in A A VOL. VII . THE DALLES, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 1894. NO. 229 to. lite ipgs rales 3 . iiTttifln" .(p.- A CRUSHING DEFEAT The Late Battle Was a Per fect Rout. MANY CHINESE TAKEN PRISONERS Bavolatlonary Plot In Faru Discovered Lomb'k Island Trouble Bettled by Natives Being- Defeated. London, Sept. 18. A dispatch from Ping Yang, Corea, eays : Every hour adds to the crushing character of the Chinese defeat. The total Chinese loss is now said to be over 17,000 killed, wounded and prisoners. The Chinese prisoners not wounded number 14,500. It is probable the number will be in creased the next few days by prisoners being constantly brought in by the Japanese cavalry. Besides General Tso Fonk Fai, commander-in-chief of the Manchurian army, who only surrendered when badly wounded, the Japanese cap tured Generals Tso Paok Woi, Wei Ink Wei, Nayn Kow Eng and Sei Kin Lan, practically all the effective Chinese staff. The Chinese prisoners are to be sent to Japan in batches of 1000 in Japanese transports. The Shanghai correspondent of the Pall Mall Gazette states the Japanese in the attack on Ping Yang were enabled by brilliant moonlight during the night throughout which the battle lasted to do great execution with their field guns. The Ping Yang garrison numbered 20, 000. The Japanese are advancing on Monkden. The correspondent adds it is reported Li Hung Chang has been de posed. Another Shanghai dispatch eays Chang has been deprived of bis three eyed peacock feather because of bis mis management of the Corean campaign. The secretary of the Chinese legation ays with reference to the reparted sui cide of Li Hung Chang, that he received I a message from Chang, dated Tien-Tsin today, in which he expressed fears the Chinese would have great difficulty in retaining Ping Yang. The New York Politicians. Sabatoga, Sepf. 18. The state repub lican convention called to nominate a full state' ticket, was rapped to order here today at 12 :40 p. m. Hon. Lem uel Ely Quigg of New York city, was made temporary chairman. Temporary Chairman Quigg, in his address, ar ' raigned the democratic party for the passage of the new tariff law, and de nounced the machine democracy of New York city. He said' the outlook for the republican party in the coming election was encouraging. The convention at 1:35 took a recess until 4:30. The republican platform will stand by bi-metalism, and condemn the attack on American industries in the tariff bill and its purpose of fostering the South and spoiling the commercial interests of the North, and condemn the broken democratic promises. It will denounce the income tax as a rabid and un-American measure, violating personal rights. In relation to the American Protective Association, the convention points to the constitutional provision which per mits the free exercise and enjoyment of religious profession and worship without discrimination or preference, and rec ommends its being ' strictly - followed. As to the work of the constitutional convention, the platform endorses the movement to divorce national and state politics from municipal, so an American may express bis will in regard to city government without the sacrifice of his faith upon the political issued of the day. ' . A Hoapaitlsan Ticket. v San Francisco, Sept. 18. The non partisan movement has taken a definite form, and a committee .of citizens will meet this week to make arrangements for holding a convention to nominate municipal officers. ' If the nonpartisans carry out their plans there will be five municipal tickets in the field. They are republican, democratic, populist, non partisan and independent, .the latter consisting chiefly of Dr. 0'Donnell,:who will run for mayor. Govarnor Flower Not a Candidate. Albany, N. Y., Sept. 18. Governor Flower announced today that he is not Highest of all in Leavening Power. I 1 v I 1 I ! I f r t 1 w ggsa a candidate for renomination. He made known his determination after a long in terview with Senators Hill and Murphy. Governor Flower said : "I am convinced my nomination would not be so likely to command the full vote of the. party.. as would the nomination of some other democrat, and I am too desirous of party success to be a candidate under these circumstances." A Young: Man Foud on the Road With His Throat Cnt. Canyonvillb, Or., Sept. 18. This morning hews waa brought to town of a suicide or murder, not yet determined. It appears that two! -men, an old man and a young man aged about ' 30, were traveling, and while camped south of Galesville, some 15 miles from here, the report goes, the young man took sick and the old man went on. Afterward the young man was found with his throat cut, and some loose change was scattered about, indicating a robbery aleo had taken place. A posse of citizens have gone to the scene today kto investigate matters. The