CD r s r VOL. VII THE DALLES, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 1894. NO. 234 rCLOTHING CLOTHING D FOR THE FALL AND WINTER OF 1594. Positively the Largest Stock and Lowest Prices Ever Opened by One House in Eastern Oregon. MEN'S SUITS, BOYS' : SUITS, YOUTHS' SUITS, Dress Suits, from from from Regent Frocks, $4.25 - - up. $1.75 - - up. $3.75 - - up. Prince Alberts. A Good All-Wool Business Suit for $8.25. Overcoats for Children, Overcoats for Boys, Overcoats for Men, - Ulsters for Men ' with Capes, , Double-breasted, Single & Dbl-Breast'd, ' from $1.80 - - up. from $4.50 - - up. from $5.00 - - up. from $6.00 up. Satisfaction and Good Fit Guaranteed. fim yjj ff LLjJ3 GO- I ; i . . ; ' ' THEY FEAR RUSSIA Czar's Illness Affects Euro pean Bourses. HIS DEATH MAY . BRING ON WAR Expresses Regret fOP the Death of Gen eral Tsu Japanese Officer Killed at Tula RlTer. London, Sept. 25. The European bourses are affected by the news of the czar'a health, as he is recognized as one of the strongest supporters of peace, and it is feared in the event of his death his successor would seize the opportunity to secure naval ports on the Pacific and en large boundaries in the direction of the Pamir at the expense of China, either of which steps, it is believed, would easily precipitate a war. On the other hand, a dispatch from St. Petersburg today de nies the Russian troops have gone to Corea or that Russia has any intention of doing anything calculated to disturb the peace of Europe. Two .Thousand Escaped. San Francisco, Sept. 25. By the steamer Rio Janeiro, which arrived from the Orient, news was received of the escape of 2,000 prisoners from Siberia. The men were employed in the construc tion of the Siberian railway, and had, as late developments proved, been planning escape for several months. Meager ad vices received at Yokohama are that the men overpowered the Russian soldiers, who were guarding them, and securing all the arms they could, fled. When last heard of they were making their way towards Corea, and it is believed they are now safely within the borders of that country, trying to secure passage to more distant parts. The Russian gov ernment has forwarded a request to the Corean officials to assist in the capture of the refugees, and to hand them over as fast as apprehended to Russian au thorities. A. Mlneawner Wht Is Bald to Bare Made Misrepresentations. ; Fbesno, Cal., Sept. 25. H. V. Lind sey. superintendent of the New Citizen mine, has been arrested and taken to Madera on a charge of neriarv. made in connection with the character of the mine. According to the report, Lindsey and Charles A. Lee, of Plainfield, N. J., were partners in the New Citizen mine at Deadwood, near Coarse Gold. Lind sey sent to Lee, at Plaintield, a state ment made before a notary public that rock taken from the mine went $43 per ton. It is claimed that no ore has been taken from the mine and worked, as alleged in the affidavit, and that Lind sey made the statement to defraud the foreign stockholders. Lindsey refused to make any statement until the matter was brought up in court. There are a number of other allegations against him among them of raising pay checks and of becoming engaged to a young lady at Wawona, while he has a family in Phila delphia. Town Threatened by Kaffirs. Loubenzo Marques, Delagoa Bay, Sept. 25. Several thousand Kaffirs are threatening, to attack this town. The government has distributed arms among the white population for defense. (Lourenzo Marques is a walled Portu guese town in Africa on the north side of Delagoa Bay. It has a population of about 3,000, and is protected by a roughly-constructed old fort. Transvaal leaders have long been anxious to secure control of the Delagoa Bay railroad and to have the seaport, Lourenzo Marques preferred. With this object the Boers recently sent $250,000 to London to pur chase the bonds which Portugal is ex pected to issue as soon as the Berne ar bitrators have decided the question of boundaries. September - 15th advices from Pretoria said the Transvaal gov ernment had acquired prior rights in Delagoa Bay, including control of port dues, thus giving the Transvaal a com manding position and free access to the sea.) A Marder Mystery. . Cleveland, Sept. 25. James B. Co ven, general freight . agent of the Valley railroad Ctbe Baltimore A Ohio), was shot and killed in the street by an un known person last night. Five bullets pierced the body. Parties living near the scene of the murder heard shots and a woman scream. The police have not secured ihe slightest clew. Coven was a widower, 50 years eld, and resided with a daughter in Kennard street. He was a man of exemplary habits as far as is known. The coroner decided that robbery was the motive for the murder, as everything of value had been taken from the dead man's pockets. . (jain sacks for sale t the Wasco warehouse. tf Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U.S. Gov't Report Her Ensbaad Denies the Story. Stocktow, Cal., Sept. 25. The man Janeiro, who is accused by his wife of having bound her hands and feet in her house, and then, having set the