Tns Dalles Daily Chronicle. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. BY KAIL, roSTAea PREPAID, I If ADTAMCK. Weakly, 1 year ............. 1 80 " 6 months 0 75 - S " , 0 60 Daily, 1 year 6 00 " 6 months. 8 00 . per " 0 60 Address all communication to " THE CHRON ICXB," The Dalles, Oregon. MONDAY, - OCTOBER 8, 1894 AGRICULTURAL : FAIR Prices that will Astonish You, It Begins Next Tuesday and Holds Five Days. HOLMES DEAD. Oliver Wendell Holmes, the well known poet and author, died at his home on Beacon street Boston, at 12 :15 p, m. yesterday. Heart failure was the immediate cause of death, though the doctor has slowly failed for the past four or five years. An asth matic difficulty also assisted in the final breaking down of the aged "Autocrat." Ten days ago Dr. Holmes returned to his Boston residence from his summer home at Beverly Farm. Before that slight symptoms of improvement in his condition were noted, and the removal was thought advisable. It' appears, however, to have been very fatiguing and the doctor did not regain his former condition. Last Friday he had an at tack of heart failure, which with his long-standing asthmatic trouble, pros trated him, but this morning had ap parently recovered. After his physi cians had done, however, the doctor was seized with a severe spasm and be fore medical aid could be called he had passed away. He was unconscious for a short time, previous to. his death. Around his bedside were gathered the members. o( his family, Judge Oliver Wendell, jr., the only surviving son; Mrs. Oliver Wendell Holmes, jr., and E. J. Holmes, nephew of the poet. Al though his death occurred soon after midday, it did not become known until a late hoar tonight. The bouse was darkened, and the police guarded the entrance to prevent the household from being disturbed. THE 'KLICKITAT REPUBLICAN. The first number of the Klickitat Re publican, published at Goldendale, and edited by that versatile newspaper man, Hugh Gourlay, reached us this morning. The paper is straight from the shoulder republican, and will make its influence felt. We realize under what difficulties that issue was printed. The material of the office had been in the Columbia flood here, and was much of it not only pi, but very badly soaked and dirty pi at that. Under these circumstances the paper is not so neat typographically as it will be in the near future, but the wonder to us is how so good a paper was gotten out under the circumstances' The Chronicle extends its best wishes to the new exchange, and hopes it may have that patronage the merit of its editor entitles it to. Judge Scott of Omaha is after Editor Roeewater, of the Omaha Bee, whom he intends to punish for contempt of court. Bosewater, it seems, criticised the action of the court in asking certain questions of those applying to be naturalized, the inference drawn by the editor from the questions being that the judge was an A. P. A., and that he refused to nat uralize Catholics. Without entering into the propriety of the questions, or the action of the judge concerning them, it is proper to say that Judge Scott, like some others who have been promoted to the bench, fancies he is above criticism. The courts are very properly given power to compel respect, or, at least the semblance of it, while in eesMon, not for the judge, but for the office. Judge Scott will find, before he is through, that be is not above criticism because he holds a judicial office. The office of supreme judge of the state of Nebraska is an honored one, but that is no reaBon why some long-eared individual, who by the ignorance and prejudice of voters, is elected to the position, should compel all the people to stand in awe of him. From present indications the attack of Japan on China will be called off by Bussia, England and France just as soon as it is demonstrated that the Japs are able to capture Peking. England and Bussia will each demand a slice of ter ritory, while Japan will have to content herself largely with glory and heavy indemnity to pay the expenses of the war. Corea will probably be declared free from allegiance to