The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, October 27, 1894, Image 3

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    We are Still In It,
peci yJ yuturuuy wot. lam.
SHLE. D ( '
and You Know It.
Remnants Dress Goods,
Remnants Linens,
Remnants Laces,
Remnants Silks,
Remnants Embroideries,
Remnants Towels,
Remnants Underwear,
Remnants Hosiery,
Remnants Flannels.
all at the lowest prices at
We have accumulated quantities of short lengths ol our New
Goods, and we are going to clear our stock of them at great
reductions in prices.
It will pay you to call..
. We are selling . more goods than ever,
for the simple reason that .
We pay more for Produce than any
other 'dealer in The Dalles.
Consult Your Interests,
and Trade with
Telephone No. 20.
Best Hotel in t;he City.
Chapman Block, The Dalles, Oregon.
I have taken 11 first prizes.
The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
Entered a the Postoffice at The Dalles, Oregon,
as second-class matter.
Clu'b'bing List.
Regular Our
- price price
Chronicle and 5. T. Tribnae. $2.50 $1.75
" and Weekly Oregoniai ..3.00 2.00
" and Weekly Examiner 3.25 2.25
" Weekly Kew Tork World 2.25 2.00
Local Advertising.
10 Cents per line for first insertion, and 5 Cents
r line for each subsequent insertion.
Special rates for long time notices.
All local notices received later than 3 o'clock
rill appear the following day. .
OCTOBER 27. 1894
Leaves From th Notebook of Chronicle
The weather prediction for tomorrow
is fair.
Don't forget the dance tonight at the
opera house.
License to wed " was issued today to
Mr. Owen Rusie and Miss Celia Taylor,
German Ladies Aid Society, at Fraternity
hall, Saturday, Nov. 3d.
The Ladies of the Relief Corps will
give a social at Fraternity hall, Satur
day evening, at 8 o'clock. Admission
10 cents.
The ladies of the Congregational church
gave a sociable at the residence of Mr
and Mrs. S. L. Brooks last night, which
was very well attended.
A dancing club was organized last
night with L. E. Crowe president, J.
Bonn secretary, C. L. Phillips, M. T
Nolan and Max Vogt, jr., executive com
mittee. JJances will De given twice a
month with full orchestra.
A train load of prunes left ' Portland
for the East yesterday, going by way of
Seattle. The train consisted of thirteen
cars, and the prunes were grown at Van
couver, Wash. The'output of the states
of Oregon and Washington for this year
is estimated at GO carloads.
That same oM rumor about there
going to be a sensational arrest today, is
still on its travels. The mental strain of
trying to keep track of vthat canard is
wearing out our glad young life, and if
that arrest is not made soon, we shall
have to go into mental bankruptcy.
School Superintendent Shelley yester
day morning, received news of his
father's death at . McMinnville, Thurs
day night, and at once went down to be
present atthe funeral, which takes place
today at Monmouth. In consequence of
this the superintendent's office was not
open today.
A cold storage building will be erected
at once on the lot on First street, corner
Lauchlin, where Mrs. Lauehlin's resi
dence stood. The building will be 50 by '
rron oral t-H n stc n-m
the proprietor of the hotel thinks "there
are several more, as he had sixty guests
and they are not all accounted for. The
fire was caused by the explosion of a
lamp in the kitchen.
Mr. William Earn, who died last Sat
urday night, -was a pioneer of Oregon
and at one time a well known contractor
and builder in Portland. At the time of
the building of the O. R. & N. Co.'s road
he received a fall from a bridge, sustain
ing injuries from which he never entirely
recovered. A year or more ago he
Buffered a stroke of paralysis and has
been gradually failing ever since.
A country minister in a certain town
took permanent . leave of his congrega
tion in the following pathetic manner :
"Brothers and sisters, I come to say
good by. I don't think God loves this
church, because none of you ever die.
I don't think yoti love each other, be
cause I never marry any of you. I don't
think you love me, because you do not
pay my salary. Your donations are
mouldy fruit and wormy apples and 'by
their fruit ye shall know them.' Broth
ers, I am going away to a better place.
I have been called to be chaplain of a
penitentiary. Where I go you cannot
come, but I go to prepare a place for
you, and may the Lord have mercy on
your sqnls. Good-by." Condon Globe.
Examination of C. K. morgan.
Elder E. P. Waltz of Baker City, will
preach at the courthouse tomorrow, at
11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m.
Services at the Christian church at 11
a. m. and at 7:30 p. m., preaching by
Rev. Mr. Hilton. Sunday echool at 10
a. m. A cordial invitation to all.
