a ) twullmWIslJ te f tit VOL. VII THE DALLES, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1894. NO. 258 THE ANGEL OF DEATH Still Hovering Over the Czar of Russia. NO IMPROVEMENT IS NOTICEABLE Foreign Residents Warned of Saucer In Certain PlacesJapanese Diet Closed Its Session. St. Petersbubg, Oct 23. The follow ing bulletin was issued at 10 oclock this morning: "The czar slept better last night. Hia majesty has little appe tite, and there is no improvement in the imperial patient's strength or in the ac tion of the heart. His oedema has in creased." Reached a Terrible Crisis. . Paris, Oct 23. A dispatch to Figaro from Livadia says the disease from which the czar is suffering recently reached a terrible crisis, which lasted thirteen hours. The dispatch adds: "At present his majesty is slightly bet ter. . The imperial physicians, though treating the situation as serious, are less pessimistic Change for the Worse. Berlin, Oct. 23. A Livadia dispatch says that the czar has changed for the worse. His abdomen and legs are swollen. He moves but little, except with assistance. Tbree Days to X.1to. Vienna, Oct. 23. Private advices re ceived ia this city state that the czar's demise may be looked for within three days. The Cxarewltch's Bride. Livadia, Oct. 23. Princess Aiix of Hesse-Darmstadt, the betrothed wife of the czarewitch, arrived here at 5:30 yes terday, accompanied by Grand Duchess Sergius of Russia. The princess was met at the Russian frontier by Grand Duchess Sergius. At Alustha the bride elect was welcomed by the czarewitch and his uncle, Grand Duke Sergius. As the princess and party drove through Yalta, the czarewitch and his intended bride, seated side by side, were heartily cheered by crowds. . The imperial castle was reached at dusk, and Princess Alix was immediately conducted into the presence of the czar and czaiina. The imperial sufferer greeted the princess with every mark of affection. The bride-elect, accompanied by the czarina and other members of the imperial family, proceeded to the chapel caBtle. A eolemn religious service was then con . ducted, Princees Alix kneeling beside the empress, joining in long and fervent supplications offered for the recovery of the czar. After the religious ceremony the princess and imperial party returned to the room occupied by. the czar. The Grand Duke and Duchess Vladimir, the former a brother of the emperor, ar rived Sunday, and the king of Greece is on his way from Vienna. Professor Merzchjeweki, specialist in nervous diseases, supposed to have been summoned to attend the czarina, has re turned to St. Petersburg, from which it is presumed there is no truth in the sen' sational stories circulated regarding the health of her majesty. Marriage Will Take Place. St. Petersburg, Oct. 23. It is an nounced that the marriage of the czare witch to Princess Alix of Hesse will take place at Livadia unless the condition of the czar is so serious as to prevent. Will Be Quietly Married. Berlin, Oct. 23. The Cologne Gazette publishes a dispatch from St. Peters burg saying it is now generally accepted that the arrival of Princess Alix at Liva dia will bejfollowed by her prompt ad mission into the Greek church and mar riage quietly to the czarewitch. y The Japanese Diet. Hiroshima, Oct. 23. The special ses sion of the Japanese diet closed yester day. Every measure presented was unanimously passed. A memorial was unanimously adopted urging the govern' ment to execute the desire of the mikado with a view to the restoration of peace in the East, the increase of the glory of Japan,' the punishment of China and the prevention of future disturbances of Eastern peace. The memorial concludes ' Highest of all in Leavening Power. with the declaration that Japan will not tolerate interference by any nation to prevent her obtaining the ultimate ob jects of the war which she has " been waging against China. Earthquake! In California. San Francisco, Oct. 23. Dispatches received this evening show that South ern California was shook by severe earthquakes shortly after 3 o'clock this afternoon. At Los Angeles the shocks were light and scarcely noticed, but at Ocean side, Santa Ana, San Diego and other places the tremors were more ee vere They drove people from large buildings into the streets. Windows were broken and clocks were stopped at Sau Diego. A telephone message received here from Campo, a small town on the Mex ican border, 55 miles east, says the shock there was severe, but the damage not serious. The Seismic disturbances were heavi est at San Juan Capistrono, were, be sides the breaking of windows, crockery was shattered in many houses. Foreign Residents Warned. London, Oct. 23. A Shanghai dis patch says the Chinese fleet, which re cently left Port Arthur, has reached Wei-Nei. The taotai of Shanghai has re quested foreign consuls to warn the sub jects of their governments