C2J Vc2 Dalles Daily Chronicls. from the administration democrats in New York. If'Hill runs he will be de feated, and if he declines it will injure him politically. It looks as though there had been some kind of a scheme put up to put Hill in just this position, and jf he can pull himself out of it with credit, or even without positive injury he will develop elements of statesman ship that he has not yet made visible. prices that will Astonish Vou SUBSCRIPTION RATES. T MAIL, POSTAGE TUB? AID, IK ADVANCE. Weekly, 1 year . 1 60 6 months. 0 75 8 " 0 W Daily, 1 year.... 6 00 " 6 months. i 8 00 per " . 0 60 Address all communication to " THE CHRON ICLE." The Dalles, Oregon. THURSDAY.- OCTOBER 4, 1894 PERSONAL. MENTION. DEMOCRACY'S CONDITION. Within a month nearly all. the states will hold elections for - congressmen, hence the political situation just now is decidedly interesting. The policy of the democratic party, and the party itself are both on trial ; the former by : the entire people, the latter by the individ ual members of the party itself. Its policy is on trial by all the people, for the effect of its legislation . has been ex perienced by all regardless of political . beliefs. What the verdict of those who are hot blinded by partisanism wJl ba, is easily foreseen. Less than two years ago when President Cleveland took the oath of office, the country was prosper ous, mills were running, agricultural prod acts had a good and active market, labor was employed, and capital invest ed or seeking investment, debt was being paid off rapidly, and this was being done without burdensome taxa tion. Mr Cleveland had no eooner taken his seat in the presidential chair, than a change came, bnt not the change the people bad been clamoring for. The first act of the president was to call a special session of congress to repeal - the purchasing clause of the Sherman act, and virtually putting a stop to the ex tension of the use of silver as more. The threatened change of 'the revenue system to a free- trade basis, caused along with the demonitization of silver as a future money metal, univer sal distrust. Capital began to protect itself, to gather up its wealth, and cease from investments, A run on the banks by people of moderate means followed and the money of the country went into the old stockings and hid itself from public . view. Agricultural products went down in price because the factor ies no longer furnished employment, and the laborer had not ' the money to purchase. Hard times fell upon us, and while tax burdens were not increased the revenues of the government fell off, and instead of decreasing the national debt, $50,000,000 of interest bearing bonds were issued Of the final com promise to describe it mildly, with the sugar trust it is not necessary to speak. But for all these things the policy of the party is up before the peope of this country for their judgment. On the other band the party itself is on trial by its own members.. The appoint ment of Gresham, the flirting with Queen Lil, but above all the surrender to the sugar trust, and the abandoning of the principle for which honest demo crats had contended so bitterly foryeare, the abandoning of the free trade plat form on which 'democracy triumphed, these things the honest members, the rank and file of the party will be called upon to pass their judgment on. There can be but one result. ' The country has suffered incomparably by the change and the country will correct it as speed ily as possible. Democracy has suffered unto death at the bands of every de partment of the government except the lower house of congress. The president choked the life out of it in forcing it to do his bidding concerning silver, and the senate kicked its aspirations to pieces in forcing it to yield, to the sugar trust. The people will down de mocracy, and the democrats will assist in holding the wake. Investigation by the Chicago Trade Bulletin with regard to the feeding of wheat to live stock, confirms reports from other sources that there is a very general use of the cereaT for this pur poses. " From all the states from New York and Pennsylvania westward to Colorado, and from several Southern . states, replies have been received to the inquiries of