The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, October 01, 1894, Image 4

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    Bran and Snorts (Diamond
Mills), $12 per ton.
Flour at Bedrock Prices.
G-ood Potatoes, 65c a sack.
Seed Wheat.
Chicken Wheat, 75c sack.
Choice Wheat, Timothy
and Alfalfa Hay.
All Goods Sold at Lowest
Telephone No. 61.
Tommy Paw, what makes them have
the weather office away up on the top
of. a high building? Mr. Flagg That
is eo that it will be too much exertion
for a fat man to climb the stairs and kill
the weather man. Indianapolis Jour
and your cough may end in some
thing serious. It's pretty sure to,
if your blood is poor. That is just
the time and condition that invites
Consumption. The seeds are sown
and it has fastened its hold upon
you, before you know that it is
It won't do to trifle and. delay,
when the remedy is at hand. Ev
ery disorder that can be reached
through the blood yields to Dr.
Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery.
For Severe Coughs, . Bronchial,
Throat and Lung Diseases, Asthma,
Scrofula in every form, and even
the scrofulous affection of the lungs
that's called Consumption, in all . its
arlier stages, it is a positive and
complete eure.
It is the only blood - cleanser,
-strength -restorer, and flesh - builder
bo effective that it can be guaran
teed. If it doesn't benefit or cure,
in every case, you have your money
back. All medicine dealers have it.
For every case of Catarrh which
they cannot cure, the proprietors of
Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy agree
to pay 8500 in cash. You're cured
by its mild, soothing, cleansing, and
healing properties, or you're paid.
"I'm going to have that, stock investi
gated," said the investor. "There's
, been a good deal of funny business in
that corporation." "True," said Bar
law ; "and I'd advise you to employ a
diver to do your investigating, there's so
much-water in it." Harper's Bazar.
While in Chicago, Mr. Charles L.
i Kahler, a prominent shoe merchant of
Des Moines, Iowa, had quite a serious
time of it. He took such a severe cold
that he could hardly talk or navigate,
but the prompt use of Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy cured him so quickly
that others at the hotel who had bad
colds followed his example and half a
dozen persons ordered it from the near
est drug store. They were profuse in
their thanks to Mr. Kahler for telling
them how to cure a bad cold so quickly.
For sale byBlakeley &. Houghton Drug
gists, :
"Those poor Arctic explorers have had
some dreadful experiences," said the
sympathetic woman. "I know it," re
plied young Mrs. Torkins. "But they
. . have had their pictures taken in some
perfectly lovely furs." Washington
Bucklen's Arinea BVmlve.
The best salve in the world for cuts,
bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever
sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains,
corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi
tively cures piles, or no pay required.
It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac
tion, or money refunded. Price 25 cents
" per box. For sale oy Snipes & Kin
era ly.
Notice to Taxpayers.
The county board of equalization will
meet in the assessor's office on Monday,
Sept. 24th, and continue in session one
week, for the purpose of equalizing the
assessment of Wasco county for 1894,
All tax payers who have not been inter'
viewed by the assessor will please call at
the office on Thursdays, Fridays or Sat
urdays, as all property must be assessed,
Joel Koontz,
County Assessor.
Another Call.
All county warrants registered prior
to January 1, 1891, will be paid on ' pre
eentction at my office. Interest ceases
after Sept. 10th. Wit. Michkll,
County Treasurer.
Seed Rye. -
Feed Oats.
Rolled Barley.
Poultry and Eggs bought
and sold.
Choice Groceries & Fruits.
Grass Seeds.
Living Prices.
Cor. Second and Union Sts.
Ayer's Sarsaparilla does what no
other blood medicine in existence can
do. It searches out all impurities in the
system and expels them harmlessly
through the proper channels. This is
why Ayer's Sarsaparilla is so pre
eminently effective as a remedy for
There is more Catarrh in this section
of the country than all other diseases put
together, and until the last few years
was supposed to be incurable. For a
great many years doctors pronounced it
a local disease, and prescribed local rem
edies, and by constantly failing to cure
with local treatment, pronounced it in
curable. Science has proven catarrh to
be a constitutional disease and therefore
requires constitutional . treatment.
Hall's Catarrh, manufactured by F. J.
Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio, is the only
constitutional cure in the market. It is
taken internally in dosea from 10 drops
to a teaspoon ful. It acts directly on the
blootTand mucous surfaces of the system.
