The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, October 19, 1894, Image 3

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nun nnroini oni r vr
In It,
" To bring into popular notice
our Dress Goods Department,
We Offer .
A handsome tine of DRESS
GOODS. See center window.
Dress Pattern Lengths
And as a still further exhibition of
our good -will, we will give you free
with each dress, the waist and skirt pat
terns the latest designs of the Stand
ard Fashion-Co. : 5
Thus for $1.75 you have the Dress
Goods and also the patterns for cut
ting the dress.
All Goods Marked in Plain Figures.
Jor the purpose of introducing
The Detroit Waist
the regular price ol which is $1.25,
We Offer Them,
JHisaMDnty $i.QO.
O &
- Y O
This Waist is made of English Sat
teen with fine cording; has' a plaited
bust, which is lined with meliiio gauze,
making it very soft and pliable.
All Goods Marked in .Plain Figures. ...
HAY and' G-RAIN;
all at the lowest prices at
and You Know It.
We are selling more goods, than ever, -for
the simple reason that
We pay more for Produce ' than any
other dealer in The Dalles.
Consult Xbur j nterests,
and Trade with
!i? it. ft V V. t tt'.
Telephone No. 20.
' 2 Best flotel in the Cityl
Chapman Block, The Dalles, Oregon.
I have taken 11 first prizes. . , - .
The Dalles Daily !(teqniele.:
-entered a the Postoffice at The Dalles, Oregon,
as second-class matter.
Clubbing List.
' " ! . Regular Our
price price
Chroniel ud If. T. Tribnie .$2.50 $1.75
" mi Wwklj Orfgoniai ....... 3.00 2.00
" aid Weekly Examiner 3.25 ; 2.25
" Weekly Kew York World 2.25 ' 2.00
Local AdrertlslUK.
10 Cents per line for first insertion, and 6 Cents
uer line for each subsequent insertion.
Special rates for long time notices.
All local notices received later than S o'clock
rill appear the following day.
OCTOBER 19. 1894
Leaves From the Notebook of Chronicle
The weather predictions for today and
tomorrow are rain, stationary.
Mr. W. H. Groat drew.the silver set
at the Wizard Oil entertainment last
Maya & Crowe have just received an
other shipment of the celebrated Wil
son heater. ..
There will be a cabinet meeting of the
Epworth League, this evening at 8
o'clock in the lectnre room of the M. E.
The recorder levied a fine of $5 upon
John Doe this morning, jnst because the
said John Doe was overloaded with tan
glefoot ' , .
The Seufert Bros. are. arranging for
re-building their fish wheels, and ex
pect to have them in running, order in
time for the May run. :. .
The sound of the wood saw is heard at
all hours of the day, and there is wood
enough on the beach, one would think,
to last the community for a year or
More grain has arrived in the past
' few days than ever before in the same
length of time. Th East End is filled
with it and the warehouses have all they
-can handle. h :
. The Oregon Bar Association is in ses
sion at Portland. Most: of Jthose in at
tendance are residents of Portland, but
among them we note the same of Hon.
Dr. Sutherland was called to Lyle
Monday to attend Marcus Vanbibber,
who met with an accident while hauling
hay, resulting in a broken leg. The
doctor went down again this morning to
look after his patient.
' The Regulator is doing an excellent
passenger business, and is carrying
large quantities of freight. The river
, route from The Dalles to Portland is un
: equaled for Bcenery in the United States,
nd wb; doubt if the" world - can 'produce
ranymijpg granaer. - i ; - -
". The Winans ; Bros. ' big ' fouKhorse
'' team. passe4 through town this morning
"loaded with lumber, which will be used
I in .' replacing the: fish . wheels- carried
i"away: by., the June '..flood J"": All, their
ington. '"'':"
'Mrs. G. A. Herbert and childrenjwho
have been in . Antelope since the flood,
rejoined Mr. Herbert at Grant on the
14th. , While . the distillery is under
going repairs '. Mr. H. is devoting his
time to making the traveling public as
much at home as possible at the Grant
hotel, near the depot. Observer.
' . The principal occupation of the Asso
ciated Press people seems to be in re
porting cases of missing men and robbed
trains or banks. Train-robbing is get- j
ting so common and so profitable that it
will ; no doubt find a place in the next
census as one of the leading industries
of the country. The tariff doesn't seem
toi interfere with it, either.
Everding and , Farrell shipped seven
carloads of canned salmon to Texas yes
terday. The cannery haB closed down,
owing to the fish having quit running.
