CO SI A ifS raffia 3w JtirifntiTifiif if VOL. VII THE DALLES, OREGON, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 1894. V NO. 233 i ,1 ..V; . CLOTH I N C FH I NG " FOR THE FALL AND WINTER OF 1894. D Positively the Largest Stock and Lowest Prices Ever Opened by One House in Eastern Oregon. MEN'S SUITS, from $4.25 - - up. BOYS' : SUITS, from $1.75 - - tip. YOUTHS' SUITS, from $3.75 - - up. Dress Suits, Regent Frocks, Prince Alberts. A Good All-Wool Business Suit for $8.25. Overcoats for Children, with. Capes, from $1.80 - - up. Overcoats for Boys, Dou'ble-'breasted, from $4.50 - - up. Overcoats for Men, - Single & Dbl-Breast'd, from $5.00 - - up. Ulsters for Men, from $6.00 up. Satisfaction and Good Fit Guaranteed. A. M. WILLIAMS & CO NEWS BY STEAMER ''Chinese Keports Have Been Wild and Unreliable. PLANS FOR THE CAMPAIGN Tiro Missionaries aid a French Customs Official Were Killed at Toneqmln, China. supposed almost inexhaustable, ia in fact extremely limited, and unless new discoveries are made in the Island of Yezo, Japan will have to look abroad for coal." . San Fbancisco, Sept. 24. The steam ship Rio de Janerio arrived in San Fran cisco this morning from Asiatic ports, bringing Associated Press advices of the Corean war one day later than that re ceived per steamer which arrived in Victoria, B. Con Saturday last. The war reports brought by steamer Rio de Janerio are dated at Yokohama on September 9, and they say : "Wildly exaggerated reports of events in and around Corea have been received from Europe and America, the majority of which were evidently telegraphed from China. With regard to operations near Phyoflg Yang it is certain that nothing more serious than undecided skirmishes have taken place. Lees than forty Europeans and Americans remain in Corea apart from the guards at the for eign legations in Seoul. Before the war 7000, small Japanese merchants and about 700 Cninese resided at open ports. The Chinese have mostly disappeared and the Japanese have waited develop ments. The foreign department of Jap an has given notice that duly accredited newspaper correspondents may here after accompany the military forces of the empire and they will receive all the consideration that can reasonably be given by the commands of troops. "The murder of two missionaries by Chinese soldiers has been followed by the assassination of a French customs officer on the frontier of Tonequin. These acts of violence are greatly em barrassing to Pekin authorities at the present time, and it is announced that reparation will be offered. "The work of strengthening defenses at Ong, on the Chinese coaBt continues. Japanese newspapers announce, ap parently by authority, that applications for war bonds exceed the total amount of the loan required. . "Recent surveys lead to the belief that the coal supply of Japan, hitherto The Inter-State Fair. Tacoma, Wash., Sept 24. Cassassa's famous Midwinter fair band is now the Interstate fair band. It arrived from San Francisco in accordance with a con tract made by telegraph, and opened its engagement Saturday night, Sept. 22. Two regular concerts will be rendered daily, and on special days other music will be given also. The band numbers 36 pieces and has been pronounced by Sousa second to none in the United States. It contains seven noted soloists and a famous female cornet soloist.' Saturday, the day on which the band opened, was British Columbia day, one of the most notable occasions of the whole season. A better day for the opening could not have been had. The fair was crowded with visitors not only from British Columbia, but from all over the Northwest. They gave the band the most enthusiastic of receptions. Cassaesa and his men have already played themselves into the hearts of the regular visitors at the fair, and their en gagement has had the effect of greatly increasing the daily atfendance. . British Columbia day proved the greatest special day of the fair eeason eo far. The arrangements were carried out perfectly, and about three thousand subjects of the queen returned to their homes after the .celebration was over, pleaded with the fair, pleased with Tacoma, and profound admirers of the energy, push and preserverance shown by the people who conceived and ear ned out the fair project. Two large ex cursions were run from British Colum bia to the fair. One from Vancouver, left Friday night on the eteamer Yose mite, which had 1500 people aboard. The steamer arrived here early Saturday morning, and left for home Sunday morning at 9 o'clock. With the excur sion came a number of city officials and prominent people of the Canadian Paci fic terminus. The steamer Islander . from Victoria brought even a larger party. On 'her came Lieutenant-Governor Dewdney, the chief executive "of the province, Mrs. Dewdney, the mayor and city ' offi cials, the president of the British Colum bia Agricultural Society, the president of the Nanaimo Board of Trade, Lieut. Col. Edward Lawler Prior, M. P., com manding the British Columbia Garrison, Artillery, and other distinguished per Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U.S. Gov't Report sons. Headquarters band of R. 0. G. A accompanied the party, and the band