The Baptist church, Rev. O. D. Taylor
pastor, will hold services at 11 o'clock
tomorrow morning. . All not worship
ping elsewhere are cordially invited.
Sunday school follows the morning ser
vice. No i service in the evening. .
Methodist Episcopal churchy Rev. J.
Whisler pastor. Preaching by the
pastor at 11 a. m. and 7 :30 p. m. ; Sunday
school after morning service; Junior
League at 5 :30 p.m. ; Epworth League
at 6 :30 p. m. ; class meeting Sunday at 10
a. m. and Tuesday at 7:30 p. m. ; prayer
meeting Thursday at 7 :30 p. m. All
are cordially welcomed.
The Congregational church, corner
of Court and ' Fifth street Sunday ser
vices as usual : At 11 a. m. and at 7 -.30
p. in. worship, and a sermon by the
pastor, W. C. Curtis." Sunday school
immediately after the morning service
and meeting of the ' Young People's
Society of Christian Endeavor at 6 p. m.
Topic, What Christ heals and how.
Matt. vin:5-17. Persons not worship
ping elsewhere are cordially invited.
The examination of Charles E. Mor
gan at Portland, charged with embez
zling money from the insurance firm, of
Boyd & Arnold, was concluded yester;
day, and Justice Geisler was to announce
his decision this, morning. The defense
was made that Morgan was not in the
employ of Boyd & Arnold, but of the
general agency of the Hamburg-Breman
Insurance Company at SanTrancisco.
The general, 'agency had lost ho money
by- embezzlement of Morgan, as Mri
Arnold stated, the .claims, for risks
written , there had been satisfied by the
Portland agency.
. Easily Generous.
Tee Portland butchers are out with a
card to the effect that the price of meats
will not be raised during the winter.
The generous fellows are able to carry on
their business in spite of the extra cost
of beef on foot during the winter, because
the present prices were ' fixed in the
middle of a very hard winter and were
not reduced during the summer. Beef
retails at the same old price in Portland,
and that whether trie price on toot is
two cents or five. :
Real Estate Transactions.
100 feet. A general produce and corn.
mission business will be done and in
connection therewith will be a coalyard,
and a large stock of lime and cement.
A fire broke out in the West Hotel at
Seattle this morning at 2 o'clock, and in
a few moments the entire building was
a mass of flames. - Tan charred bodies
have been recovered from the ruins, and
The. following deeds filed for record
yesterday:" '
The Dalles Land .and - Improvement
Company to Louise Becht, lot 5, block
2, Thompson's Addition to Dalles City ;
E. F. DeBord and wife to O. C. Wall,
lots 15, 16,17,18,19,20,21, 22,23 and
block 6, Erwin & Watson's Addition
Hood River ; $500.
Mathias Shoren and wife to Charles
echt, lots 10 and 11 in block 15,
hompson Addition to Dalles City; $75
Cord Wood.
We again have an abundant supply of
dry fir and hard wood for immediate
delivery at the lowest rates, and hope to
be fayosed with a liberal , share of the
trade. Jos. T. Peters & Co
I Subscribe for The Chronicle.
Sledge-hammer Blows.
the calcium light effects and scenery is
in artistic harmony with the require
ments of the drama. Aside from the
heart interest in the play, there is a
strong comedy element running through
it that is pleasant to see and hear.
Hon. A. A.. Jayne is in the city.
Mr. Polk Butler of Nansene is in the
Rev. J. Whisler returned yosterday
from Goldendale, where he Has spent
the past few days.
Hon. M. V. Harrison cf Hood River
was in the city this morning, accompa
nied by his son, Dale.
Hon. W. W. Steiwer and family were
in the city yesterday, stopping off on
their way home from Sal era, where they
had been visiting Mr. Steiwer'a parents.
On Chenoweth creek, Oct. 24th,' of
diphtheria, Harney E., oldest son of H.
S. and Lavilla Hnna, aged 11 years, 5
months and 14 days.
Eugene papers please copy.
BORN'. .
In this city, Thursday, the 25th, to
the wife of H. Herbring, a daughter.
just Ffeqeived,
Notions, Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes, &.c.
Arthur Disbrow of Mt. Hood was in
town Monday for repairs on his jaw and
collar bone. He was a badly used up
man and could hardly tell whether he
had been struck by a cyclone or a pile
driver. It seems he was riding alone the
road when he overtook a neighbor,
Frank Ries, a one-armed man. Bad feel
ing had existed between him and Ries
for some time, and on this occasion they
both agreed to have it out by a square
fight. Disbrow sprang from his horse
and aimed a blow at Ries, who was afoot,
but miBBed him and at the same time
run up against Ries' fist with so much
force that his jawbone was broken and
he fell down. Getting up, he made an
other pass at his one-armed antagonist,
and this time received a blow from the
latter's fist that broke his collar-bone.
