The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, October 26, 1894, Image 3

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    C3 )
We are Still In It,
, OGt. 27th.
and You Know It.
Remnants Remnants
v .. ....
Cheap Cheap Cheap
Remnants Dress Goods,
Remnants Linens,
Remnants Laces,
Remnants Silks,
Remnants Embroideries,
Remnants Towels,
Remnants Underwear,
Remnants Hosiery,
Remnants Flannels.
b.-riil i i JnSmiSiu-tiA It will pay you to call.
We have accumulated quantities of short lengths of our New
Goods, and we are going to clear our stock of them at great
reductions in prices.
all at the lowest prices at
We are selling more goods than ever,
, : for the simple reason that :
We pay more for Produce than any
- other dealer in The Dalles.
Consult Ypur Interests,
and Trade with Hummaf
Telephone No. 20. THE RELIABLE FIRM.
Best Hotel in the City.
Chapman Block, The Dalles, Oregon.
' I have taken 11 first prizes. ,
The Dalles Daily Chr onicle.
-"utereda the Postoffice at The Dalles, Oregon,
as second-class matter.
Cl-at)t)ing List.
Regular Our
price price
Chrouicla aid ff. T. Tribont $2.50 $1.75
" ind Weekly Owgoniaa 3.00 2.00
" and Weekly Examiner 3.25 2.25
" Weekly Kew York World. ... . 2.25 2.00
Local Advertising.
10 Cent per line for first insertion, and 5 Cents
,er line for each subsequent insertion.
Special rates for long time notices.
All local notices received later than 8 o'clock
nil appear the following day.
society it baa been arranged to devote
the evening, with the exception of the
debate, to the stndy of Longfellow.
Roll call will be answered with quota
tions from that author.
Thomas Cannell Fargher, father of
Thomas, Horatio, Alexander and Arthur
Fargher, died at Ramsey, Isle of Man,
England last month. Mr. Fargher was
one of the early eettlersof Eastern Ore
gon, but has been in England for some
Complaint is made of the condition,
or lack of it, of the road across 8-Mile,
and those who travel it say that if there
is any more rain the wheat the other
side of it will have to remain where it is
indefinitely, as the road is getting im-
sable. . '
The land officers are now permanently
and comfortably settled in their new
quarters in the Chapman block the old
poBtoffice. It is one of the most pleas
ant rooms in the city, and at the same
time one of the most convenient for the
Heavy freight trains are now passing
through Ashland, southward daily.
The freight consists of Oregon products
consigned to points in the east over the
S. P. R. R. mostly hops, canned sal
mon and wool. Occasionally a train
will be heavy enough to require four or-
niormng. 4 dinarv eneines to nnll ir. fivsrt.hfi Sisbi.
. . TV - L
Seufert J3roB. are building a tine barn ypu mountains.
on a stone foundation, .at their pi a
above town.
The weather predictions from the
Portland observer this morning, are for
tomorrow, fair, cooler.
The Ladies of the Relief Corps will
give a social at Fraternity hall, Satur
day evening, at 8 o'clock, Admission
A Market for Potatoes.
Leaves from the Xoteboolc 'of Chronicle
A . Reporters.
Usual dance at the opera house to
morrow night by the Orchestral Union.
A carload of cattle and another of hogs
were loaded at Saltmarshe & Co.'s this
1 There has been a rumor for a day or
two mat a sensational arrest will be
made of parties connected with the ex
press robbery. As there has been some
thing more than a thousand similar
rumors, we failed to hold the forma open
after'onr usual time to scoop the news.
The rumors are about as hard to trace
10 cents. VJ out as the miBsing money.
Owing to a small landslide just west of Up in 'Michigan, while a game of base-
toe iascaaes, toe movement oi ireignt qau was in progress, tne Dan was
trains was temporarily delayed this Knocked into the edge of the woods, and
this morning.
The weather today is
too too. Clear, bracing, sunshiny, with
no evidence of rain or storm, except the
mud, and that is beneath one.
The afternoon passenger was delayed
by the slide at the Locks, hence the
Oregonian and Sun did not make their
regular post prandial appearance.
"When we tackled M. J. Anderson for
an item from out Dufur-wards, be sar
castically replied that the 15-Mile bub
was as quiet and dull as The Dalles:
James W. Hayek a native of Austria
declared his intention to become a citi
zen of this country yesterday ; and Louis
Eggen a natiye of Sweden did likewise.
The members of St. Paul's Episcopal
church (xuild will meet at the vestry
Monday at 2 p. m. The ladies of the
parish are requested to attend this
meeting. -.
