CM) B Bran and Shorts (Diamond Mills), $12 per ton. Flour at Bedrock Prices. Good Potatoes, 65c a sack. Seed "Wheat. Chicken "Wheat, 75c sack. Choice "Wheat, Timothy and Alfalfa Hay. 'All Goods Sold at Lowest O". -EE. Telephone No. 61. There has been an afternoon party for woman only every day this week. The women will need the assistance of the men, however, a little later, when the fall hate begin to arrive. Atchison Globe. YOU CAN SEE IT, perhaps, one of Dr Pierce's Pleas Wit Pellets but you can't feel it after it's taken, Apd yet it does more good than ariyJ of . the hu, old-fashioned pills, with their grip ing and violence. These tiny Pel lets, the, smallest apd, easiest to take, ivojisu- .derangements of the liver, stomach .and bowels are permanently cured. They're the cheapest, for. they're . guaranteed to give satisfaction, 01 your money is returned. You pay jonly for the good, you get. A square offer of $500 in gold is made by the proprietors of Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy, for any case of Catarrh in the Headj no matter how bad 01 of how long standing, which they cannot cure. Mack They had a consultation of doc tors at Higbee's yesterday. Bradford , Whom did they call in? Mack The un dertaker. Life. AH Free. . Tioeewho have used Dr.. King's New . Disicovery know its value, apd tibse'who " have not, have, now the opportunity to try it free. Call on the advertised drug ,gi8t and get a trial bottle, free. Send your name and address to H. E. Bucklen A Co., Chicago, and get a, sample box of Dr. King's New' Lie Pills t free; as well as a copy of Guide to Health and House hold Instraqtor, free. All; of : which is guaranteed to do you good and cost you nothing. " Sold bv Snipes & KinerBly. "Can't they find ' old BrinkerofFs will?" 'No; his wife put it in the pocket of one of her dresses before- she died.'S-rBrooklyn Life. For the many accidents that occnr about, the fare or hoqs?houldf auph.-asl . burns scalds, bruises, . cuts, ragged, wounds, bites of animals, mosquitoes or other insects, galls or chafed spots, frost bites, aches or pains in any part of the body, or the ailments resulting from ex posure, as neuralgia, rheumatism, etc. .. Div J','H. McLean's Volcanic "Oil Lini ment has proved itself a sovereign' rem edy. Price 25c, 50c and $1.00 per bottle. For sale by the Snipes-Kinersly Drug . Co. ' '.'' " ' : : " "I'll bet I could stand for four rounds in the ring with Corbett." "That's non sense. You overlook the first essential toacaeeting." "What's that?" "First catch your Corbett,'' Washington Star. See the World's Fair for Fifteen Cents ' Upon receipt of your address and fif teen cents in ' postage stamps, we will mail you prepaid our souvenir portfolio of the world's Columbian exposition, the regular price is fifty cents,, but as we want yen to have. one, we make the price nominal. You will find it a work o' art and a thing to be prized. It con tains foil page views of the great build ings, .with descriptions of same, and is executed In highest style of art. If not bring you. neip tna-crr6v vni ition, indigestion: xmious AiiacKB, ick or Bilious Headaches, and all " satisfied with it, after you get it, we will refund the stamps and let you keep' the book. Address H. E. Bucklen & Co., ' Chicago, HI BEIOC mi Seed Rye. . ' Feed Oats. ' x Rolled Barley. Poultry and Eggs bought and sold. Choice Groceries & Fruits. Grass Seeds. Living Prices. Cor. Second and Union Sts. NOTICE. To All Whom it May Concern: By order of the Common Council of Dalles City, made. and entered on the 3d day of October, 1894, notice is hereby given that said City Council is about to proceed to order and make the improve ment in Tenth street in said City as hereinafter stated and that the cost of snch improvement will be levied upon the property adjacent thereto and said improvement will be made unless with in fourteen days from the final publica tion of this notice the owners of two thirds, Qf. the property adjacent to said street about to be . improved, shall file their written rembnstrance, against such improvement as by 'charter provided. The improvement - contemplated, and about to be made is as' follows, to-wit : To improve Tenth street by building a sidewalk, on the north side thereof, six feetwide, commencing' at the intersec tion of Tenth-street with Unior street, in said city and running thence easterly 75 feet. Said improvement, will be constructed in accordance with the provisions, of Ordinance5 No, 270, which passed 'the Common Council of Dalles Citv, May 10th, 1893. Dated this 15th day of October, 1894. Douglas