; CO VOL.. VII THE DALLES, OREGON, FRIDAY,-SEPTEMBER .14, 1894. NO. 225 TWO DAYS' FIGHTING Chinese and Japanese Haye a Battle NOT DECIDED AT LAST ACCOUNTS Mohammedans and Hindoo Killing Each OtherEgryptlau Slave Deal er Con vlcted. Shaighai, Sept. 13. Rumors have reached here that a battle was fought be tween Chinese and Japanese near Kair Cheng, Corea, about September 2. Native newspapers of ' September 10th say the fight lasted two days and was still undecided when the news was for warded the native press. Chinese papers of September 12th announce that General Y eh, Chinese commander, reports having gained a victory over the Japanese. It is supposed here, however, that the Chinese have met with a re verse at Ping Yang. The floods in Corea still prevent the Chinese troops from crossing the Imch- n river to attack the Japanese mtrench- pnents. Another report current here saj a the Kirino division of the Chinese army has irossed the Kulin river and ia now hold- ng the city of Suhning, while awaiting he advance of the main body before at acking the Japanese right flank. No reliable news, it may be added, ia btainable here regarding the progress of he war. Mother and Children Starved. Camden, N. J. Sept. 13. Mrs. Kate Massey, htr three-year-old child and in- ant were found starving yesterdry, in heir house in Westminister avenue. tockton.'near Camden. A month ago Irs. Massey's husband died while un- ergoing operation in a Philadelphia ospital ; two weeks later Mrs. Massey ave birth to a child. She waa left des- atute, but atie would not ask for aid, nd her neighbors did not know her mon ition until yesterday, when Overseer of lie Poor John Renner visited her house nd found her and the children ap- arently dying. Mr. Renner lmmedia- fcly summoned Dr. O. L. Greembrecht, ut the doctor said the women and her Ihildren were too exhausted to recover, ut he took them in hand immediately. he infant died soon afterwards. Its leath waa entirely due to lack of nour- hmenl. Mrs. Massey can live but a w days at the furthest and the other liild ia very low. The mother had jtarved herself and given the triflng bod she had to her older child. About Evans Joseph. London, Sept. l3. The Standard's ienna correspondent telegraphs : Em- jeror Francis Joseph waa in Vienna Lis afternoon, and drove out to Schoen- h-unn. On a corner of the Prater a jouth sprang to the step of the carriage, lolding a petition. The emperor was artled, but be took the paper. The buth waa arrested. He eaid he was a erk, 21 years old,belongingin Lemberg. te eaid be had a grievance against the ithorilies. It is not believed that he l tended an attempt on the emperor's fe. London, Sept. 13. The Daily Chron ic says that 21 Ruchenian Semarista ve been arrested in Tarnapol, Galicia, r having formed a treasonable conspi- 'icy during Emperor Franz Joseph's A sit in Lemberg. v Bank of Kna-land Dividend. London, Sept. 13. The governors of fie Bank of England, at the half-yearly beeting today declared a dividend of 4 er cent. The reason for the reduction a decrease of profits, eaid to be dne to he unprecedented increase in the re- rve and the low value of money. jince February 28 one result of the Bar- hg liquidation has been a redaction of 1 ,075,000, making the liability 2,481, aa, ana me aeDt anfjtne oa.UKiS,w));- P0. It is believed no loss will fall UDon he guarantors. ' i A Denial From Crlspi.' ;i Paris, Sept.'13. A Rome dispatch ' to e Tempa says the Crispi organ 'denies bat he ia making overtures for a recon- liation between the king and the vati- Highest of all in Leavening Power. VT 'Z) vfl Chinese TVarshlps Gatherlna;. Huapo, Sept. 13. Reports are that the Chinese admiralty has determined to order to Pei Yang from the Yang-Tse coast all warships of a certain tonnage and armament. . The dispatch adds that a number of torpedo-boats from the squadrons at Foo Chow, Canton and Nanking will also be ordered to Pei Yang. The intriguing enemies of the viceroy, Li Hung Chang, have reported to the throne the presence at Tien-Tain of Chang Pei Lun, the viceroy's son-in-law, banished in 1884. The throne has ordered his return to exile. Bandits In Guatemela. Oaxaca, Mexico, Sept. 13. Late ad vices from Chiapas state the troubles on the Guatemalan border are growing more Berious, and the indications are favorable for bloodshed unless the two governments reach an understanding as to what is to be done with the brigands and cutthroats, who make the border country their rendezvoua and pray upon peaceable 'citizens. Several villages along the border in Guatemala have been sacked by outlaws, and mur ders and other outrages committed. Religious War In Bombay. Bombay, Sept. 13. Some Mohamme dads listening to the reading of a konin in a mosque at Hohwa City at midnight, objected to the music in a procession of Hindoos. The latter persisted and the Mohammedans raised the war cry. ' A fight ensued lasting three houra, 40,000 people, mostly Hindoos, participating. Ibe mosque waa sacked and an attempt made to desfroy it by fire. 