The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, October 29, 1894, Image 1

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NO. 262
Earthquake Throughout the
Argentine Kepublie.
Buildings of Every Description Were
Thrown Down and the Streets
Filled With the Debris.
London, Oct. 27. A dispatch re
ceived here from Buenos Ayres says an
appalling earthquake baa occurred
throughout the Argentine Republic.
The city of San Juan de la Frontera,
capital of the province of the same
name, baa been totally destroyed. Hun
dreds of lives are reported loBt. No de
tails have been received.
Advices Via New York.
New Yobk, Oct. 27. A dispatch from
Buenos Ayres says : At one minute
past 5 o'clock, sharp, today, a sharp
shock of earthquake was felt in Buenos
Ayres, which greatly alarmed the resi
dents. The center of the disturbance
appears to have been the city of San
Juan, capital of the province. Churches,
theaters schools, government offices and
private houses were thrown down, and
the streets were filled with debris.
Many persons were killed and injured,
and the people of the town are in a
panic. The shock was felt at twenty
minutes past 4, the direction being
south. The earthquake was felt at La
Paz, in the province of Mendoza, at 23
minutes past 4. A church ia the village
. of Mercedes had its walls cracked, and
the safety of the building is menaced.
A later dispatch from Cordoba says that
fiaenres have shown themselves in the
walls of the cathedral and that several
churches are unsafe. The city is very
much alarmed. The newspaper offices
are besieged by persons anxious for
news of the interior.
Another Instance of Bis Boldness.
Sacbamento, Cal., Oct. 27. Frank
Jones, a youthful highwayman, who en
tered the office of Captain Hawks, and
compelled him to deliver at a pistol
point, has been identified as the burglar
who entered the residence of Mr. Weth-
erbee several , nights ago, while the
family was away. He gathered up a
quantity of silverware and other articles,
which he placed in a valise. He then
lighted a fire in the dining-room and
prepared a meal, of which he partook
The stolen property was recovered by
the police in various pawn shops in this
city, and the officers had been looking
for him for several days until yesterday
The pistol used by the robber was ident
ified by Mr. Wetherbee as one that he
had brought from Boston ten years ago
and it was rusty and less harmful than
a toy pistol.
The Safe Was Looted.
jviabshfibld, ur.t Uct. 27. Tne epi
demic of robbing Wells, Fargo & Co,
reached this 'section night before last,
when the safe in John Roberta' general
merchandise store, at Myrtle Point, was
looted of its contents, $1,500, $1,250 of
which belonged to Wells, Fargo & Co.,
and the remainder to Mr. Roberts. No
trace, as yet, has been found of the mis
creant who committed the deed. Mr,
Roberts is agent for .Wells, & Co., and
went home about midnight, after the
mail had arrived, leaving the combina
tion of the safe off. The burglars effect
ed an entrance by raising a window. A
thousand dollars of the money was be'
ing consigned to Flanagan & Bennett,
bankers here, through Wells, Fargo &
Free Silver In Georgia's Legislature,
Atulnta, Oct. 27. A motion to take
up a resolution in the house of repre
sentatives in Georgia's legislature, de
claring it to be the sense of the legisla
ture that congress should enact a law for
free and unlimited coinage of silver and
condemning the representatives in con
gress who voted for the repeal of the
Sherman law, was defeated by a vote of
94 to 63. Only 24 democrats voted to
take up- the resolution! " The others
were populists.
The Oregon's Immense Barbette.
' Homestead, Pa., Oct. 27. The Car
negie Steel Company has completed the
immense barbette for the battleship Or
Highest of all in Leavening Power.
Li' Vv Cy a
egon, being built in San Francisco. It
is the largest piece of armor plate work
ever turned out of Homestead or in
Ameriaa. It weighs 400 tons and will
require 14 cars to carry it to the Western
coast. Officials of the -Carnegie com
pany and of the navy department in
spected the work this week. It will 'be
shipped next week.'
Small Lenses Combined.
Chicago, Oct. 27. Professor T. S. C.
Lowe, of Pasadena, Cal., the inventor
and owner of the Mount Lowe railroad,
and also an astronomer 'of note, thinks
the invention of a Chicago man has rev
olutionized the entire scope of telescopic
research. Mr. Lowe is making a busi
ness trip throuph the East, and is stop
ping in Chicago for a few days. He has
examined the new telescope invented by
Gatham, of this city. Mr. Gatham
and his new glass have heretofore been
pronounced exceedingly visionary, and
the inventor is naturally elated over the
indorsement of a man of the scientific
tanding of Professor Lowe. Mr. Gath-
am's method of construction is diametri
cally opposed to the old plan. Instead
of the large lens, which, owing to the
difficulties surrounding manufacture,
has always been full of defects, Mr.