the Trade Bulletin, some of which say that theconsumption of wheat for animal food will amount to from 5 to 20 per cent, and a few anticipate the use of as much as 50 per cent in displace ment of other grains. If these estimates have not been exaggerated the effect must ultimately be felt in a measure of relief to the abnormal price depression ' in the wheat markets. The relatively greater value of wheat when fed to stock is indicated by the report of a Western hog feeder to the president of the com- . mercial exchange. The result of his ex periments in wheat feeding in the last few weeks has been a gain in weight of hogs equivalent- to. 92 cents per buBhel for wheat ' which is not worth over 54 cents in the Chicago market after the payment of freight and other expenses of shipment from the farm. It is stated in the dispatches today that Senator. Hill will decline the nom ination for governor of New York. The senator in being interviewed concerning the report, replied that he had nothing whatever to say. The situation is a peculiar one, for even Hill, with all his great pull on New York, can ecarce'y hope to combat the republicans, the mugwumps and the. administration, suc cessfully. Neither can he hope to placate the chiefest of ingrates Giover Cleveland,.' nor to draw any strength Mrs- Sophia Palmer arrived in from Prineville Tuesday. ; ." Mrs. A. W. Mohr arrived here Tues day, from Portland. Rev. Joseph Alter and wife went out ! to the Warm Springs yesterday. Miss Grace Sharpleft last night for a i visit to friends in Walla Walla. , Miss Katie Crofton of Centerville, Washington, was in the city yesterday. Mrs. E. C. Warren returned to Dufur this morning, after a visit in Portland. Rev. A. B. Wade - went to Prineville this morning - to take charge of the church there. . Mr. Henry Hahn of the firm of Wad dams & Co., Portland, arrived in from Prineville yesterday. Mr. Frank B. Hennessey of Notre Dame Indiana, is-visiting his former college mate Mr. Roger Sinnott. Mr. Isom Cleek, storekeeper at the Warm Springs, arrived in this city yesterday and left for Portland this morning. Mr. J. A. Fawcett of Naneene left this af tern noon for Portland, from which place he will take a trip to Taco'ma on Portland day at the fair; that is, Sat urday.: Dr. O. D. Doane, who has been attend ing the meeting ot the Sovereign Grand Lodge of Odd Fellows at Chattanooga, Tenn., arrived home this morning, hav ing had a very delightful trip. DIED. In El Cajon California, Sept. 29th 1894,Wilhelmine Walther, aged 54 years. Mrs. Walther was the mother of W. E. E. Walther of this city. The following horses are now in train ing at the fair grounds : Runners Sir Henry, I Don't Know, Rockland Boy, Vol ta, Little Joe, Grover, Powder, Jim Crow and Sinetta. Trotters Montana, Jim 'Blaine, John Day, John L. and Polly. The following will be up on the boat tonight : Anita, Hamrock,, Carl Carnie and Token. 'Besides these quite a number are on their way from Yakima. Wife I am just dying to see the things you bought while you were away. Husband Eh? " I didn't buy anything. "But you had only one small trunk when you left, and you have come back with two." ' "Oh ! Yes. you packed my trunk for me, you know. When I came to start back, I had to borrow another trunk to get all the stuff in." New York Weekly. : . Madame L. Dulac, 382 Morrison street, Portland, Or., artistic French dress maker, late of H. B. Lilt, is ready to make appointments with the ladies who would like to have her come to The Dalles, 'to take their order, to fit them there. Latest styles and fit guaranteed. Reasonable prices. lw. When Baby was sick, we gave her Castoria. When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria. ' When she became Hiss, she clung to Castoria. When she had Children, she gave them Castaria. Another Call. All county warrants registered prior to January 1, 1891, will be paid on pre sentation at my office. Interest ceases after Sept.