to avoid lo calities where large bodies of Chinese are stationed, He also requested that all Japanese residents of China, to whom' he refers as "Fawning pigmies," shall register at the city of Tien-Tein by the 20th prox. Reports have been received in Shang hai that two boats connected with the torpedo service have been blown up at Taku and eight persons killed and two wounded in the disaster. Sentenced to be Hanged. Colmubia, S. C, Oct. 23. Jack Bla- don, one of Tillman's dispensary con stables, who killed the first man, a negro, for violating the dispensary law, in Spartenburgh county last April has since found guilty of murder, and sen tenced to be hanged. Bladon tried to arrest the negro, who fled, whereupon Bladon shot and killed him. Bladon had been shot in the fight which pre ceded the arrest by one of the negro's friends. Since the deed Bladon has been returned on the force, and he took part in the Darlington riot. It is be lieved his Ben ten ce will be commuted by Governor Tillman. Prominent Rancher Missing. Rio Vista, Cal., Oct. 23. Patrick Mc Cormick, a prominent rancher of this place, is missing. He left for Suisun last Wednesday morning, presumably to pay his taxes, and interest on a note. He left his team at his brother-in-law's in Suisun, and said he was going to the bank and to the courthouse. He did not do -either, but dropped completely out of sight, It is stated that he was worried about money matters, and for some time has been despondent. Town Destroyed by Earthquake. London, Oct. 23. Tokia advices state that the town of Sakata was almost whol ly destroyed by an earthquake last even ing. Many were killed and a large numbered injured. For the many accidents that occur about the farm or housebould, such as burns scalds, bruises, cuts, ragged wounds, bites of animals, mosquitoes or other insects, galls or chafed spots, frost bites, aches or pains in any part, of the body, or the ailments resulting from ex posure, as neuralgia, rheumatism, etc. Dr. J. H. McLean's Volcanic Oil Lini ment has proved itself a sovereign rem edy. Price 25c, 50c and f 1-.00 per bottle. For sale by the Snipes-Kinersly Drug Co. - - ' . Maud I'm going to keep count of how many times Jack kisses me. Susan There'll be a great fluary in the blank book market. Town Topics. The success that has attended the use of Dr. J. H, McLean's Volcanic Oil Lin- ament in the relief of pain and in curing diseases which seemed beyond the reach of medicine, has been truely remarkable Hundreds supposed to be crippled for life with arms and legs drawn up crook ed or distorted, their muscles withered or contracted by disease have, been cured through the use of this remedy. Price 25c, 50 and $1.00 per bottle. For sale by the Snipes-Kinersly Drug Co. Latest U; S. Gov't Report AAAAAAAAAA Fit is the mind that makes the man," said Watts, bat modern ethics deny this, end give the credit to the tailor. ' It i3 question able, however, if cither are right 1! Fftflfl ' ' : has some claims in cliisrespect.thereforc those .Kirents who would build up ; ue physique of their cbildrc: iiy strict attention to their diet. Children are all fouti cf pastry; for this to ba liealiW fully prepared. !! 3 must be used as a shortening. Jfll Recommended oy ine cesi looks. Consult your physician up on its healthfVilness. Bend tbree cents in stamps to N. K. Fnirbank A Co., Chicago, for hand some Cottolene Cook Book, contain ing six hundred recipes, prepared by nine emicentoathoriUes on cooking. Cottolene Is sold by all crocers. ; Befoza all substitutes. Made only by N.K. FA1RBANK & CO.. ' ST. LOUIS and CHICAGO, NEW YORK. BOSTON wwww Naval Paymasters. There are now only six assistant paymasters in the navy, and none was appointed earlier than 1892. This is the lowest grade in the pay corps, and it carries the relative rank of ensign. The assistant paymaster remains in that grade from seven to eleven years, and during the first three or four years may expect billets only on small ships and unimportant shore duty. There was a pretense fifteen or twenty years ago to appoint to the pay corps after competitive examination, but it was abandoned,' and now appointments are obtained by influence of one sort or an other. Line officers who cannot g-et their sons into the Naval academy are sometimes content to sacrifice their professional prejudice against the staff and seek for the young men places in the pay corps. The average age of men in the lowest rank of the corps is perhaps somewhat greater than that of line oflicers of like rank. Did All fie Wanted It To. An old farmer, who was sitting1 on a dry-goods box beforo the post office in the village, talking about the total failure of the crop3 and the price of corn, suddenly paused as he saw a slick-looking- city chap pass, and stepped up to him. As the young man paused, the gentleman from the coun try inquired: "Say, young