Tho Dalles Daily Chroniels. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. by xa.11., roaTAes ruun, m adtahc. Weekly, 1 year. " 0 months., 14 8 .. Dally, 1 year .". " 6 months .SIM . 0 75 . 060 . 6 00 . 8 00 per . 0 50 Addreas all communication to " THE CHKON (OLE." The Dalles, Oregon. MONDAY. - - OCTOBER 1, 1894 BEET SUGAR INDUSTRY. Until sites are chosen for the two beet , sugar refineries, which an enterprising company intends to establish in this state, the machinery now being ruanu iactnred in ' Germany, will not be shipped. At least that is the statement given out for publication by a piominent member of the company in Portland. "We will erect two factories one in Eastern Oregon and one in the Willam ette valley," he said, "but their exact location haa not yet been decided. Nu merous offers of land have been received by us, and they are under consideration. When we have made our selections, the machinery will be shipped to us, pro vided it is ready for shipment. I can not state with any degree of certainty when we will be ready to. begin build ing, but believe that the time is not far distant when we will be ready to make 'contracts for beets." ; It was the opinion of the gen tern an quoted that the new tariff law will not seriously interlere with the beet scgar industry in this state. He ' explained that ' while the McKinley ' bounty has : been abolished, there is still an ad . valorem duty on refined sugar sufficient , to make its manufacture from beets profitable to both the producer and the refiner. Practical experiments in differ ent parts of this state have demonstrated - the fact that an average profit of $40 per '. acre can be made by beet cultivation . much more than can be derived from any other branch of agriculture. True it is that beet-raising demands more at . tention than any other crop, but the per ' centage of saccharine matter in the beet rewards the grower according to his in-. dustry. To promote careful cultivation, the factories will put a graded price on ' the raw product. No trouble is anticipated in finding a . home market for all the eugar that the two factories will be able to turn out. Professor G. W. Shaw, of the agricul tural college at Gorvallis, who has made ' exhaustive inquiry into the beet sugar question, found that Portland alone con sumes and distributes about 25,000,000 pounds of sugar per annum. That is more than a dozen beet suagar factories could manufacture in a single season. By locating its Willamette valley-fac- . tory within a short distance of Portland; the new company hopes to be able to undersell the San Francisco refiners in that city. A GREAT DUTY. The Oregonian yesterday has au arti cle concerning the management of state, county and city affairs that is directly to the point and filled with good bard horse 6en8e. We regret that lack of space pre , vents our re-printing it, but we console ourselves by clipping the concluding paragraph : "Never before has an Oregon legisla ture had such summons to duty as rests upon the one that will convene in Janu ary. Our whole official system has be come honeycombed with practices which to nee no harsher terms, are bur densome to the taxpayer and destructive to the state. Offices are sought for their emoluments, and "worked for all '.there is in them." Extravagance, looseness and recklessness of expendi ture have prevailed in legislative balls and department offices. It should be the business of this legislature to reform uieeB aDuses, ana put tne state upon a career of honesty and economy such as honored its early yeare. The voice of the people has called it Into life for that ..end, and their eyes are .upon iXf'J Senator Mitchell, in an interview con . cermng the probable candidates for president, -after going over the 'field pretty thoroughly, gives as his opinion as to the most available man on the re "" publican side the name of Senator Cam ; eron of Pennsylvania. He says that events may transpire between now and the time of making the nominations that may make some other candidate 'more available, but that at the present time s Cameron would lead all others. We confess .our inability to understand by ; what, process of reasoning the senator reaches this conclusion, as candidates as strong or stronger can be found fn every state. Senator Allison of Iowa is a stronger and far abler man than Cam eron. Besides he comes from the West. The members of the Oregon Press Association from Western Oregon will ' pass through tonight on their way to Pendleton to attend the. annual. meeting of the association, which will