CI ) VOL. Vlt THE DALLES, OREGON, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 16, 1894. . NO. 251 A STARTLING STORY The Czar of Eussia is Being Slowly Poisoned. V THE CLASH OF CHURCH AND STATE They Succeed in Subduing a Powerful Hottentot Chief Kesult of Bel glum Elections A.meer of At- ' gbanlstan Sick. '' Minneapolis, Oct. 15. Dr. George F. Schmidt, -a German traveler, now in Minneapolis, has received secret dis patches from St. Petersburg, which throw a strong light on the crisis in European politics caused by the impend ing death of the czar. These dispatches came written in sympathetic ink on ap parently a blank piece of paper. An ap plication of heat brought out strange stenographic characters, which the doc tor readily translated for the Associated Press, as follows : "The czar is lying at the point of death The excitement in the the highest cir cles of Eussia is tremendous. It is un derstood in wide circle in Russia that the czar's Bickness was brought about by systematic means, and that hia death will not be a natural one. It is on ac count of that journals contradict the . fact of the czar 'a sickness. There is ft party that wants the czarowitz on the throne. The czarowitz is of a cranky, melancholy nature, and will institute the most radical reforms throughout Russia, and has already made plans for such action. He is much hated by the clergy. The patriarch of Moscow, who is at the head of the Greek church, has traveled about with the czar in order to persuade him to put his second son on the throne instead of the czarowitz. ; The. Greek Catholic church of Russia is feverishly excited. The Richsrath, or council of the empire, is daily holding a secret council. The Pan-Slavic party is with the church and against the czarowitz, who is a great friend of Germany. Should the czar decide to place his sec ond son upon the throne this would be looked upon as a direct insult to Ger many, and would be attended with most serious results. The second son of the czar is very infmical to Germany and friendly to France. He is dreadfully despotic, and in the highest degree head strong, and a strong autocrat. It is -feared on the deathbed of the czar the church influence will succeed in in ducing him to. call his seccond eon as successor. . As this- second eon is very hotheaded, he is not sure to remain on the-throne without becoming seriously involved in state troubles. The 88-year . old patriarch of Moscow has bad two conferences with the czar at his death' bed, but no one knows the purport of this talk. The second son of the czar is very despotic, and opposed to the liberty of the people, and of an envious nature, He is a fine soldier!" fond of fight, a mar tial fellow and very ambitious; He-is the enemy of England, Germany, and above all, America. He not only in tends to increase the size of Asiatic Rub sia, but will attempt the tremendous task of bringing Behring straits under Russian control and extending the em pire in the direction of ' America. This prince is by all odd one of the greates t generals in Russia, having been with Gonrka and Timaschiff,' and having studied with the latter. All the cabinet - of Europe are alarmed. It is. rumored that the entrance of England Into the dreibund, that is the triple alliance, is abont to take place. Already between Kussia and France secret relations have ? been entered into." ur. bcnmiat is a second lieutenant tc the Russian army, traveling on leave. He is bound for Japan and the Orient. The German Forces Victorious. : - .Berlin, Oct. lo. A dispatch from , Major Leotwein, imperial commissioner of Southwest Airica, in command of the expedition operating against the power ful Hottentot chief, Henvik Withboi, an nounces the latter has yielded to the Germans, who have occujpied his strong hold. Advices from .Wilfish bay, Sep tember 25, announce that Major Leut wem August 12 stormed Chief Witboi's camp. Witboi escaped and subsequently sent messages with offerings of peace to Highest of all in Leavening Power. U VVV.. : the German commander. During the engagement ' Lieutenant " Diestel and eight German troopers were killed and Edorffand 10 troopers were wonnded. Witboi has been giving the Germans trouble for a long time. Bound to Bm Bullfight. Pakis, Oct. 15. During" a bullfight in Dax, south of France, yesterday, ah of ficer escorted by policemen went to the arena to stop the sport. He laid before the directors a legal paper forbidding the fight, but was ignored by them. The toredors continued their work nn- till they killed the bull, amid the cheers and applause of the- epectators. ' After the fight the crowd hustled the police men and jeered the officer.. The town is much excited this' evening, but no violence has been reported. The govern ment order prohibiting bullfighting was proclamed late in September. Fight With Mexican Employes. Tuxpan, .Mexico,- Oct; 15. At the vanilla plantation of G. B. Baskin, an EnglishmanM80 miles distant, a desper ate fight took place. Saturday. The Mexican