They offer one hundred dollars for any
case it fails to cure. Send for circulars
and testimonials. Address.
F. J. CHENEY & Co., Toledo, O.
JfySSSold by Druggists, 75c.
"Finny Reilley is gettin' to' bo a reg'lar
dude at school." "What does he do?"
"When he spits on his slate he rubs it
off wid his eleeve 'stead of his hand."
Chicago Inter-Ocean.
Specimen Cases.
S. H. Clifford, New Cassel, Wis., was
troubled with neuralgia and rheumatism,
his stomach was disordered, his liver
was affected to an alarming degree, ap
petite fell away, and he was terribly re
duced in flesh and strength. Three bot
tles of Electric Bitters cured him. .
- Edward Shepherd, Harrisburg, 111.,
bad a running sore on his leg of eight
years' standing. Used three bottles of
Electric Bitters and seven boxes of
Bucklen's Arnica Salve, and his leg is
sound and well. John Speaker, Cata
waba, O., had five large fever sores on
his leg, doctors said he was incurable,
one bottle Electric Bitters and one box
Bucklen's Arnica Salve cured him en
tirely. Sold by Snipes' & Kinersly.
It is said some Chinese and many
Africans use the ear as a pofcket to carry
coins and other small articles. If any
attempt were made to rob them they
would hear of it.-f-Picayune.
Now Try This.
It will cost you nothing and will sure
ly do you good,' if you have a cough,
cold, or any trouble with throat, chest
or lungs. Dr. King's New Discovery for
consumption, coughs and colds is guar'
anteed to give relief, or money will be
paid back. Sufferers from . la grippe
found it just the thing and under its
use had a speedy and thorough recov
eay. Try a sample bottle' at our ex
pense, and learn for yourself just how
good a thing it is. Trial bottles free at
Snipes & Kinersly's drug store. Large
size ouc ana $1.
Servant Miss Penstock told me to
tell you she bad gone out shopping, sur,
Dashaway Queer she should say that,
Why, she did not know that I was going
to call. Servant-VShe said she feared it,
sur. New York Herald.
Irving W. Lai mo re, physical director
of Y. M. C. A., Dea Moines, Iowa, says
he . can conscientiously recommend
Chamberlain's Pain Balms 'to athletes,
gymnasts, bicyclists, foot ball players
and the profession injgeneral for bruises,
sprains and dislocations ; also for sore
neas and stiffness of the muscles. When
applied before the parts become swollen
it will effect a cure in one half the time
usually required. For sale by B.akeley &
nougnton urnggista.
"This is very alarming," said the old
man as he got up at 4 o'clock in the
morning and threw the humming clock
over into the next yard. Syracuse Post.
A. M. Bailey, a well-known . citizen of
Eugene, Or., says his wife has for years
been troubled with chronic diarrhoea
and used many remedies with little relief
until she tried Chamberlain's Colic,
Cholera and diarrhoea Remedy, which
has cured her sound and well, . Give it
a trial and you will be surprised at the
prompt relief it affords. 25 and 50 cent
bottles for eale by Blakeley & Houghton
Be Is the Noblest Kpecles ot the Whole
Canine Race. ,
The Newfoundland dog1 takes his
name from the island where he is sup
posed to have originated. Many, how
ever, believe that the Norsemen, who
discovered America in the year 1000, in
troduced this dog- in Newfoundland.
He is bv some classified among the
wolf-dogs, while others, on account of
his large pendulous ears, say that he
should not belong1 to this family, but
that he and the St. Bernards should.
occupy a place by themselves.
The Newfoundland, says Harper s
Young People, since his introduction
in England, has improved in appear
ance, and is now larger and heavier.
In Newfoundland and Labrador these
dogs are used as beasts of burden,
drawing considerable loads of wood
and provisions on sledges. Their feet
are partially webbed, and therefore
they are most excellent water dogs.
The scent is not strong, and as the dog
is slow and clumsy, he is not valuable
to the hunter, except as a retriever
when speed is not required.
In the island of Newfoundland this
dog is almost totally black, but . the
English varieties are usually black and
white. As a"watch-dog the Newfound
land is only second to the mastiff. He
is amiable to children and small dogs.
Kept in confinement he often gets cross
and ill-tempered, and flies at those for
whom he has previously shown the
greatest regard.
Where a dog cannot be allowed to
run, and must be chained up, the New
foundland should not be kept. This
dog is a great life-saver, and by in
stinct will jump into the water to save
even an enemy from drowning.
