The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, October 08, 1894, Image 1

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I 4 T 1 I, I i I i I I v r ! ! 1 I El l . il I I I y
NO. 244
Kills One and Cripples Four
or Five.
Judge Scott . of Omaha Undertakes
Suppress Newspaper Comment
Concerning; Bla Court.
, Accident as Taeoma.
Tacoma, Oct. 6. George G. Chandler,
general agent of the Northern Pacific
railroad' in this city, was killed in a
street car accident .tonight at 11:15
o'clock. Those injured in the same ac
cident are:
James F. O'Brien, deputy county
clerk, right leg mangled; Ed. R. Hare,
left Bhoulder dislocated ; M. Sidney, a
real estate agent, hurt about the face ;
Mrs. M. Sidney, bruised and cut in sev
eral places ; Miss Bertha Laughton, ren
dered insensible and cut about the head ;
A. W. Latham, a bookkeeper, bruised. 4.
Mrs. William H. Upton of Portland
was slightly brnised and was taken to
the Fife hotel. No other Portland peo-'
pie were injured. Mr. Chandler's face
was mangled beyond j. recognition. So
completely was he disfigured that for
some minutes after the wreck his iden
tity was in doubt, and was only settled
by an examination bf his watch, on
which his name was engraved... The car
on which the accident occurred was No.
20, of the Old Town line. It was re
turning from the interstate fair, and
was crowded with people. Chandler,
O'Brien, Hare and a number of others
were standing on the front platform, be
hind Motorman. W. J. Muegroye. As
the wheels struck the east crossing of
North Second street the. axle of the
front truck . broke near the right wheel.
The car left the track, plunged along at
an acute angle to the right of the track
for a rod, and then fell on its left side.
Mr. Chandler, who was standing on the
steps, fell underneath, and the heavy
wood and iron work of the car struck
him full in the face, crushing out bis
life and leaving his head in a shapeless
O'Brien "went down in the struggling
mass of humanity, and the iron roof of
the car fastened down upon him, tear
ing the flesh and horribly mangling the
calf of his leg. The others were all in
jured either by falling from the plat
form or by being thrown violently
against one another and against the
breaking glass of the windows. Doctors
were summoned and every assistance
rendered the injured. Mr. Chandler's
body has been taken to the coroner's
morgue. Policemen have been stationed
about the wreck to guard it until the
coroner's inquest, which is to be held
Monday. It was an accident, pure and
simple, and proved a terrible ending of
the Bplendid celebration of the day and
evening in honor of the visit of Port
lrnd's mayor and a thousand citizens to
the interstate fair.
Judge Scott of Omaha.
Omaha, Oct. 6. Judge Cunningham
R. Scott, of the criminal branch of the
district court, and ; a . leading American
Protective Association man today cited
E. Rosewater, editor of the Bee, to ap-
pear before him Tuesday and show cause
why he should not be adjudged in ,conr
tempt of court, Scott has undertaken to
establish a severe press censorship with
reference to the reports of routine work
of hia court, -Yesterday the Bee printed
a local item, referring to the manner in
which Judge Scott questioned applicants
if citizenship, appearing before him,
with reference to thir religious
opinions and particularly as to the rela
tive superiority of the church and state
laws. If the answers were obscure or
indicate a preference for serving the
I church, certificates were refused. For
this item, the editor was called to time.
Flying jib's fast Mile.
San Fkancisco, Oct. 6. The tele
ijraphic news from Chilicothe about the"
wonderful mile paced by Flying Jib did
not create any surprise, as it was known
that the erratic sidewheeler was one of
the fastest team horses in the world.
A sensation was created in local horse
circles a few years ago, when a team of
Highest of all in Leavening Power.
i rw A r
pacers owned by Captain Millen Griffith,
of this city j paced a, half-mile over the
Bay district track in 1 :01. One of the
pacers was flying Jib, who Thursday es
tablished a new world's record for .pac
ing a mile with a running mate. , Mon
roe Salisbury took flying Jib east the
following year, and the Californian
made the greatest record ever made, by a
green pacer the first season out. He
was called upon to meet the star side
wheelers . of America, and ' the great
three-cornered race between Gay Mascot
and Flying Jib will not be forgotten,
even in this year of wonderful perform
ances. : '
t Chinese Har Abandoned Mran.
Shanghai, Oct. 6. The Chinese war
ships stationed off the ports in the Can
ton river have been instructed to exer
cise the utmost vigilance and to over
haul any suspicious vessel that arrives in
the river. . Native reports from the
Corean frontier say that the Chinese
have abandoned their position at Ngan
and retired upon Kaichan. There is a
vague rumor that the Chinese officials
contemplate totally blocking Woo Sung
bar. The Chinese government has
authorized a firm in Tien-Tsin to raise a
loan of 10,000,000. The sum of 1,000,-
000 has already been raised privately.
