The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, September 11, 1894, Image 1

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NO. 222
Frightful Accident on an
Express Train.
Two Faopl Killed, by Drinking 'Water
From Poisoned WellAn Old
Conple Asphyxiated by Gii.
Paris, Sept. 10. The disaster to the
Paris and Cologne express train at Apili,
between Noyon and Chauny, yesterday,
was more eerioua than at first supposed.
The first estimates placed the number
of persons killed at 10, with 20 injured.
Twelve bodies have already been taken
from the wreck. The accident was doe
to the slow shunting of a freight train at
Apilli. The engineer of the express saw
the cars on the line and le versed the en
gine. The shock of the collision was
borne by three front cars. As soon as
the accident became known a priest and
others hurried to the railroad station,
and did everything to assist the dying
and injured. The report that the Btation
master at Apilli had committed suicide
by jumping in front of the express train
when be saw the collision was inevitable,
turns out incorrect. The station master
ran along the track to signal the express
and the freight train, and was caught
between the two trains and killed. It
seems certain there were Americans
among the killed or injured.
Plot For a Dime Norel. -
Pakib, Sept. 10. The judicial authori
ties of St. Quentin are at present en
gaged in investigating a most extraordi
nary affair. In 1873 a foreigner was
found lying in the street with a ballet
wound in his head and was brought to
the hospital, where he stated that he
had been a cashier in a New York bank,
and had absconded with $60,000. Be
lieving that the Paris police were on bis
track, he had taken the train to Hergnier,
&Ml finally in despair, he bad attempted
to take his own life. Next day fever set
in, and he died shortly afterward. His
clothes, which were much the worse
for wear, were destroyed, but one of the
nurses saved the'upper leathers of his
boots, which were in fairly good condi
tion. .For 21 years they lay in a cupboard
where they were found by a man Darned
Mennechet, employedr in the hospital,
wSo asked leave to take them. It was
granted, and he carried them off, little
imagining that he had secured a valu
able prize, but such was the case. They
were lined with papers which proved to
be scrip, and Mennechet, who is a mili
tant socialist, commissioned one of his
political friends to negotiate the bonds
in London.' The man recently returned
with the money, -and the authorities,
having got wind of the matter, are seek
ing to discover what has become of it. '
A Successful Burglary.
Clarion, Ph., Sept. 10. F. W. Collner
& Co., general storekeepers at St. Peters
burg, this county, were robbed Saturday
of $70,000 in bonds, notes and cash.
The theft was kept secret, in hope of
catching the guilty persons disposing of
gome of the papers. Saturday night the
store was closed at 10 o'clock. Four
members of the firm, the bookkeeper
and clerk finished balancing the books,
counted the cash, and after putting the
latter into tin boxees locked the store
and went across the street. In ten min
utes they returned to the store door,
which they had locked securely. . It was
standing wide open, and the tin boxes
containing bonds for $60,000, checks and
promissory notes for $5,000 and over in
cash were gone. A search of the
premises showed that some one had
been concealed in the store and as soon
as the force had left grabbed the boxes
yind followed, unlocking the door from
j .1 ; l . . i .
luis maiue. - . .-...
lightning Made the Dumb Speak. ..
Winfikld, L. I., Sept. 10- A house be
longing to John Zelinka, of this village,
was struck by lightning . during the
storm Saturday night. A bolt went
through a two-foot brick wall into the
dining room where Mr. Zellnkara neigh
bor and Mrs. Fisher, a visitor, were dis
cussing the storm. It seemed to pass be
tween Mrs. Fisher and her 13-year-old
daughter Mary, who had been deaf and
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report
-4 Vr SSS
dumb for over eight years. Mrs. Fisher
and her daughter sat' motionless for
several seconds, when the little girl got
up and pointing her finger to her ear,
said, "Mamma, I heard that let us go
home.'-' This is the first time, it is said,
that she has spoken since an attack of
scarlet fever left her deaf and speechless.
Compelled to Kill Tbelr Horses for
, Food.
London, Sept. 10. A Shanghai dis
patch says the Chinese transport Chean
while proceeding to Formosa with 1400
troops was wrecked at Chetang. The
soldiers and crew were saved.' Chinese
officials attempting to board a French
mail steamer at the wharf at Shanghai
to search for Japanese passengers, but
the captain threatened to eall a French
warship, and they disisted.
Three powerful China warships have
gone to the Gulf of Pe-Chi-Li, to join the
Northern Squadron.