China, and Jap anese influence will be in the ascendency there. As a matter of future safety also the Chinese Empire may be segre gated, as proposed, and made into three distinct kingdoms. The state of Oregon pays $10,000 for something it doesn't get. It pays that amount to the railroad commission and gets absolutely nothing in return. The coming legislature has several very im portant duties to perform but among them all, none is more needed than the repeal of the law under which the com mission was created. The members of the commission are excellent gentlemen, but the state has no need of their alleged services, and $10,000 is too much to pay for a series of junketing trips. 'By all means let the commission be abolished. People with hair that is continually falling out, or those that are bald, can stop the falling, and get a good growth of hair by using Hall's Hair Kenewer. GET CATALOGUES OF SECRETARY And Make Tour Entries in Time-Pot Yourself on Exhibition. The Sixth Annual Meeting of the Sec ond Eastern Oregon District Agricult ural Society will be held at The Dalles, commencing Tuesday, October 9, 1894, and continuing five days. The board of directors have engaged the Wingate Hall, on Second and Madi son streets, where the exhibits of works of art, farm products, fancy work,, and mechanical exhibits will be held. The hall will be open from 9 a. m. until 12 p. m. The Dalles Orchestra has been engaged, and a grand Promenade Con cert will be given every evening between the hours of 8 :30 and 11 :30. The Stock Show and Trials of Speed will be held at the Fair Grounds. The races -vill commence promptly at 2 p. m. each day. : The entries include some of the best trotting and running horses in Oregon. For Divisions E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M and N, make entries with the Secre tary at Wingate Hall on or before Tues day, October 9th, at 5 p. m., when ex hibits must be in place and entries close. For Divisions A, B, C and D, make en tries with the Secretary at the Fair Grounds on or before Tuesday, October 9," 1894. at 12 m., when stock must be in plack and entries close. This rule will be Btrictly enforced. - prices of admission: Gentlemen and Ladies to the Hall each day . .25c Children over 12 years old do do ..25c Gentlemen to the Fair Grounds do . .50c Ladies to the Fair Grounds do do Free A. S. Macallistbb, Pres. J. O. Mace, Sec'y. z PERSONAL MENTION. Mrs. J. Whisler arrived from Denver last Friday. . , Dr. Siddall arrived home from Ta coma today. - Ex-Attorney General Williams is in the city today. Mr. Wilson Brooks of Chehalis is visit ing bis uncle Mr. S. L. Brooks. Hon. Sol Smith, superior judge of Klickitat county, was in the city yester day, his wife accompanying him. Miss Elizabeth FitzGerald left for, Walla Walla last night to attend the funeral of her friend, Mrs. Thomas, nee O'Donnell. DIED. At Cascade Locks, Sunday, Oct. 7th, Lottie Frizzeli, 8-year-old daughter of Wm. and Sarah E."Frizzell. When Baby was sick, we gave her Castoria. When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria. When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria, When she had Children, she gave them Castorla. New Store at Victor. Buy your goods at F. S. Gordon's new store at Victor. All goods marked in plain figures. My aim is to sell, not to keep goods. My prices are made on too cioee margin for the -'credit system. Cash on delivery of the goods, means' prosperity for all. Yours sincerely, F. S. Gordon. The demand in China for peacock feathers has grown steadily weaker. New York Tribune. Seed Bye, 75 cents per bushel, at Joles, Collins & Co.'s Seed Bye for sale at Mays & Crowe's hardware store. oct 3 SHERIFF'S SALE. Notice is hereby given, that nnder and by vir of an execution issued out of the- Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Wasco County, on the 23d day of Sept., 1894, on a decree made, entered and rendered in said Court on the 10th day of July, MM, in an action wherein Dalles City was plaintiff and Mary L. Booth was de fendant, in favor of said plaintiff and Against said defendant, for $2,277, with interest thereon from said 10th day of July, 1894, at the rat of 10 per cent per annum, and the further sum of $200 attorney's fee, nd the further sum of $15.80 costs, and to me directed, and commanding me to sell the property hereinafter described to sat isfy the above sums, I will on Monday, the 6th day of November, 1894, at the hour of 2 o'clock p. m. of said day, sell, to the highest bidder f.