-10th. Wm. Michell, County Treasurer. Seed Rye, 75 cents per bushel, at Jolee, Collins & Co.'s - Seed Rye for sale at Mays & Crowe's hardware store. oct 3 Gain sacks for sale at the Wasco warehouse. ' tf SHERIFF'S SALE. Notice is hereby given, that nnder and by vir of an execution issued out of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Wasco County, on the 23d day of Sept., 1894, on a decree made, entered and rendered in said Court on the 10th day of July, 1894, in an action wherein Dalles City was plaintiff and Mary L. Booth was de fendant, in favor of said plaintiff and against said defendant, for $2,277, with interest thereon from said 10th day of July, 1894, at the rate of 10 per cent per annnm, and the further sum of $200 attorney's fee, and the further sum of $13.80 costs, and to me directed, and commanding me to sell the property hereinafter aesciibed to sat isfy the above sums, I will on Monday, the 29th day of October, 1894, at the hour of 2 o'clock p. m. of said 'day, sell, to the highest bidder for cash in hand, at public auction at theJEront door of the county Courthouse in Dalles City, Wasco County, Oregon, all the right, title and interest of the defendent in and to the following described property, to wit: All of lots numbered four, five and six in block numbered one, in Tri vett's Addition to Dalles City, in Wasco County, State of Oregon, according to the recorded maps and plats thereof, together with the tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto be longing or in any wise appertaining, or so much thereof as will be sufficient to satisfy the above named sums, together with the accruing costs and expenses of this sale. , , . The above described lots and property will be sold in parts or parcels or all together, as may be deemed to be for the best interest of all per sons concerned. - Dated at Dalles City, Wasco County, Oregon, this 28th day of Sept., 1894. . . s29-nl0 T. J. DRIVER, Sheriff of Wasco County, Oregon. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. , Land Office, The Dalles, Or.,) Oct 1, 1894. j Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, ard that said proof will be made before the register and receiver of the U. S. Land office, The Dulles, Or., on November 10, 1894, viz.: Janes V. Dickson, H. E. No, 2928, for the WK NEJi SEV and NE'4 SWJi, Sec. 14, Tp. 1 8, R 13 E, W M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of, said land, viz.: L. Rice, William Campbell, W. J. Herman, J. E. MeCormick, of Endersbv, Or. JAS. F. MOORE, Register. The Best Medicine. J. Ol" JVilson, 'Contractor and Builder, Sulphur Springs, Texas,', thus speaks of .flyer's Fills : " Ayer's Pills are the best medicine I ever - tried ; and, in my judgment, no better general remedy could be devised. I have used them In my family and recommended them to my friends and employes for more than twenty years. To my certain. knowledge, many cases of the following complaints have been completely and v ' v Permanently Cured by the use of Ayer's Pills alone: Third day chills, dumb ague, bilions fever, sick headache, rheumatism, flux, dys pepsia, constipation, and hard colds. I know that a moderate use of Ayer's Pills, continued for a few days or weeks, as the nature of the complaint required, would be found an absolute cure for the disorders I have named above." " I have been selling medicine for eight years, and I can safely say .that Ayer's Pills give better satisfaction than any other Pill I ever sold;" J. J. Perry, Spottsylvania C. H., Va. , AYER'S PILLS Prepared by Dr. J. O. Ay er & Co., Lowell, Mas. Every Dose Effective "Tie Regulator Line" Tie Dalles, Portland and A&taria Navigation Co. THROUGH Freigat ami Passsuser Line Through Daily Trips (Sundays ex cepted) between The Dalles and Port land. Steamer Regulator leaves The Dalle1 at 7 a.m., connecting at the Cas cade Locks with Steamer Dalles City. Steamer Dalles City leaves Portland (Yamhill st. dock) at 6 a. m., connect ing with Steamer Regulator for The Dalles. . - ' PAHHKNUKK U. I KK. One way . . .... J. . Round trip.....' 12.00 3.00 Freight Rates Greatly Reduced. All freight, except car lots, will be brought through, with out delay at Cascades. . Shipments' for Portland received at any time day or night. Shipments for way landings must be delivered before 5 p.m.