S. Dufuk, Octl5-30 Recorder of Dalles City. NOTICE. To All Whom it May Concern: By order of the Common Council, of Dalles City , made and entered On! the 7th day of September, 1894, notice is hereby given that said City Council is about, to proceed to order and make a sewer in the streets and parts of streets as hereinafter stated and that the cost of stjch : Improvement will be levied upon the property' directly bene fited thereby, as by charter provided. The improvement contemplated and about to be made is as follows, to-wit; ' To construct a terra cotta sewer com mencing on Court street at low water mark in the Columbia river, thence southerly to Fifth street ; thence easterly to Washington street ; thence southerly to . Falton street ; thence easterly to Laughlio street ; thence southerly to the alley south of Alvord street. Said sewer shall be of the following size, to-wit: From the Columbia river to Fourth street, sixteen inches ; from Fourth street to the corner of Washington and Fulton streets twelve inches, and from said point' to the -termination thereof eight inches. Said improvement will be constructed in accordance with the provisions of Ordinance No. 270, which passed' the Common Council of Dalles City, May 1A.K IMW'' Dated this 15th day of October, lS94r ' ,s ' s ; Douglas S.' Dcfo'k,' . Octl5-30 Recorder, of Dalles! City. NOTICE. To All Whom It May Concern ; By order of the. Common Council of Dalles City, made" and.: entered on the 3rd day ot October. 1894. notice is Here by given that said City Council is about to proceed to order and) make the im provement in union street; in saia city, as hereinafter . stated, ahd;that the cost of such improyent, will ' be levied upon the property adjacent thereto, and said improvement will be made no less with in fourteen days from the final publica tion of this notice the owners of two thirds of the property, adjacent to said street, aboat to be improved, shall file their written remonstrance against such improvement as by charter provided The improvement" ' contemplated and about to be made is as follows',' to-wit : To improve and grade Union street in said city, thirty feet in width in the center thereof, from the intersection of Tenth street to Thirteenth street ; thence west one block to Liberty street ; thence south one block to Fourteenth street : thence west on Fourteenth stieet four blocks to Trevitt street ; thence south one. block to, Fifteenth street; thence west on Fifteenth street two blocks ter minating at the intersection of Fifteenth and Mount Hood streets. ".' "'"' T"V AU of said improvement will be con structed in accordance with the provi sions of ordinance No. 270, which passed the Common Council of Dalles City: May 1U, 183. - Dated this 15th iay of October, 1894. .DOUGLAS D. JJTTFUB, ' Octl5-30 m Recorder of Dalles City. ' : Bitklen'i Arlnea, Salve. 1 he best salve in tne world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fevei sores, tetter, chapped bands, chilblains, corns, and all skin eruptions and posi tively cures piles, or no pay required It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac tion, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. . For sale by Snipes & Kin ersly. - AnptheCall. - - All county warrants registered prior to January 1, 1891, will be paid on pre sentation at my office. Interest ceases after Sept 10th. WmMichsix, ' ' ' ' ' ' County.Treasurer.. STPR1 ESk FRO Mi-,TH6r SK..-- Historical and Traditional Stories of tbe Fall of Aerolite. Every country and every age has its historical, seministorical or tradition al stories concerning immense stones falling from the sky; or, more prop erly, from space. Levi tells of a whole shower of aerolites which fell on the mountains near Rome in the year 654 B. C. The Arundel Marbles (marble tables giving the events of the Grecian history from. 1582 B. C. to 624 B. C. in chronical order) give an account of a great stone which "fell down from heaven" at Aeogostami about the year 467 B. C. ' Pliny, who died in the year 79 A. D., says that in his time the 'great air-stone" mentioned in the foregoing was. still to , be seen on the Hellespont; "and," he quaintly adds, it is even now of the bigness, of a wagon.": '. . . - , . Since, the opening of the present century .there have . been ' several well attested instances of falls of stone from the regions 6f space. . In the'year 1803 a perfect shower of litho-missiles fell in the farming country adjacent to L Aigle, France,, upwards of three thousand separate stones failing upon a wedge-shaped section of country eight miles long by