Gatham has built a telescope composed
of a number of small lenses, two inches
in diameter. These lenses are set in a
stiff glass frame, or sash, and are ex
ceedingly dense and clear. The com
bined effect jof the small lenses causes
them to act as a single lens. Telescope
builders haye denounced this theory as
totally impracticable. Professor Lowe
says the idea is a success, and is one of
the most important discoveries for years
in astronomical science, and he adds :
I confess that when the idea was first
presented to me I was not favorably im
pressed with its practicability. I prom
ised to look at Mr. Gatham's invention.
however, at my earliest opportunity.
and so Tuesday night I examined it. I
can only say I was exceedingly surprised
and pleased to see the moon and belts of
Jupiter in looking through Mr. Gatham's
inch telescope. The oceans and divis
ions of Mars were also defined in an as
tonishingly clear manner, notwithstand
ing all the adverse conditions which sur
round Chicago for astronomical observa
tions. I have a 16-inch instrument on
Mount Lowe, but if. Mr. Gatham's tele
scopes were put ' upon the market, the
Mount Lowe Company would be willing
to place one of them. I see no reason
whv a 50-inch instrument could not be
made which would work wonders in as
tranomical discovery. Such a telescope
as the Lick could not, in my opinion, be
put in the same class with a telescope
built on these lines. Itopens the entire
question anew, and it looks to me as if
no limit can now be put on the possibill
ties of sidereal research. It is certainly
a wonderful discovery." .
Mr. Gatham says he can build an in'
strument for $1000 which will be as ef
fective as the famous Lick telescope.
The "Wound Not Powder-Burned.
Chicago, Oct. 27. Charles Powell,
whom it was alleged his sister, Mrs,
Nellie Sweetman, shot, died this morn
ing. The shooting occurred at the home
ot Mrs. o wee t man, alter sue naa come
in from a drive with a friend, who has
been courting her. She alleges her
brother shot himself. The police claim
this is not true, as the wound was not
powder-burned. :
The Czar Ate Well.
St. Peteksbtbg, Oct. 27. A bulletin,
issued at 7 o'clock this evening, from
Livadia, says:
'The czar ate well during the day
The action of his heart is rather better,
The oedema has not increased. His
spirits are better than they were yester
Will They Marry Today?
Berlin, Oct. 27. The Lokalanzeiger
has a dispatch from Yalta saying that
the wedding of the czarewitch and the
Princess Alix will take place tomorrow,
The dispatch adds that the czar is de-
cidedjy better, being allowed now to
take some solid food instead of , liquids
No Anxiety for the Czarlnat
Copenhagen, Oct. 27. A dispatch
from Lividia says, on the best authority
that the condition of the czarina is in no
way causing anxiety.
Shoots Himself and His Boy.
Cambridge City, Ind., Oct. 27. John
Waldse, an old resident of Cambridge
City, shot himself and his 3-year-old
Latest U. S. Gov't Report
is essential to
Good ,
in pastry you cannot have
either without a good short-
cning. Lard has always had c?pj
causing indigestion and
many other dietetic trou- EK
bles. Science has come to (j.ste.
the assistance of the cook, tJ
and of weak stomachs, with E'jfe
the new shortening, flj
It is composed of the choic- Mi
est beef suet and highly
refined vegetable oil, in gki
many respects a3 good as gv
the finest imported olive c'k
oil. Physicians endorse it, Sffj
cooking experts re com-
mend it, and thousands
.. are now using it in prefer
ence to any other shorten
ing. Refuse all substitutes.
Send three cents In rt 1- 77: K.
Falrbank & Co., Chtcu . hind
some Cottolene Cool: Uoi . n. -mining
six hundred recipes. t.rci.urtl hy
nlneeminent authorities on cooking.
- Cottolene is sold by all grocers.
Made only by
son today and both will die. Family
trouble is given as the cause of the act.
In each case the bullet pierced the abdo
men. The husband and wife have been
separated for two weeks.
Governor McKlnley at Albany.
Albany, Oct. 27. -Governor McKinley
addressed 3000 people here this after
noon. He suggested a joint debate upon
the tariff question between Senators Hill
and Murphy. The" former had voted
against and the latter for the Wilson
There is more Catarrh in this section
of the country than all other diseases put
together, and until the last few -years
was supposed to be incurable. For a
great many years doctors pronounced it
a local disease, and prescribed local rem
edies, and by constantly failing to cure
with local treatment, pronounced it in
curable. Science has proven catarrh to
be a constitutional disease and therefore
requires constitutional treatment.
Hall's Catarrh, manufactured by F. J.
Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio, is the only
constitutional cure in the market. It is
taken internally in doses from 10 drops
to a teas poo nful. It acts directly on the
blood;and mucous surfaces of the system
xney oner one Hundred dollars tor any
case it fails to cure. Send for circulars
and testimonials. Address.
F. J. CHENEY & Co., Toledo, O.
XDORold by Druggists, 75c.
Electric Bitters.
This remedy is becoming so well
known and so popular as to need no
special mention, All who use Electric
Bitters sing the same song of praise.
A purer medicine does not exist and it
is guaranteed to do all that is 'claimed
Electric Bitters will cure all diseases of
the liver and kidneys, ' will remove
pimples, boils, salt rheum and other
affections caused by impure blood.
Will drive malaria from the system and
prevent as well as cure all malarial
fevers. For cure of, headache, consti
pation and indigestion try Electric Bit
ters. Entire satisfaction guaranteed or
money refunded. Price 50c and $1
bottle at Snipes & Kinersly's.
When a doctor considers it necessary
to prescribe Sarsaparilla, he simply or
ders a bottle of Ayer's, knowing full well
that he will obtain thereby a surer and
purer preparation than any other which
the drug-store can furnish. Ayer's
Sarsaparilla is the Superior Medicine.:
Invalids should remember that the
causes of sick and nervous headaches
may be promptly removed by taking
Ayer's Pills. These Pills speedily cor
rect irregularities of the stomach, liver
and bowels, and are the mildest and
most reliable cathartic in use.
Neglect of the hair often destroys its
vitality and natural hue, and causes it to
fall out. Before it is too late, apply
Hall's Hair Renewer, a sure remedy.
Backlen'i Axlnca Sal-re..
The best salve in tne world for cuts
bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever
Bores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains
corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi
tively cures piles. Or no pay required
It is guaranteed to give perfect satisiac
tion. or money refunded. Price 25 cents
For Balance of this Week.
4afe' Macliitts and lunar!
Regular $4.00 values
Regular $5.50 values
Don't Neglect This Opportunity.
LADIES Remember for the balance of this week only. ,
Storm Rubbers,
50c per pair.
For Xniamts and Children. -Caatoria
promote Digestion, and
overcomes Flatulency, Constipation, Sour
Stomach, Diarrhoea, and Feverishness.
Thus the child is rendered healthy and its
sleep natural, Castoria contains no
Morphine or other narcotic property.
" Castoria Is bo -well adapted to children that
I recommend It as superior to any prescription
known to me." H. A. Abchbr, M. D.,
Ill South Oxford St., Brooklyn, K. Y.
For several years I hare reeommenaed your
Castoria,' and shall always continue to do so,
as it has invariably produced beneficial results."
Edwib F. Pardkk, M. D.,
12Sth Street and 7th Ave., New York City.
"The use of Castoria" Is so universal and
Its merits so well known that it seems a work of
supererogation to endorse it. Few are the In
telligent families who do not keep Castoria
within easy reach."
Cabzos Makttw, D. D.,
Hew York City.
Thb Corun OoMPAvr, 77 Murray Street, N. Y.
Letters of Credit issued available in the
Eastern States.
Sight Exchange and Telegraphic
Transfers sold on New York, Chicago, St.
Louis, San Francisco, Portland Oregon.,
Seattle Wash., and various points in Or
egon and Washington.
Collections made at all points on fav
orable terms. :
EliflRGEpET of
Owing to increase of business and putting in a stock of Dry Goods,
the store has been lengthened by thirty-five feet. . " .
Agency of the
Brownsville Clothing,
Underwear, Blankets,
Etc., Etc.
.o. Something- verv Dress
at ... ..$2.95
at . ...... 4.25
Regular $9.50 value's at ....... ..$7.80
Regular $10.50 values at!.. 8.75 f
Pianos and Organs, Boots,
. Call and get his prices. Sells PIANOS on
easy monthly payments, and is prepared to meet
162 SGGonfl. St,, THE DALLES, OR
first Rational Bank.
A General Banking Easiness transacted
Deposits received, subject to Sight
Draft or Check.
Collections made and proceeds promptly
remitted on day of collection.
Sight and Telegraphic Exchange sold on
New York, San Francisco and Port
D. P. Thompson. Jno. S. Schxnck.
Ed. M. Williams, Geo. A. Libsi.
H. M . Bball. '
Andrew Velarde
IS prepared to do any and all
' kinds of work in ' his line at
reasonable figures. Has the
largest honse moving outfit
in Eastern Oregon.
Address P.O.Box 181.Tho Dalles
in .o.
A complete line of
Rubber Foot-wear .
Just received.
LIME and
Picture Moulding'.
Snipes-Kinersly Drug Co.
Pure Drugs
At Our Old Place of Business.
1 J.-
per box. For sale oy Snipes & Kin