not care to pay $1.00 a yard for their Dress Goods. , DRY CORD WOOD, HAY and GRAIN, HEATING STOVES, COOK STOVES, STEEL RANGES, GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, all at the lowest prices at $ Economy's Favorite Price 50 Cents a Yard. ALL GOODS MARKED IN PLAIN FIGURES. PEASE & MAYS. MAIER & BENTON. We are selling more goods than ever,- for the simple, reason that " . -, Our PRICES are RIGHT We pay more for Produce than ' any other dealer in The Dalles. Consult Your Interests, and Trade with. O JOLES, COLLINS & CO. Telephone No. 20. ' ' THE RELIABLE FIRM. EUROPEAN HOUSE, Best Hotel in the City. NEW and FIRST-CLASS. PHOTOGRAPHER. . Chapman Block, The Dalles, Oregon. I have taken 11 first prizes. The Dalles Daily Chfoniele. ntered a. the Postoffice at The Dalles, Oregon, as second-class matter. Clti'b'bing List.. Regular Our price price Chronicle and X. T. Trikne $2.50 $1.75 ' and Weekly Ortgonian 3.00 2.00 " and Weeklj Examiner 3.25 2.25 " Weekly Sew York World 2.25 2.00 Local AdTertlllns. 10 Craiw per line for first Insertion, and S Cents er line for each subsequent insertion. Special rates for long time notices. . All local notices received later than S o'clock rill appear the following day. MONDAY, - - NOVEMBER 12.11894 Commissioners' Court, November Term. BRIEF MENTION. Leaves From tha Notebook of Chronicle Reporters. Additional Jccal on Second Page. Recorder Dufur, sitting as a justice of the peace, has been taying a civil case today. Wheat is still coming in in large quan tities, and that from Klickitat makes quite an addition to the receipts. At the last meeting of the literary so ciety the night ot meeting was changed from Wednesday to Monday. Quota tions this evening from Lowell. The following gentlemen were selected from the panel to act as grand jurors : T. M. Benson, forman ; J. M. Elliot, A. W. McLeod Jno. Cates, Robt. Rand, J. W. Ingalls, P. Tranna. The firm of Sichel & Meyer of Portland has assigned. Mr. Sig. Sichel, one of the members of the firm, is well known here, having been in business for a num ber of years at Goldendale. The Methodists of Hood River are having a very interesting revival, con ducted by Rev. Motor, assisted by Rev. Bryan of Portland. Several conversions have been made and the services are at tended by everybody in the community. The concert tomorrow night promises to be the affair of the season. Signor and Madamo Ferrari have a world-wide reputation as vocalists, and it is seldom indeed that our community is given the opportunity to listen to such celebrities. The Orchestra Union are deserving of great praise, and their efforts to furnish so high a grade of entertainments should be rewarded with a generous patronage. Reserved seats can be obtained at Blakeley & Houghton's. Circuit court opened tni6 mormn present, Hon. W. L. Bradshaw, judge ; A. M. Kelsay, clerk, T. J. Driver, sheriff. The court appointed Thomas Hayden and J. Blakeney bailiffs, the latter hav ing charge of the grand jury room. The, following attorneys were in attendance : Prosecuting Attorney A. A. Jayne, H. S. Wilson, W. H. Wilson, B. S. Hunting ton, Hon. E. B. Dufur, Frank Menefee, H. H. Riddell, Bert Phelps, Hon. J. B. Condon, J. W. Condon, Hon. J. L. Story, Ned Gates and W. S. Myers, Hon. Alexander H. Stephens. I ocasionally use, when my condition requires it, Dr. Simmons Liver Re gula tor, with good effect. Hex. Alex. H. Stephens." Wanted. Some good second hand harness. Must be cheap Cash. Address, W. X. this office. Court met Wednesday morning, Nov. 7th. present County Judge Blakeley, Commissioners Darneille and Blowers and Clerk Kelsay, by A. J. Johnson, deputy. In the matter of the taxes of Jesse W. Blakeney, it was ordered that on pay ment of $8 and interest, the sheriff issue receipt. . Wrongful assessment of E. T. Sharp corrected. Provisions made for holding election on matter of incorporating Hood River, election set for Dec. 4th. County road petitioned for by W. E. Huskey and others, allowed. Road petitioned for by L. L. McCart ney and others, allowed. County road petitioned for by L. Davis ana others, allowed. Liquor license granted to N. A. Ander- ton to Jan. 10, 1895. Bills were allowed as follows: BILLS ALLOWED. Tarney & Greiner, constables. . . 