about four miles wide. Aerolites,, or. "meteorites," as they are sometimes called, usually fall singly," sometimes in pairs, and, less frequently, in showers, as was the case at New Concordia, O., in I860, when nearly two hundred red-hot stones fell in a field in broad daylight. Up to January 1, 1894, there had been between three hundred and three hun dred and fifty recorded instances of stones falling from the unknown re gions outside of our' atmosphere, and in eight of these the fall was in the shape of "showers," the individual missiles numbering from ten. to five thousand, and of all sizesi from that;of an orange to immense blocks of strange combinations of minerals weighing hundreds of tons. GETTING ACCLIMATED. Jim's Unique Way of Learning to Be a Good Husband. Jim is a teamster for a manufactur ing establishment in Detroit, and until a; "week- or: ten" days asro Jim "was a bachelor and happy, Then, in a mo-, ment of' recklessness, he srot married,' the lady in'' the case Vbeihg1 about ten years' Older than ho and vfrith a temper on her that was simply terrific. ' Jim took her to a little house ho had rented: and settled, .down to domestic bliss,. but' somehow it' wasn't a success,' says the Detroit! Free Press.' ' The other evening - the policeman! -flfrho is oil that beat, and who has known Jim a lonij time'; nbticed him' come' out and Sit on the front steps awhile, then, go .in and shortly afterward reappear, f orr a. few, moments, then go. in again. He watched this peculiar ' action for' an hour, and the next time Jim a'ppeared" he went over to him. ' ' "What's the matter?" he asked. Jinj " jerked his thumb over his shoulder and smiled a wan sort of a imiie. N ' ' ' ; ' :: - The policeman didn't understand-. "Got married, you know," said JinT "Yes," replied the .officer. : "Only four days agot" said Jim.' The 'officer nodded,. " "Well," said Jim, "my wife's got a mighty spicy temper and I'm trying to get used to her on the installment plan."- A WIZARD'S FEAST. Qneer Surprise That Chinese Hosts Per petrate on Their Gnests. "I once attended a swell Chinese ban quet, and. was not, a little surprised at the way in which tome of the delicacies were served," said Walter F. Logan, of Sacramento, Cal., at the La Clede re cently. "After we had discussed -the most substantial portion of the repast and dessert was being served, oranges were placed bef Are each guest, the skins of which had apparent! v not been broken, yet from which the pulp had in some mysterious manner been re moved and four or five different kinds of jelly substituted in its place. , : "The guests expressed a good deal of astonishment as to, how such an opera tion had, been accomplished, but their amazement was only increased when a dish of eggs, the shells, of which ap peared to be perfectly ;whole, tvas placed upon the table. Examination showed the, contents . of s-the " eggs had been removed, and the shells filled with nuts and candy. - . . , "Our host smilingly refused to tell us how-Bu'c wonderful results had been, "accomplishedi'and.'we left the house completely, mystified. " WOMAN'S LIFE IN INDIA. , : : i - An - Existence TVJtfipat Wickedness, Bat ' ' ' 'intolerable.'";"'"' ' '.-" .The position of the native women of Rajputana is. singularly: deplorable. Penned from their babyhood within the narrow, limits of - the zenana, they, are cutoff from all. con tact with the outer world, with which they communicate only through their slave girls, seeing not only up., men buV hardly any wom en,' very few ladies bf sufficient high rank living within visiting, distance of each other. They are quite uneducated, unable to either read or write or work: nothing, therefore, remains to them but their affections, and; thejse areoutr raged, their iusbands "'professing no love for them and visiting :them but Oc casionally, their children being taken from them at a very early age and placed under the guardianship of men, their mothers being considered unfit, and, alas! truly, to -bring them up. Is it to be wondered at that such an edu cation, such a violation .. of every in stinct, every need of a human being, should produce creatures singularly de praved? . ' ' '" 1 ' . Great marchers. The French soldiers have the tradi tion of being the best marchers in Eu rope." The rate of marching laid down in ,the infantry -drill, 1892 fba,t is 120 paces 6f thirty' inches ptr. minute gives a rate of 3 miles and 720 yards per hour; or, including the five min utes' halt, 3 miles and 220 yards per-fift-five minutes. Mexican Mustang Liniment f6r Burns, - Caked & Inflamed Udders. Piles, Rheumatic Pains,;' Bruises and Strains, Running Sores, , Inflammations. Stiff joints, : r' .1 Harness & Saddle Sores. Sciatica, Lumbago, Scalds, Blisters, v Insect Bites, All Cattle Ailments, All Horse Ailments, All Sheep Ailments,' Penetrates Muscle, Membrane and Tissue Quickly, to the Very. Seat of Pain and Ousts it in a' Jiffy. Rub in Vigorously. Mustang Liniment conquers "Pain, -Makes Han or Beast -well Agan. .