be called to order at that place- tomorrow. They are a jolly lot and we regret with an upper case R, our inability to go with them, for we know we will miss lots of fun, and the very best time that can be crowded into forty-eight hours. Wh"en Pendleton and the Press meet, the glow ing hours and flying feet will have such a chase as would gladden the eyes of a blind man to see. ' Pendleton knows liow to entertain, and the, Oregon news paper men, God bless 'em, leave their diffidence with the devil when they go away from home. The czar of all the Russias is a very sick man. One learned doctor says he has Bright disease in an advanced stage and another says Le has neurasthenia coupled with anemia, in addition to kidney disease. They agree in one thing, and that is that at the beet the czar can only live a few months, so that he can console himself with the r'efiec tion that it does not matter which one is right. - ' Our editorial page was slightly mixed Saturday. However the matter was all there, and you can arrange it to suit yourself. ' Purely vegetable Dr. Pierce's Pleas ant Pellets. They're a compound of re fined and concentrated botanical ex tracts. These tiny, sugar-coated pellets the smallest and the easiest to take absolutely and permanently cure Con stipation, Indigestion, Sick and Bilious Headaches, Dizziness, Bilious Attacks and all derangements of the liver, stom ach and bowels. They cure permanently, because they act naturally. They don't shock and weaken the system, like the huge, old fashioned pills. And they're more effec tive. One little pellet for a corrective or laxative three for a cathartic. They're the cheapest pills you can buy for they're guaranteed to give satisfac tion, or your money is returned. You pay only for the good you get. VIGILANCE AG AfNST THE PEST. What Happened to Kate Field in a Fifth Avenue Omnibus In New York. If Kate Field, of Washington, were not a woman whose word cannot be questioned, this story of an occurrence in a Fifth avenue omnibus would not be believed. A friend and herself had entered the vehicle, says the New York Press, and another woman and a man followed at intervals of a block or two apart. Presently a gentleman got in who was recognized as one of the most eminent physicians in New York. He made his way up to the front of the omnibus and sat quiet for a minute or two, then turned and looked earnestly up and down the two sides on which his leiiow passengers were seated, a. mo ment later he pulled the strap and stepped to the door. "Ladies,"' said he, "one of you has smallpox. I shall have to trouble you all to lift your veils." The narrator and her companion responded at once, but the other woman held back. The man arose and beat a hasty retreat, the doc tor noiding open tne door, but saying as ne did so: You would be wiser, sir, to come with us and be vaccinated. The man came back and took his seat quietly in the omnibus, and the doctor ordered the driver to drive at once to the stable, 'which he did. From the stable the doctor telephoned for an ambulance, in which ' the woman who had refused to lift her veil was taken away to the hospital, she having bo- come thoroughly frightened by that time and offering no resistance. The doctor procured some fresh vaccine from a neighboring druggist and vac cinated the two ladies and their male fellow passenger. He explained that he had detected the odor of the disease on entering the omnibus, and that it was only by such prompt action as his that it would be possible to stamp out the epidemic in the great city. That Altered the Case. Of the late French Senator Kenaud the Kolnische Zeitung tells the follow ing anecdote: vvnen Kenaud nrst came as senator to Paris from his home in the Pyrenees ne engaged a room at a hotel and paid a month's rent one hundred and fifty iranes in advance. The proprietor asked him if he would have a receipt. "It is not necessary," replied Eenaud. "God has witnessed the payment." "Do you believe 'in God?" sneered the host. "Most assuredly," replied Benaud, "don't you?" "Not I, monsieur." "Ah," said the senator, "in that case please make me out a receipt." Female Garments. The leaves of the sensitive plant shrink from a touch; but Mrs. Claflin, in her "Personal Recollections of Whit tier," tells of a man so sensitive as to shrink from the sight of a woman's dress, even when it was hanging harm lessly from pegs and hooks. An old Quaker friend, a bachelor, visited Mr. Whittier When the hour for retiring came he was 6hown to his room. Soon afterward, he called from the top of the stairs, in an