Notwithstanding the high water and
lost time, the catch for the season was
above the average. In fact the cannery
was unable to handle the fish offered
during a large portion of the season.
M. H.' Nickelsen and T. C. Dallas,
school directors of district No. 3, which
is the town of Hood River, are in the
city today perfecting, the sale of bonds
issued by the district for the purpose of
erecting a echoolhouse.. . The matter has
been much delayed but is now completed.
The delay, however, will prevent the
erection of the building until next. year.
We are informed that three or four
boys from 14 to 17 years of age, made up
their mind to see the wide, wide world,
and yesterday started on their travels
without first asking permission. They
will probably get tired pretty quick and
learn as many a boy has before them,
that the best place in the world is home,
and the best friends their parents.
Politics re evidently running high
and personal feelings growing warmer in
Klickitat. A Chronicle subscriber the
other day stopped his paper because we
mentioned the fact that our friend Gour
lay . had started a paper in Goldehdale.
It strike us that Gourlay can stand lots
of that kind, of punishment, and we
know The Chronicle will not go bust
on that account. "
A loaded gravel train on the spur at
Grant got away on the 12th and wrecked
seven cars' a the C. C. Co.'s Columbus
landing,' including three partly loaded,
damaging 1,000 sacks ot Klickitat wheat,
.and utterly demolishing the whole seven
'cars in the crash. The cause of the ac
cident was a-iiump from the locomotive,
which sent the gravel train ahead before
coupling could be made, and as there
were no breaks upon the gravel cars it
was simply a case of ''Let 'er go, Galli
gher." Observer.
' The Wizard, Oil. troupe continues to
draw crowded houses. The entertain-
ment is an -excellent one, and the prices
for admission are such that it is cheaper
to attend than to stay at home. An
other attraction is the magnificent pres
ents they give away.; A jilver set every
evening to those - who porchasev bottle
of pilj anda"diamoi)d ring,at-tetjding'
V Every bbdyj wears .diatntfnds
when, Itheizard Oii troupe shows, for
if they, don't geVtherrnflgs,'ha; jewels
sparkle tin Vthieir eyes.'foK they have to
laugh.'- . ' : ' ' ''':.'J " : ' .-.
He Was a Sneezer.
When Baby was sick, we gave her Castoria. '
When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria.
When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria,
When she had Children, she gave them Castoria,
Three shabby girls and a Bhabby man
got into a north-bound car at the post
office the other day ;. soon after the man
sneezed, says the Chicago Time?. He
and the girls were strangers to each
other, but the sauciest of the three girls
laughed when he sneezed. The1 man
took no special -notice of her, but soon
he sneezed again and again, and then all
three of the girls giggled and so did the
man. . In the next three blocks the man
sneezed half a dozen times, and at each
sneeze the sauciest of the girls said
something and the others laughed. - By
this time the other passeneers were in
terested and "everybody 'awaited the
man's sneeze. wHq kept it up at inter
vals for thenexVhaii jimile, and every
body in the car roared at each' explosion.
New passengers got-in -'to find the whole
car in coiivulsions. Staid persons at
first tried not to laugh, but when the
man'a face' twitched as his sneeze hung
fire and the sauciest girl cried,. ' Watch
him go off,V even they had to join in the
fun. '
Passengers came and went, but the
man and the three girls remained.
Everybody came in sober and went out
laughing, and after the thing had been
going on for three miles the passengers
who got in at the postoffice were in
doubt whether the man had fever or was
only an excellent facial contortionist.
Advertised Letters.
Following is the list of letters remain
ing in the postoffie at The Dalles un
called for Oct. .20, 1894. Persons calling
for the same will give date on which
they were advertised :
Adams, F E
Blamle, C E
Beaumont, M
Clarke, W H
Uooke, Geo
Luxill, Thos
McElvey, B
.New, Chas
North, C
Crofton, Miss Kate' Ryan, Henry
Cockeriine, J
Eigner, Frank
Gibon, OA'
Harris, D J
Harris, R M
Hickson, J L
Jakusay, C O
Stearns, Mrs Laura
Stuart, J C
Selling, C E
Strixer, W H
Stroup, Miss L
Strong, Miss L
Scott, Mrs ti
Kimbley, Mrs M A Smith, Mrs Mary
Korkan, John ' Smith, J A
Larson, Mrs Ward, T E
Loyd, John Wilson, Charlotte
Wilson. Winifred .
J. A. Cbossen, P .M.
Land Office to Move.