Commissioner Butts has a force of
men at work on the cistern at the inter'
section of Second and Court streets, and
the unsightly pile of rubbish will soon
be removed from around it.
The papers where "Dr. Jekyll and Mr
Hyde" has been on the board all speak
highly of Mr. French, the leading actor,
as well as of his support. The play will
be here one night only, Monday ,Novem
ber 5th.
Among the other signs of a hard win
ter is the Columbia hotel woodpile. Mr.
Nicholas has wood enough to start a
yard ' in New York City, and if he ex
pects to burn it alF this winter, he an
ticipates a scorcher.
At the next meeting of the literary
A prominent shipper, who has just
returned to La Grande from a business
trip through the inland states, says there
is a great shortage in potatoes through
out Nebraska and eastward. The
Greeley colony in Colorado is sup
plying large districts and will ship
8,000 carloads. They have a 35-cent
rate, and potatoes sell at Greeley at 75
cents per hundred. ; Utah potatoes have
15 cents higher freight rate, and the
potatoes sell on the ground at a propor
tional rate less The potato prospect
will be better later on, and especially if
the Union Pacific will reduce the pres
ent freight rate of 75 cents per 100 to 60
cents, which the railroad officials have
about consented' to do. Mr. Stockland
thinks that there is certain to be a fair
price for potatoes, although it is proba
ble that it will be necessary to wait a
little while. All the Eastern producers
who have a crop to dispose of are com
pelled to sell at once, and their surplus
will soon be out of the way. Albany
Advertised Letters.
ywnen tne neiuer went alter it, ne was
just too utterly rnucn astonished to see a big woodchuck
take tne ball into its bole. The boys only
bad the one ball, in fact they didn't
have that for the woodchuck took it, bo
thejr tried to dig him out. After working
an hour or so they gave it up and the
wild animal wood-chucked the game.
Real Estate Transactions.
The following deeds filed for record
yesterday :
uaues uiiy to J. Jj. xiarper, lot 1 in
block 37, Gates Addition to Dalles City ;
Fred W. Wilson to Maurice Fitzger-
ald, lot 3, block 5, Bigelow's Bluff Ad
ditipn to Dalles City ; $1 and other, con
Joseph A. Wilson to Gertrude Kin:
ports Wilson, the nw of thenwj of
sec 14, tp2, n of r 10a; $500.
Dim Social.
The ladies of . the Congregational
church will receive their friends at the
house of Mr. S. L. Brooks on Friday
evening of this week. - They hope, by
this effort, to aid in some small matters
which especially belong to their depart
ment of church work, and to render
quid pro quo for whatever their friends
give them. All are cordially invited.
Cord Wood. '
We again have an abundant supply of
dry fir and bard wood for immediate
delivery at the-towest rates, and hope to
be fayored with a liberal share of the
trade. Jos. T. Peters & Co.
Subscribe for The Chronicle.
stores lost strength, gives vigor to cir
culation, promotes good appetite and a
flow of cheerful spirits. Price $1.00 per
bottle. For sale by the Snipes-Kinersly
Drug Co.
to Portland
convention of
Following is the list of letters remain
ing in the postoffice atJThe Dalles un
called for Oct. 27, 1894. Persons calling
for the same will give date on which
they were advertised :
Adams, Miss Sue Ankuey, Cordeliah
Allison, Mrs Emma Brisbine, Miss Mary
uaristrom, jn u .Davis, vv ti
Durgan, Frank Easton. Freddie
Evarson. Hans O Green, O
Gideon, Mrs Sadie Guitar, Jack (2)
Henderson, Ed
Johnson, H G
Laurie, Gus
Mohr, Miss Susie
McKivor, Thos
Hewitt, Jno
Knox, E B
Miller, Mrs T W
McCauley, Dennis
Nettletou, Herbert
Pearson, Miss Mary Powell, Miss Alice
Robinson, M A (2) Rolum, R S
Smith, O L Taft, J O
Taylor, Mr (Quarry-Taylor, W H
man) Taft, Qhas
Taylor, Jas N Tishler, Geo
J. A. Ceossen, P .M.
Mr. Ben Southwell of 8-Mile is very
low with typhoid fever.
Judge Blakeley went
yesterday to attend the
county judges.
T. A. Hudson, who has been in Port
land for a day or two, arrived home last
night, eeriously ill.
In this city, Oct. 25th, Mrs. Lucy F.
Ewbank, aged 61 years.
Fnneral will take place from the resi
dence of her daughter, Mrs. Maud
Fowler, on Sixth street, between Liberty
and Union, tomorrow (.Saturday) at 10
When Jack calls on Miss Eleanor,
He always brings her plenty
Of flowers and ehocolate bonbons, which
Most cnarm tne mam oi iwemy .