- i ifThe Regulator Line" Tie DaSes, Fiid ni Astoria Navigation Go. THROUGH . Through -Daily Trips. (Sundays exr cepted) between The Dalles and Port land. Steamer Regulator leaves The Dalles at 7 a.m., connecting at the Cas cade Locks with 8teamer, Dalles City. Steamer Dalles City leaves. Portland (Yamhill et. dock) at 6. a. m., connect ing with Steamer Regulator for The Dalles. . . One wayl Round .trip. . ..$200 .3,00 Freight Rates GreatJy Reduced. . All freight, excett car lots. will be brought through, with out aeiay at uascaaes. . . Shipments ' for. , Portland, receive at any time day or night. Shipments tor way landings mubt be delivered before & p. m. Live, stock shipmentaaolicted. Call on ora4Are?' ? - , ' . .- v W t?. ALLAWAYi . n- Jeurl, Aghnl-;'i THE-DALLfeS; ' OREGON J F. MD, M'M Of Des. MoIne, low, trrltee under.. datcoi - J March 28, 1893; . S.B. Mp. Mfo, Co.,'"'.' ; " - Dufur, Oregon. . Oettilemen f-' ' -'.'-;' - - i .-On, arriving; home last week, 1. found all well and. anxjouslyr awaiting, . Our little girl, eight "and one-half years o& who naa wasted away to 38 pounds, is now well, strong and vigorous, and well fleshed up. . S. Bv Cough Cure has dans its work well. Both of the children like it. Your S. B. Cough, Cure has cured and kept 'away all hoarseness from' me. So give it to every one, with greetings for all. Wishing you prosperity, we are Yours, Mb. & Alas, J, F. Fobd. If you wish to f eei fresh and cheerful, and read; far the Spring's work, cleanse your aystem wjth the Headache and Li tot Cure, tj taking two or three doaea each week. '. ;t .. ; Sold under a positive guarantee. 50 ccnta per bottle by all druggists. Ad. Keller is now located at W. H; Butts' bid stand, land will e glad to aib ; upon his many Mends. C3ef York Weelils TriliM - -AND- .. ... . ' ' : III 111 WiSfl ; ; llliilea ?HE CHRONICLE was established for the ex press, purpose of faithfully representing TDhe Dalles and thd surrounding cbuntry, and the satisfying effect, of its mission is: everywhere apparent. It "now leads all . other publications in Wasco, Sher man, Gilliam, a large part of Crook, Morrow and. Grant counties, as well as Klickitat and other ie- ' gions north of xThe Dalles, hence it is the best medium for advertiser in the Inland Empire. The Daily Chronicle is published every eve-, i ning in the week Sundays excepted at $6.00 per annum. The Weekly Chronicle on FHdays of each week at $1.50 per annum. For advertising rates, subscriptions, etc, address THE CHRONICLE PUBLISHING CO., . ja?ptx Dalles, Oregon. RST ?, ANf '. - U-V u) - . . ,; i'i 'A''::'f 5 - . K- -' Mil CHRONICLE O FFI C E Reasonably CCrfflTSJfUDEMARKsf . ArtHXDI? UTO . . vuriniuniflt -v-- CAW I OBTAIN A PATENT For a prompt answer and an honest opinion, write to Ml .NN V ;.. who bare bad nearly fifty years' experience in the patent business. Commons ca- . tions strieOy confidential. ' A iiatfdbook-of Iiw' formation conoemioa Patents and bow to od tain them sent free. Also a catalogue ot ' leal and scientiflo books sent free. - - . ' ' .. . . Patents "tatcn tbrouKb Muna 'ft Co. rooetTe Special notice In tbe Scientific American, and; tbna are brought widely beloretbe public wttn out cost to the In Ten tor. This solendid paper. Issued weekly, elegantly illustrated, has by far the largest circulation ot any scientific work in to world. S3 a year. Sample copies sent tree. Building Edition, monthly. S2.60 a year. 8tngl I copies, 2S cents. Every bomber contains beau I til ul plates, in eolors. and photographs of new houses, with plana, enabling builders to show tbr . latest dyJrrr and secure rorrrn-rt5. --- $1,75. . ' f- t iV i S : -. .. .. . V . , . CLKSS n 'ii -A )! :L Q HAD - AT TH E; Ruinous Rats. CavMita.mnd Trade-Marks obtained, and all Pat ent business Conducted for Moderate p"rta. OunOmctii OrTotrrt U.S. 1ATrwT orrice and we can secure intent in less time than those remote from Washington. ' ' ' 1 . oenu mooei, otkwiuz or pnovo., wna f-Bon.- We adrrse. if tatentable or not, tree of cturgre. ' Onx foe not due tilt patent Is secirred. cost of same ii the U. S. and foreign countries sent free. Address, ' .v: . . i " --- ii 11s1 BBfiiiiiiii i ii i lift i 'if-