employes were not satisfied with the superintendent, : who was an American, and a number assaulted him. The superintendent had a lew friends among the laborers, who stood by him. The foreman was badly wounded, and four Mexicans killed. . The Czars Condition. London, Oct. 15. A dispatch from St. Petersburg to the Times says the reports that the czar is better are confirmed iy advices from the best circles near his majesty. On the other hand, the Vienna correspondent of the Times hears that the czar's condition is extremely un favorable. Hay Prevent Diphtheria. Berlin, Oct. 15. Professor Virschow has expressed his opinion that the blood serum discovered by Dr. ' Behring has the effect' to protect the person taking it from diphtheria for weeks, but says it has not been demonstrated that it is a positive cure. The .Belgian Elections. Brussels, Oct. 15. As far as can now be judged in the elections for parliament, to socialists. The Catholics lost seven seats. Owing to the number of reballots necessary, it is impossible to predict the exact composition of the new chamber. WASHINGTON LETTER. ' Flom our regular correspondent. Washington, Oct. 12, 1894. That the democratic party should be traveling under false colors is nothing new it has never made any other sort of a campaign but the hypocrisy of Mr. Cleveland's order, that prominent mem ber of the administration should not take the' stump, is under existing cir cumstances extremely farcical to people in Washington, who know the part that the administration is taking in this cam paign. : It is about as consistent as it would be for the devil to take the road, as an evangelist, and comes with poor grace just after Secretary Hoke Smith, has returned from bossing the state cam paign in Georgia, which he came so near losing as to give the democrats a scare that they have 'not yet recovered from. And it certainly does not gee with the action of the pension office officials, who are using all the machinery of that office to make votes for democratic candidates for congress ; nor with 1 the recent ex posure of the efforts of the negro officials composing the negro democratic league to compel all . negroes holding federal offices to be assessed for the benefit of the democratic campaign fund. .Speaking of campaign assessments, a few remarks of Civil Service Commis sioner Roosevelt, who is neyer afraid to tell the truth, are in striking contrast with the position that Mr. Cleveland would like to have the country believe his administration occupies. He said : "We are having trouble witn the treas ury department, due just now we are having most trouble over. this matter of political assessments. I don't recall any non-presidential election year in which we have had half so much. The recent decision of the department of justice, that a letter sent to a government - em ploye requesting '" him . to contribute money for campaign purposes' did not come within the law prohibiting the asking of funds for political reason b from the clerks, has militated against, the civil service commission in its efforts to stop the foul business. The law, to my Latest U. S. Gov't Report TTTY f! : O ' Of. for Lard. That's the happy1 and healthy condition of thous ands of housekeepers who iiave been "bright enough . to try ioftoieoo ' ' THE . ; HEW. SHORTENING,.' which is a pure, perfect and popular substitute for lard for all cooking purposes. The success of Cotto lene has called out worth less imitations with similar color and similar names. ' Look out for these. "All that glitters is not gold.V and all that's yellow is not COTTOLENE. There is but one valuable new shortening, and that is Cottolene. It is healthful, delicate and economical as a single trial will prove. -. At leading Grocers. Watch the name. REFUSE ALL SUBSTITUTES. IM. K. FAIR BANK &. CO., Sole Manufacturers, ST. LOUIS and . CHICAGO, NEW YORK. BOSTON. mind, plainly covers cases where de mands s for contributions are made by letter ; but the attorney general thinks differently. The commission is very anxious to get a decision by the courts, and it sometime ago requested the at torney general to bring a test case, in order to get a decision, but he has not done so. Investigations have just been ordered by the commission into two big offices, outside of Washington , where the employes are being called npon to sub scriDe to campaign funde. It we can get no other satisfaction we can at least warn the clerks and employes that their official positions will not be in any way jeopardized by a refusal to accede to the demands for contributions, and we shall lay the matter as strongly as possible be' fore the president and congress." Mr. Cleveland must think the people are easy to gull indeed, if be thinks he can make them believe that the admin istration is taking, no part in the cam paign, in the face of the gathering at Batavia, N. Y., of Secretaries Gresh'am, Carlisle, Lament and Herbert, and Postmaster General Bissell. It is all very well to say" that they went to bear