The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, October 30, 1894, Image 1

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,. :w O. -.v !f, .
irmTimTri- ri
U 1 'WJXiy
vol; vii::
NO. 263
i -
Not Surprised at Caprivi's
Preparations for the Wedding of the
CzaxeTlten. and Prineeia Alix Defeat
Has Caused Consternation.
Berlin, Oct. 29. A correspondent of
the Associated Press learns from Varsin
that upon the receipt of the news of a
ministerial crisis, Prince Bismarck said :
'I knew this to be the inevitable result.
Count Zu Eulenberg was right in regard
to the anti-socialist measnres, bat Gen
eral von. Capri vi disagreed with them,
and either one or both had to resign.
Prince Hohenlohe is a safe man, but he
lacks the initiative." Prince Bismarck
returns to Freidersruhe November 3d.
Owing to the state of his health, the
prince will be unable to see any more
delegations before leaving Varsin. The
health of the Princess Bismarck causes
anxiety. -
'Save Accepted the Offices. r
Beelin, Oct. 29. Baron Von Koeller
has formally assumed the office of Prus
sian minister of the interior.
Prince Hohenlohe , had an. audience
with the emperor at Potsdam today. It
is understood he formally assumed the
chancellorship and presidency of the
Prussian council, , .
Honored by the Kmperor.
Berlin, Oct. 29. The Beichsanzeiger
officially announces'' the 'emperor has
conferred upon General von Caprivi the
order of the Black Eagle, set with bril
liants, and upon Count Otho Eulenberg
the cross and star of the Grand Com
mander of the Hohenzollern.
1'lie Santa fe Case,
Topkka, Oct. 19. The case involving
the election of directors for the Santa Fe
Bailroad Company came up today be
fore Judge Foster, in the United States
district court. The point involved is
whether the cumulative system of voting
shall be allowed. Mr. Dunlap, for the
directors committee, . asked that the
case be dismissed on the ground of no
jurisdiction under ihe Kansas . law of
1887, because Plaintiff Smith was a non
resident. A majority of the defendants
named in the. complaint are non-residents.
The court adjourned till 2 p. m.
- Preparations for the Marriage. .
London, Oct. 29. A" Yalta dispatch
says that daring the next four days
Princess Alix will attend religious ser
vices in the national church. It is not
expected the marrioge will occur before
Friday. " Preparations are being made
there for the arrival of the Ducheas of
Saxe-Coburg-Gotha, the .Duchess T of
Edinburgh the .Bister of the j czar, the
royal family of Denmark, and other dis
tinguished guests'. ; ... VU
! V i f . . ' I ; ." . "
. The Wedding- Day Bet.
Vienna, Oct. . 29. A St, Petersburg
dispatch states that the im'perial grand
master of ceremonies and several ..other
officers of the court smarted for JLivadia
Saturday, and it is -expected1 that the
marriage of the czarevitch; and Princess
Alix will take place Novembers.,..,, . .
FIto Tons of Dynamite Explode.
Chippewa Falls, Wis., Oct.-28. Five
tons of dynamite stored on the hill a
mile away exploded today, shaking this
town like an.,earthauake. Windowa- in
'take town and,-, farmhouses miles ; away
TATA firiftf tArPf? fiftmA vawbkb
' " JUl avJUQ
thrown down by the shock, which was
severely felt at 12 miles distance. "
A Close Cat) to Get the Prisoners Out of
: . : the Cells. . . ,
Cedar; Rapids .la., Oct. 28. The
county jail of , Black : Hawk county,
Waterloo, was fired by an incendiary
n laBt night. The prisoners were rescued,
. but not before the flames had eaten into
Tj the cellroom. The entire stractnre was
destroyed. -
i -. 1
Three Killed, Many Injured. "''
Wilkesbabbe, Oct. 28. An outrage
was perpetrated at 5 o'clock this morn
ing, by which it was intended to sacri
fice six lives. A bouse was wrecked by
dynamite. The motive : was undoubt
edly robbery. It resulted in the instant
Highest of all in Leavening Power.
1 1 SJ?( QS
death of three Hungarians, while a large
number were injured. Eight are in a
serious condition. The -. names of the
dead are : ' Frank Novako, Mike Collet z,
George Silotzki.
Through the Heart
Man's Yard.
While In a
Kansas Crrr, Oct. 28. ;L. D. Hamp
ton, "nephew., of Governor .ilewelling,
shot Edward Egan through -the heart
f this evening: in an "alley in the rear oi
Egan's residence. Hampton himself
was shot three times by Dennis Byrnes,
Egan's father-in-law.
Hampton is a sergeant of police. He
was in Egan's back yard, as he says,
looking for a man. Egan and his father-in-law,
Byrnes, came oat, but did not
notice . the : policeman's uniform.; - A
quarrel arose that led to the shooting.