Another Shanghai dispatch says the
Chinese forces in the northern part of
Corea are hemmed in by Japanese and
their supplies cut off. The Chinese were
compelled to kill their horses for food.
The Japanese have discharged all the
foreigners employed at the dock yard, it
is said, to conceal the damage to the ships
in the recent, engagement with China.
A large force of Japanese are about to
embark at Hiroshima for the seat of war.
A Disastrous Fire.
Massilon, O., Sept. 10. Twenty
acres in the heart of Dalton, Or., were
devastated by fire between 2 o'clock and
daylight this morning. . Over 50 houses
were destroyed, and the loss is beyond
computation ; insurance almost nothing.
Assistance was sent by special trains
from Massillon, Orville and Canton.
The village water . supply was soon ex
hausted and wells and cisterns emptied.
Early in the morning rain began to fall
and the flames died out. . The fire is
supposed to be incendiary. -.'The
fire originated in a stable where
tramps were making their quarters.
The loss is estimated at $200,000. The
streets are filled with homeless women
and children.
To Succeed Caslmlr-Perler.
Paris' Sept. 10. The election of the
member of the chamber of deputies to
represent Nogent-Sur-Seine in succession
to M..Cassimir-Perier, recently elected
president, took place yesterday. The
result was M. Edmund Robert, moderate
republican, 4083 ; M. Bachimont, radical
3361 ; M. Paul, socialist,' 1183. As M.
Bachimont did not obtain a majority
over his two opponents, a second ballot
is necessary.
An Old Man Drowned.
Santa, Ckuiz, Cal., Sept. 10. An old
man named Samuel . Bentley, a resident
of this place, while fishing on the bank,
was washed off the rocks near View de
Liew, this morning and drowned. A
companion jumped in after him. He
neary lost bis life, and was with diffi
culty rescued. ,
The Fope as a Mediator.
London, Sept. 10. A special dispatch
from Home says the pope is said to have
expressed a wish to arrange the troubles
between China and Japan, but was pre
vented by France, who feared the inter
vention of the church would undo the
work France was carrying on in the
A Waterspout in Oklahoma.
Perky, Q. T., Sept. 10. This vicinity
was visited by two waterspouts last
night. Many business houses were in
undated and in the lowlands many
homes filled with water and the inmates
compelled to wade out. In some streets
the water was waist deep.
Drank Folsoned Water.
Piedmont, Ala., Sept. 10. Two mem
bers of the family of Ed. Downs have
died from drinking water out of a
poisoned well, and two more are not ex
pected to recoyer. Andrew Finley, a
discharged servant, has been arrested,
charged with poisoning the well.
. Won't lo Back, to Salvador. '1
San : Francisco, Sept. 10. -General
Colochoone of the Salvadorean refugees,
who was dismissed by Judge Morrow
last week, has left for the City of Mexico
on his wa,y to Acapulco, where he will
reside with ' bis family, whom he will
meet there.
Killed Herself With Gas.
New York, Sept. 10. Emma Aumann
the common-law wife of Billy Plimmer,
champion bantam-weight pugilist, com
mitted suicide at a Coney Island hotel
early today by inhaling gas.
What la 1
It Is the new shortening 3
f king the place of Iardj
-or cooking butter, or O
r jfci O
-both. Costs less, goes2j
S farther, and Is easily O
dlgested by anyone.
Refuse All Substitutes.
, Made only by
t i. luuis ana
Xook the Gas Boats. .
Chicago, Sept. 10: George . Rolands
and wife, old and prominent citizens of
Ravenswood, were found dead in bed to
day, having been asphyxiated. - A gas
jet was found wide open.
The Keported Massacre.
El Paso, Tex., Sept. 10. Nothing is
known here concerning the reported
massacre of the government surveying
party. Only one party is out, and i- is
about 3U miles from -Uarqua JUaiaj-AHz.
A Dangerous Traveling Companion. "
During1 a recent riao in- the . lower
Mississippi among1 the victims were a
Sir. Henry, his wile and. his ten-year-old
boy. Quite early in the morning
the fact-risinrr tide overspread the yard
and came into the house. Mr. Henry
climbed up higher tnd higher, and
finally he and his fnmily were on the
ro jt, with the family dog- and cat and
a half dozen chickens. But the tide
kept rising until finally the roof
slipped off, and then began a singular
and adventurous voyage. Sometimes
the roof would spin around as of in a
maelstrom, and then again ; the waves
would sweep completely over it. The
chickens and cat were soon swept
away, and also the dog, although he
always managed to crawl back again.