-r cash in hand, at public auction at thejfront door of the county Courthouse in Dalles Cily, Wasco County, Oregon, all the right, title and interest of the defendent in and to the following described propeity, to wit: All of lots numbered four, five and ix In block numbered one, iii Tri vett's Addition to Dalles City, in Wasco County, State of Oregon, according to the recorded maps and plats thereof, together with the tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances thereunio be longing or in any wise appertaining, or so mu'h thereof as will be sufficient to satisfy the above named sums, together with the accruing costs and expenses of this sale. The above described lots and property will be sold In parts or parcels or all together, as may be deemed to be for the best interest of all per sons concerned. Dated at Dalles City, Wasco County, Oregon, thia 28th day of Sept., 1894. Iep29-n3 T. J. DRIVER; - Sheriff of Wasco County, Oregon. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land'Offick, The Dalles, Or.,i Sept 8, 1894. Notice Is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof In support of his claim and that said proof will be made before the register and receiver 'at The-Dalles, Oregon, on Oct 24, 1894. viz: Patrick E. Farrelly, Hd E, No 4829, for the eX, swj, and wV seii, sen 13, tp 1 n, r IS e, W M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation ox said land, viz: William Henzie, Isaac V How land, George L Davenport. Frank P Taylor, all of The Dalles. JAS. K. MOORE, Register The Best Medicine. J. O. Wilson, Contractor and Builder, Sulphur Springs, , Texas, thus speaks of Ayer' Fills: " Ayer's Fills are the best medicine I ever tried; and, in my judgment, no better general remedy could be devised. X have used them In my family and recommended them to my friends and employes for more than twenty years. To my certain knowledge, many cases of the following complaints have been completely and Permanently Cured by the use of Ayer's Pills alone: Third day chills, dumb ague, bilious fever, sick headache, rheumatism, Sax, dys pepsia, constipation, and hard colds..1 know that a moderate use of Ayer's Pills, continued for a few days or weeks, as the nature of the complaint required, would be found an absolute cure for the disorders I have named above." "I have been selling medicine for eight years, and I can safely say that Ayer's Pills give better satisfaction than any other Pill I ever sold." J. J. Perry, Spottsylvania C. H., Va. AYER'S PILLS Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Hub. Every Dose Effective SOCIETIES. w SCO LODGE, NO. 16, A. F. 4 A. M. Meets nrst ana third Monday of each month at 7 P. u. DALLES ROYAL ARCH CHAPTER NO 6. Meets In Masonic Hall the third Wednesday f each month at 7 P. M. rODERN WOODMEN OF THE WORLD. JX Mt. Hood Camp No. 59, Meets Tuesday even ng of each week in Fraternity Hall, at 7 :80 p. m. CtOLDMBIA LODGE, NO. 5, I. O. O. F. Meets J every Friday evening at 7:80 o'clock, in K. of P. hall, corner Second and Court streets. Sojourning brothers are welcome. 3. CiouaH, Sec'y. H. A- Bills.N. O. IRIENDSHIP LODGE, NO. 9.,K. of P. Meets r every Monday evening at 7:80 o'clock, in 3channo's building, corner of Court and Second treets. Sojourning members are cordiallv In cited. , W. L. BRADSHAW, D. W.Vausb, K. of R. and 8. C. C. VSSEMBLY NO. 4827, K. OF L. Meets in K. of P. hall the second and fourth Wednes av" of each month at 7:80 p. m. YV OMEN'S CHRISTIAN TEMPERENCE W UNION will meet every Friday afternoon -t 8 o'clock at the reading room. All are Invited. FERN LODGE, DEGREE OF HONOR, NO. 25. Meets in Fraternity Hall, Second street, every Wednesday evening at 8 o'elock. Mas. Mamie Brioos, C. of