He thereupon acknowledged himself
vanquished. Ries then acted the part
of the good Samaritan and picked him
up, helped him to mount his horse and
accompanied him to town to a sur
geon. '
Dr." Watt was called upon, who set the
fractures and fixed up the wounded man
as best he could. The doctor said the
breakage of the jawbone was a serious
matter, as it would be hard to get it to
knit together. Disbrow claims to be an
expert at boxing, and may ' be good
enough at the manly art with a two
fisted competitor, but next time he will
know better than to tackle a one-armed
man. Glacier. ;
When Jack calls on Miss Eleanor,
He always brings her plenty
Of flowers and ehocolate bonbons, which
Most charm the maid of twenty.
And though Sir Jock has skinny arms,
And lefts as thin as pheasants'.
How could one blnme Miss Eleanor,
Who much admires his presents?
No woman has. any real admiration
for a man's presence unless the man has
good physique legs and arms well
filled out. You can't be "well-looking"
if you suffer from any of the diseases
caused by a disordered liver or impure
blood dyspepsia, biliousness, and scrof
ulous affections. . Dr. Pierce's Golden
Medical Discovery is a medicine that
cures these cases. . It's the only remedy
that's guaranteed to benefit or cure, in
every- case, or the money refunded.
Medical science stamps it "absolutely
potent" as a blood-cleanser, strength-
restorer and flesh-builder.
Cash Buyers are invited to examine our New Prices, as everything will be,-
sold with the smallest profit. Special Bargains every day of the week.
Richard E. French, and Company in
Jekyll and. Mr. Hyde." -.
"Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde Company"
will appaar here Monday, Nov. 5th. It
has never failed to attract large houses
wherever played. With, an excellent
company, such as Mr. . French . has in
his support, it cannot fail to eecure the
approbation and liberal patronage of
the- theater-goers in The Dalles. To
those who have read Robert Louis Ste
venson's -work, from which the play is
taken, the interpretation will have un
usual interest. The cast is strong, and
The worst Nasal Catarrh, no matter of
how long standing, is permanently cured
by Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy.
Before the Lexow committee convened :
Police justice Officer, this man says you
clubbed him. Omcer tie ottered me
a bribe, your honor. ' Police justice
How much? .'. Officer Five dollars,
Police justice What! Only $5! You
didn't club him half enough. Take him
out and fracture . his skull. Texas Sift
ings. '' '
, The success that has attended the use
of Pr.J. H. McLean's Volcanic Oil Lin
ament in the relief of pain and in curing
diseases which seemed beyond the reach
of medicine, has been truely remarkable,
Hundreds supposed ' to be crippled for
life with arms and legs drawn up. erook
ed or distorted, their muscles withered or
contracted by. disease have been cured
through the use of this remedy. Price
25c, 50 and $1.00 per bottle. For sale by
the Shipes-Kinersly Drug Co. -
"And so he has succeeded in getting
engaged to the heiress?" ' "Yes: he is
now her affinanced." Washington Star,
. Every mother should know that croup
can be prevented. The first symptom of
true croup is hoarseness. This is fol
lowed by a peculiar rough cough. If
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy in given
freely as soon as the child becomes
hoarse or even after the cough has de
veloped it will prevent the attack. 50
cent bottles for sale by Blakeley &
.Houghton, druggists.
In anticipation of a renewal of business activ
ity, we have bought an enormous line of Men's
Underwear and Overstiirts for Fall and Winter,
which we have placed on the market at prices
-to suit the times.
Successor to Paul Kreft & Co.
And the Most Complete and Latest Patterns and Designs in
PRACTICAL PAINTER and PAPER HANGER. None but the best brands
of J. W. MASURY'S PAINTS . used, in all our work; and none but the
most skilled workmen employed.. Agents for Masury Liquid Paints. No chem-
icel combination or soap mixture. A first-class article in all colors. All orders
promptly attended to. , . . ;
Store and Paint Shou corner Third and Washington StenT he-Dalles, 0reon
Cjj. Wars, Kens & Mertsoi's LiTery Stalls, sa SecoM St.
Second-hand Furniture Bought Soid.
Money Loaned on Jewelry and other-Valuables.
erty placed witti me at reasonable commiMlon.
" 3Et-
from 1 1 to 3 o'clock. I
will sell any eoods or pron-
Olve me a call.