names of the parties to this affair are not known. liecess Appointment. Washington, Sept. 18. The follow ing recess appointments were announced today: Richard Doolan, assistant, ap praiser of merchandise, San' Francisco; John H. Galway, supervisor for inspec tion of steam vessels in eighth district ; George H. Islaub, postmaster, Ogden, Utah. The Ohio Democrats. Columbus, O., Sept. 18. Democratic leaders here say no fight upon Brice will be made in the state convention which meets tomorrow unless the' Brice men criticise Cleveland's tariff policy. Thur- man says he does not anticipate the in troduction of a resolution against Brice. . The United Labor Party. . San Fkancisco, Sept. 18. The state central committee of the united labor parly hag decided to call a state conven tion to meet in this city on the 25th inst., for the purpose of nominating a tull state ticket, including congressman. A miners' Strike Threatened. Columbas, O., Sept. 18. The wage agreement between the miners and the operators is threatened with disruption. Mineis at Turtle Creek and Sandy Ban, Pa., have gone to work for 55 cents after a long hold-out. Now other operators threaten to cut below the scale. Actor Scanlon Growing Weak. Nkw Yobk, Sept.- 18. Actor Scanlon was removed from Bloomingdale to the new insane asylum at White Plains to day. Scanlon is very weak, and it is not believed he will last much longer. Appointed Second Comptroller. Washington, Sept. 18. The president has appointed Charles H. Mansur, of Missouri, assistant comptroller of the treasury. Mansur has been second comptroller, which office was abolished by the Dockery commission. So They Were Married. Nkwpobt, Sept. 18. Helena Taft, of Providence, a niece of ex-Governor Taft, and James P. Scott, the well-known Philadelphia millionaire, were married today at Mrs. Charles M. Oehlrich's. Revolutionary Plot In Pern. Valparaiso, Sept. 18. A revolution ary plot instigated by followers of the late General Balmaceda has been dis covered, and 20 ringleaders arrested. The Lombok Island Trouble Amsterdam, Sept. 18. Advices re ceived state the Dutch forces on Lom bok island defeated the natives, tilling many and capturing three forts. Seven Lives Lost. Washington, Sept. 18. It is now be lieved seven people lost their lives in the fire at Stumph Bros.' mattress factory. ' The Price of Silver. New Yobk, Sept. 18. Silver, 63?c; lead, $3.05. A. M. Bailey, a well-known citizen of Eugene, Or., Bays his wife has for years been troubled . with 'chronic diarrhoea and used many remedies with little relief until she tried Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and diarrhoea Kennedy, which has cured her sound and well. . Give it a trial and you will be surprised at the prompt relief it affords. 25 and 50 cent bottles for sale by Blakeley & Houghton Druggists. . ' Chattanooga is an Indian name and means hawk's nest.' Latest U. S. Gov't Report mm dui irom prooiv qg LAKU r.lUQT CO. Since COTTOLFNP hac take its place. The satisfaction witnwnich the people have hailed a the advent of the New Shortening a evidenced by the rapidly Increas- 6$ Ing enormous sales is PROOF K POSITIVE not only of its great Ss value as a new article of riit- J but is also sufficient proof of the E general desire to be rid of indi- g frestihl( nnwhnlMnmp unsnnjk. C?i tizing lard, and of all the ills that lard promotes. Try iotfolene at once and waste no tima in discovering like thousands of ethers that you have now .'NO USE emo Ann I. a v m b-k sua? - REFUSE. ALL SUBSTITUTES Oenuine made only by N. K. FAIRBANK A. CO.. ST. LOUIS and A rasa, 'v"Jfr'.:: &w v yy - r, i vrv. STOPPED SMOKING TO SAVE. But the Procedure Didn't Pan Out as Profitably as He Had Expected. Xerxes Jones determined to quit smoking, says the Philadelphia Call not, you know, that it had any baneful influence upon his health, but solely for the reason that he didn't feel justi fied in spending twenty-five cents a day for the weedy luxury. Jones had a good disposition and began his new scheme on Sunday. "Seeing I've quit smoking, I'll put an extra quarter in the collection box to-day," he mused, and in the money went. Monday, just to please his little wife, good Jones bought a forty-cent box of mixtures and handed it over with the remark: "No, my dear, it's no extrav agance. Just about what I saved on cigars to-day, and we both can enjoy this after tea." Tuesday Jones bought a fifty-cent toy for his little boy out of the cash saved by abstinence from to bacco. Wednesday he changed his dining place down town from a twen ty-five-cent to a fifty-cent table d'hote, feeling justified in spending the extra quarter saved on cigars. Apparently forgetting this Thurs day, the reformer remarked to himself: "There's that new umbrella my wife's been talking about. I'll buy that and charge it up to two weeks' savings on smoke." Friday a new dinner set was purchased to please the wife of his heart, and set over against twenty weeks' savings from tobacco, and Sat urday Xerxes Jones spent twenty-five cents for cigars, having- lost six days of his luxury, and . figured up that he had saved on the wrong side of his books just about thirty-eight dollars and mnty cents. Easy to Remember. Dr. Reid, the celebrated medinn.1 writer, was requested by a lady of lit erary eminence to call at her house. "Be sure you recollect the address," she said as sue quitted the room; "No. 1 Chesterfield street." ' the doctor, "I am too great an admirer oi politeness not to remember Chester field, and, I fear, too selfish ever to for get 'Number One." Guaranteed Cure. We authorize onr advertised druggist to sell Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds, upon this condition. If you are afflicted with a Cough, Cold or any Lung, Throat or Chest trouble, and will use this remedy as directed, giving it a fair trial, and ex perience no benefit, you may return the bottle and have your money refunded. We could not make this offer did we not know that Dr. King's New Discovery could be relied on. It never disappoints, trial bottles free at Snipes & Kinersly's. Business Opening in Portland. ' Bookkeeper wanted A man with some business experience and compe tent to keep an ordinary set of books; of good habits, nnd who will invest $750 in a -well established reputable business in Portland. He will be amply secured for his investment and will be given a steady position with the company at a salary of $75 per month, and be in line of promotion, with an increase of salary whenni8 services become more valuable. Address 'for further particulars "Book keeper," No. 528, Marquam Building, Portland, Oregon S... ' t3 - . m m - iiionoiene Just Received SOMETHING NEW IN WAMPUM SUITINGS, MARTEL SUITINGS, FANCY AU-Wool CHECKS, C. R. STORM SERGES, 54 in. Special values in Greenwich All-Wool Sackings, Fancy Mixtures, 50-inch Only 50c yd. For Infants and Children. -Castoria. promotes Digestion, and overcomes Flatulency, Constipation, Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea, and Feverishness. Thus the child Is rendered healthy and its sleep natural. Castoria contains no Morphine or other narcotic property. Oastoria is so well adapted to children that I recommend it as superior to any prescription known to me." H. A. Aboheb, M. D., Ill South Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. Y. For several years I have reoommerioed your ' Castoria,' and shall always continue to do so. as it has invariably produced beneficial results. Edwin F. Pardik, M. D., 125th Street and 7th Ave., New York City. "The use of 'Castoria is so universal and its merits so well known that it seems a work of supererogation to endorse it. Few are the in telligent families who do not keep Castoria within easy reach," Cju&IOs Maktth. I). D., New York City. Ths Cebtau CoHPAirr, 77 Murray Street, N. Y. FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. TKANsACT A GKKKRAL BANKING BPSIKKSa letters of Credit issued available in the Eastern States. Sight Exchange and -Telegraphic iransiers sold on JNew York, Uhicasro. bt. Lords, San Francisco-, Portland Oregon, beattle Wash., and variona points in Or egon and Washington. Collections made at all point" on fav. orablc terms. 2 d9deruear " .ipdles Variety Feivd. !- ' FOR LADIES, GENTS AND CHILDREN. Agency of the Brownsville Clothing, Blankets, &c. k Our Fall Stock DRESS GOODS A. M. WILLIAMS & GO. E. JACOBSEN THE. LEADER IN Pianos and Organs, Books, NOTIONS, STATipNERY. Call and get his prices. Sells PIANOS on easy monthly payments, and is prepared to meet any COMPETITION. 162 Secona St, THE DALLES, OR. J. B. 8CHENCK, President. J. M. Pattkbson, Cashier. first Rational Bank. THE DALLES, - - OREGON A 'General Banking Business transacted Deposits received, subject to bight Draft or Check. Collections made and proceeds promptly remitted on day ol collection. Sight and Telegraphic Exchange sold on New York, San Francieco and Port land. ' DIRKOTORS D. P. Thompson. Jno. S. Schjcnck. Ed. M. Williams, Geo. A. I-ikrb. H. M. Bball. House Moving! Andrew Velarde IS prepared to do any and all kinds of -work in his line at reasonable figures. Has the largest honse moving outfit in Eastern Oregon. Address P.O.Box 181. The Dalles rS M, HOi3 YAr ok SOMETHING DESIRABLE IN : : COVERT CLOTHS, : : : BROAD CLOTHS, : : : LADIES' CLOTHS, ENGLISH CASHMERES. A choice line of Medium and Dark OUTING FLANNELS, 10c yard. THOSE WHO WISH lass, Lime, Cement; PLASTER. LATH. Pistaie Ffafnes, SUCH A8- Shafting, Pulleys, Belting, Engine and Boiler, CALL AND BBS JE31. G-Xj E3 nsr 2r Snipes-Kinersfy Drug Co. DEALERS IN Pore Drugs GfienHcals, FINE LINE OF IJVIP0HTED and DOMESTIC CICflHS, At Our Old Place of Business. Arrived. G La mmm