of No. 5. company B. C. G. A. came with excursion from Vancouver. Theee two bands, which are both excellent musical organizations, gave concerts during the day in the liberal arts build ing and elsewhere on the grounds. . An Estimate of Losses. Portland, Ore., Sept. 25. A revised estimate of the losses .resulting from yesterday's fire compiled late this after noon make a total of $765,000, as follows : Pacific Coast Elevator Company, $210, 000; wheat in elevator, $100,000; coal bunkers and contents $66,500; ware house and contents, $38,500; wharfages, $160,000; railroad trackage, $5,000; sixty freight cars, $21,000 wheat in cars, $9,750; electrical machinery, $150,000 Steamer Willamette Chief, $7,500; Stevedores' goods, $2,250 ; miscellaneous, $7,500. ' It is impossible to determine the exact amount of insurance, but it is etated it fully covers the losses. Most of the poli cies are held by the London , Liverpool & Globe company. Kow Shins; Vu Chinese Property. London, Sept. 24. Officials of the Japanese legation deny the story cabled via Vancouver, B. C, that the Kow Shung affair has been settled by the Japanese government appologizing and paying $75,000 indemnity. They add Japan holds the sinking of the transport was fully justified. . The Central news has information that Captain Gales worthy, the commander of the Kow Shing to the Chinese government con tained a clause, to be kept secret, that in the event of a hostile move against the ship by the Japanese, the Kow Shing should be regarded as Chinese property. The Glasscock Divorce. Washington, Sept. 24. The attorneys on behalf of Charles Glasscock in his suite for divorce naming Sen. Stewart as co-respondent, have asked leave to in clude affidavits offered by Senator Stewart as evidence of intimay of Mrs, Glasscock with W. B. Abell and James S. Cobb, these two persons thus beiag brought into the case as additional co respondents. Three Men Missing;. Portland, Sept. 24. Nothing has been learned today of Charles Anderson, Edward Murray and Frank Brown, and it is almost certain that they perished in yesterday's fire as reported. A. M. Bailey, a well-known citizen of Eugene, Or., says his wife has for years been troubled with chronic diarrhoea and used many remedies with little relief until she tried Chamberlain'B Colic, Cholera and diarrhoea Remedy, which has cured her sound and well. Give it a trial and you will be surprised at the prompt relief it affords. 25 and 50 cent bottles for sale by Blakeley & Houghton Druggists. ' "Is Mr. Julip a Eteady drinker?" Mrs. Mint Horrors, no; there's never a day that he doesn't come home staggering. Tor Infants and Children. Caartoria. promotea Digestion, and overcomes Flatulency, Constipation, Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea, and Feverishness. Thus the child is rendered healthy and its sleep natural. Castoria contains no Morphine or other narcotic property. "Castoria Is no well adapted to children that I reoommend it as Buperior to any prescription known to me." H. A. Arcebe, M. D., Ill South Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. T. For several years I have reoommedSIed your Castoria,' and shall always continue to do so. as it has invariably produced beneficial reeulta." EDwm F. PiRDKK, M. D., 135th Street and 7th Ave., New York City. "The use of 'Castoria is so universal and its merits so well known that it seems a work of supererogation to endorse it. Few are the in telligent families who do not keep Oastoria within easy reach." CabTiOS Mabttic. D. P., New York City. Thk CaarrADm Cohtact, 77 Hurray Street, N.Y. E. JACOBSEN THE LEADER IN Pianos and. Organs, Books, NOTIONS, STATIONERY. Call and get his prices. Sells PIANOS on easy monthly payments, and is prepared to meet any COMPETITION. 162 Second St., THE DALIES, OR. J. 8. BCHSKCK, President. J. M. Patterson, Cashier. First Rational Bank. FRENCH & CO., . BANKERS. TRANSACT A GKNEBALBAOTUNU BUSINESS Letters of Credit issued available in the Eastern States. Sight Exchange and Telegraphic Transfers sold on New York, Chicago, St. Louis, San Francisco, Portland Oregon, Seattle Wash., and various points in Or egon and Washington. Collections made at all point? on fav orable terms. THE DALLES, - OREGON A General Banking Business transacted Deposits received, subject to Sight Draft or Check. Collections made and proceeds promptly remitted on day of collection. Sight and Telegraphic Exchange sold on . New York, San Francisco and Portland. THOSE WHO WISH Glass, Lime, Cement, DIRKOTOHS. D. P. Thompson. Jno. S. .Schxncbt. Ed. M. Williams, Gko. A. Likbc. H. M. Bkall. House Moving. Andrew Velarde IS prepared to do any and all kinds of work in his line at' reasonable figures. Has the largest honse moving outfit in Eastern Oregon. Address P.O.Box 181. The Dalles PLASTER, LATH, Picture Frames mACfllJiEHY Shafting, Pulleys, Belting, Engine and Boiler, CALL AND SEE ZE3I. Gf-Xj IE UST 3ST , Snipes-Kinersly Drug Co. DEALERS IK Pure Drugs - GtiemiGals. FINE LINE OF ' IJ&P0STED and DOJDESTIC CIGJISS At Our Old Place of Business. VoK os Arrived. Underwear .9 lpdles5 lariety Feiid. FOR LADIES, GENTS AND CHILDREN. Agency of the Brownsville Clothing, Blankets, &c. M. HbSNSYW roL