A Dread Creature That Is Common In
I have always despised bats, said a
Cleveland man recently, and it always
sends a shudder over me whenever one
of the hideous creatures approaches
me. The bats of this country, how
ever, are not to be dreaded in compar
ison to those of the vampire species
which abound in India. Just imagine
a big- mouse with a horn on his head
like a rhinocerous, furnish him with a
pair of demon-like wings, and you have
a very good picture of this latter kind.
The natives dread the vampire bat on
account of his bloodsucking propensi
ty. In the sultry nights he fans the
heated sleeper with his wings while
his needle-like teeth are being in
serted into the veins of his victim,
quenching . his thirst for blood with
such gentleness that it is only by some
fortunate chance that he is discovered
before the mischief is done. It is a
well-authenticated fact that if an indi
vidual is ones bled by a vampire he is
invariably chosen, in preference to all
others equally exposed for a subseqent
attack, and even if he were to move
ten or twenty milos away, no im
munity is gained thereby, as the bat is
sure to follow him and keep up his
blood-thirsty attack until his victim
succumbs or the animal is discovered
and killed. Cattle and horses, from
being more exposed, are more frequent
ly chosen as the subjects of attack by
these loathsome creatures.
Some Superstitions About Haddocks and
Fcra Roots.
The banana possesses wonderful sus
taining properties, and yet years ago,
in the warm countries where it flour
ibhes, the banana was thought of so
lightly that it was allowed to waste if
not eaten by the cattle.
The plant itself was valued simply as
a shade for coffee trees, between rows
of which it was planted.
Somebody once told me, says a writer
in the Gentlewoman, that the Span
iards used to regard the banana as a
forbidden fruit, because they detected
in its heart the transverse section of
the cross.
I remember, too, how one of my early
governesses used to delight me by
showing me the cross and the apostles
in the center of the passion flower; and
the other day a friend told me of some
curious symbolical marks to be found
at the back of the neck of the haddock,
indentations similar to those that
might be caused by the finger and
thumb, the supposition being that the
haddock was one of the fishes picked
out of the net on the occasion of the
miraeulous draft of fishes.
Absent-Blinded People Who Were Simply
They are telling a story of a Dutch
man who presented himself at the reir-
istar's office recently to obtain a license
for his approaching marriage, and who.
on being asked the name of the bride,
was compelled to confess that it had
quite escaped him, and he had to re
turn home for the necessary informa
tion. It's a pretty good story of ab
sence of mind, but there are others on
record that are even better. There
have been cases where persons have
even forgotten their own names.
Lessing, the historian, was subject
to the most wonderful fits of abstrac
tion. One night, returning home late,
he rang the front door bell, and when
a servant called out from an upper win
dow that the professor was not at
home, he said: "All right, I'll come
again," and walked away.
There was an English clergyman,
Rev. George Harvest, who was engaged
to a daughter of the bishop of London,
,but on the day of, his wedding went
fishing, and forgetful of the appointed
hour did not appear at the nuptials.
The lady broke off the match. -
Making; Rain In India.
A rainmaker in India has an appar
atus Consisting of a rocket capable of
rising to the height of a mile, contain
ing a reservoir of ether; in its descent
it opens a parachute, which causes it
to come down 6lowly. The ether is
thrown out in fine spray, and it3 ab
sorption of heat is said to lower the
temperature about it sufficiently to
condense the vapor and produce a lim
ited shower. .
Caked & Inflamed Udders.
Rheumatic Pains,
Bruises and Strains.
Running Sores,
Stiff joints,
Harness & Saddle Sores,
Insect Bites,
All Cattle Ailments,
AH Horse Ailments,
All Sheep Ailments,
Penetrates Muscle,
Membrane and Tissue
Quickly to the Very
Seat of Pain and
Ousts it in a Jiffy.
Rub in Vigorously.
Mustang Liniment conquers
Makes flan or Beast well
again. "
"The Regulator Line"
Tie Dalles, PortM and Astoria
Navigation Co.
Freigni and Passenger Line
Through Daily Trips (Sundays ex
cepted) between The Dalles and Port
land. Steamer Regulator leaves The
Dalles at 7 a.m., connecting at the Cas
cade Locks with Steamer Dalles City.'
Steamer Dallea City leaves Portland
(Yamhill Et. dock) at 6 a. m.,-connecting
with Steamer Regulator for The
Dallea. v
One way
Round trip .