The Mormon Conference.
. Salt Lake, Utah, Oct. 6. The second
day of the Mormon conference drew an
immense . attendance. The city is
thronged with visitors, and both sessions
today at the tabernacle were crowded.
The speakers were Apostles Teasdale,
Grant,. Thatcher, Taylor and Merritt.
The branches of the church in Mexico
and Canada were reported to be .flourish
ing. " The people were exhorted to
abandon the use of tea, coffee and to
bacco, and figures were quoted as show
ing that a great part of the wheat crop
of , the territory went to pay for these
The Georgia Returns.
Atlanta, Ga., Oct. 6. The consoli
dated vote of last Wednesday's election
shows Atkinson's majority for governor
to be 26,000. The rest of the state ticket
received 30,000. The democrats will
have a majority of 125 in the house, and
27. in the senate. . .Contests have been
filed by the populists in five counties.
They complain of fraud, and the demo
crats charge that the populists repeated
in several counties. The 'state legisla
ture meets October 24.
Chinese Said to be Fleeing
Moufcden. ' ' t
New York, Oct. 6. A special cable
dispatch from Shanghai to the Herald
says the Telegrams from Moukden re
port that thousands of Chinese soldiers
are passing through that city in wild re
treat. The Japanese army is believed
to have arrived there now, aided by
10,000 armed Coreans. The empress
ddwager is exercising supreme power in
Backed Into a Ravine.
Santa Rosa, Cal., Oct. 6. A fatal ac
cident occurred this afternoon on the
high grade ' between Guerneville and
Duncan's Mills, in which William Mc
Clenny, of the former place, was killed,
and Mr. Finley and bis daughter Ada
badly : injured. Their team 'became
frightened and backed off1 the grade,
falling 50 feet into the ravine below.
The Temporary 'Injunction Dissolved.
Jacksonville, Fla., Oct. 6. Judge R.
N. Call today refused to, make perma
nent . the temporary, injunction granted
ihe straight-out .democratic faction re
straining the returning board from can
vaesing and certifying the result of
Tuesday's election in this city.
Bla Health is Poor.
Newabk, N. J.,Oct. 6. United States
Senator McPhersoh is out in a letljer in
which he declines to be a candidate for
re-election to the senate, because of the
poor condition of his health.
Labor Kiot In New Jersey.
" Newark, N. J., Oct. 6. Two 'hundred
striking Italian laborers today attacked
50 men who had taken their placeB on a
sewer in construction ou Clifton avenue.
Three were badly injured, and one may
not recover.
The As tors' Dirty Linen.
J.RENTON, in. J., uct. t. ne answer
to the Drayton divorce has not been
filed as yet. It is reported the time for
filing lias been extended until Nov
ember 1st. for The Chronicle.
Latest U. S. Gov't Report
You Saw
Your Own Wood
and ; saw enough of it, your
digestive organs may perhaps be
equal, ostrich like, to any task
you impose even to the digest
ion of lard-cooked food.
If however, like thousands of
other people, you have learned
that you must ' ' draw the line at
lard, " this is to remind you that
there is a clean, delicate ' and
healthful .vegetable substitute,
called -rt , ,. y .
' Jov v'
which if used in place of lard,
permits you to eat pies, pastry,
patties and such " good things "
without fear of dyspeptic con
sequences. . ,
There's abundant proof, but
none so convincing and so pleas
ant as a trial, for yourself. We
invite it. For sale everywhere.
Genuine made only by
Philo Norton McGriffin, commander of
the Chen Yuen, was born in, Washing
ton, Pa., in 1832, and graduated from
Annapolis in 1882. His brother, Alex
ander McGriffin, is one of the professors
in a Brooklyn college.
Now Try This.
j It will cost you nothing and will sure
ly do you good, if you have a cough,
cold, or any trouble with throat, chest
or.lungs. Dr. IQng's.New Jiscovejcy jor
consumption, coughs and colds is guar
anteed to give relief, or money will be
paid back. Sufferers from la v grippe
found it just the thing and nnder its
use had a speedy and thorough recov
eay. : Try . a . sample bottle at bur ex
pense, and learn for yourself just how
good a thing it is. Trial bottles free at
Snipes & Kinersly's .drug store. Large
Bize 50c and $1.
Tottie (aged 6) I wonder why babies
is always born in the night time. Lottie
(aged 7, a little wiser) Don't you know?
'Cos they want to make sure of finding
their mothers at home. Tib-Bits.