The land office will be moved tomorrow
afternoon into the building formerly
occupied ' by . the' postoffice. : Mr. ,Vogt
has. had the roomB repainted" and par
titioned to suit the work tor which it is
intended and today, the. paper; hangers
are patting the finishing touches to their
work. v. The walls and ceiling are covered
with a light arid' very-handsome - paper,
giving ;the rooms a bright and cheeful
appearance,1' 'JA.. counter 'runs, the full
length of the room, and in the west end
a large room has; been partitioned off to
be used- in taking testimony,' hearing
contest cases, etc. The rooms are com
modious, and convenient to the public.
. From the fair : grounds, one black
mare, white hind foot, Small ' white spot
in forehead, and one light sorrel horse,
white, hind; foot,: small white strip in
face and' saddle marked, both' branded
on left stifle., . Horse also branded A
on the right hind leg. .' A liberal reward
will be paid for information which will
leadto their recovery, by the under
signed. ' " A. S. Macatllistbh;
-Seed Rye, 75 cents per1 bushel, at
Joles, Collins & CoTs " " ' ;
Hon. D. W. Pierce of Goldendale is in.
the city. ' .
Mr.' C. A. Bell, Hood River's popular
hotel man, was in the city yesterday.
Mr. Campbell, representing the North
western Insurance Co., is in the city.
.Mrs. Wingate and son Ed, arrived
home form Portland yesterday.
Mr. John McCracken of Boyd made us
a visit today, which wilt be returned
fifty-two times by The Chronicle. "
Mrs. W. O. Johnson of Oregon City,
who, has been visiting her son Mr. Balfe
Johnson, of this city, accompanied by
her Bon Ronald, returned to her home
today, ; " "".'.. ";:'."'..
In this city, at the-Obarr House, Oct.
18th, by Justice. L. S. Davis, Miss Nettie
Fraley to Mr. E. Mayhew.
Twenty-Sixth Anniversary.
Temple lodge, No. 3, A. O. V. W., will
celebrate the twenty-sixth anniversary
of the A. O. U. W., on Thursday even
ing, Oct. 25th, at Fraternity Hall, 8:30
o'clock sharp. All members and. their
wives and members of the Degree of
Honor are cordially invited. All mem
bers intending to be present please
notify the committee either personally
or by card, not later than Tuesday even-
Oct. 23d. . De. G. C. EsHELMAtri :
i; " Hahs Haneek,
D. C. Hebbin,
2t. - . Committee.
L. JRorden & Co.,
to introduce, their
Grocery Department,
Will Give
to .Everyone
, buying One Dollar's worth
; of Groceries before . Nov
ember, loth,a chance for a
-'. . handsome ;J ,
China Dinner Set
. : , , ' - ....
now on exhibition in our window.
New Stock, Low Prices.
L. JRorden &, Co.
' .. .-?.'- : ) i'i' i ?. 3' :i'-
- .For the persons who took
. Groceries -away from onr
- store,' and were not sorry
they did not 'get' more; It
shows ; iong-headedness to
buy the ; freshest goods in
town at the lowest .prices.
Fine Goods.; . Clean Store. Prompt Delivery.
just ief;eiued
Notions, Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes, &c.
Cash Buyers are invited to examine our New, Prices, as everything will be--sold
with the smallest profit. Special Bargains every day of the week.
In anticipation ofa renewal of business activ
ity, we have bought an enormous line of Men's
Underwear and Overshirts for Fall and Winter,
which we have, placed on the 'market at prices
to suit the times. : . .
. "V57-. T57--(J5l ITS
- ' ; "l Successor to Panl Kreft &Co.f L. ir
. And the Most Complete and Latest Patterns and Designs in
fKAUliUAL fAlJNlK and 11AINUUK. none Dut the best Dranda
of J. W. MASURY'S PAINTS - need-in all our work, and none but the
most skilled workmen ' employed. ' Agents for Masury .Liquid Paints. No chem-
: 1 . : . . : 'a i nii 1 . ah
promptly attended to.'. '-; ' ! v'.V;,:,i . I.'- '
Store and Faint Shon corner Third and Washington Sts.. '.' .The Dalles, Ore'oa
.3w!.NL; W and AUCTION noOJSI.
;- : crpD? WafaKerhs & Rotertsan's livery StaWs, m Second St ;-
- . I ' 1 -U'i.: ' ' .... ' ' ,
Second-hand Furnitiire Bought Sold.
, Money Loaned on Jewelry 'and other'' Valuables. ;
erty placed with me at reasonable commission. Give me a call. . , ..