The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, November 10, 1894, Image 3

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    C 3 )
We are Still In It,
d 4 OUR
Saturday, Kov. 10.
and You Know It.
Underwear and Hosiery.
1 Lot Ladies' AU-Wool Ribbed Vests' 50c
Regular goods at $.150 and $2.00 Small eizes only. , .
- ' ' Regular. This Day.
Ladies' Black All-Wool Hose 35c Oc
Ladies' Black AU-Wool Hose . ... .40c . 25c
Children's Black All-Wool Hose ...35c 25c
Ladies' and Misses Underwear... ...10 per cent discount
Children's Cloaks....:....... 15 per cent discount
9k . New Winter Garments. Don't Forget.
Friday is Remnant Day
Prices , for Remnants of Dress Goods, Linens, Laces, Em
broideries, Silks, Velvets, &c, are interesting to people who
want a little money to go a good ways.
HAY and GRAIN", -.'
all at the lowest prices at
We are selling' more goods than ever,
for the simple reason that
We pay more for Produce than any
other dealer in The Dalles.
Consult Your Interests,
and Trade with.
z - .
Telephone No. 20. THE- RELIABLE FIRM.
Best Hotel in the City.
Chapman Block, The Dalles, Oregon.
I have taken 11 first prizes.
The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
entered a the Postoffice at The Dalles, Oregon,
as second-class matter.
Clubbing List.
Chronicle and N. T. TribnHe
" and Weekly Oregoniaa . .
" and Weekly Examiner 3.25
" Weekly Now Tork World 2.25
Regular Our
price price
..$2.50 $1.75
r 3.00 2.00
.Local Advertising.
10 Ceiii yer line for first insertion, and S Cents
oer line for each subsequent Insertion.
Special rates for long time notices.
All local notices received later than 3 o'clock
i appear the following day.
Scbool Notes.
Leaves From the Notebook of Chronicle
The Orchestra Union will given one of
its enjoyable parties at the opera house
this evening. Admission 50 cents;
ladies free.
The Coffee Club will give a social and
dance Monday, Nov. 12th at Fraternity
hall. Admission for gentlemen 25 cents ;
ladies 15 cents. -
The Pease & Mays high water build
ing is being moved to the corner of Sec
ond and Laughlin street, where it will
be used as a storehouse.
The county institute will be held
December 12th to 15th. State Superin
tendent McElroy will be in attendance
and will lecture one evening. The pro
gram will be published later.
Mr. J. M. Huntington this morning
presented us with a snowball, not of the
winter but of the summer variety. The
petals were of a pale yellow cast and the
foliage of the golden autumn tint that
poets tell about. It was the last of its
School Superintendent Shelley went
out to Wamic Thursday to try the caBe
of appeal between Miss Ward and Miss
Omeg, each claiming to be employed in
the primary department of the school
there. As the case took more time than
anticipated, Mr. Shelley did not get
back in time to be in his office today.
nor ine many accidents tnat occur
about the farm or househould,- such as
burns scalds, bruises, cuts, ragged
-wounds, bites of animals, mosquitoes or
gther insects, galls or chafed Bpots, frost
bitCs, aches or pains in any part of the
body, or the ailments resulting from ex
posure, as neuralgia, rheumatism, etc
Dr. J . H. McLean's Volcanic
It is really a matter of congratulation,
in view of the fact that circuit court
meets Monday, that the Literary society
last night decided the question "Re
solved, that our jury system is a failure'
in the negative. The debate was a warm
one and when the judges rendered their
decision, those who so firmly held the
. affirmative came to the conclusion that
the judges were a failure, and further
affirmed that if they had had a jury they
would have won. In other words they
claimed that the jury although a failure
is not generally half as much, of a failure
as the judges. '
A good insurance solicitor. Will pay
salary of $50 per month, and more to
right party. Call at office near French
bank, The Dalles, Or. nov8-tf
Circuit Conrt Docket.
The total average daily attendance for
September was 486, which in October
increased to 531. September's total
enrollment was 567 ; October's 604.
Number of new pupils this wees, 14.