excited tone: "I think thee has made a mistake, Friend Wftiltier. I find female gar ments izi my room!" . "Thce d better go to bed," replied the poet: "the female garments will not h:jrt thro."' To eradicate the poisons which pro duce fever and ague, take Ayer's Ague Cure. It cures without leaving any in jurious effect upon the system, and is the only medicine in existence which may be considered an absolute antidote, for malaria. Cord Wood. We again have an abundant supply of dry fir and bard wood for immediate delivery at the lowest rates, and hope to be fayored with a liberal share of the trade. Jos. T. Pbtebs fe Co. bvain sacks for sale at the Wasco tf warehouse. Taken Up. On Bay Horse, weieht about 1000 lbs : hrnnriari Invert, d V with perpendicular line through It. on rght shoulder; branded on left shoulder. Same may be had by calling at Joles, Collins 5c Co's Feed Yard and paying coats. octl he Best Medicine.'- I. O. Wilson, Contractor and. i cildcr, Sulphur Springs, Texas, tl i us speaks of .flyer's Pills: " Ayer's Pills are the best medicine I ever tried; and, in my judgment, no bettor general remedy could be devised. I have used tliein in my family and recomineuded them to my friends and employes for more than twenty years..' To ray certain knowledge, many cases of the following complaints have been completely and . Permanently Cured V. by the use of Ayer's Pills alone: Third, day chills, dumb ague, bilious feve, sick headache, rheumatism, flux, dys-. pepsia, constipation, and hard colds. I know that a moderate use of Ayer's Pills, continued for a few days or weeks, as the nature of the complaint required, would be found an absolute cure for the ilisoiNlers I have named above." "I have been selling medicine for ii-hr Yc-irs, and I can safely say that i yrr's Pills frive better satisfaction than any other Pill I ever sold." J. J. I orry, Spottsylvnnia C. H., Ya. . f AYER'S PILLS ;ured by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co Lowell, Masai Cwery Dose. Effective THIS. TLACE RESERVED FOR J. B. CROSSEN'S FIRST CLASS FAMILY - GROCERY STORE. A Letter. The, Or., Sept. 2S, 1894. THE KRAKICH & BACH PIANO , has won GOLDEN OPINIONS FROM ALL sorts of people. AT A REDUCED PRICE ' I have STILL ONE LEFT AT ONLY $270. Former price, $350. To the music-lovers, I have only just opened the door. There is being prepared inside a feast whieh I will shortly spread before you. In the meantime I offer you bargains that will whet your appetite for more. , Yours verj truly, I. C. NICKELSEN. Guard's Sale of Real Estate. Notice is hereby (riven thnt the undprsfenp!. guardian of the parson and estate of Nanev (Stanley, an aged and infirm person, by virtue of an oraer or me county i-outi or the state of Oregon for Wasco County, in probate, made and entered on the 4th day o September, A. D., 1894, at the regular September term of said Court for the year 1894, will on Saturday, Octo ber 20th, 1894, at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m. of said day, on the premises known as the Home stead of John Stanley, deceased, situated on the south bank of the Columbia River at Hood River, in Wasco County, State ol Oregon, sell at Public Auction to the highest bidder for Cfuh In hand, the following described real property be- lots numbered One 1, Two 2, Three 31 and Four 4l of Section Thircy-two ?321 in lownshfn Three 3 North of- Range Eleven 11, East of the Willamette Meridian, containing 139 43-100 acres and situated in Wasco County, State of Oregon. Together with the tenements, heredi taments and appurtenances thereto belonging. All of said lots to be sold in one narceiand said sale to be subject to confirmation by said Court. Dated September 15, 1894. HANS LAGE, Guardian of the person and estate of Kanev Stanley, an aged an infirm person. JJR. A. DISTRICT. Physician and Surgeon, DUFUR, OREGON. All professional calls promptlv attends to, day and night. t aprl4 rOHN 31. KANE, Physician and Surgeon. uTJFOE, OREGON. Late House Surseon. St. Vincent's Hosnital of Portland, Oregon. sep28 Notice. All nersona are herohv notified not rn htrA keep Marion Hurst, a lad 14 years old, about their premises, as his services are needed at home. augl8-lm JAMES HlHtST. Prices that Will Astonish You. Just received a fine stock of goods, -which. I am offering at astonishingly low prices. A fine line of DRESS GOODS, SILKS, GINGHAMS, CALICOS, LACES, EMBROIDERIES, Call and See. PROFESSIONAL. H. RIDDELL Attorney-at-Law Office Court Street, The Dalles, Oregon. . b. rjuruit. FRANK. MtNim. DTJFCR, A MENEFEE AnosHiTi - at uw Rooms 42 - and -43, over Post imce Building, Entrance on Washington Street rhe Dalles, Oregon. 