And though Sir Jack has skinny arms,
. i rtrl 1 arret o a Yt tn net nhoacan tb'
How could one blame Hiss Eleanor,
Who much admires his presents ;
No woman bas any real admiration
for a man's presence unless the man has
good physique legs and arms well
filled out. You can't be "'well-looking"
if you suffer from any of the diseases
caused by a disordered liver or impure
blood dyspepsia, biliousness, and scrof
ulous affections. , Dr. Pierce's Golden
Medical Discoverv is a medicine that
cures these cases. It's the only remedy
that's guaranteed to benefit or cure, in
every case, or the money refunded.
Medical science stamps it "absolutely
potent" as a blood-cleanser, strength
restorer and flesh-builder. " ' '
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde.
Richard E. French, who will appear
here Monday, Nov. 5th, in Dr. Jekyll
and Mr. Hyde, is an actor of experience,
and is well known in nearly every city
of America. His career, has been varied
and successful. He has appeared with
all the best known artists, including
Edwin Booth, John McCullough, Law
rence Barrett, Mme. Janaoschek, Lucille
Western, Katherine Rogers and others
j or tnree years Mr. French starred in
his successful play of Montezuma. Dur
ing the past five years he has owned and
managed theatres in Portland, Tacoma
and Seattle.
The County Judges.
The county judges of the state met in
Portland yesterday, and County Judge
Northrup extended to them the freedom
of the Multnomah county jail. After
they had all managed to get out on their
own recognizance, they- proceeded to
hold a business meeting. . It is really t
very, important movement, and one lia
ble to result in much good, but not much
was accomplished except the exchange
of views on important' matters and the
appointment of committees, who will re
port at a future meeting.
When persons are weak and languid
from sickness or overwork, feel debil
itated and depressed, it is an indication
that the blood is out "of order, and they
need help to throw off?the miserable
feeling. The best remedy for this pur
pose is Dr. J. H. McLean's Strength
eniiig Cordial and Blood Purifier. It re-
Notions, Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes, &c.
The worst Nasal Catarrh, no matter of
how long Btanding,is permanently cured
by Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy.
Fitz Sappy That handsome girl that
just passed actually smiled at me, by
Jove. De Cynique You do look funny,
that's a fact. Town Topics.
The success that has attended the use
of Dr." J. H. McLean's Volcanic Oil Lin-
ament in the relief of pain and in curing
diseases which seemed beyond the reach
of medicine, has been truely remarkable.
Hundreds supposed to be crippled for
life with arms and legs drawn up crook'
ed or distorted, their muscles withered or
contracted by disease have been cured
through the use of this remedy. Price
25c, 50 and $1.00 per bottle. For sale by
the Snipes-Kinersly Drug Co.
- We have made arrangements with the
San Francisco Examiner to furnish it in
connection with Thk Chronicle. Hav
ing a clubbing rate with the: Oregonian
and N. Y. Tribune for our republican
patrons, we have made this arrangement
for the accommodation of the democratic
members of The Chronicle family
Both papers, the Weekly Examiner and
Semi-Weekly Chronicle will be far
nished for one year for $2.25, cash in ad
vance. . ' "
Wnen Baby was sick, -we gave her Castorla.
When she was a Child, she cried for Castorla.
When she became Miss, she clung to Castorla.
When she had Children, she gave them Castorla.
' Interviewer To what do you attribute
your uniform prosperity? Moneybags
To the fact that I never was rich
enough to keep a yacht. Town Topics
Just Ffeceived,
'f!nh drivers are invited to examine our New Prices, as everything will be-
sold with the smallest profit. SpeciM Bargains every day of the week. .
Ym Can't Anor to Onr it Is
In anticipation of a renewal of business activ
ity, we have bought an enormous line,of Men's
Underwear and Overshirts for Fall and Winter,
which we have placed on the market at prices
to suit the times.
33- TJTJ
. guccessor to Paul Kreft & Co.
And the Most Complete and Latest Patterns and Designs in
PRACTICAL PAINTER and PAPER HANGER. None but the best brands
of J. W. MASURY'S PAINTS used in all our work, and none but the
most skilled workmen employed. Agents for Masury Liquid Paints. No chem
icel combination or soap mixture. A first-class article in all colors. All orders
promptly-attended to. , . .
Store and Paint Shoo corner Third and Washington Sts., - The Dalles, 0reon
' Onp. Warfl, Kerns &lobertson's Livery Stalls, on Second St.
Second-hand Furniture Bought Sold.
Money Loaned on Jewelry and other Valuables.
erty placed with me at reasonable commission. Give me a call.