Freight Rates Greatly Reduced.
All freight, except car lots,
will be brought through, with
out delay at Cascades. -
Shipments for Portland received at
any time day or night. Shipments for
wav landings must be delivered before
5 p. m. Live stock shipments solicted.
Call on or address,
Oenerml As;ent and Acting Manager.
J F. FORD, Evangelist,
Of Des Holnes, Iowa, writes under date ol
March 23, 1893:
S. B. Med. Mfo. Co.,
Dufur, Oregon.
Gentlemen : . -.-..
On arriving home last week, 1 found
all well and anxiously awaiting. Our
little girl, eight and one-half years old,
who had wasted away to 88 pounds, is
now well, strong and vigorous, and well
fleshed up. S. B. Cough" Cure has done
its work well. Both of the children like
it. Your S. B. Cough Cure has cured
and kept away all hoarseness from me.
So give it to every one, with greetinge
for all. . Wishing you prosperity, we are
Yours, Mb. & Mes. J. F. Ford.
If you wish to fed fresh and cheerful, and read j
for the Spring's work, cleanse your system with
the Headache and Liver Cure, by taking two or
three dosea each week. l
Sold under a positive guarantee.
50 cents per bottle by all druggists.
U. 8. Land Office, The Dalles, Or., J
August 11, 1894. s
Notice fiB hereby given that the following
named settler has filed notice of his intention
to make final proof ia support of his claim, and
that said proof will be made before the register
and receiver of the TJ. 8. Land office at The
Dalles, Or., on bept. 28, 1894, viz:
Alvln JS. Lake,
H. E.1 No. 4512, for the NWJ, NEW, Bee. 85,
SW BEH and EU, BW Sec. 26, T 4 8, E 11 B.
He names the following witnesses to prove his
continuous residence upon and cultivation of
said land. viz. :
J. K. Woodcock, I. D. Driver, S. G. Ledford, of
amic ; i. . u river, oi i ne uaues.
.Yuri w
' ".111 w u
nil tb u y TI
When the Train stops at THE DALLES, get off on the South Side 1
. . ; AT TH
This large and popular House
ana is prepared to luraisn tne nest Accommodations oi a
' House in the city, and at the low rate of
$1.00 per Day. - pirst
Office for all Stage Xjlnes
points in Eastern Oregon
In this Hotel'.
Corner of Front and Union Sts.
'There is a tide in the affairs of men which, taken at its flood
leads on to fortune."
The poet unquestionably had reference to the
-Who are selling these goods
Shop on Third Street, next door west of Young & Kusb'
, Blacksmith Shop. . .,: .
- : Vwr ruun i -or -
prompt answer and an honest opinion, write to
MUNN&CO.. who have bad nearly fifty years'
experience In the patent business.- Communica
tions strictly confidential. A Handbook of In
formation conoermna Patents and bow to ob
tain tbem sent free. Also a catalogue Of """'"n
leal and scientific books sent free. .
Patents taken through Mann s Co. receiva
special notioeinthe Scientific American, and
thus are brought widely before the public with
out cost to the lnyentor. This splendid paper.
Issued weekly, elegantly illustrated, has by far the
largest circulation of any scientific work in the)
world. S3 a year. 8amp!e copies sent free.
Building Edition, monthly, tiju a year. Single)
copies. 25 cents. Every number contains beau-
tiful plates, in colors, and photographs of new
houses, with plans, enabling builders to show the
latest designs and secure contracts. Address
HU.NN CO, Mw York, A til tsoiv.vAT.
Rainoas Rates.
does the principal hotel business,
any .
Qass Teals, '25 Cerpts.
leaving; The Dalles for all
and astern Washington,
T. T. NICHOLAS, Propr.
out at greatly-reduced rates.
I Caveats, and Trade-Marks obtained, and all Pat-
ent business conducted for Mode atc Fees.
5 O011 omcc is Oppositi o. s . putcnt orrtee
I and we can secure patent in less time than those
t Send model, drawicz or thoto;.'rith descrfp-
J tion. We advise, if patentable or cot, free of
i charge. Our fee not due till patent Is secured,
f A PMPHLeTfc;How to Obtain Patents, .with
(cost of same in the U. S. and foreign countries
lunt free. Addrii.
c.A.on o w dco.
Ofp. patent Omcc, Washington, D. C
amui m nmuM uiiii i'i iijiihH'i mi
f- - sw-at. V.