- Live, stock shipments eolictrri. Call on or address, W. CALLAWAY, General .Agent and Acting' Manager. THE-DALLES, OREGON A Letter. The Dalles, Or., Sept. 2S, 1894. THE KRANICH & BACH PIANO has won " GOLDEN OPINIONS FROM ALL sorts of people. AT A. REDUCED PRICE 'I have STILL ONE XfEFT At ONLY $270. . Former price, $350, To the music-lovers, I have only just opened the door. There is being prepared inside a feast whieh I will shortly spread before you. In the meantime I offer yon bargains that will whet your appetite for more. ' Yours verj "truly, I. C. NICKELSEN. St. Mary's Academy THE DALLES, OR. EE-0PEN8 SEPTEMBER 3d, 1894. BOARDING AND DAY SCHOOL FOR GIRLS. .Rates per term of feu weeks, payable in advance: Board and Tuition. $40 CD Entrance Fee (payable but once; b C3 Bed and Bedding 3 CJ Instrumental Music, Type-writing, Telegraphy, Drawing and Painting form extra charges. French, German, Latin, Needlework and Vocal Music taught free of charge to regular pupils. RATES FOR DAY-PUPILS. 15, $6713 or $10 per term according to grade. " For further particulars address, SISTER SUPERIOR. Just received a fine stock of goods, -which I am offering at astonishingly low prices. A fine line of DRESS GOODS, SILKS, GINGHAMS, CALICOS, LACES, EMBROIDERIES, MENS' SUITS, BOYS' SUITS, CHILDREN'S SUITS. Call and Sec PROFESSIONAL. H. RIDDELL attobnet-at-Law Office ' Court Street, The Dalles, Oregon. a. a. ddfub. - fkake. HKHXm. UFDE, A MENEFEK Attobkbts - AT- liw-Koomi 42 : ana 48. over Post r-n Building, Entrance on Washington Street "he Dalles, Oregon. ; : - V S. BBUNETT, ATTOSNET-AT-LIW. Of . V. ace in Bchanno'a building, up stairs. The h1 les, Oregon. J. B. CONDOM. J. W. CONDON. CONDON A CONDON, ATVORNEY8 AT LAW - Office on Court street, opposite the old court house, The Dalles, Or. E.S. HUNTINGTON. H. S. WILSON.' HUNTINGTON A WILSON ATTOB.NETS-AT-uw Offices, French's block over -".rat Na tional Bans. Dalles. Oregon. 1 vv ;"r H. WILSON ATTORNSY-AT-LAW ROOmS Frenoh A Co.'s bank building. Second street. The Dalles, Oregon. J SUTHERLAND, M. D C. M.; F. T. M. C. M. C. P. and 8. O., Physician and Bur geon. Rooms 3 and 4, Chapman block. Residence Mrs. Thornbury's, west end of Second street. DR. E8HELMAN (HOKJOHTHIC) PHTSICIAN and Su&obon. Calls answered promptly lay or night, city or country. Office No. 86 and 'Chapman block. 1 - - wtf B. O. D. DOANB PHTSIOTAM AND SUB- asoN. Office: rooms 6 and 6 Chapman .. k. . Residence: B. B. corner Court and "ourth streets, sec md door from the comer (8oe hours to 13 A. M., 2 to 6 and 7 to 8 P. M D 8IDDALL Dbhtist. Gas given for the painless extraction of teeth. Also teeth t on flowed aluminum plate. Rooms: Sign of tie Golden Tooth. Second Street.. We wish to announce that . '' we have made a specialty of Winter Brooming Bulbs, ' HYACINTHS and LILLLES, POTTED PLANTS of All Kinds. We are prepared to famish on short notice cat flowers for all occasions; also -pot plants and -wires. John Pashek, IN THB Old Rvmdipy Building, Washington Street, between Second " ' bet. Second and Third, . dflr-Has ust received the latest styles in Suitings for Gentlemen, and his a large assortment of Foreign and Amer lean Cloths, which he can finish To Order for those that favor him. - Cleaning and Hepairing a Specialty. NOTICE" FOR PUBLICATION. TJ. 8. Land Office, The Dalles, Or., July 25, 1894. Complaint having been entered at this office by Frank Malone against John Vredt for aban doning his homestead entry. No. 4383, dated March 28, 1892, upon the E SW, NWW SWi and SWJ4 NW, Sec. 10, Tp. 8 S, R 18 E, In Wasco County, Oregon, with a view to the can cellation of said entry, the said parties are here by summoned to appear at this office on the 19th day of September, 1894, at 10 o'clock a. m., to respond and furnish testimony concerning said alleged abandonment. . M. Shutt, U. S. Com missioner, is authorized to take testimony at Antelope, Oregon, on September 12th, 1894, at 10 o'clock a. m. JAS. F. MOORE, Register. Harry Liebe, . PRACTICAL All .work promptly attended to, - and warranted. Can now be found at 162 Second street. ' JOHN H. KANE, Physician and Surgeon. " iTFUR, OREGON. Late House Surseon, St. Vincent's Hospital of Portland, Oregon. sep28 R, A. DIETRICH. Physician and Surgeon," DDFTJR, OREGON. fsff"- All professional calls promptly attende to, day and night. . aprl4 Notice. All persons are hereby notified not to hire or keep Marion Hurst, a lad 14 years old, about their premises, as his eerviees are needed at home. aBgl8-lm - JAMES HTRST. StuDUnn Grcennouss 33 - "Vir. rrjTJ S3 Successor to -DEALER IN- PAINTS, OILS AND GLASS. And the Most Complete and Latest Patterns and Designs in WALL PAPER. WALL PAPER. PRACTICAL PAINTER and PAPER HANGER. None bnt the best brands of J. W.