; The success that has attended the ' use
of Dr. J. H. McLean's Volcanic Oil Lin
ament in the relief of pain and in curing
diseases which seemed beyond the reach
of medicine, has been truely remarkable.
Hundreds supposed to be crippled for
life with arms and legs drawn up crook
ed or distorted, their muscles withered or
contracted by disease have been cured
through the use of this remedy. Price
25c, 50 and $1.00 per bottle. For sale by
the Snipes-Kinersly Drug Co.
"Aren't you afraid that statue will
shrink if it be left out in the rain?'
asked the cheerful idiot. "Shrink?"
said his host "What an ideal" "I
didn't know, you know. 1 thought it
might become a Btatue wet. '
Every mother should know that croup
can be prevented. ' The first symptom of
true cro.up . is hoarseness... This is fol
lowed by a peculiar rough,. cough. If
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is given
freely as soon as the child becomes
hoarse or even after the cough has de
veloped it will prevent the attack. 50
cent bottles for; sale' by Blakeley &
Houghton, druggists.
Cord Wood.
We again have an abundant supply of
dry fir and bard wood for immediate
delivery at the lowest rates, and hope to
be fayored with a liberal share of the
trade. , Jos. T. Pbtkes & Co.
Another Call.
All county warrants registered . prior
to January 1, 1891, will be paid on pre
sentation at my office. Interest ceases
after Sept. 10th. Wm. Michkll,
County Treasurer.
. All city warrants registered prior to
January 2, 1892, are now, due and pay
able at my office. Interest ceases after
this date. 1. 1. Burget, City Treas.
Dated Dalles City, Aug. 1, 1894.
NOTICE. ....
No Freight trill be accepted for ship
ment between the honrs of 5 P. M. and
9 A. M.., except Lire Stock and Perish
able Goods.
!., P. A A. N. Co.
lulT 20th.
Feed wheat
for sale cheap at
, 1 O
50c Dozen.
For Infants and Children.
Caatoria promotes Digestion, and
overcomes Flatulency, Constipation, Sour
Stomach, Diarrhoea, and Feverishness.
Thus the child is rendered healthy and its
sleep natural. Caatorla contains no
Morphine or other narcotic property.
" Castorla Is so well adapted to children that
I recommend it as superior to any prescription
known to ma" H. A. Akcbkr, M. I.,
111 South Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. Y.
M For several years I have recommedaed your
Castoria,' and shall always continue to do so.
as it has invariably produced beneficial results."
Envoi F. PisBit M. D.,
125th Street and 7tb. Ave., New York City.
"The use of 'Castoria' is so universal and
Its merits so well known that it seems a work of
supererogation to endorse it. Few are the in
telligent families who do not keep Castoria
wlttuneasy reach."
Cabum HUkttk, D. D.,
. New York City.
Tex CnreAua Ookpaxt, 77 Murray Street, K. Y.
Letters of Credit issued available in the
Kaptern States.
Sight , Exchange and Telegraphic
Transfers sold on New York, Chicago, St.
Louis, San Francisco, Portland Oregon,
Seattle Wash., and various points in Or
egon and Washington.
Collection? nnHe tl all points ou hv
ornble ternip. -
E fi Li ARGHWH jT of
Owing to increase of business and putting in a stock of Dry Goods,
the store has been lengthened by thirty-five feet.
From England Direct. On Wednesday we will
Trimmed - lii
.Agency of the ,
Brownsville Clothing,
Underwear, Blankets,
Etc., Etc.
'would like to caU your attention
to our new arrival of
e Linens,"
Are positive vre can save you time and money
by looking over our line.
Pianos and Organs, Books,
- Call and set his prices. Sells PIANOS on
easy monthly payments, and is prepared to meet
162 Seconl St., THE DALLES, OR.
J. 8. 6GHINCK,
. President.
J. M. Patterson,
: Cashier.
FfrsUlational Bank.
A General Banking Business transacted
Deposits received, subject to Sight
j Draft or Check. .
Collections made and proceeds promptly
remitted on day of collection.
Sight and Telegraphic Exchange sold on
New York. San JTrancisco and Port
land. D1RBOTOKS.
D. P. Thompson. Jno. S. Schsnc.
Ed. M. Wn-MAMS, Oko. A. Likbb.
H. M. Beau..
Moving I
Andrew Velarde
IS prepared to do any and all
kinds of work in his line at .
reasonable figures. Has the .
largest house moving outfit
in Eastern Oregon.
Address KO.Box 181 .The Dal les
si Hals, tote, Flwers.
LIME and .
Picture Moulding".
ZE3Z. C3-.XjE3 3Sr-2ST.
v J ; : ;
Snipes-Kinersly Drug Co.
PllIB Dili Ctt
At Our Old Place of Business.
show a choice lot of