Hampton was taken to the hospital,
and Byrnes was arrested. '' ; :' ' '
A Supreme Court Decision.
. Washington, Oct. 29. The United
States supreme court today reversed
the decision of the circuit court in the
case of John C. Eno, formerly president
of the Second National bank of New
York, convicted ot forgery in the New
York state court 10 years ago. Eno
raised the point he could only be tried
in the federal courts. . , This view of the
law was upheld by the circuit, bat is up
set by today's decision remanding the
case to the state courts'. '
Fire Destroys His Elegant Dwelllnc
Near Massllon, O. Loss SIO.OOO.
: Massilon, O., Oct. 28 Tbe handsome
residence of "General" Coxey, ' at Cox
ana, four miles north of this city, burned
to the ground last night. A number of
outbuildings : were also destroyed. : A
few household effects were saved. The
origin of the fire is supposed to be in
cendiary.- The loss is estimated, at.
$10,000. v . -
Vice-President Stevenson in Michigan.
PoNTiAc, -"Oct. 29. Vice-President
Stevenson arrived here at 0 o'clock this
morning. Every factory whistle in the
city screeched a welcome. "After ad
dressing a large assemblage in the open
air, the vice-president proceeded to
Jackson. He will speak at Detroit to
night. The Czar's Condition.
Washington, Oct. 29. Mr. Cantacu
sen, Russian minister; has received the
following bulletin : .' "St. Petersburg,
Oct. 29. The emporer 6lept well Satur
day night; yesterday (Sunday) there
was no change in the condition of his
majesty." . . "-
Caused Consternation In China.
Tien-Tsin, Oct. 29. News of the de
feat of the Chinese north of the Yalu
river has caused consternation here.
Chinese officials do not attempt to deny
the serious nature ot the disaster. The
next fighting is expected to be at -Port
Arthur. .... . .
United States Cannot Act.
Washington, Oct; 29.-The department-of
justice has decided .that, as the
outlaws committing depredations in In
dian territory, were not intruders, the
United States has no authority to em
ploy its regular troops to .act aVa posee.
'A Second Army Started.
London, "Oct. 29. The Japanese lega
tion here has a dispatch saying a second
army, under :. General iOyama, v.Ief t ..its
rendezvous in -Corea October 23, ' and
made a successful landing at Talien
Wants wan. ..,.,.
Rise in Rouble Motes. .
..Berlin-, Oct. 29. There was great ex
citement on the bourse , today, owing to
a rise of 100 rouble notes from 249 to
2.32 - marks. ;The scarcity of rouble
notes is attributed to purchases : by the
Russian government. !t . : .'.
'- Tfh'rand Trunk Kalliray.
London, Oct. 29. The PalL Mall Ga
zette says the directors of the Grand
Trund railway have agreed to . allow a
thorough scrutiny of. the accounts of the
company by an expert in Canada.
Washington Smallpox Scare.
Washington, : Oct. 29. There have
been no new cases of smallpox reported
today. The interior department is re
opened, and about half the clerks are on
duty. - All the inmates of the white
house have been vaccinated.
-. . .. The Madhi proclaims War.
Rome, Oct. 29 Advices from Kassla
state the madhi has proclaimed a holy
war against Italians. . ,
Latest U.S. Gov't Report
m vJ 4jt 4s a
I had for dinner , V
was thobest I ever ate. ""' ..
Thanks to COTTOLENE, the
new and successful shortening.
' Oenoin made only by:; '
Bailroad Employes Acquitted. -Pueblo,
Colo., Oct.-r-Seven employes
of the Gulf road were acquitted by a
jury in. the United Stales district court
this afternoon of obstructing tbe mails
during the strike of last July." -
Slept Less Last Night.
St. Pktebsbubg, Oct. 29. The follow
ing bulletin was issued at 11 o'clock
this morning : "The czar slept less last
night. His appetite is unchanged
His oedema does not decrease."
Back at Bis Post.
Washington, Oct. 29. United States
Minister Denby cabled the state depart
ment, announcing his arrival at Peking
on his return from the T,Tnited States.
v bicott-Karle Flan Upheld. . '
Philadelphia, Oct. 29. Judge Dallas
has delivered an - opinion ratifying the
Olcott-Earle plan of reorganization of
the Reading road.
; Will Be, Appointed OoTemor. ,
Beblin, Oct 29. General von Loe will
probably be appointed governor of Al
sace-Lorraine, to succeed Prince von
Vanderbilts Have Made Up.
Chicago, Oct; -29.-The Post's New
York says that there is to be no divorce
in the Vanderbilt family after all.
- There is more Catarrh in -this section
of the country than all other diseases put
together, -and until tbe -last-few years
was supposed to be incurable. For a
great many years doctors pronounced it
a local disease, and prescribed local rem
edies, and by constantly, failing i'tp cure
wijth focal treatment, pronounced it in
curable. Science has proven' catarrh to
be a constitutional disease and therefore
requires constitutional treatment.