H. Mrs. B. J. Russell, Financier. . -. ' . THE DALLES LODGE No. 2, I.O.O.T. -Regular weekly meetings Friday at 8 r. v.., a K. of P. Hall. J. 8. Wmzui, C. T. DiNBMOBJt Parish, Bec'y. - TEMPLE LODGE NO. 8, A. O. C. W. Meets In Fraternity Hall, over Kellers, n feeond t reet. Thursday evenings at 7 :3U. C. F. STEPHENS, W.i Mykbs. Financier. M. W IAS. NE8MITH POST, No. 32, G. A. R. Meets J every Saturday at 7:30 r. m.. in the K. of P. -lull. AMERICAN RAILWAY UNION, NO. 40. Meets second and fourth Thursdays each month in K. of P. halL J. W. Ready, W. H. Jones, Bec'y. Pres. B OF L. B. Meets everv Sundav afternoon in . the K. of P. Hall. 1 EUANG VEREIN- Meets every junda IT evening in the K. of P. Hall. B f V I IP riTIr lOlAV k3A a. I t va- jj a. t irjivi" f a-u. iu( aiccui in K. of P. Hall the first and third Wednee- Uj- of each month, at 7:3u p. m. A Letter. Tub Dalles, Or.j Sept. 28, 1894. THE KRANICH & BACH PIANO has won . GOLDEN OPINIONS FROM ALL sorts of people. AT A REDUCED PRICE I have STILL ONE LEFT AT ONLY $270. " ' Former price, $350. To the music-lovers, I have only just opened the door. There is being prepared inside a feast whieh I will shortly spread before you. In the meantime I offer you bargains that will whet your appetite for more. S Yours verj truly, I. CNNICKELSEN. . Administrator's Notice. The undersigned having by consideration of the Count court, of the state of Oregon ; for Wasco county been appointed administrator of the estate of George Hansen deceased, on the 10th day of Sept. 1894. creditors of, and all per sons having clams against tue said estate of said deceased, are hereby notified to present them, with the proper voucher- attached, within six months from the date of ihis notice, to the said administrator at the oflico of A. M. Kelsay, county clerk, in Dalles Ci'y, Couuty of Wasco, State of Oregon. Dated at the Dalles Oregon, September 29th, 1894. Andrew Hansen, Administrato" of the estate of ueo-g? Hansen, deceased. Oct. 8 to 31. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office, The Dalles, Or., K Oct. 1, 1S94. ( , Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has hied notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the register and receiver of the V. S. Land office, The Dalles, Or., on November 10, 1894, viz.: James W. Dickson, H. E. No, 2928, for the WU SE4, NEVi SE arid NE'4 SWJ-i, Sec. 14, To. 1 S, R 13 E, W M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of, said land, viz.: L. Rice, William Cam .bell, W. J. Herman, J. E. JlcCormick, of Endersby, Or. - JAS. K. MOORE, Register. Just received a fine stock of goods, -which at astonishingly low prices. A fine MVW f.nniK QTITQ PINCH A MQ fAlTfne t MENS' SUITER BOYS' SUITS, CHILDREN'S SUITS. Call and See - ' Notice to Taxpayers. . The county board of equalization will meet in the assessor's oSce on Monday, Sept. 24th, and continue in session one week, for the purpose of equalizing the assessment of Wasco connty for 1894. All tax payers who have not been inter viewed by the assessor will please call at the office on Thursdays, Fridays or Sat urdays, as all property must be assessed. JOBL KOONTZ, Countv Assessor. PSOFBSSIONAL. H H.,v nffl.. Court Street, The Dalles, Oregon. . B. DUFUK. FRANK. MENXFEK. DUF0R, A MENEFEE Attorneys - at law Rooms 42 and 43, over Post race Building, Entrance on Washington Street The Dalles. Oregon. S. BENNETT, ATTORNEY-AT-LA W. Of . V fice In Schanno' building, up stairs. The -altes. Oregon. J. B. CONDON. J. W. CONDON. CONDON fe CONDON, ATVORNEY8 AT LAW Office on Court street, opposite the old court house, The Dalles, Or. . B. S.HtTNTIN9TON. H. S. WILSON. HUNTINGTON & WILSON Offices, French's block over 'srst Na tional Bank. Dalles. Oregon. vv T H. WILSON ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Rooms t French & Co.'s bank buildinr. Second street. The Dalles, Oregon. J SUTHERLAND, M. D C M.; F. T. M. C. M. C. P. and 8. O., Physician and Snr greon. Rooms 8 and 4, Chapman block. Residence Mrs. Thornbury 's, west end of Second street. D1 R. E8HELM.AN (HOM.EOPATHIC) PHYSICIAN and SuKOSON.