- MASURY'S . PAINTS t need in all our work, and none but the mo6t skilled workmen employed. Agents for Masury Liquid Paints. ' No chem icel combination or soap mixture. A first-class . article in all colors. All orders .promptly attended to. .' . Store and Faint Shon coiner Third and 'Washington Sta., The Dalles, Oreor, When the Train stops at THE JiEW COIiUjVlBm HOTELk. . . .ofo- . This large and popular House does the principal hotel business, and is prepared to furnish the Best Accommodations of any House in the city, and at the low rate of $1.00 per' Day. - first gass Ideals, 25 Cepts. Office for oil Stage Lines leaving The Dalle for all points ia K astern Oregon and JSastern Washington, In this Hotel. Corner of Front and Union Bts. What? Where? THE CELEBRATED COLUMBIA BREWERY, AUGUST BUCHLER, Prop'r. This well-known Brewery is now ! turning out the best Beer and Portei east of the Cascades. The latest appliances for the manufacture of good health-, ful Beer have been introduced, and ony the first-class article will be placed on he markt- .. Pipe Wois; Till Repaiis MAINS TAPPED Shop on Third Street, next door west of Young & Kuss' Blacksmith Shop. - : Administrator's Notice. The undersigned having by consideration of the County court, of the state of Oregon; for Wasco county been appointed administrator of the estate of George Hansen deceased, on the 10th day of Sept. 1894, creditors of, and all per sons having claims against the said estate of said deceased, are hereby notified to present them, with the proper vouchers attached, within six months from the date of this notice, to the said administrator at the office of A. M. Kelsay, county clerk, in, Dalles Ciiy, County of Wasco, State of Oregon. . Dated at the Dalles Oregon, September 29th, 1894. . Andekw Hansen, Administrator of the estate of George Hansen, deeeased. Oct. 3 to 31. . Administrator's Sale. Notice hereby given that.in pursuance of an order of the county court - ot the state of Oregon -'or Wasco' county, duly made and en tered on t :e 22nd day of September, A. D. 1894, in the matter of the estate of Henry A. Pratt, de ceased, directing the undersigned to sell at publie sale the following described real property belonging t said deceased to-wit: Lot num ber five (5) in block number two (2) in Trev itts addition to Dalles City, Wasco County, Ore gon. We will on Saturday, November 6th, 1894 at the hour of 2 o'clock x. m. of said day at the court house door in Bald Dalles city, sell to the highest bidder the said described property. Terms of sale, one tcird at time of sale, one third in six months from date of sale, and one third in one year from date of sale. . LESLIE BUTLEB, J. F. ARMOUR, Administrators of the estate of Henry A. Pratt, deceased. , . sep24-oct29 Fanl Kref t & Co. DALLES, get off on the South Side K : AT TH - T. T. NICHOLAS, Propr. Hand-Corded Corsets, Health Reform Waists, Nursing Corsets, Misses' Waists, Children's Waists, Shoulder Braces and Hose Supporters made to order. At the Pacific Corset Company's Factory, north' east of the Fair Grounds. It desired each garment will be fitted before being finished. Call at the fac tory and examine oar goods, or drop a card in the office, and our agent will call and secure your order-. oi upon UNDER PRESSURE. Ad. Keller is now located at W H. Butts' old stand, and will be glad to wait upon his many friends. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office, The Dalles, Or. j Sept 8, 1894. Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of his Intention to make final proof in support of his claim and that said proof will be made beore the register and receiver at The Dalles, Oregon, on Oct. 24, 1894, viz: Patrick E. Fsrrellj, . Hd E, No 4829, for the el, swj, and w4 sej, sec 13, tp 1 n, r 13 e, W M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation oi said land, viz: William Henzie, Isaac V How land, George L Davenport, Frank P Taylor, all of The Dalles. JAS. F. MOORE, Register