building on fire, returned to this city today from Fresno. He was at once placed under arrest. It is highly probable, however, that Janerro had nothing to do with the fire, and the supposition that the woman tied herself and fired her house seems to have gained confirmation by the appear ance of Janerro. He declares he knew nothing of the matter until informed by the arresting officer, and gives a good account of his whereabouts. He claims he was working in the vineyard of Mr. Grady, in Fresno county. Today the woman was brought face to face with the man whom she accuses, but she stuck to her story in every particular. She is probably actuated by hatred of the man she once loved. The Axle Broke and He Stopped a Itanaway. Cheney, Wash., Sept. 24. Governor McGraw was thrown from a carriage here today and his arm was severely bruised. He was riding with D. F. Percival and the Rev. Mr. Marker, and in turning a corner sharply, the axle of the vehicle broke. Governor McGraw sprang to the horses1 heads and stopped a runaway. The governor addressed an audience of several hundred people on the subject of his veto of the appropriation for the Cheney normal school. He eaid he felt that one normal school was sufficient for the state, but in the future he would leave that question to the legislature. He will go to Walla Walla tomorrow to inspect the penitentiary. Chinese Imperial Edict. London, Sept. 25. A dispatch from Tien Ssin says an imperial edict has been issued by the emperor of China expressing regret at the death of Gen eral Tso, killed while leading the Chi nese at the battle of Ping Yang. The emperor has ordered that posthumous honors be paid the dead general, and imperial favors have been bestowed upon his family. Lieutenant . Ching, first lieutenant of the Chin Yuen, the Chinese war vessel sunk at the battle of the Yalu river, has reached the Chinese camp on the bank of the Yalu river. He reported the captain of the Chin Yuen bad escaped drowning, but died of his wounds. Japanese Officers Killed. Yokohama, Sept. 25. The German cruiser Alexandrine has arrived here. Among the Japanese killed in the battle of Yalu river were Commander Sakimo toi, of the gunboat Akagi ; Lieutenants Tekaha and Sonuichi, of the cruiser Hashidate ; Lieutenants Sima and Itoo, of the cruiser Matsushima; Lieutenant Magil, of the cruiser Akitshima ; Lieu tenant Asoa. of the cruiser Yoshima; Chief Surgeon Myack, Chief Paymaster Ishiznka and Surgeon Murakosi. Thirty noncommissioned officers and men were killed and 760 wounded. - The Chronicle prints- the news. (Mill For Infants and Children. Castoria promotes Digestion, and overcomes Flatulency, Constipation, Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea, and Feverishness. Thns the child is rendered healthy and its sleep natural. Castoria contains no Morphine or other narcotic property. " Castoria Is so veil adapted to children that I recommend It as superior to any prescription known to me." H. A Archer, M. D., Ill South Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. Y. " For several years I have reoommed3ed your Castoria, and shall always continue to do so, as it has invariably produced beneficial results.' Edwtk F. Pardee, 1L D.. 135th Street and 7th Ave., New York City. "The use of 'Castoria is so universal and its merits so well known that it seems a work of supererogation to endorse it. Few are the in telligent families who do not keep Castoria within easy reach. Carlos Mabttw, D. O., New York City. Thb Cbhtaub Compact, 77 Hurray Street, N. T, E. JACOBSEN THE LEADER IN Pianos and Organs, Books, NOTIONS, STATIONERY. i Call and get his prices. Sells PIANOS on easy monthly payments, and is prepared to meet any COMPETITION. 162 Second St., THE DALLES, OR. J. B. BCHBNCK, President. J. M. Patterson, Cashier. first Hational Bank. FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. TKA Na"I A I.KNKRALBANK1NO BUtUNKSe Letter? of Crwiit issued available in the Eastern Stares'. bight Exchange and Telegraphic Transfers sold on New York, Chicago, St. Louis, San Francisco, Portland Oregon, Seattle Wash., and various points in Or egon and Washington. Collections made at all pointp on fsv Orabl term". THE DALLES, OREGON A General Banking Business transacted Deposits received, subject to Sight Draft or Check. Collections made and proceeds promptly remitted on day of collection. Sight and Telegraphic Exchange sold on New York, San Francisco and Portland. DIRBOTOKS. D. P. Thompson.. Jno. S. Schknck. Ed. M. Williams, Geo. A. Liebb. H. M. Beall. House Moving! Andrew Velarde IS prepared to do any and all kinds of work in his line at reasonable figures. Has the largest house moving . outfit in Eastern Oregon. Address P.O.Box 181. The Dalles DOORS, WINDOWS, SHINGLES, FIRE BRICK, FIRECLAY, LIME and CEMENT, Window-Glass and Picture Moulding-. IS. C3- Xj IEj ZLsT ust Snipes-Kinersly Drug Co. DEALBBS IN- Pure Drugs - cnemicats, FINE LINE OF IJflPOKTED and DOMESTIC CIGflSS At Our Old Place of Business. 05- Arrived. Upderuear i) pdles5 Variety Feivd. FOR LADIES, GENTS AND CHILDREN. Agency of the Brownsville Clothing, Blankets, &c. M. HO NTWI