-Calls answered nminriMT lay or night, city or country. Office No. 36 and "Chapman block. wtf DR. O. D. DOAKE PHYSICIAN AND BUB sbon. Office; rooms 6 and 6 Chapman Jloek. Residence: 8. E. corner Court and Fourth streets, seomd door from the corner Mice hours 9 to 12 A. M., 2 to 6 and 7 to 8 P. M D SIDDALL Dentist. Gas given tor the painless extraction of teeth. Also teeth et on flowed aluminum plate. Rooms: Sign of he Golden Tooth. Second Street. TIFT 353 We wish to announce that we have made a specialty of Winter Blooming Bulbs, HYACINTHS and LILIEES, POTTED PLANTS of All Kinds. We are prepared to furnish on short notice cut flowers for all occasions; also pot plants and wires. John Pashek, The Merchant Tailor, IN THE Old Rftnovy Building, Washington Street, between Beeond bet. Second and Third, EtPHBH Just received the latest styles in Suitings for Gentlemen, and has a large assortment of Foreign and Amor lean Cloths, which he can finish To Order for those that favor him. Cleaning and Repairing a Specialty. St. Mary's Academy THE DALLES, OR. EE-0PEITS SEPTEMBER 3d, 1894. BOARDING AND DAY SCHOOL FOR GIRLS. Rates per term of ten weeks, ; payable In advance: Board and Tuition. . .'. . . .$40 00 Entrance Fee 'payable but once) 6 00 Btd and Bedding 8 00 Instrumental Music, Type-writing, Telegraphy, - Drawing and Painting form extra charges. French, German, Latin, Needlework and Vocal Music tanght free of charge to regular pupils. RATES FOlt DAY-PUPILS. $d, 6, $8 or $10 per term according to grade. For further particulars address, SI8TER SUPERIOR. Harry Liebe, PRACTICAL, I Jeweler All work promptly attended to, and warranted. Can now be found at 162 Second street. StuDlinq Grccnliouse Watchmaker Successor to -DEALER IN- PAINTS', OILS AND GLASS. And the Most Complete and Latest Patterns and Designs in ' WALL PAPER. WALL PAPER. PRACTICAL PAINTER and PAPER HANGER. None but the best branda of J. W. MASURY'S PAINTS used in all our work, and none but the most skilled workmen employed.V Agents for Masury Liquid Paints. No chem icel combination or soap mixture. A first-class article in all colors. All orders promptly attended to. . Store and Paint Shoo corner Third and Washington Sts The Dalles, Oreoc "There is a tide in tlie affairs of men which, taken at its flood leads on to fortune." The poet unquestionably had reference to the liiisii-um a I - El at CRANDALL Who are selling these goods MICHELBACH BRICK, m Fritm When the Train stops at THE DALLES, get off on the South Side " ' ' AT TM flEW COLitJ jviBm HOTELk This large and popular House does the principal hotel business, . ' and is prepared to furnish the Best Accommodations of any . House In the city, and at the low rate of $1.00 per Day. prst Qlass Tea!s, 25 Cepts. . Office for all Stage X,lnea leaving The Dalles for all points In Kastern Oregon and Kastern Washington, In this Hotel. Corner of Front and Union Sta. What? Where At the THE CELEBRATED COLUMBIA BREWERY, AUGUST BUCHLER, Prop'r. This well-known Brewery Is now turning oat the best Beer and Portei east of the Cascades. The latest appliances for the manufacture of good health ful Beer have been introduced, and ony the first-class article will be p'aced on be inarkot r Pip Git Tin ipairs af looflf MAINS TAPPED dep on Third Street, next door west of Young & Kuss' Blacksmith Shop. JOHN M. KANE, Physician and Surgeon. &TJFUK, OREGON. Late House Surseon, St. Vincent's Hospital of Portland, Oregon. . sep28 I am offering line of vrrc mfpDATnrDTrc Paul Kref t ft Co. ! ii & Carpets & BURGET'S, out at greatly-reduced rates. - - - UNION ST. T. T. NICHOLAS, Propr. Hand-Corded Corsets, Health Reform Waists, Nursing Corsets, Misses' Waists, Children's Waists, Shoulder Braces and Hose Supporters made to order. ? Pacific Corset Com nan v's Factory, north east of the Fair Grounds. It desired each garment will be fitted before being finished. Call at the fac tory and examine our goods, or drop a card in' the office, and our agent will call and secure your order. ME UNDER PRESSURE. 1QB. A. DIETKICH, Physician and Surgeon, DUFTJB, OREGON. TT All professional calls promptly attend to, day and night, , aprl-4