But the most distressing occurrence of
this unlucky voyage was the unwel
come visit of a ten-foot alligator,
which seemed desirous of taking pass
age with them. Mr. Henry was not
rash enough to attempt to push off the
creature, but he yelled at it once or
twice, and finally the big saurian dis
appeared under a wave and was not
seen again. Some time later, when the
sun was just setting, the roof ground
ed on a high ridge, and there remained
until the tide receded.
What Did He
There comes, says the New York
Herald, a eood story from, Monte Car
lo, from that holy of holies, the salon
wherein are the' trente-et-quantre ta
bles. Just as the cards were being
shuffled for the commencement of play
a gentleman deliberately counted out
twelve one thousand-franc notes and
placed them on the black without even
taking the precaution of insuring
them. .It was "playing the limit" and
a bystander remarked:
"Rather a bold play, sir."
"Well." said the nlavprl "T d
last night that I saw this table exactly"
as it, is now, ana on ine nrst coup black
won." ; ,
The cards were dealt-for the first
coup and black won. A suppressed
"Oh!" from the bystanders greeted the
announcement: "Red loses," and then
from across the table came a woman's
"What did you have" for supper last
nigit? Do tell me!"
Everett Best This here paper says
whisky kin be made of sawdust. Lay
mand Sowre I wonder ef it would be
any disgrace for a gent to saw wood ef
he knowed whisky would be made from
the dust. Cincinnati Tribune. ;
Man wants somebody to answer bis
question, and no body to question his an
swer. GalvestonNews.
Advertising pays a man and paying
advertises a man, and there you are".
Galveston News.
When the scalp is atrophied, or shiny
bald, no preparation will restore the
hair ; in all other cases, Hall's Hair Re-
newer will start a growth'.
- : y
. .
Sweet, Orr & Co.'s
(i r
'. i - i
.." The. Workingman's Trusty Stand-by. . ' 1
From $ i .25 to $3.00 per pair.
AU-Wool, in Light and Dark Mixtures,
For Infants and Children.
Castoria promotes Digestion, and
overcomes Flatulency, Constipation, Sour
Stomach,' Diarrhoea, and Feverishness.
Thus the child is rendered healthy and its
sleep natural. Castoria, contains no
Morphine or other narcotic property.
" Castoria is so well adapted to children that
I recommend it as superior to any prescription
known to me." H. A. Archer, M. D.,
. Ill South Oxford St., Brooklyn, N.Y.
For several years I have reooro menfled your
Castoria, and shall always continue to do so,
as it has invariably produced beneficial results."
Edwik F. Pardee, H. D.,
12S th Street and 7th Ave., New York City.
"The use of 'Castoria' is so universal and
Its merits so well known that it seems a work of
supererogation to endorse it. Few are the In
telligent families who do not keep Castoria
within easy reach."
Carlos Mart". D. P., N
New York City.
Tn Ckhtatjr Oomfa, 77 Hurray Street, K. Y .
Lettnre of Crodit iptmed available in the
Eastern States.
Sight Exchange and Telegraphic
Transfers sold on Jew York, Chicago, St.
Lonis, San FranciBCO, Portland Oregon,
Seattle Wash., and various pointe in Or
egon and Washington.
Collections made at all point" on fav
orable ter;of.
MY price si.
Agent for the Celebrated BROWNSVIULII CLOTHING-,
Warranted Nev er-to-Rip
$2.50 and
Pianos and .Organs, Books,
Call and get his prices. Sells PIANOS on
easy monthly payments, and is prepared to meet
any COSIrfillUON.
162 Soconi St.,
J. M. Patterson,
first Rational Bank.
A General Banking Business transacted
Deposits received, subject to Sight
Draft or Check.
Collections made and proceeds promptly
remitted on day of collection.
Sight and Telegraphic Exchange sold on
New .York, San Francisco and Port- '
land. - '
D. P. Thompson. Jno. S. Schxncz.
Ed. M. Williams, Geo. A. Likbk.
' H. M. Beau..
Andrew Velarde
IS prepared to do any and all
kinds of work in his line at
reasonable figures. ' Has the
largest house moving outfit
in Eastern Oregon.
Address P.O.Box 181, The Dalles
of the same quality and style
, San Francisco at $o.OO
u w
$3.00 per pair.
Glass, Lime, Cement,
Picture Frames,
Shafting, Pulleys, Belting,
Engine and Boiler,
Snipes-Kinersly Drug Co.
Pure Drags (ills,
At Our Old Place of Business.
as sold in