Totol enrolled to date, 619. Permanently
dropped, 17. Present number belong
ing, 602. In October's report cards the
following students ranked first and
second in scholarship in their respec
tive grades :
Tenth First, May Sechler ; Eecond,
Pearl Butler and Lois Helm (a tie).
Ninth First, Edward Baldwin ; Sec
ond, Virgia Cooper. .
Eighth A First, Lola Ewbank ; Sec
ond,' Florence" Davis and Lizzie School
ing (a tie).
Eighth B First, Alice Ball ; Second,
Lizzie Bonn.
Seventh A First, Charles Campbell;
Second, Violet Kent. f
Seventh B First, Martha Baldwin ;
Second, Hester Kent.
Sixth A First, Constance Whealdon;
Second, Florence Hilton.
Owen Lewis, Ralph Shelley, Glenn
Allen, Flora Bassom, Hattie Allen and
Hardy Allen are new students enrolled
in the Eighth A class this week.
Fred Messinger left for Sherman
county yesterday. In the absence of
his father Fred's services are needed at
home. He. expects to return in Decem
ber. ' '
Jennie Russell completed " teaching
er seven weeks' term of school yester
day. She intends to re-enter the Tenth
grade Monday.
Daton Taylor, whose leg was broken
four weeks ago, is at the family resi
dence in the city. The injured member
is healing rapidly, and Daton expects to
enter school before Christmas.
The list of tuition pupils now num
bers 39.
The high school book keeping class
now numbers 11; algebra, 35; rhetoric,
40; grammer, 35; physics,- 18, and
higher arithmetic 21 members.
Next Friday is "speaking day" with
the Ninth grade.
The Eighth A arithmetic class last
week completed the subject of cube root,
and this week have begun the "general
review' problems.
Next week ' the members of the
rhetoric class read accounts of their
Experiments with the air pump have
engrossed the attention of .the physics
claos during a portion of the week.
The following cases are in the docket
for the term commencing Monday :
LAW. '
Richard Banker vs Phillip Willig.
Mary Hartnett vs E M Aldrich.
The Schmidt Machinery Co. vs J G
and I N Day.
T G Mitchell vs O D Taylor.
Portland Savings bank vs P T Sharp,
et al.
'". Portland Savings bank vs J H Phir
man. W H Wilson, dist atty, vs Amos Root,
et al.
Thos Charmion & Son vs .Tas and
Flora Nolin.
A M William & Co vs Thos Harris.
Leon W Curtis vs J O Warner.
Mays & Crowe vs D McKelvey.
Johnston Btop. vs J L and T M Brad
ley. R E Williams, adm's, vs Mary . E
Beers, .et al.
A E Latonrette vs Win Vanderoot,
et al.
Pekin Plow Co vs C L and L Morse.
Garrettson, Woodrutt, Pratt & Co vs
A A Urquhart. .
George A Liebe vs J W and Will C
James Cameron vs Wasco county.
O M Fredenburg vs Lorenzo Francisco,
C W Dietzel vs W Tand E W Helm.
Chas F V Berger vs Oregon Lumber
F C Brosiuis vs KnutXnutson.
M J Manning vs Matilda Baldwin,
et al.
Johnston Bros, vs Joseph Ban-ills.
Lizzie Bachelor vs Reese Pratber, Thos
Harlin and M Deich ten miller.
Thos Halliday vs J G and I N Day.
W. T Hansberry vs J A Soesbe, j p.
et al
E Wingate & Co vs Mrs Lizzie Baxter
A Bettingen vs Jno Cates.
Jas A Johnston vs O D Taylor.
August Buchler vs George O'Neil.
M J Wingate vs A M Williams & Co.
Assignment of A A Bonney.
Assignment of P. T Sharp.
Jos T Peters vs Jno Donovan.
Assignment of E O Co-operative Asso
ciation, P of H.
Mary Denton vs Thos Denton.
Hiram Rice vs Wm Tackman.
Peter Godfrey vs W S Myers and T J
Pacific Fire Insurance Co vs Daniel
Seal Estate Transactions.