chap, ain't you the fel ler what sold me the pump last sum mer?" "Perhaps I did, my friend; I sold a number in this neighborhood." "Wall, give me my money back, you durned swindler!" . "Why so? Didn't the pump do what I wanted it to?" "Not by a mighty big sight; it wouldn't raise any water at all." "Water! Pshaw! All I sold you that pump for was to raise the wind," and Mr. Slick hurried around the corner. American Tribune. A Bora Uallant. A Detroit home has among its lares et penates a small boy who will be a Chesterfield in point of manners at least, if given half a chance. He has a (Treat admiration for his mother, and yet there are times when she is compelled to punish him. Such a thing occurred the other day. "Now," she said after she had con cluded a vigorous spanning for will fulness, "I hope you have changed your mind." "No. mamma," he sobbed, "I always said I'd rather be spanked by you than kissed by any other lady in town and I think so yet" Detroit Free Press. Basle's Explanation. Little Susie carried to a neighbor's house a beautiful pat of butter all covered with fanciful markings. "How does your mother make the butter look so pretty, my dear?" some one asked. ' "Oh, she did that with our brand new comb," said Susie. Toledo Blade, Don't commit suicide-on account of your "incurable" blood disease. The Bensiblev thing for you to do is to take Ayer's Sarsaparilla. If that fails, why, then keep on trying, and it will not MTTaLIII & - 1 I. m ill fail. The trouble is, people get dis couraged . too soon. - '"Try, try, try again." . NOTICK. No Freight will be accepted fox ship ment between the hours of 5 P. M . and 8 A. M., except Live Stock and Perish able Onods. . !., I. A. N. Co. - 7nly SOtu, 1894. For Balance of this Week. AM Regular $4.00 values Regular $5.50 values LADIES Remember for Kensington Storm Rubbers, 50c per pair. For Infants and Children. . Castoria promotes Digestion, and overcomes Flatulency, Constipation, Soar Stomach, Diarrhoea, and Feverishness. Thus the child ia rendered healthy and its sleep natural. Castoria contains no Morphine or other narcotic property. Castoria Is po well adapted to children that I recommend It as superior to any prescription known to me." H. A. Abohkk, H. D., Ill South Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. T. For several years I have recommenaed your Castoria, and shall always continue to do so, as it has invariably produced beneficial results." Edwth F. Fardkb, M. D., 325th Street and 7th Ave., New York City. "The use of 'Castoria is so universal and its merits so well known that it seems a work of supererogation to endorse it. Pew are the ln tellifrent families who do not keep Castoria within easy reach. Cabum BLiBTTK, D. D., NewYorkOity. Tn Czhtaos Cokpakt, 77 Murray Street, 17. T. FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. TRANSACT AliKNEttALBANKING BCSINE8B Iettur of Credit issued available in the Eastern States. Sight Exchange and Telegraphic Transfers sold on New York, Chicago, St. Louis, San Francisco, Portland Oregon, Seattle Wash., and varioni point in Or egon and Washington. Collections rual at rH noints mi fav orable ternif. , Lais' Maciista ni Nrouibis EJMbARGEpET of STORE. Owing to increase of business and putting in a stock of Dry Goods, the store has been lengthened by thirty-five feet. FROM ENGLAND DIRECT LADIES' Tiii Iriiii Hals, Fata, Flows. Agency of the Brownsville Clothing, Underwear, Blankets, Etc., Etc. ASSORTED LINE. Something very Dressy in Plaids, Stripes and Black. W at , $2.95 at ........ 4.25 Regular $9.50 values at .. .. .$7.80 Regular $10.50 values at. .. .... 8.75 Don't Neglect This Opportunity. the balance of this week only. A. M. WILLIAMS & GO. E. JACOBSEN THE LEADER IN Pianos and Organs, Books, NOTIONS, STATIONERY. Call and get his prices. Sells PIANOS on easy monthly payments, and is prepared to meet any COMPETITION. 162 Second St, THE DALLES, OR J. .1. SCHSNCK, President. J. II. Patterson, Cashier. first flational Bank. THE DALLES, t- OREGON A General Banking Business transacted Deposits received, subject to Sight Draft or Check. Collections made and proceeds promptly remitted on day of collection. Sight and Telegraphic Exchange sold uu New York, San Francisco and Port land. DIRBOTOKS D. P. Thompson. Jno. S. Schkmck. Ed. M. Williams, Geo. A . Liebb. H. M. Bball. . House Moving! Andrew Velarde IS prepared to do any and all kinds of work in his line at reasonable figures. Has the largest house moving outfit in Kastern Oregon. . ' Address P.O. Boxl81.The Dalles JosoES M. H0NYWILL, ) Importer. OF A complete line of Rubber Footwear Just received. DOORS, WINDOWS, SHINGLES, FIRE BRICK, FIRE CLAY, LIME and CEMENT, Window-Glass and Picture Moulding, IEEE. G- Xj IEj UST Snipes-Kinersly Drug Co. DEALERS IN Pure Drugs - Cecals. FINE LINE OF IMPORTED and DOMESTIC CIGA8S At Our Old Place of Business.