The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, September 15, 1894, Image 3

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    fe Hoods!
to Hoods!
Fine Line Clothing
Just Arrived.
We have again on hand
an abundance of strictly
dry FIR WOOD, which
we will sell -at the lowest
At Prices within reach of all. .
We hesitate not for Congress to decide, but have marked our
goods to please the people. Large stock of
Gents' Furnishings,
Boots and Shoes,
Ladies' Hosiery,
Ladies' Kid Shoes,
Ladies' Underwear,
Children's School Shoes,
Calicoes, ,
Men's French Calf Shoes,
Oxford Ties,
Outing Flannels,
Quincy Cloth.
A Thorough Clearance Sale. :-
Watch our Center Window for Bargains.
Order Groceries,
Telephone No. 20.
Best Hotel in the City.,
Chapman Block, The Dalles, Oregon.
I have taken 11 first prizes.
The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
Entered a the Postofflce at The Dalles, Oregon,
as second-class matter.
Clubbing List.
Regular Our
price price
ekroiicle aid If. T. Tribme $2.50 $1.75
" mi Weeklj Ortgoniai 7 3.00 2.00
Local Advertising.
10 Crown per line for first insertion, and 6 Cents
per line for each subsequent insertion.
Special rates for long time notices.
All local notices received later than S o'clock
will appear the following day.
leaves From the Notebook of Cnrea
Bran and shorts (Diamond mills) $13 a
ton at Joles, Collins & Co.'s 2w
Two carloads of sheep were shipped to
the Union Meat Co., at Trontdale, by
R. E. Saltmarshe & Co. last night.
The Dalles Orchestral Union will give
the first of their series of dances at the
Baldwin Opera Honse tonight. Grand
march at 8 :30., Full brass band. Ad
mission, 50 cents ; ladies free.
Clarence English last Saturday
caught a salmon trout in Hood river, a
little below Indian creek, that measured
30 inches in length and weighed 8
pounds. He caught the fish with a No
8 trout fly hook. Glacier.
Complaint is made that the ever-active
small boy is amusing himself these
nights by tying strings across the side
walk. The scheme is an old one but
none the less dangerous, and if not
stopped some person will be hurt and
some small boy get in serious trouble.
Weather Observer Pague has returned
from Washington and has resumed his
duties. From the last weather signal
displayed here under Mr. Blandford, it
was certainly high time for a change.
Mr. Pague gives us today '"clearing and
fair" weather and predicts for tomorrow
"fair and warmer."
Miss Nellie Butler entertained about a
dozen of her young lady friends at a
pansy tea, complimentary to her guest,
Miss E. Fogwell, who during the after
noon favored the company with some
fine vocal solos. They were otherwise
delightfully entertained, and a most en
joyable evening was spent.
Considerable wheat came in today,
more than on any day this fall, but the
regular hauling season has not com
menced yet.- The extra amount brought
in today was due to the fact that it was
Saturday and farmers coming to town
brought a load with them. Some wool
is arriving, and there is still considera
ble in the country that will reach the
market yet this fall.
The China-Japanese war has ' be
come probably more wearisome to the
readers of the American papers than to
the parties to the war. The principal
wear and tear on both sides is confined
to their jaws. Under the present mode
of conducting the war about the safest
and mpst pleasant place for a Chinaman
to be is in the army, for there he is well
fed and out of danger.
Charley Richmond says times are im
proving, and backs his assertion by
drummers had hired teams to visit the
country towns for nearly a year. With
in the last two weeks several drummers
have visited the interior towns, and the
visits are made by invitation of the mer
chants, whose stocks of goods are about
Judge Gordon E. Hayes of Clackamas
county and Toll Thompson, special
agent of the State Insurance Co., who
were arrested for forcing a Mrs. Metcher
to sign a release of claims for damages
on account of fire on a policy issued by
the state, had their preliminary exam
ination in Portland, and yesterday were
discharged, the court finding no evi
dence against them, and that the charge
was a "trumped up one."
The case of the State against Stewart
was up for preliminary examination be
fore Justice Davis today, and as we go
to press is not completed. The com
plaining witness is also named Stewart,
and the offense charged is that defend
ant, Bertha Stewart, who is a lady of
the acute blonde type, of pachyderma
tous morals, surreptitiously swiped a
pocket book, containing $375, from him
while he was visiting her -at the Cosmo
politan hotel.