3. BENNETT, ATTORNEY-AT-LA.W. Of V. flee In Schanno's building, np stairs. The Jalles. Oregon. J. B. CONDON. J. W. CONDON. CONDON & CONDON, ATTORNEYS AT LAW Office on Court street, opposite the old court house, The Dalles, Or. B. S.HONTrNeTON. h. 8. wtlsoh. HUNTINGTON & WILSON ATTORNS YS-A T law Offices, French's block over -rst Na tional Bank Dalles. Oregon. . vv. H. WILSON Attobnbt-at-law Rooms French & Co.'s bank building. Second Street. The Dalles, Oregon. - J SUTHERLAND, M. D C. If.; .F. T. M. C. M. C. P. and 8. O., Physician and Sur arebn. Rooms 3 and 4, Chapman block. Residence Mrs. Thornbury's, west end of Second street. DR. E8HELMAN (HoM .xofathicj Physician and Subgson. Calls answered promptly lay or night, city or country. Office No. 86 and 'Chapman block. wtf DR. O. D. DOANE PHYSICIAN AND BUR GEON. Office; rooms 6 and S Chapman -(lk. Residence: 8. E. corner Court and fourth streets, sec nd door from the corner ffiee hours 9 to 12 A. 21., 2 to 5 and 7 to 8 P. M DBIDDAIX Drntist. Gas given for the painless extraction of teeth. Also teeth et on flowed aluminum plate. Rooms: Sign ol he Golden Tooth. Second Street. liessons. -IN- FRENCH AND LATIN. ItvGay de la Gelle WILL GIVE LESSONS IN THESE LANGUAGES TO PUPILS, i: : : Twenty Lessons for Five Dollars. PRIVATE LESSONS, SOc. Mr. De la Celle is a graduate of the University oi i-ans. itesiaence, cor. renin ana u nion bis, SiuDiing Greennouse We wish to announce that we have made a specialty of Winter Blooming Bulbs. HYACINTHS and LILIIES, POTTED PLANTS of All Kinds, . We are prepared to burnish on short notice cat flowers for all occasions ; also pot plants and wires. John Pashek, The Merchant Tailor, IN THI Old Rvtnotry Building, Washington Street, between Second bet Second and Third, Has just received the latest styles in Suitings for Gentlemen, and has a large assortment of Fonhrn and Amer lean Cloths, which he can finish To Order for those that favor him. , Cleaaing and Repairing a Specialty. St. Mary's Academy THE DALLES, OR. BE-0PEJTS SEPTEMBEE 3d, 1894. BOARDING AND DAY SCHOOL FOE GIRLS. itates per term of ten weeks, payable In advance: , Board and Tuition J40 00 Entrance Fee (payable but once). 6 00 Bed and Bedding : 3 00 Instrumental Music, Type-writing, Telegraphy, nrnwfnrnnd Pjifntin? tnrm extrachanrea. French, German, Latin, Needlework and Vocal Music taught tree oi cnarge to regular pupiis. RATES FOR DAY-PUPILS. $5, 16, 8 or10 per term according to grarie. For further particulars address, SISTER BUPJiRIOR. MENS' SUITS, BOYS' SUITS, CHILDREN'S SUITS. Say, are you happy? If you are not, and need a Stove, call and see the . Largest Assortment of look and in . the city, at prices that will, surely make you smile. You want a Stove, We want your Money. Come and be convinced that we mean what we say . We defy competition MAYS & CROWE. Successor to -DEALER IN- PAINTS, OILS AND GLASS. And the Most Complete and Latest Patterns and Designs in, ' . WALL PAPER. WALL PAPER. PRACTICAL. PAINTER and PAPER HANGER. None but the best brands of J. W. MASURY'S PAINTS nsed in all our work, and none but the most skilled workmen employed. Agents for Masury Liquid Paints. No chem icel combination or soap mixture. A first-class article in all colors. All orders promptly attended to. Store and Faint Shoo oorner Third and Washington Sts.. The Dalles, Ore-oi THE CALIFORNIA WINEHOUSE. -ALL KINDS OF . , '. . . California Wines at Low Prices. FflEE DELIVERY' TO Call on or address Cfms. What? Where? THE CELEBRATED COLUMBIA AUGUST BUCHLER, PropV. Thia well-known Brewery is now turning oat the best Beer and Porter east of the Cascades. The latest appliances for the manufacture of good health ful Beer have been introduced, and ony the first-class article placed on he market Harry Liebe, PRACTICAL Watchmaker! Jeweler All work promptly attended to, and warranted. , Can now be found at 162 Second street. Heating Stoves Paul Kreft & Co. flflY PAST OF TflE CITY. BECHT'Jhe Dalles, Orr. Hand-Corded Corsets, Health Reform Waists, Nursing Corsets, Misses' Waists, Children' Waists, Shoulder Braces and Hose Supporters made to order. At the Pacific Corset Company's Factory, north east of the Fair Grounds. It desired each garment will be fitted before being finished. Call at the fac tory and examine our goods, or drop a card in the office, and oar agent will call And secure your order. BREWERY, . . ' - Ad. Keller is now located at W. H. Butts' old stand, and will, be glad to wait upon his - many friends. XL i : f