Deeds were filed yesterday and today
as follows:
P J Hanrahan to Frederic Hilgen, the
neV and the n4, sej, sec 2, tp 3 s, r 13
e; $1,800.
United States to John B Haveley, to
n4 nej, sej, nt- and e, 6e, sec
23, tp 1 s, r 14 e.
D J Cooper to Oregon Telephone Co,
right of way deed.
Sarah McAtee and others to Angeline
Cantrell, e, sej, nwj seJ and swj.
nej, sec 3S, tp 2 s, r 13 e.
- Sarah McAtee and others to Angeline
Cantrell, nwj, sej. nV, swM and
swKi sw, sec 22, tp 4 s, r 12 e.
. To the Locks Tomorrow.
The Regulator will make a trip to Cas
cades tomorrow, leaving The Dalles at 8
a. m., returning will reach The Dalles at
5 p. m. Round trip, 75 cents. -'
D. P. & A. N. Co
. Subscribe forTHB Chronicle.
David D Garrison vs Elizabeth W Gar
rison.. . .
J R Cunningham vs Geo R Snipes.
Wm Clark vs John W Watson and
Carrie Watson.
Algeron S Disbrow vs H C Coe and
Kitty Coe.
Peter Fournette vs. Maggie Fournette.
W Farrell vs E W Denton et al.
Joseph May vs J T Delk et al.
Laura Sandoz, trustees, vs Amma R
Assignment of Jno T Root," Hugh
Glenn assignee.
Emma B Adams vs Alexis M F Kirch-
beimer. .
Laura T Patterson vs J H and C S
Gerdes. . .' " .,
Max Vogt vs A Bunnell et al.
John Barger vs Alfred and Caroline
Walter Breese vs Alfred and Caroline
American Mortgage Co vs Geo T Ar
nold. '
Geo A Liebe vs A A Bonney et al.
Assignment of Adolph Keller.
C W Rice vs A A Bonney et al.
Assignment of W E Garretson.
The Solicitors Loan and Trust Co vs
D J Cooper.
Assignment of Frank Vogt.
W A Anderton vs Jacob Alt man.
R F Gibons ex vs W C Skinner et al.
Dalles City vs Geo Watkins.
Matilda Parrish vs J D Parrish.
Carl Burchtorf vs C P Fough et ex.
Carl Burchtorf vs Francis H and Jessie
L S Klinger vs A Mowery et al.
Simon Mason vs F A Douglas et al.
American Mtg Co vs Jas Dorris et al.
E L Smith vs M V Harrison et al.
Eugene D White vs C P Heald et al.
Dalles City vs Mary L Booth.
Samuel Clark vs L H Prather.
J C Flanders vs O D Taylor, two cases.
State vs Alvan Sigman. - '
State vs James Hagan.
State vs Jim Cotney.
State vs Joe Thomas.
State vs Wm Smith.
State vs M Murphy
State vs James Egan.
State vs Wm Williams.
State vs Wm O'Brien.
State vs H'Radicke.
State vs Frank Klein.
State vs Otis S Savage.
State vs Ralph Gibons.
State vs J H Hastings.
Don't Be Caught
Buying Groceries at less' than we sell
them, for we sell the best there is at
- the lowest possible prices.
J. B. CROSSEN, - - - - The Grocer;
Telephone TS'o. 62.
Fine G-oods, A Clean Store. Prompt Delivery.
Just Opened.
Not the Political Campaign,
But a full stock of the la est patterns of Dress
Goods. Call and see our elegant Plushes. !
We have just purchased the entire stock of a
fashionable millinery store in Portland.
We bought.Athem for 25 cents on the Dollar,
and can give you bargains.
jr y -fc -ja-
Just Ffeeiued,
Notions, Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes, &c.
Cash Buvers are invited to examine our New Prices, as everything will be
sold with the smallest profit. Special Bargains every day of the week. " - .
In anticipation of a renewal of business activ
ity, we have bought an enormous line of 'Men's
Underwear and Overshirts for Fall and Winter,
which we have placed on the market at prices
to suit the times.