'One man was killed and many injured. A. Reconciliation Kemote. London, Sept. 13. The Standard's Rome correspondent telegraphs that the language of the clerical papers is calcu lated to render a reconciliation between the government and the Vatican remote. Criapi'a recent action was to foreshadow an alliance of ail the conservative ele ments in the government at-the next election, in which the radicals and socialists have a good chance of succeed ing. The Czar's Illness. London, Sept. 13. The correspondent at Vienna of the Chronicle says: "News received irom St. Petersburg indicates the Czar's illness iscerebral, complicated with an ailment of the kidneys. Prayers for his recovery have been ordered twice at court. The czar is mentally depressed. He gets tired after the shortest period of work. His stay in the desert, as re ported, has been beneficial." Egyptian Slave-Dealers Convicted. Cario, Sept. 13. AH CherifF, presi-' dent of the legislative council, and Has an Waccifyf, a retired general of the Egyptian army, arrested August 28 charged with purchasing slave girls, recently brought here from Wadei, have been convicted. Sharawi Pasha, charged with the same offense, has absconded. Severe Storms in Spain. Madrid, Sept. 13. Southwest Medi teranean towns of Spain have been visited by severe storms. Cata and Javea were flooded, and many lives lost. Several vessels in the Bay of Galla were wrecked. i Against the Government. Berlin, Sept. 13. During Emperor William's visit to Marienburg, red post ers bearing the words, "Down with the emperor and monarchy," were found displayed in various parts of the town. v German War Vessels Reviewed. Swinebunde, Prussia, Sept. 13. The emperor today reviewed the German war vessels in the harbor. He was greeted with salutes. Thousands wit nessed the review. Deserving; Praise We desire to say to our citizens,' that for years we have been selling Dr. King's New Discovery for. Consumption, Dr. King's New Life Pills, Bucklen'a Arnica Salve and Electric5 Bitters, and have never' handled remedies that' sell as well, or that have given such universal satisfaction. We do not hesitate ' to guarantee them every time, as we stand ready to Tefund the ' purchase price if satisfactory results 'do not follow their use. These remediea have won their reat popularity purely'on their merits. Snipes & Kinersly'a druggists. . At the, butcher's. "Why did you put that large mirror near thedoor?" "To prevent the servant girls watching the scales." Fliegende Biaetter. . Latest U.S. Gov't Report I V 'S.--l'4aT1 'V. r5TN ft' ' m 1 rfWwfc, nA a V is Solved bv ftie production, of OUr MVY OHORTENIM vViich makes liflht, cn'sb, healfi- fu(; Wholesome as1?y farandjndiofikr eJext cauT afford. To ao REFUSE ALL SUBSTITUTES. N. K. FAIRBANKS. CO.. ST. LOUIS and . CHICAGO, NEW YORK, BOSTON. Willitts What's Bloba doing now?" Gilletts He isn' t doing anything. He's got a government position. Sumerrille Journal. " ' Irregularity. Is that what troubles you? Then it's easily and promptly remedied by Dr. Pierce'a Pleasant Pellets. They regulate the system perfectly. Take one for a gentle laxative or corrective ; three for a cathartic. If you suffer fromConstipatibn7 In digestion, Bilious Attacks, Sick or Bil ious Headaches, or any, derangement of the liver, stomach, or bowels, try these little Pellets. They bring a permanent cure. Instead of shocking and weaken ing the system, with violence, like the ordinary pills, they, act In a perfectly easy and natural way. They're the smallest, the easiest to take and the cheapest, tor they're guaranteed to give satisfaction, or your money ia returned. - - The cleansing, antiseptic and healing qualities of Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy are unequaled. y Notice to Taxpayers. The county board of equalization will meet in the assessor's office on Monday, Sept. 24th, and continue in seasion one week, for the purpose of equalizing the assessment of Wasco connty for 1894. All