20 00 Glass & Prndhomme, supplies... 88 41 Geo D Barnard & Co, supplies. . . .60 46 jcen Kj lrwin & Co, supplies 37 Oo J W Blakeney, labor 1 50 E S dinger, constable fees 9 30 F W L Skibbe, board paupers. . . 52 00 George Carty nurse 10 00 J B Crossen, fees 26 70 Wasco Warehouse, rent 9 00 Emil Kohler, witness 4 10 S A Obarr, board paupers. 15 75 D C Lemison, labor 1 00 L S Davis, j p fees 31 03 J H Blakeney, fees constable 2 40 A A Urquhart, fees constable. . . 6 10 J H Blakeney, fees 7 50 Geo Keller, witness 1 70 Geo Obarr, ' 1 70 HRing, " .: l 70 Douglas Dufur, fees. 13 15 Mays & Crowe, spikes 75 Hugh Glenn repairs courthouse. 228 81 J A Soesbe, fees 13 16 E S Olinger.fees 6 00 J W Campbell, witness 1 80 Joe Purser, " 2 00 E Lock, " 2 10 F G Miller, ' 2 10 W H Butts, coroner 15 05 Geo W Rowland, juror 1 20 Douglas S Dufur, 1 20 C F Stephens " 1 20 Sam Klein, " 1 20 S P M Briggs, " 1 20 Wm T Young, " 1 20 H J Fellows, " . . , . 1 70 W T Johnson, " 1 70 Jno McCrary, " 170 DaveLaValle, " 170 W H Butts, coroner 16 15 H Chrisman, juror 1 20 D S Dufur, " 1 20 S Klein, " l 20 Chas Stone, " 120 J Doherty, ' ' 1 20 Ben Wilson, " 1 20 O L Barret, witness 1 70 Weston, Dygert Co, (record 100 00 Pease & Mays, tape 1 00 The Dalles Ice Co, ice l 47 Harbison .Bros, lumber 25 00 Ward & Sons, lumber.- 58 25 Olinger, fees.. 6 30 ntone Kneckley, labor 12 00 K .Brown, " 12 00 -V A Maddron ' 11 00 O P Heald, atty 5 00 M J Anderson, witness. 170 W Langille, " 1 50 OB Hartley, " 150 Dr Brosius " 1 50 Dr Morgan, " ' . 3 00 Dr Watt, " 1 50 Hanson, . " - 1 50 S J Brigham, ' 1 70 John Johnson, ' - 1 70 J H Johnston, ' 1 70 M Abnet, .. 1 70 Geo A Liebe, " i 70 Sam Simmons, " 1 70 W C Allaway, . . I 3 20 Frank Hill, " 3 20 Ed Kurtz, ' 1 70 MA Moody, " 3 20 Sam Simmons, " .......... 3 20 F B Lord, " .. ........ 3 20 H Beckwitb, " 320 F C Gentsch, . " . . 3 20 Ohas Tibbets, " .... 3 20 E E Lytle, " 3 20 Sam Klein, " 3 20 Chris Bills, " 3 20 Geo Berns, 3 20 John Jackson, " 3 20 Mrs Klein, " 1 70 A S Bennett, " 1 50 Thos S Harlan j p fees Times-Mountaineer, printing A J Dufur, board pauper. . . L S Davis, j p fees A A Urquhart, constable. . . . . . . . R B Gllbreth, j p S Brooks, constable. Bert Brooks, witness Wm Fulton, witness. Wm E Miller, fare pauper ...... Karpolia' widow, expenses Emil Schanno, team John Beyers, fare pauper Mrs N Harris, fare girl to Boys and Girls' Aid Society . . . Michael Doyle, road supervisor. . G W Fligg, j p fees Henry Ryan, constable fees G W McKelvey, witness Bertha Mott, " .... Henry Mott., " John Grubb, " ........ A B Mott, " Geo Martin, " Geo Covert, " J Danley, " G W Humes, " G H Dunn, " . Sarah Root, " J Means, " L Anderson, M McCormick, " H Daily, ' S E Ferris, street sprinkling. . . . J A Soesbe, J P fees '. E S Olineer, constable. C P Heald, attys fees 10 00 D A Turner, appraiser 6 60 FM Jackson, " 6 60 Geo Bellinger, 4 80 J H Blakeney, constable 6 00 D S Dufur, J P fees 11 75 Frank G Connelly, witness ' 1 20 J O Warner, " 3 20 J F Tomlinson, " 3 20 SS Bavley, ' ...... 1 20 THiggins, " 1 20 Chas Powell, " .. 3 20 Dalles City Water Works, water. 