Hall's Catarrh.jnanufactured by F. J.
Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio, is the only
constitutional cure in the market. It is
taken internally in doses from .10 drops
to a teaspoonful.. It acts directly on the
blpodjand; mucous surfaces ot tbe y stem.
They offer one. hundred, .dollars for any
case it fails to cure. Send for circulars
and testimonials. Address.
F. J. CHENEY & Co., Toledo, O. :
SySold by Druggists, 75c. .
, In his annual report to the secretary
of the interior, Governor. Hughes of
Arizona estimates that when the irriga
tion works now in progress are com'
pleted 1,000,000 acres will be added to
the cultivation of the territory.
.. ', . Electric Sitters. -;-
This remedy is ; becoming so well
known and so . popular as to need no
special mention,., AIL who use Electric
Bitters Bing the same song of praise.
A purer medicine does not exist and it
Is guaranteed to do all that is claimed.
Electric Bitters will cure all diseases of
the liver and kidueys, will remove
pimples, boils, salt r. rheum and other
affections caused by- - impure blood.
Will drive malaria from the system and
prevent as well as cure. all . malarial
fevers. For "cure of headache, consti
pation and indigestion try . Electric Bit
ters. . Entire satisfaction guaranteed or
money refunded. Price 50c and $1
bottle at Snipes & Kinersly's.
" ' '. . . 1 - - '
: ', . " " .-
: - : " h
: Watch out for our advertisement,
' ' ... "which -will appear tomorro-w. .
( ' ' III.
For Infanta and Children. - -
Caatoritt promotes Digesrtlon, and
overcomes Flatulency, Constipation, Sour
Stomach, Diarrhoea, . and: - Feverishness.
Thus the child is rendered healthy and its
Bleep natural. Caatoria contains no
Morphine or other narcotic property.
" Castorla is so well adapted to children that
I recommend it as superior to any prescription
known to me." H. A- Archer, M. D.,
Ill South Oxford St., Brooklyn, K.Y.
For several years I have recommeritled your
'Castoria,' and shall always continue to do so,
as it has invariably produced beneficial results."
Edwik F. Pardbb.1I. D.,
125th Street and 7th Ave New Xork City.
'The use of 'Castoria is so universal and
its merits so well known that it seems a work of
supererogation to endorse it. Few are the In
telligent families who do not keep Oaatoria
within easy reach."
CiBLoe Makttw. D. D.,
- -New York City,
Th CsWato CtoipJrf, ft Miniray Btree,"IT. Y.
. -"if" ' jr- f'.' i- v.f.ri'.
FREN::& CO.,
Letters of Credit issued available in the
fr ':llESst States.' -f;-. J
Sight .Exchaitge - and Telegraphic
Xransfera sold on New York, Chicago, St.
Louia San, Francisco, Portland Oregon,
Seattle Wash.; "and various points In Or
egon' and Washington. - -
Collections made at all points on-fav
orableterms. ;
Owing to increase of business and putting in a stock of Dry Goods,
the store has been lengthened by thirty-five feet. . ....
Agency of . the
Brownsville Clothing,
Underwear, Blankets,
Etc., Etc.
: THE LEADER-IN :i ' .
Pianos and Organs, Books,
Call and get his prices. Sells PIANOS on
easy monthly payments, and is prepared to meet
162 Second St., THE DALLES, OR
J. . 8CHIK0K. ' :
: President.-.
J. M. Patterson,
first Rational Bank.
A General Banking Business transacted
Deposits received, subject to Sight .
Draft or Check.
Collections made and proceeds promptly
. remitted on day of collection. .
Sight and Telegraphic Exchange sold on
New York, San Francisco -and Port
. ,. land.
D. P. Thompbon. . Jso. S. Schenck.
Ed. M. WrLLiAMS, Gxo. A. Libbb.
H. M. B&AL.L. -
-Kv, I' ,1,,!
Andrew Velarde
IS . prepared to do any ajid all
kinds of work in his line at
reasonable figures. Has the
largest house moving outfit
. . in. Eastern Oregon. ..
: :.. -r-f iV .''?
Address pld.Box 181 .The Dalles
- ,.v.; .."..''.!! Vl.i-i -.-r'
TmtriTniTiRn Tlats Mm P
UllllllUlUUU IIUIU, 1 UlUllUlU. X
() -
LIME and,
and. -.
Picture Moulding1.
H. Q- Xj IH3 ILsT 3ST
Snipes-Kinersly Drug Co.
. i ) ,ia: : ; is f.iv.l, i' '
Pure Drags GlieiGals,
. . . ' FINE LINE OF , ; ' . ! .
At Our Old Race of Business: !