Those who were well acquainted with
Til Glaze, deny that he was in any sense
a bad man. He had it is true, killed
two men in the Willamette valley but
both cases were in self defense, and so
proven in court. But this fact gave him
a sort of reputation he neither sought,
desired nor deserved. He was a very
quiet, . gentlemanly, fellow, brave as a
lion, bat never known to seek a quarrel.
These same friends say that when the
examination is over and the truth is
known it will be shown that the quarrel
in which Glaze was killed was not of his
School Motes.
Forty-eight new pupils entered the
public schools Monday. The total en
rollment for the week ending yesterday
is 512. Of this total seventeen are non
residents and fifty-four are enrolled in
the high school department.
The hfgh Behoof bookkeeping 'class be
gan work Tuesday.
The East Hill Primary echoolhonse
has been moved to its new location in
Tackman's addition to Dalles City. The
plastering and other repairing will re
quire a few days more time. The build
ing will be used for school purposes on
Monday, Sept. 24th.
Real Estate Transactions.
The following deed was filed for record
H C Nielsen and wife to Jesse Simon
sen, lots E and F, block 41, Fort Dalles
Military Reservation addition to Dalles
City; $300.
When Baby was sick, -we gave her Castoria.
When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria.
When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria.
When aba had Children, she gave them Castoria.
Special Notice Painting Lessons.
miss .Bessie iioicomD will receive
pupils in painting and drawing. Private
lessons 50 pents. Lessons in 'classes of
two or three 35 cents. Address
8ep7-lw. Miss Bessie Holcomb.
Grain sacks for sale at the Wasco
The Baptist church, Rev. O. D. Taylor
pastor, will hold services at 11 o'clock
tomorrow morning. All not worship
ping elsewhere are cordially . invited.
Sunday school follows the morning ser
vice. No service in the evening.
Methodist Episcopal church, Rev. J.
Whisler pastor. Preaching by the
pastor at 11 a. m. and 7 :30 p. m. ; Sunday
school after morning service; Junior
League at 5 :30 p.m. ; Epworth League
at 6 :30 p. m. ; class meeting Sunday at 10
a. m. and Tuesday at 7 :30 p. m. ; prayer
meeting Thursday at 7:30 p. m. All
are cordially welcomed.
The Congregational church, corner
of Court and Fifth street Sunday ser
vices as usual : At 11 a. m. and at 7 :30
p. m. worship, and a sermon by the
pastor, W. C. Curtis. Sunday school
immediately after the morning service
and meeting of the Young People's
Society of Christian Endeavor at 6 p. m.
Topic, Human longingB and their satis
faction. 1-13. All persons not
worshipping elsewhere are cordially invited.
Mitchell News.
On the 6th the -clouds came thick and
heavy, and at 2 in the afternoon a heavy
shower began to fall and continued un
til near 12 o'clock. Since the atmos
phere, which had been very smoky for
more than a week, has been clear and
bright. Contrary to expectations, the
weather has been very warm, although
there seemed perfect indications for fall
weather and cooler days.
Hamlet has been in his old haunts
again. He was at Lew Keting's and
staid all night and part of a day ; but
there seems to be no move to arrest him.
Fred .Wallace found his work almost
too confining in the store at Oaks' and
retured to his home at Antelope.
Miss Dolly Gleason, who has been
working for Mrs. Oaks the past month
or six weka, has gone home on account
of ill health.
Mr. and Mrs. Wallace of Antelope
came up Thursday to visit their daugh
ter, Mrs. Oaks. Mr. Wallace started
home yesterday, but Mrs. Wallace will
stay an indefinite period.
An attempt was made to restore the
schoolhouse to its former solid founda
tion, but found it an unprofitable task
and relinquished it. O. S. Boardman
bought the lumber for a very small con
sideration and will use it in house building.
I do not doubt but long before this you
have heard of the sad death of Mr.
Schutz. Instead of finding the health
he so much desired, he found his last
rest. Mr. Schutz was well known from
The Dalles to Canyon. He has many
friends here, who were shocked to know
of his unexpected death. To Mrs.
Schutz, who in the loss of a dear com
panion is left so lonely, I extend my
sympathy. E. V. E.