10 00 W H Butts, coroner 15 80 C E Markham, juror 1 20 J A Soesbe, " 3 00 F Chandler, " 1 20 D G Hill, 1 20 T S Hendrix, " 1 20 Jos Frazier, " 1 20 Roy Shoemaker, witness..: 1 70 W F Soesbe, . " . . 1 70 CHStranahan, " 170 A Ingalls, ........ 1 70 B F Shoemaker, " . . , 1 70 Ward & Kerns, livery 3 00 Lake & Woodcock, lumber 24 00 W A Kirby, supplies 3 00 I C Nickelson, supplies 2 25 Wm Michell, burial paupers 30 00 Greening & Hockman, lumber. .. 2 70 CL Phillips, supplies paupers.. 5 00 E C Drews, stamp 80 Telephone Co, contract 4 00 12 75 12.75 12 75 76 25 30 50 7 35 G 20 1 50 3 50 20 00 5 00 6 00 20 00 3 45 49 50 7 40 12 70 2 50 2 50 2 50 2 50 2 50 2 70 2 30 2.70 2 70 50 50 80 80 70 50 00 20 50 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 5 1 Jos T Peters, lumber, etc . . Dr Logan, services Mays & Crowe, supplies L S Davis, J P fees : . . . . A A Urquhart, constable A A Urquhart, witness Fred Bronson, " Joseph Parodi, " JW Crate, TT Nicholas, " C C Sarvis, " ' J M Walton, " A W Brennar, " Ad Edgar, " C J Stubling, " A M Williams & Co, supplies. . . . J F Ha worth, printing H Herbring, supplies Troy Shelley, traveling expenses Maier & Benton, wood, etc M T Nolan, supplies. P W Vause, repairs courthouse. C H Browne, GAR relief 1. Henry M Hilgen, road viewer. . . Chas Greene, " ' ... Henry Mayhew; " ' " L W Tavlor, chainman Chas Davis, " L Davis, marker E F Sharp, surveyor : Chronicle Pub Co, printing J B Crossen, supplies pauper T J Driver, board prisoners T J Driver, expenses . Geo C:Blakeley, fieigbt T T Nicholas, .board paupers J Sutherland, med services. ...... O D Doane, " " M M Cashing, board paupers . . . G W Phelps, atty fees Ed Martin, expert work F W L Skibbe, board pauper. . . . J W Koontz, salary . , J A Soesbe, J P fees E S Olinger, constable Adjourned to Nov. 15th at 9 a. in. 141 50 50 00 19 00 36 25 18 90 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 10 45 2 50 9 75 2 95 117 75 2 00 16 85 45 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 18 00 43 00 8 50 241 58 65 00 3 10 16 25 18 60 7 00 96 56 62 50 167 28 12 25 250 00 15 65 ,3 10 o'clock At her home in this city, Monday morning, Nov. 12th, at 9 o'clock, Mrs. Ann Craig, aged about 78 years. Her husband died here' seventeen years ago to a day and almost to a mih nte. ' Mrs. Craig was a remarkable woman, whose life covered a long and eventful period. She was a nurse in the Mexican war, and drew a pension for her services there. She came to Oregon in an early day with her husband, and has seen The Dailes grow from a hamlet to thriving city, and Oregon from a wilderness to a great commonwealth. Sh had been confined to her bed for two or three months, growing gradually weaker until the end came this morning. She leaves four children, Richard Mun roe, at present residing at Lewis ton, Idaho, Charles, Frank and Katie Craig, all of this city. Advertise in The Chronicle. Just Opened. Not the Political Campaign, But a full stock of thie la est patterns of Dress Goods. Call and see our elegant Plushes. We have just purchased the entire stock of a fashionable millinerv store in Portland. We bought them for . 25 cents on the Dollar, and can give you bargains. . . ; Don't Be Caught , Buying Groceries at less than we sell them, for we sell the best there is at the lowest possible prices. , J. B. CROSSEN, - - - The Grocer. Telepliozio 3NTo. 62. Pine G-oods, A Clean Store. . Prompt Delivery. just ieqeived, FROM THE EASTERN MARKETS, NEW FALL and WINTER DRY GOODS, CLOTHING-, FURNISHING GOODS, ' Notions, Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes, &c. Cash Buyers are invited to examine our New Prices, as everything will be sold with the smallest profit. Specisl Bargains every day of the week. TERMS STRICTLY CHSH, FINE SHOES c RUBBERS JOHN G. HERTZ