Secretary Carlisle deliver his address on Robert Morris,-an early secretary of the treasury ; but everybody knows that their principle object was to give the New York campaign a boost. It is very clear, that' Mr. Cleveland's order is merely bit of democratic hypocrisy. ' The- Washington Statistical Associa tion has no connection whatever with politics, and for that very reason the address of Judge Lawrence, condemning the recent changes in the treasury de partment, delivered at a meeting held by the association this week, has attracted general attention. It is gratifying to your correspondent to have what he said on this subject in last week's letter en dorsed by such high authority as Judge Lawrence, who said in his address: "During the five years that I was first comptroller of the treasury department. I had some opportunity to study and ob serve the 'operation of the system estab lished by Alexander Hamilton, and in successful operation ever since. Under it frauds have been substantially im possible. : The system in its practical operation has been as nearly a perfect safegard against fraud and error - as human ingenuity could devise. The re' cent act of congress based on the report of the Dockery commission revolution izes the whole of this system and opens a wide door for frand and mistakes. regard the change as a most dangerous and vicious innovation, fruitful of mis takes and fraud. s " Senator Gallinger, of New Hampshire, passed through Washington this weex on his way home from South Dakota where he has been making republican speeches. He expressed confidence that the republicans would carry South' !& kota by an increased majority, and said he was satisfied that the populists were rapidly decreasing in the west.' Speak ing of the general -result Senator-Gal- linger said : "I expect every northern state to go republican this fall, resulting in a republican house of representa Just Received. ':..-' ".' ' .. , . School : of the Hamilton-Brown Shoe; Go. 4 ' Reliable in every respect. ' ParticularlyAwish to call your attention xto r; rr - r-i r t r r our Kango Calf Spring Get a Premium with Every Pair. For Infants and Children. -Castoria promotes Digestion, and overcomes Flatulency, Constipation, Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea, and Feverishness. Thus the child is rendered healthy and its sleep natural. Castoria contains no Morphine or other narcotic property. Castoria Is so well adapted to children that I recommend it as superior to any prescription known to me." H. A. Ahohkr, M. D., Ill South Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. Y. " For several years I have recommedSed your Gastoria,' and shall always continue to do so, as it has invariably produced beneficial results." - . Edwim F. Pardsk, M. D., -125 th Street and 7th Ave., New York City. "The use Of 'Castoria is so universal and its merits so well known that It seems a work of supererogation to endorse it. Few are the in telligent families who do not keep Castoria within easy reach." CarTiQS Makttw, P. P., NewYorkCity. Thb CamADB OoKPAjrr, 77 Murray Street, N. Y. FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. TKANrtAtrl A ;ENERALBANKINi B08INE88 Lft.tur? of Credit issued available in the Kaatern States. 1 .Sight Exchange and Telegraphic iransterasolclon .New Yorfc.Umcaeo, St Louis, San Francisco, Portland Oregon, beattle Wash., and various points in Ur eron and Washington. . Collections' m-sde at all points on fdv oable term". ran EflLiflGEpET of STORE. - ' Owing to increase of business and putting in a stock of Dry Goods,' y : the store has been lengthened by thirty-five feet." . . ' FROM e . . Agency of the ." Brownsville Clothing Underwear, Blankets, : Etc., Etc. . " Tr - Heel Shoes at .... TRY THEM AND FIND SATISFACTION. A. M, WILLIAMS & GO. E. J ACOBS E N THE LEAPER IN Pianos and Organs, Books, NOTIONS, STATIONERY. Call and eet his nrices. Bells PIANOS on easy monthly payments, and is prepared to meet any vunirjt irnun. 162 Second St, THE DALLES, OR: J. B. BOHIMCK, President. J. M. Patterson, Cashier. first Rational Bank. THE DALLES. - - OREGON A General Banking Business transacted Deposits received, subject to bight -Draft or Check. Collections made and proceeds promptly remitted on day ot collection. Sight and Telegraphic Exchange sold on i New ork. Ban .Francisco- and fort land. . DIREOTOKS.'1 D. P. Thompson. Jno. S. Schbnck. Ed. M. Williams, ' Geo. A. Likbe. H. M. Bball. , House Moving! Andrew Velarde IS prepared to do any and all kinds of work in his line at reasonable figures. Has the largest house moving outfit in Eastern Oregon. , Address P.O.Box 181.The Dalies ENGLAND DIRECT- , ' ( 313 BoosOES I M. HONYWILL, () Imjjorter. 1. . . DOORS, WINDOWS, . shingles; fire brick, fire clay, LIME and CEMENT, Window-Glass and Picture Moulding". ZE3I. CKTLiIEJILSrilSr- Snipes-Kinersly Drug Co. . DUUBI IM Pip Dmgs 'f Gfiemicals, FINE LINE OF - ; IJSPOSTED and DOJKESTIC CIGflBS At Our Old Place of Business. LADIES' "37 O. tives. CA8.