Mitchell, Sept. 9, 1894. y
Irving W. Laimore, physical director
of Y. M. C. A., Des Moines, Iowa, says
he can ' conscientiously recommend
Chamberlain's Pain Balms to athletes,
gymnasts, bicyclists, foot ball players
and the profession injgeneral for bruises,
Bprains and dislocations ; also for sore
ness and stiffness of the muscles. When
applied before the parts become swollen
it will effect a cure in one half the time
usually required. For sale by Blakeley &
Houghton Druggists.
; Tbb Chbonictk prints the news. - -
Hon. F. P. Mays is in the city.
Mr. S. French and wife and Mrs. Ma-
ee came up from Ilwaco beach yester
ay. MisB Etta Story returned frotm Ilwaco
beach last night, where she has been
the guest of Mrs. J. W. French.
Mrs. Frank Dekum, Mrs. John B.
Waldo and daughter, Edith, and Miss
La villa Humason are visiting Mrs. S. L.
Captain John W. Lewis arrived home
from Dayville and that section of Oregon,
last night. He tells us he attended the
funeral of Emil Schutz at Canyonville.
Messrs. J. D. Wilcox and Wm. Mc
Guire came np from Portland last night,
and will take a day or two in the hills
with Branner, Bronson and Joselyn
shooting prairie chickens.
Is that what troubles you? Then it's
easily and promptly remedied by Dr.
Pierce's Pleasant Pellets. They regulate
the system perfectly. Take one for a
gentle laxative or corrective ; three for a
If you suffer from Constipation, In
digestion, Bilious Attacks, Sick or Bil
ious Headaches, or any derangement of
the liver, stomach, or bowels, try these
little Pellets. They bring a permanent
cure. Instead of shocking and weaken
ing the system with violence, like the
ordinary pills, they act in a perfectly
easy and natural way. They're the
smallest, the easiest to take and the
cheapest, for they're guaranteed to give
satisfaction, or your money is returned.
The cleansing, antiseptic and healing
qualities of Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy
are uneqnaled.
Notice to Water Consumers.
The charges for patent closets when
used when necessary only, is 25 cents,
but when a constant stream is allowed
to flow, the charge is $5 per month. In
the last two years a large number of
closets have been put in, and in a large
number of them a constant stream is
allowed to flow. The drain on the water
Bupply has become so great that I am
compelled to enforce the rules, and will
hereafter charge $5 per month for all
closets using a constant stream of water.
Dalles City, Or., Sept. 10, 1894.
I. J. Norman, Superintendent.
"Hey, Chimmey 1 Dere's a show down
to de teayter dat takes de rag offin
everything." "What is it?" "Livin'
pictures." Brooklyn Eagle.
Deserving Praise
We desire to say to our citizens, that
for years we have been selling Dr,
King's New Discovery for Consumption,
Dr. King's New Life Pills, Bucklen's
Arnica Salve and Electric Bitters, and
have never handled remedies that sell as
well, or that have given such universal
satisfaction. We do not hesitate to
guarantee them every time, as we stand
ready to refund the purchase price, if
satisfactory results do not follow their
use. These remedies have won their
reat popularity purely on their merits
Snipes & Kinersly's druggists.
Notice to Taxpayers.
The county board of equalization will
meet in the assessor's office on Monday,
Sept. 24th, and continue in session one
week, for the purpose of equalizing the
assessment of Wasco connty for 1894,
All tax payers who have not been inter
viewed by the assessor will please call at
the office ; on Thursdays, Fridays or Sat
urdays, as all property must be assessed,
Joel Koontz,
fit a gaerifiee.
Summer Dry Goods,
Clothing, Hats,
Shoes, Etc., Etc.
We Have
The Largest Stock of Fall Styles in
Soft Hats
- When the Train stops at THE DALLES, get off on the South Side
This large and popular House does the principal hotel business, ' .
and is prepared to furnish the Best Accommodations of any
House in the city, and at the low rate of ..
$1.00 per Day. - pirst Qass reals, 25 Cepts.
Office for all Stage tines leaving Tbe Dalles far all
points In Eastern Oregon and Eastern Washington,
in this Hotel. -
Corner of Front and Union Sts.
T. T. NICHOLAS, Propr.
' Op. Ward, Kerns & Robertson's Livery Staole, on Second St.
Second-hand Furniture Bought Sold.
Money Loaned on Jewelry and other Valuables. .
erty placed -with me at reasonable commission. Give me a call.