tax payers who have not been inter viewed by the assessor will please call at the office on Thursdays, Fridays or Sat urdays, as all property must be assessed. Joel Koontz, Countv Assessor. She Never mind Fido ; he's only play ing. He But he really did bite me. "Never mind ; I dont believe a little nip like that would hurt him, do you?" Chicago Exchange.' - ( ; The only way to cure fever and ague ia either to neutralize the poisons which cause the disease or expel them from the syBtem. Ayer'a Ague Cure operates in both ways. It is a warranted specific for all forms of malarial disorders, and never fails to cure. Try it. Every small boy whose bartering ia done by his mamma will readily under stand why Sampson lost all his pluck after Mrs. S. has given him a hair-enf. Boston Transcript. v When the scalp ia atrophied, or shiny bald, no preparation will restore the hair ; jn all other cases, Hall's Hair Re newer will start a growth. Special Notice Painting: Lessons. Miss Bessie Holcomb will receive pupils in painting and drawing. Private lessons 50 cents. Lessons in classes of two or three 35 cents. Address sep7-lw. Miss Bessie Holcomb. Por Colic and Grubs In my mulea and horses, I give Simmons Liver Regulator. I have not lost ne I gave it to. E. T. Taylor, Agt. for Grangers of Ga. . Feed wheat for sale cheap at Wasco Warehouse. tf. Notice. All persons are hereby notified not to hire or keep Alarion Hurst, a lad 14 years old, about their premises, as his serviees are needed at home. augl8-lm JAMES HURST. Ready for Inspection. OUR FALL STOCK. Numerous Styles Last,Toe Finish. Ask to see . A Special Line of Large Button Shoes. (IIMiiis, For "Infants and Children. Caatorfa promotes -Digestion, and overcomes Flatulency, Constipation, Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea, and Feverishness. Thus the child is rendered healthy and its sleep natural. Caatoria contains no Morphine or other narcotic property. " Castoria Is so well adapted to children that I recommend it as superior to any prescription known to me." H. A. Abchkr, M. D., Ill South Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. T. " For several years I hare recommerKIed your Castoria, and shall always continue to do so, as it has invariably produced beneficial results. Emm F. Pabdbb, M. D., 125th Street and 7th Ave., New York City. ( "The use of 'Castoria is so universal and Its merits so well known that it seems a work of supererogation to endorse it. Few are the In telligent families who do not keep Castoria within easy reach." Cixus Haktth, D. D., New York City. Tax CsarrAUB Cokpaxt, 77 Hurray Street, H. Y. FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. 1 KANMACT A GENKRALBANKING B08INBS8 Ir.trfi of Credit issued available, in tbe Eastern States. Might. Exchange and Telegraphic Transfers sold on New York, Chicago, St. Louis, San Francisco, Portland Oregon, Seattle Wash.,' and various points in Or eeon and Washington. Collections made at all points on fav orable termc. - i BOOTS and SHOES. Agent for the Celebrated BROWNSVILLE CLOTHING, UNDERWEAR, BLANKETS, ETC.. 9 Lad les Fine the "JULIET" Dress Shoe, Beauty, Design and Finish. Shoes A. M. WILLIAMS & GO. E. JACOB8EN THE LEADER IN Pianos and Organs, Books, - NOTIONS, STATIONERY. Call and set his prices. Bells PIANOS on easy monthly payments, and is prepared to meet any jm.rxM:xjr . t 162 SecnM St, THE DALLES, OR. J. O. BCHINCK, President. J. II. Patterson, Cashier. first Rational Bank. THE DALLES, - OREGON A General Banking Business transacted Deposits received, subject to Sight t Draft or Check. Collections made and proceeds promptly remitted on day of collection. Sight and Telegraphic Exchange sold on New York, San Francisco and Port . land. DIRBOTOK3. D. P. Thompson. Jno. S. .Schknck. Ed. M. WiLLiAks, Geo. A. T.irbr. . H. M. Beall. House Moving! Andrew Velarde IS .prepared to do any and all kinds of work in his line at reasonable figures. Has the largest house moving outfit in Eastern (Oregon. -a-' -- Address P.O.Box 181,The Dalles of the same quality and style San Francisco at $5.00 M In : All : Widths, From B to EE. unexcelled for Spring Heel Shoes, Sizes 21 to G. An entirely new line. THOSE WHO WISH PLASTER. LATH. Pictarre Frames, SUCH AS- Shafting, Pulleys, Belting, Engine and Boiler, -CALL AND 8KB IE3C. C3-Xj IE3 UST 3ST . Snipes-Kinersly Drug Co. DKiLBRS IN Pure Drugs - GFismicais. FINE LINE OF IMPORTED and DOJflESTIG CIGRBS At Our Old Place of Business. as sold in each. BOOTS and SHOES. HONYWtt: